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论“三农问题”的现状与解决前景 被引量:12
作者 王孔祥 《武汉大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2001年第6期714-720,共7页
“三农问题”即农业、农村、农民问题是中国的重要问题 ,也是长期困扰中国政府的一大难题。解决“三农问题”具有巨大的现实意义和深远的历史意义。中国的发展很大程度上取决于“三农问题”的解决程度 ,尤其在世纪之交的今天 ,“三农问... “三农问题”即农业、农村、农民问题是中国的重要问题 ,也是长期困扰中国政府的一大难题。解决“三农问题”具有巨大的现实意义和深远的历史意义。中国的发展很大程度上取决于“三农问题”的解决程度 ,尤其在世纪之交的今天 ,“三农问题”具有强烈的现实紧迫性 ,必须引起各方面的高度重视。经过改革开放 2 0多年的准备 ,解决“三农问题”已具备了现实的可行性。“三农问题”的最终解决需要政府、社会和农民个人的大力协作。 展开更多
关键词 中国 城乡二元经济 农业效益 农业问题 农村问题 农民问题 农业结构调整
公民教育内涵及其实施思考 被引量:6
作者 陈明 赵中涛 《高等建筑教育》 2004年第4期32-35,共4页
 随着我国由“传统百姓社会”向“现代公民社会”的转型 ,大力倡导和实施公民教育成为越来越被关注的话题。本文分析了公民教育的内涵和当前实施公民教育的迫切性 ,并结合实际对公民教育的实施方法和途径展开了思考。
关键词 公民教育 内涵 迫切性 实施
武力攻击的紧迫性问题——国家援引自卫权应对紧迫性武力攻击的晚近实践 被引量:1
作者 黄瑶 陈虹霏 《边界与海洋研究》 2023年第1期45-65,共21页
在《联合国宪章》框架下,国家行使自卫权的必要条件是“受到武力攻击”。但近些年来,一些国家在武力攻击并未实际发生时即采取所谓的自卫行动,并声称它们使用武力应对的是“紧迫的武力攻击”。传统上,武力攻击的紧迫性被视为时间标准,... 在《联合国宪章》框架下,国家行使自卫权的必要条件是“受到武力攻击”。但近些年来,一些国家在武力攻击并未实际发生时即采取所谓的自卫行动,并声称它们使用武力应对的是“紧迫的武力攻击”。传统上,武力攻击的紧迫性被视为时间标准,武力攻击具有紧迫性意味着攻击即将发生,但一些国家对武力攻击的紧迫性进行灵活解释,并提出新的判断标准,这些新标准的适用将导致自卫权被不当扩大。对此,可能的解决办法是,应将预先性自卫视为一种违法性阻却事由而非国家的一项权利,并由联合国安理会对各国作出的武力攻击紧迫性认定进行事后评估。 展开更多
关键词 《联合国宪章》 使用武力 自卫权 武力攻击 紧迫性
浅谈我国生物多样性保护 被引量:1
作者 明延凯 杨丽萍 《枣庄师专学报》 1995年第2期76-79,共4页
关键词 生物多样性 生物资源 永续利用 物种 生态系统
关于离退休老干部思想政治工作的两点思考 被引量:1
作者 张先友 《湖南教育学院学报》 2000年第3期36-39,共4页
加强离退休老干部的思想政治工作是事关我国社会主义建设事业的大事 ,它在党的思想政治工作中有着举足轻重的作用 ,同时也是当前形势与任务的迫切需要。做老干部的思想政治工作要坚持与解决他们的生活待遇、与社会文化娱乐教育的结合 ,... 加强离退休老干部的思想政治工作是事关我国社会主义建设事业的大事 ,它在党的思想政治工作中有着举足轻重的作用 ,同时也是当前形势与任务的迫切需要。做老干部的思想政治工作要坚持与解决他们的生活待遇、与社会文化娱乐教育的结合 ,坚持理论学习与科学技术知识学习、典型教育与自我教育的结合 ,从而真正做到老有所养、老有所乐、老有所学。 展开更多
关键词 离退休老干部 思想政治工作 四个结合
正当防卫时间要件疑难问题研究 被引量:1
作者 赵秉志 黄静野 《京师法律评论》 2016年第1期3-46,595,共45页
防卫人何时采取防卫行为才能构成正当防卫,这是正当防卫理论所要予以解决的一项重要议题。传统理论要求正当防卫只有在不法侵害正在进行或是即刻发生的情况下才可以实施,但是这一立场受到了来自理论和实践的挑战。因此,正当防卫时间要... 防卫人何时采取防卫行为才能构成正当防卫,这是正当防卫理论所要予以解决的一项重要议题。传统理论要求正当防卫只有在不法侵害正在进行或是即刻发生的情况下才可以实施,但是这一立场受到了来自理论和实践的挑战。因此,正当防卫时间要件的调整必须以对防卫行为性质和必要性原则的反思和理解为基础。通过对防卫行为的考察可知,其本质上是具有预见性的。因此,防卫时间要件的重点在于不法侵害发生和继续的可能性达到多大的情况下才可以进行防卫,也即对于防卫必要性的思考。然而防卫时间的调整不能片面依赖于防卫效果。法益保护的平衡性要求打击行为不能过于提前或滞后,从而倒向道德审判与复仇。在受虐妇女综合症适用中,仅出于受虐者在道德上的优位和打击行为的效果而要求将杀伤处于消极状态的施虐者的行为正当化的主张显然是不合理的。同理,在防卫人夺回财物的过程中,防卫人也不能在侵害人脱离合理控制范围后随意实施打击。 展开更多
关键词 正当防卫 时间要件 预见防卫 受虐妇女综合症
作者 佟丽华 《吉林化工学院学报》 CAS 2007年第5期72-74,共3页
人们对荣辱观问题存在一些认识上的误区。荣辱观古已有之。胡锦涛总书记提出的"八荣八耻"观,汲取了我国传统荣辱观精华并注入了时代精神,所以我们必须深刻理解社会主义荣辱观的基本内涵和要求,深刻认识树立社会主义荣辱观的... 人们对荣辱观问题存在一些认识上的误区。荣辱观古已有之。胡锦涛总书记提出的"八荣八耻"观,汲取了我国传统荣辱观精华并注入了时代精神,所以我们必须深刻理解社会主义荣辱观的基本内涵和要求,深刻认识树立社会主义荣辱观的紧迫性和必要性。 展开更多
关键词 社会主义荣辱观 基本内涵 紧迫性 必要性
卫星热红外地震短临预测方法研究 被引量:25
作者 强祖基 马蔼乃 +1 位作者 曾佐勋 王杰 《地学前缘》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第5期254-262,共9页
文章扼要介绍卫星热红外亮温异常的基本原理,分析建立地震短临预测遥感信息模型,通过11 a试验性预报实践和几个地震的案例,如南海东沙地震,台湾集集大地震,震例还有内蒙包头地震,美国华盛顿州奥林匹亚地震及印尼苏门答腊巨震等。从作为... 文章扼要介绍卫星热红外亮温异常的基本原理,分析建立地震短临预测遥感信息模型,通过11 a试验性预报实践和几个地震的案例,如南海东沙地震,台湾集集大地震,震例还有内蒙包头地震,美国华盛顿州奥林匹亚地震及印尼苏门答腊巨震等。从作为震兆的亮温异常提升到热应力场,对预测地震震中更加可靠和更有说服力,说明此项技术具有实际应用前景。 展开更多
关键词 地震短临预测 卫星热红外 热应力场 台湾集集大地震 美国华盛顿州奥林匹亚地震 印尼苏门答腊巨震
建立大物网络虚拟实验室的迫切性和可行性 被引量:2
作者 丁龙 庞海燕 张文杰 《高师理科学刊》 2001年第2期73-75,共3页
大物网络虚拟实验室是网络技术与现代教育技术发展的必然产物 .为提高高校大学物理实验教学水平 ,迫切需要建立大物网络虚拟实验室 。
关键词 大学 物理实验 网络虚拟实验室
防空地下室连通口建筑设计探讨 被引量:2
作者 吴涛 陈志龙 赵贵华 《地下空间与工程学报》 CSCD 2005年第1期145-148,共4页
按照规范要求在防空地下室内设置防护单元是提高工程生命力和保障人员、物资安全的重要措施。而划分防护单元应与工程平战时的使用功能以及平时防火分区的划分相结合。因此在防护单元隔墙上设置的各类连通口和预留口,战时应采取各种防... 按照规范要求在防空地下室内设置防护单元是提高工程生命力和保障人员、物资安全的重要措施。而划分防护单元应与工程平战时的使用功能以及平时防火分区的划分相结合。因此在防护单元隔墙上设置的各类连通口和预留口,战时应采取各种防护密闭措施保证各防护单元的防护能力,同时还应考虑平战功能以及平时防火安全疏散等其他因素的影响,解决这些影响因素的措施也是提高工程使用性能和生命力的重要方面。文章综述以上内容,最后以范例和图示的方法对防空地下室连通口建筑设计的相关问题进行了探讨。 展开更多
关键词 防空地下室 连通口 建筑设计 疏散口 防护单元隔墙 战时转换
