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Economic policy uncertainty, credit risks and banks lending decisions: Evidence from Chinese commercial banks 被引量:56
作者 Qinwei Chi Wenjing Li 《China Journal of Accounting Research》 2017年第1期33-50,共18页
Using data for Chinese commercial banks from 2000 to 2014, this paper examines the effects of economic policy uncertainty(EPU) on banks' credit risks and lending decisions. The results reveal significantly positiv... Using data for Chinese commercial banks from 2000 to 2014, this paper examines the effects of economic policy uncertainty(EPU) on banks' credit risks and lending decisions. The results reveal significantly positive connections among EPU and non-performing loan ratios, loan concentrations and the normal loan migration rate. This indicates that EPU increases banks' credit risks and negatively influences loan size, especially for joint-equity banks. Given the increasing credit risks generated by EPU, banks can improve operational performance by reducing loan sizes. Further research indicates that the effects of EPU on banks' credit risks and lending decisions are moderated by the marketization level, with financial depth moderating the effect on banks' credit risks and strengthening it on lending decisions. 展开更多
关键词 Economic policy uncertainty Credit risks lending decisions
P2P借贷网络平台分析 被引量:20
作者 邹志鹏 《中国市场》 2012年第32期57-58,61,共3页
20世纪50年代末,金融产品、技术不断创新。伴随着这股创新浪潮,孟加拉经济学家穆罕默德.尤努斯于70年代初创小额贷款银行,把个人对个人贷款模式第一次大规模应用。到了90年代初,电子计算机的飞速进步,实现每个人桌上都有一台电脑的梦想... 20世纪50年代末,金融产品、技术不断创新。伴随着这股创新浪潮,孟加拉经济学家穆罕默德.尤努斯于70年代初创小额贷款银行,把个人对个人贷款模式第一次大规模应用。到了90年代初,电子计算机的飞速进步,实现每个人桌上都有一台电脑的梦想成为可能,电子商务也应运而生。聪明的金融人才又一次把电子商务和个人对个人贷款结合起来,英国Zopa网上互助借贷公司于2005年开创了个人对个人借贷网络平台的先河,中国国内凭借着世界第一人口的优势,势在必得的向着成为该领域的领头羊目标前进。 展开更多
关键词 个人对个人贷款(Peer to PEER lending 即P2P借贷) 网络借贷 Zopa.com
P2P网贷监管模式研究 被引量:18
作者 彭冰 《金融法苑》 CSSCI 2014年第2期247-265,共19页
P2P网贷(peer to peer lending)是一种通过网络实现点对点借贷的交易模式,一般由网贷平台提供交易场所,借款需求经过审核后被放置在平台上,由出借人选择放贷。在国外,这种交易模式因为"脱媒"(disintermediation)节约了交易成... P2P网贷(peer to peer lending)是一种通过网络实现点对点借贷的交易模式,一般由网贷平台提供交易场所,借款需求经过审核后被放置在平台上,由出借人选择放贷。在国外,这种交易模式因为"脱媒"(disintermediation)节约了交易成本,受到一定程度的追捧。自2011年以来,P2P在中国经历了爆发式增长,则是因为其通过变型满足了正规金融之外的投融资需求。 展开更多
关键词 监管模式 交易场所 投融资需求 P2P 信用中介 脱媒 融资性 借款人 lending 个人借款
P2P网络借贷法律问题探讨 被引量:16
作者 刘宇梅 《法治论坛》 2013年第1期178-187,共10页
网络信贷起源于英国,随后发展到美国、德国和其他国家,其典型的模式为:网络信贷公司提供平台,由借贷双方自由竞价,撮合成交。资金接触人获取利息收益,并承担风险;资金借入人到期偿还本金,网络信贷公司收取中介服务费。本文讨论国内网贷... 网络信贷起源于英国,随后发展到美国、德国和其他国家,其典型的模式为:网络信贷公司提供平台,由借贷双方自由竞价,撮合成交。资金接触人获取利息收益,并承担风险;资金借入人到期偿还本金,网络信贷公司收取中介服务费。本文讨论国内网贷状况以及对应的法律风险与监管建议。 展开更多
关键词 个人对个人贷款 PEER to PEER lending (即P2P网贷)网络借贷 法律风险
国内外小企业信用评分研究动态 被引量:13
作者 邓超 胡威 唐莹 《国际金融研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第10期84-91,共8页
作为一项发展潜力巨大的金融创新技术,小企业信用评分在国外的银行小企业贷款中应用较广,但在我国却一直未受到应有的关注。与传统的信贷管理技术相比,信用评分法在很大程度上可实现小企业贷款处理的自动化,提高贷款审批和处理的效率,... 作为一项发展潜力巨大的金融创新技术,小企业信用评分在国外的银行小企业贷款中应用较广,但在我国却一直未受到应有的关注。与传统的信贷管理技术相比,信用评分法在很大程度上可实现小企业贷款处理的自动化,提高贷款审批和处理的效率,有助于银行更精确地为贷款定价。国内外诸多研究都表明,信用评分技术适合应用于小企业贷款业务,能够提高小企业的信贷可获得性,对解决小企业融资难的困境有很大帮助。本文对小企业信用评分的特点、技术、应用模型等进行了系统阐述和总结,希望能对进一步的研究有所启示。 展开更多
