When incompletely isolated taxa coexist in a patchy environment (e.g. mosaic hybrid zones, host-race complexes), patterns of variation may differ between selected traits/genes and neutral markers. While the genetic ...When incompletely isolated taxa coexist in a patchy environment (e.g. mosaic hybrid zones, host-race complexes), patterns of variation may differ between selected traits/genes and neutral markers. While the genetic structure of selected traits/loci tends to coincide with habitat variables (producing Genetic-Environment Association or GEA), genetic differentiation at neutral loci unlinked to any selected locus rather depends on geographic connectivity at a large scale (e.g. Isolation- By-Distance or IBD), although these loci often display GEA at a small scale. This discrepancy has been repeatedly taken as evi- dence for parallel primary divergence driven by local adaptation. We argue that this interpretation needs to be addressed more thoroughly by considering the alternative hypothesis that speciation was initiated in allopatry and secondary introgression has subsequently erased the signal of past differentiation at neutral loci. We present a model of neutral introgression after secondary contact in a mosaic hybrid zone, which describes how GEAs dissipate with time and how neutral variation self-organizes accord- ing to the environmental and geographic structures. We show that although neutral loci can be affected by environmental selection they are often more affected by history and connectivity: the neutral structure retains the initial geographic separation more than it correlates with the environment during the colonization and introgression phases, and then converges to a migration-drift balance, the most frequent outcome of which is GEA at a local scale but IBD at a large scale. This is the exact pattern usually attributed to parallel ecological speciation. Introgression is heterogeneous in space and depends on the landscape structure (e.g. it is faster in small patches, which are more impacted by immigration). Furthermore, there is no directionality in the association and it is possi- ble to observe reversed GEAs between distant regions. We argue that the history of differentiation should展开更多
为满足反导作战的现实需求及解决强噪声环境下弹道目标特征提取问题,提出了一种新的基于宽/窄带混合体制雷达的弹道目标特征提取算法。该算法分析了宽/窄带信号对应的微动特征,运用Viterbi算法分离并提取出各散射中心的微动曲线。在此...为满足反导作战的现实需求及解决强噪声环境下弹道目标特征提取问题,提出了一种新的基于宽/窄带混合体制雷达的弹道目标特征提取算法。该算法分析了宽/窄带信号对应的微动特征,运用Viterbi算法分离并提取出各散射中心的微动曲线。在此基础上,根据宽/窄带微动特征的相关性,结合改进自相关法和最小二乘估计方法,构建并解算出目标最强散射中心对应的微动信息矩阵。最后利用散射中心关联和一致性匹配融合方法,构建多元方程组并求解,得到目标的微动特征和结构参数。仿真结果表明:当信噪比为0 d B时,该算法估计得到的目标微动特征和结构参数的均方根误差的量级均为10-2。展开更多
【目的】玉米穗部性状是产量的重要构成因子,利用全基因组关联分析(genome-wide association study,GWAS)方法解析玉米杂交种穗部性状的遗传基础、挖掘与穗部性状相关的位点,为功能基因克隆和高产玉米品种培育提供参考。【方法】选用11...【目的】玉米穗部性状是产量的重要构成因子,利用全基因组关联分析(genome-wide association study,GWAS)方法解析玉米杂交种穗部性状的遗传基础、挖掘与穗部性状相关的位点,为功能基因克隆和高产玉米品种培育提供参考。【方法】选用115份来源于陕A群和陕B群的优良玉米自交系和4份国内骨干作为亲本,以基于NCⅡ遗传交配设计获得的442份玉米杂交种为材料构建关联群体,调查2个环境中群体材料的穗长、穗粗、穗行数等8个穗部性状;利用tGBS技术检测亲本基因型,推测出F1杂交种的19461个高质量SNP,结合杂交种表型和基因型开展基于加性、显性及上位性模型的穗部性状的全基因组关联分析,并利用公共数据库中玉米穗发育相关组织的转录组数据和基因的注释信息预测候选基因。【结果】表型数据分析结果显示,试验群体的8个穗部性状均符合正态分布,表型变异为3.78%—45.25%。方差分析表明,8个穗部性状的环境效应和基因型效应均呈现极显著水平(P<0.001),广义遗传力为54.15%—68.89%。同时玉米杂交种穗部性状间呈现显著正相关或显著负相关。利用加性和显性模型分别检测到16个和3个显著SNP,上位性模型检测到79个上位性位点。3种模型检测的显著位点累积解释各性状38.21%—60.69%的表型变异,其中,加性模型检测到的显著SNP累积解释的表型变异为0.00—41.26%,上位性模型检测到的位点累积解释的表型变异为15.18%—45.36%。基于加性和显性模型检测的显著SNP的效应分析发现多数位点呈现加性和部分显性效应,仅2个为超显性。进一步分析发现,7个单SNP和5个上位性位点能够解释5%以上的表型变异。根据SNP的位置以及基因的表达信息预测了17个候选基因。【结论】玉米杂交种穗部性状主要受加性、上位性效应影响,显性效应影响较小;加性和显性模型检测的SNP主要表现为加性和部展开更多