地震短期、短临预测面临的“最后一分钟” 被引量:10
作者 牛安福 《国际地震动态》 2005年第2期29-31,共3页
关键词 地震预测 短期 短临 前兆 最后一分钟
不对称催化氢化反应进展 被引量:7
作者 乔振 王敏 《有机化学》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第5期325-340,共16页
关键词 不对称催化氢化 手性膦配体 烯烃 亚胺 不对称激活 动力学拆分 不对称合成
The spatial characteristic of the short-term and imminent anomalies of waterradonbe┐foreearthquakeinthemainlandofChina 被引量:4
作者 杜学彬 张新基 张慧 《Acta Seismologica Sinica(English Edition)》 CSCD 1996年第3期101-110,共10页
The changes of radon content in underground water(water radon)recorded at about 200 stations in 32 earthquakes occurred in the mainland of China are studied in this paper. The result shows that the spatial distributio... The changes of radon content in underground water(water radon)recorded at about 200 stations in 32 earthquakes occurred in the mainland of China are studied in this paper. The result shows that the spatial distribution of short term and imminent anomalies of water radon before earthquake seems to be mainly related to the active master fault nearby the hypocenter of an earthquake and the earthquake generating mechanism. Finally, some understandings on the mechanism of the aomalies and the imminent earthquake prediction are set forth. 展开更多
关键词 short term and imminent aomalies of water radon active master fault earthquake generating mechanism.
Short-term and imminent geomagnetic anomalies of the Wenchuan M_S8.0 earthquake and exploration on earthquake forecast 被引量:2
作者 Wuxing Wang Jianhai Ding +1 位作者 Surong Yu Yongxian Zhang 《Earthquake Science》 CSCD 2009年第2期135-141,共7页
The diurnal variation of the geomagnetic vertical component is exhibited mainly by changes of phase and amplitude before strong earthquakes. Based on data recorded by the network of geomagnetic observatories in China ... The diurnal variation of the geomagnetic vertical component is exhibited mainly by changes of phase and amplitude before strong earthquakes. Based on data recorded by the network of geomagnetic observatories in China for many years, the anomalous features of the appearance time of the minima of diurnal variations (i.e, low-point time) of the geo- magnetic vertical components and the variation of their spatial distribution (i.e, phenomena of low-point displacement) have been studied before the Wenchuan Ms8.0 earthquake. The strong aftershocks after two months' quiescence of M6 aftershocks of the Ms8.0 event were forecasted based on these studies. There are good correlativities between these geomagnetic anoma- lies and occurrences of earthquakes. It has been found that most earthquakes occur near the boundary line of sudden changes of the low-point time and generally within four days before or after the 27th or 41st day counting from the day of the appearance of the anomaly. In addition, the imminent anomalies in diurnal-variation amplitudes near the epicentral areas have also been studied before the Wenchuan earthquake. 展开更多
关键词 geomagnetic low-point displacement diurnal-variation amplitude Wenchuan earthquake short-term and imminent geomagnetic anomaly forecast of strong earthquakes
Probable satellite thermal infrared anomaly before the Zhangbei M_s=6.2 earthquake on January 10, 1998 被引量:2
作者 吕琪琦 丁鉴海 崔承属 《Acta Seismologica Sinica(English Edition)》 CSCD 2000年第2期203-209,共7页