关键词 小企业 贷款 信用评分
从Lending Club看国内P2P借贷平台 被引量:10
作者 王学恒 何立中 《金融市场研究》 2015年第2期40-52,共13页
本文通过详细介绍美国P2P行业领跑者Lending Club的发展历程、业务构成、收入来源、监管环境等,反观国内P2P借贷行业的机遇与风险,提出P2P平台应从信息中介走向资产管理,发展资产证券化业务。互联网金融不是颠覆,而应是当前金融业的优化。
关键词 互联网金融 lending CLUB P2P借贷 资产管理
图书馆外借服务工作角度探析 被引量:11
作者 张伟国 崔秀文 《图书馆建设》 北大核心 2003年第3期76-77,共2页
图书馆外借服务工作是图书馆工作的基础 ,本文分析了读者类型及其阅读心理和需求 ,从而得出调整馆员心态。
关键词 图书馆 外借服务工作 读者类型 阅读心理 馆员 服务领域 图书馆宣传
关于我国P2P的风险控制探讨——基于“lending club”和“人人贷”的对比分析 被引量:7
作者 李安兰 郑嘉琪 《价值工程》 2015年第24期149-151,共3页
P2P,英文叫做Peer-to-Peer lending,即点对点网贷或个人对个人网贷。近年来,P2P行业在我国呈爆发式增长,但跑路、自融、诈骗等问题平台迭出,如何完善平台风险控制,是摆在监管层、行业和平台自身的切实问题。本文通过分析P2P发展模式,结... P2P,英文叫做Peer-to-Peer lending,即点对点网贷或个人对个人网贷。近年来,P2P行业在我国呈爆发式增长,但跑路、自融、诈骗等问题平台迭出,如何完善平台风险控制,是摆在监管层、行业和平台自身的切实问题。本文通过分析P2P发展模式,结合我国P2P发展现状及面临的风险现状,将国外最大的P2P公司"Lending Club"和国内较知名的P2P公司"人人贷"进行风险控制模式对比,从P2P平台、行业、监管等方面提出风险管理对策,以促进P2P网贷更有序、更阳光的发展。 展开更多
关键词 P2P网贷 风控控制 lending CLUB 人人贷
美国小企业P2P网络借贷分析与监管改革——基于Lending Club的数据 被引量:6
作者 韩民 郑庆寰 《现代财经(天津财经大学学报)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期44-53,共10页
P2P网贷已经成为小企业融资的新型渠道,对弥补我国中小企业融资有效供给不足具有重要意义。本文以Lending Club的数据为基础,建立信息不对称理论模型,剖析P2P网贷缓解信贷配给的机制以及存在的逆向选择风险。借鉴美国JOBS监管新规,建议... P2P网贷已经成为小企业融资的新型渠道,对弥补我国中小企业融资有效供给不足具有重要意义。本文以Lending Club的数据为基础,建立信息不对称理论模型,剖析P2P网贷缓解信贷配给的机制以及存在的逆向选择风险。借鉴美国JOBS监管新规,建议对P2P小企业网贷实施功能性监管,建立包含平台主体法律地位、投融资限额、信息披露要求和投资者保护的全面监管框架。 展开更多
关键词 P2P网络贷款 小企业贷款 lending Club信息不对称
高校图书馆图书流通的借与阅 被引量:9
作者 葛杭 《图书馆建设》 北大核心 2002年第5期64-66,共3页
本文讨论了图书流通中借与阅两种服务方式 ,提出了借阅合一是主流 ,专业化的阅览室是辅助、补充的观点。并认为它们的同时存在 ,使服务有了灵活多样的形式 ,两种形式将会在较长时间内并存。
关键词 高校图书馆 图书流通 流通馆和 借阅合一 专业化阅览室
藏书楼“重藏轻用”论辨析 被引量:9
作者 成骥 《图书馆杂志》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第8期17-21,共5页
"重藏轻用"是国人对我国古代藏书楼的固定认知模式,但这种认知存在着明显的缺陷,种种史料文献证明藏书楼"重藏"是实,而说"轻用"则不符史实。我国图书馆的建设需要深入挖掘藏书楼的文化和历史价值,与西方... "重藏轻用"是国人对我国古代藏书楼的固定认知模式,但这种认知存在着明显的缺陷,种种史料文献证明藏书楼"重藏"是实,而说"轻用"则不符史实。我国图书馆的建设需要深入挖掘藏书楼的文化和历史价值,与西方图书馆的精华相互取长补短,最终形成我国民族特色的图书馆发展道路。 展开更多
关键词 藏书楼 重藏轻用 校书 四部分类法 借阅
How signaling and search costs affect information asymmetry in P2P lending:the economics of big data 被引量:6
作者 Jiaqi Yan Wayne Yu JLeon Zhao 《Financial Innovation》 2015年第1期279-289,共11页
In the past decade,online Peer-to-Peer(P2P)lending platforms have transformed the lending industry,which has been historically dominated by commercial banks.Information technology breakthroughs such as big data-based ... In the past decade,online Peer-to-Peer(P2P)lending platforms have transformed the lending industry,which has been historically dominated by commercial banks.Information technology breakthroughs such as big data-based financial technologies(Fintech)have been identified as important disruptive driving forces for this paradigm shift.In this paper,we take an information economics perspective to investigate how big data affects the transformation of the lending industry.By identifying how signaling and search costs are reduced by big data analytics for credit risk management of P2P lending,we discuss how information asymmetry is reduced in the big data era.Rooted in the lending business,we propose a theory on the economics of big data and outline a number of research opportunities and challenging issues. 展开更多