文摘When incompletely isolated taxa coexist in a patchy environment (e.g. mosaic hybrid zones, host-race complexes), patterns of variation may differ between selected traits/genes and neutral markers. While the genetic structure of selected traits/loci tends to coincide with habitat variables (producing Genetic-Environment Association or GEA), genetic differentiation at neutral loci unlinked to any selected locus rather depends on geographic connectivity at a large scale (e.g. Isolation- By-Distance or IBD), although these loci often display GEA at a small scale. This discrepancy has been repeatedly taken as evi- dence for parallel primary divergence driven by local adaptation. We argue that this interpretation needs to be addressed more thoroughly by considering the alternative hypothesis that speciation was initiated in allopatry and secondary introgression has subsequently erased the signal of past differentiation at neutral loci. We present a model of neutral introgression after secondary contact in a mosaic hybrid zone, which describes how GEAs dissipate with time and how neutral variation self-organizes accord- ing to the environmental and geographic structures. We show that although neutral loci can be affected by environmental selection they are often more affected by history and connectivity: the neutral structure retains the initial geographic separation more than it correlates with the environment during the colonization and introgression phases, and then converges to a migration-drift balance, the most frequent outcome of which is GEA at a local scale but IBD at a large scale. This is the exact pattern usually attributed to parallel ecological speciation. Introgression is heterogeneous in space and depends on the landscape structure (e.g. it is faster in small patches, which are more impacted by immigration). Furthermore, there is no directionality in the association and it is possi- ble to observe reversed GEAs between distant regions. We argue that the history of differentiation should
文摘为满足反导作战的现实需求及解决强噪声环境下弹道目标特征提取问题,提出了一种新的基于宽/窄带混合体制雷达的弹道目标特征提取算法。该算法分析了宽/窄带信号对应的微动特征,运用Viterbi算法分离并提取出各散射中心的微动曲线。在此基础上,根据宽/窄带微动特征的相关性,结合改进自相关法和最小二乘估计方法,构建并解算出目标最强散射中心对应的微动信息矩阵。最后利用散射中心关联和一致性匹配融合方法,构建多元方程组并求解,得到目标的微动特征和结构参数。仿真结果表明:当信噪比为0 d B时,该算法估计得到的目标微动特征和结构参数的均方根误差的量级均为10-2。
文摘【目的】玉米穗部性状是产量的重要构成因子,利用全基因组关联分析(genome-wide association study,GWAS)方法解析玉米杂交种穗部性状的遗传基础、挖掘与穗部性状相关的位点,为功能基因克隆和高产玉米品种培育提供参考。【方法】选用115份来源于陕A群和陕B群的优良玉米自交系和4份国内骨干作为亲本,以基于NCⅡ遗传交配设计获得的442份玉米杂交种为材料构建关联群体,调查2个环境中群体材料的穗长、穗粗、穗行数等8个穗部性状;利用tGBS技术检测亲本基因型,推测出F1杂交种的19461个高质量SNP,结合杂交种表型和基因型开展基于加性、显性及上位性模型的穗部性状的全基因组关联分析,并利用公共数据库中玉米穗发育相关组织的转录组数据和基因的注释信息预测候选基因。【结果】表型数据分析结果显示,试验群体的8个穗部性状均符合正态分布,表型变异为3.78%—45.25%。方差分析表明,8个穗部性状的环境效应和基因型效应均呈现极显著水平(P<0.001),广义遗传力为54.15%—68.89%。同时玉米杂交种穗部性状间呈现显著正相关或显著负相关。利用加性和显性模型分别检测到16个和3个显著SNP,上位性模型检测到79个上位性位点。3种模型检测的显著位点累积解释各性状38.21%—60.69%的表型变异,其中,加性模型检测到的显著SNP累积解释的表型变异为0.00—41.26%,上位性模型检测到的位点累积解释的表型变异为15.18%—45.36%。基于加性和显性模型检测的显著SNP的效应分析发现多数位点呈现加性和部分显性效应,仅2个为超显性。进一步分析发现,7个单SNP和5个上位性位点能够解释5%以上的表型变异。根据SNP的位置以及基因的表达信息预测了17个候选基因。【结论】玉米杂交种穗部性状主要受加性、上位性效应影响,显性效应影响较小;加性和显性模型检测的SNP主要表现为加性和部