This paper used the thermal infrared data of the satellite NOAA-AAVHRR of the north pat of North China (113°~119°E, 38°~42°N), and processed the remote sensing data through radiation adjustment, ge... This paper used the thermal infrared data of the satellite NOAA-AAVHRR of the north pat of North China (113°~119°E, 38°~42°N), and processed the remote sensing data through radiation adjustment, geometric adjust ment and so on by the software 'The Monitoring and Fast Process System of Earthquake Precursor Thermal Infra red Anomaly', inversed the each surface temperature. Some disturbances effect had been excluded, and thermal infrared temperature anomaly had been extracted by the picture difference method. The Zhangbei M_s=6.2 earth quake is used as the example in the paper, so that in the paper thermal infrared characteristics on time-space before earthquake and the relationship between the anomaly and the earthquake prediction have been summarized. Within more than ten days before the Zhangbei earthquake, the thermal infrared anomaly had emerged widely along Zhangjiakou-Bobal seismic belt, and the anomalous region seemed like a belt and it is also consistent with the tectonic background there; the anomaly expanded from the outside toward the earthquake focus, but the focus lay at the edge of the thermal infrared region. So it is possible to explore a new anomaly observation method for earthquake prediction by observing and studying the satellite thermal infrared anomaly before big earthquakes happen. 展开更多
关键词 thermal infrared anomaly precursor of imminent earthquake Zhangbei earthquake
Deceased organ donation for transplantation: Challenges and opportunities 被引量:1
作者 Raffaele Girlanda 《World Journal of Transplantation》 2016年第3期451-459,共9页
Organ transplantation saves thousands of lives every year but the shortage of donors is a major limiting factor to increase transplantation rates. To allow more patients to be transplanted before they die on the waitl... Organ transplantation saves thousands of lives every year but the shortage of donors is a major limiting factor to increase transplantation rates. To allow more patients to be transplanted before they die on the waitlist an increase in the number of donors is necessary. Patients with devastating irreversible brain injury, if medically suitable, are potential deceased donors and strategies are needed to successfully convert them into actual donors. Multiple steps in the process of deceased organ donation can be targeted to increase the number of organs suitable for transplant. In this review, after describing this process, we discuss current challenges and potential strategies to expand the pool of deceased donors. 展开更多
关键词 Consent Eligible DEATH imminent BRAIN DEATH ORGAN procurement POTENTIAL ORGAN DONOR
The Role of Antioxidant Vitamin C on Imminent Abortion through Interaction of Superoxide Dismutase, Interferon-γ, Interleukin-4, Vascular Cells Adhesion Molecule-1, and Decidual Spiral Arteries Blood Flow
作者 Budi Handono Firman F. Wirakusumah +1 位作者 Johanes C. Mose Tri Hanggono Achmad 《Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology》 2015年第2期103-114,共12页
Imminent abortion needs more serious attention since it remains a big problem in Indonesia considering its epidemiology, morbidity, mortality,?and prognosis. In fact, some cases can still be prevented.?The objective o... Imminent abortion needs more serious attention since it remains a big problem in Indonesia considering its epidemiology, morbidity, mortality,?and prognosis. In fact, some cases can still be prevented.?The objective of this study was to determine pathogenesis, diagnosis,?and prognosis of imminent abortion through the role of antioxidant vitamin C in the interaction of superoxide dismutase (SOD), interferon-γ?(IFN-γ), interleukin-4 (IL-4), vascular cells adhesion molecule-1?