关键词 lending industry P2P lending Big data Economics of big data Fintech Information economics
A Consortium Blockchain Paradigm on Hyperledger-Based Peer-to-Peer Lending System 被引量:5
作者 Xueyun Zeng Ninghua Hao +1 位作者 Junchen Zheng Xuening Xu 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2019年第8期38-50,共13页
This paper focuses on how to use consortium blockchain to improve the regulation of peer-to-peer(P2 P) lending market. The partial decentralized consortium blockchain with limited pre-set nodes can well improve transp... This paper focuses on how to use consortium blockchain to improve the regulation of peer-to-peer(P2 P) lending market. The partial decentralized consortium blockchain with limited pre-set nodes can well improve transparency and security, which is suitable for financial regulation. Considering irregularities of the P2P lending market, the Hyperledger-based Peer-to-Peer Lending System(HyperP2PLS) is proposed. First elaborate the application scenario and business logic of the system, where a national P2P Lending Trading Center will be established to integrate all transactions and information of P2P lending market. Then construct the system architecture consisting of the blockchain network, HTTP server, and applications. The algorithm of implementation process and the web application for users have been well illustrated. The performance analysis shows that HyperP2PLS can guarantee the reliability, safety, transparency and efficiency. 展开更多
关键词 CONSORTIUM blockchain hyperledger FINANCIAL REGULATION PEER-TO-PEER lending
低度白酒生产方式的研究进展 被引量:7
作者 史路路 颜雪辉 +1 位作者 吕梅 陈茂彬 《酿酒》 CAS 2013年第2期17-19,共3页
高度白酒加浆降度后,会产生沉淀物质,且口感改变较大。要使低度白酒延续高度酒的风味,首先须生产出酸酯比例协调的基础酒,精心勾调之后,再通过吸附法、过滤法、复蒸馏法、加入增溶剂等方法除去沉淀物质,观察其在货架期内酸、酯含量的变... 高度白酒加浆降度后,会产生沉淀物质,且口感改变较大。要使低度白酒延续高度酒的风味,首先须生产出酸酯比例协调的基础酒,精心勾调之后,再通过吸附法、过滤法、复蒸馏法、加入增溶剂等方法除去沉淀物质,观察其在货架期内酸、酯含量的变化。回顾了低度白酒在生产、勾调、除浊澄清及货架期稳定性的进展,展望了超低度白酒的未来。 展开更多
关键词 低度白酒 除浊 勾调 稳定性
Consumer lending efficiency:commercial banks versus a fintech lender 被引量:2
作者 Joseph P.Hughes Julapa Jagtiani Choon-Geol Moon 《Financial Innovation》 2022年第1期1058-1096,共39页
Fintechs are believed to help expand credit access to underserved consumers without taking on additional risk.We compare the performance efficiency of LendingClub’s unsecured personal loans with similar loans origina... Fintechs are believed to help expand credit access to underserved consumers without taking on additional risk.We compare the performance efficiency of LendingClub’s unsecured personal loans with similar loans originated by banks.Using stochastic frontier estimation,we decompose the observed nonperforming loan(NPL)ratio into three components:the best-practice minimum NPL ratio,the excess NPL ratio,and a statistical noise,the former two of which reflect the lender’s inherent credit risk and lending inefficiency,respectively.As of 2013 and 2016,we find that the higher NPL ratios at the largest banks are driven by inherent credit risk,rather than lending inefficiency.Smaller banks are less efficient.In addition,as of 2013,LendingClub’s observed NPL ratio and lending efficiency were in line with banks with similar lending volume.However,its lending efficiency improved significantly from 2013 to 2016.As of 2016,LendingClub’s performance resembled the largest banks–consistent with an argument that its increased use of alternative data and AI/ML may have improved its credit risk assessment capacity above and beyond its peers using traditional approaches.Furthermore,we also investigate capital market incentives for lenders to take credit risk.Market value regression using the NPL ratio suggests that market discipline provides incentives to make less risky consumer loans.However,the regression using two decomposed components(inherent credit risk and lending inefficiency)tells a deeper underlying story:market value is significantly positively related to inherent credit risk at most banks,whereas it is significantly negatively related to lending inefficiency at most banks.Market discipline appears to reward exposure to inherent credit risk and punish inefficient lending. 展开更多
关键词 Fintech Marketplace lending P2P lending Credit risk management lending efficiency lendingClub
The Impact of New Monetary Policy Instruments on the Bond Market
作者 Jian CHAI Yue PAN +1 位作者 Xiaokong ZHANG Lingyue TIAN 《Journal of Systems Science and Information》 CSCD 2023年第3期277-296,共20页
Establishing a modern central banking system in China necessitates the deployment of a novel suite of monetary policy instruments and unencumbering of the channels through which these policies are transmitted.A critic... Establishing a modern central banking system in China necessitates the deployment of a novel suite of monetary policy instruments and unencumbering of the channels through which these policies are transmitted.A critical aspect of evaluating the soundness and efficacy of monetary policy is to examine its capacity for tempering non-stationary volatility in the bond market.We use a synthetic difference in differences model(SynthDid),which draws upon panel data from eight countries spanning October 2011 to June 2022 period,to accurately determine the efficiency of the transmission of these monetary policy instruments.The Medium-term Lending Facility(MLF)can mitigate fluctuations in both medium-and long-term bond markets.Implementing a unified lending cycle of one year and expanding MLF collateral enhance the transmission efficiency of the newly established monetary policy instruments to the bond market.Additionally,the utilization of the Standing Lending Facility(SLF)substantially reduces the risk associated with short-and medium-term bond markets.Nevertheless,the efficacy of monetary policy transmission via different instruments varies in different periods. 展开更多