(VCAM-1), and decidual spiral artery resistance index (DSA RI).?This study took 10 months from March to December 2007 at Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of Medical Faculty of?Padjadjaran?University/Hasan Sadikin Hospital, Bandung. Sixty pregnant women who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria were divided into two groups with the random clinical trial method, double-blind with?repeated measurements.?Data were analyzed statistically using t test, Mann-Whitney, Rank?Spearman, Wilcoxon, t paired, and diagnostic test.?The results of this study showed that the incidence of abortion in vitamin C group was 9 cases (30%) and placebo group was 13 cases (43.3%). There was a significant difference in SOD, IFN-γ, IL-4 and VCAM-1 level between groups of women with and without abortion (p < 0.001).?There was a significant difference of SOD level between women with abortion 655.8 (163.6) U/gHb and placebo group 824.5 (106.7) U/gHb after vitamin C administration (p = 0.008). The cutoff point of SOD?was?£992 U/gHbwhich?showed quite high sensitivity, specificity, accuracy,?and significant difference (p < 0.001). The cutoff point abortion of DSA resistance index was ≥0.55 with 45% accuracy (p = 0.002). The highest change of IL-4 level was 60.7% in vitamin C group and VCAM-1 was?-2.2% (p < 0.05) after?vitamin C administration. There was a negative correlation in SOD changes toward IL-4 changes after vitamin C administration (r =?-0.523) (p = 0.003), a positive correlation between SOD changes and IL-4 changes (0.597) (p < 0.001), a negative correlati 展开更多
关键词 imminent ABORTION SOD VCAM-1 IFN-γ IL-4 DSA RI
Tidal wave anomalies of geoelectrical field before remote earthquakes
作者 张学民 翟彦忠 +1 位作者 郭学增 郭建芳 《Acta Seismologica Sinica(English Edition)》 CSCD 2007年第1期51-62,共12页
In this paper, geoelectrical field anomalies at Changli and Xingji station in Hebei Province were analyzed before five remote earthquakes. It was found that the anomalies mainly occurred two or three months before ear... In this paper, geoelectrical field anomalies at Changli and Xingji station in Hebei Province were analyzed before five remote earthquakes. It was found that the anomalies mainly occurred two or three months before earthquakes, which is of importance to short-term and impendent earthquake prediction. There exhibited different characteristics in geoelectrical field anomalies, but they were closely related to tidal waves, for example, the increasing in ampli- tude at semidiurnal and semimonthly periods of tidal waves; the decreasing or disappearing in amplitude of tidal waves that should have been recorded normally at that time; while there accompanied incremental signals with high frequency, such as jump variations. It was thought that the formation mechanism of the geoelectrical anoma- lies before strong earthquakes resulted from stress-strain resonance effects when rock was weakened during the preparation process in seismic area, and then signals of electric field propagated to remote stations in free space or crust, and superposed on the geoelectric field tidal waves recorded at the stations, leading to increasing or decreasing in amplitude of geoelectrical tidal waves. The high frequency signals may be related to the variation of rock porosity, permeability and so on beneath the stations, as a result of the dynamic effects of remote earthquakes. 展开更多
关键词 geoelectrical field geoelectrical tidal waves semidiurnal period strain wave imminent seismic prediction
Analysis of Sacks Body Strain Interference at Beida No.200 Station in Changping and Earthquake Case Study
作者 Li Hangu Hu Lan Wu Lijun 《Earthquake Research in China》 CSCD 2017年第2期269-281,共13页
The relationship between Sacks body strain deformation at Beida No. 200 station in Changping and tidal solids,atmospheric pressure and water level is analyzed in this paper. Sacks body strain deformation data before t... The relationship between Sacks body strain deformation at Beida No. 200 station in Changping and tidal solids,atmospheric pressure and water level is analyzed in this paper. Sacks body strain deformation data before the M_S8. 0 Wenchuan earthquake is studied based on the analysis of the interference. The short-impending anomaly of the body strain deformation is considered to be reliable. The anomaly characteristics conclude:( 1) The trend anomaly as extensional change of the body strain deformations on a quasi 1 year time scale before the Wenchuan earthquake was recorded, and the accumulative amount was about 4000 × 10^(-9). Correspondingly,the short-term precursor of earthquake was manifested as an extensional abrupt change.( 2) The extensional intermittent anomalous abrupt change was recorded by body strainmeters between March1 and May 7 in 2008.( 3) Four compressional abrupt changes were recorded in the intermittent distortions recorded between April 13 and May 11.( 4) High frequency components were increased in the distortion process in May 1 to 3,5,7,and 9 to 12,caused by slow earthquakes before the Wenchuan earthquake according to wavelet analysis. The abnormal phenomena are summarized and the mechanics discussed in this paper. Strain solid tide distortions in body strain observations,the continuous repeated extensional and compressional abrupt changes accompanying these distortions,and the increase of high frequency components can be regarded as the index of short term and impending earthquake prediction,based on analysis of interference factors such as air pressure and water level. 展开更多
关键词 Body strain The solid tide distortion Slow earthquake Short imminent anomalies
'Reconciliation vessel' within de Ⅰ-Ching book: Theoretical methodological analysis of its relevant hexagrams
作者 Adrián Angel Inchauspe 《Journal of Acute Disease》 2018年第2期49-68,共20页
The Ⅰ-Ching is one of the most significant texts in the literature of the world and embodies,as no other text does,the Chinese spirit and thought.Its perpetuation along millennia has exercised crucial influence on th... The Ⅰ-Ching is one of the most significant texts in the literature of the world and embodies,as no other text does,the Chinese spirit and thought.Its perpetuation along millennia has exercised crucial influence on the development of Chinese philosophy and medicine.The hypotheses of its abstractions compose a 'body of assumptions' that hierarchs concepts through a self-regulated process of reciprocal control,which allows the accurate prediction of specific sequences of events according to 'fields of similarities'.This peculiarity enables this system of knowledge to make possible predictions based upon the Natural Laws with incredible accuracy,which is effective to process expectations and arguments or to affirm or reject its judgments.A detailed analysis of two consecutive hexagrams (N 23 & N 24) allows the understanding not only of the bases that consolidate the 'Reconciliation vessel' but also of the specific determination of its function in the frame of Risk management that can be compared to present ISO standards. 展开更多
关键词 Ⅰ-Ching RECONCILIATION VESSEL Hexagram 23 &24 imminent death's risk management CPR CONTINGENCY planning ISO standards
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