关键词 new monetary policy bond market synthetic difference in differences medium-term lending facility standing lending facility
中央银行再贷款:泛化、反稳定性与道德风险 被引量:3
作者 陶士贵 《广东金融学院学报》 2006年第4期64-69,共6页
中央银行再贷款是中国人民银行投放基础货币的重要渠道,是我国特有的一种货币政策工具。基于对新形势下中央银行再贷款制度变迁的分析,现行再贷款政策存在泛化、准财政化、反稳定性、衍生道德风险等问题,必须从制度上规范再贷款的运用,... 中央银行再贷款是中国人民银行投放基础货币的重要渠道,是我国特有的一种货币政策工具。基于对新形势下中央银行再贷款制度变迁的分析,现行再贷款政策存在泛化、准财政化、反稳定性、衍生道德风险等问题,必须从制度上规范再贷款的运用,并适时建立金融稳定机制。 展开更多
关键词 中央银行 再贷款 制度变迁 稳定机制
贷款损失准备重述与商业银行信贷行为 被引量:6
作者 张姗姗 戴德明 张东旭 《中央财经大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第8期53-64,共12页
笔者利用贷款损失准备重述数据,检验了商业银行通过操纵贷款损失准备所进行的盈余管理对其未来信贷行为的影响。以2005—2014年132家中国商业银行的453个观测值为研究样本,本文发现由于会计差错而进行贷款损失准备重述的商业银行未来一... 笔者利用贷款损失准备重述数据,检验了商业银行通过操纵贷款损失准备所进行的盈余管理对其未来信贷行为的影响。以2005—2014年132家中国商业银行的453个观测值为研究样本,本文发现由于会计差错而进行贷款损失准备重述的商业银行未来一期的过度放贷倾向显著高于未发生重述的银行,而在会计准则变更导致重述的银行中则不存在这一现象。而且,只有重述调增银行具有高于未重述银行的过度放贷倾向,而重述调减银行与未重述银行的贷款增幅并无显著差异。进一步的分析显示,重述调增银行的过度贷款增量形成了更高的贷款集中率和不良贷款率。这表明出于向上盈余管理动机而少提贷款损失准备是导致商业银行过度放贷从而信贷业绩下降的重要原因之一,但是超过应有限额多提贷款损失准备也并不能有效优化信贷决策。因此,监管机构应在注重贷款拨备充足性的同时,考虑提升财务报表的透明度;会计准则也应降低职业判断空间,避免商业银行利用贷款损失准备进行盈余管理。 展开更多
关键词 贷款损失准备 财务重述 商业银行 信贷行为
Collateral Monetary Policy,Regional Financial Development,and Nonfinancial Firms'Shadow Banking Activities
作者 Chao Yuan Hai Jiang +1 位作者 Jiawen Ren Nikos Kapitsinis 《China & World Economy》 2024年第5期166-196,共31页
The disparity in credit access between large firms and small and medium-sized enterprises contributes to the prevalence of shadow banking activities,where large,nonfinancial firms with high credit ratings have become ... The disparity in credit access between large firms and small and medium-sized enterprises contributes to the prevalence of shadow banking activities,where large,nonfinancial firms with high credit ratings have become new financial intermediaries.These activities vary geographically and are afected significantly by collateral monetary policy.This paper examines the effect of collateral monetary policy,its reform,and regional financial development characteristics on large firms'shadow banking activities,with a focus on the medium-term lending facility(MLF),the primary collateral monetary policy instrument in China.The results indicate that the MLF encouraged large firms'shadow banking activity.However,the MLF reform in 2018 mitigated this effect by broadening the range of acceptable collateral.Regional financial development,such as a higher number of bank branches around firms,facilitated large firms'shadow banking activities and amplified the MLF's stimulating effect.In contrast,regional advancements in digital finance and market development limited both shadow banking activities and MLF's impact. 展开更多
关键词 collateral monetary policy financial geography medium-term lending facilities shadow banking
藏借阅一体化开架管理的探讨 被引量:6
作者 吴章贵 《西昌师范高等专科学校学报》 2003年第1期67-69,共3页
关键词 藏借阅 一体化 开架管理
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