美国国家半导体(NS)近日推出了业界首款针对高压电源转换器的增强型氮化镓(eGaN)功率场效应晶体管(FET)而优化的100V半桥栅极驱动器LM5113,宜普电源转换公司(Efficient Power Conversion,EPC)创始人之一兼首席执行官AlexLidow...美国国家半导体(NS)近日推出了业界首款针对高压电源转换器的增强型氮化镓(eGaN)功率场效应晶体管(FET)而优化的100V半桥栅极驱动器LM5113,宜普电源转换公司(Efficient Power Conversion,EPC)创始人之一兼首席执行官AlexLidow表示:“NS的LM5113桥式驱动器与我们的eGaNFETs配合使用,可以大幅缩小PCB面积,实现更高的功率密度水平,而基于等效MOSFET的设计是做不到这一点的。”展开更多
宜普电源转换公司(Efficient Power Conversion Corporation,EPC)是氮化镓(GaN)功率晶体管先行者。EPC称,其率先推出的商用增强型(enhancement-mode)硅基板氮化镓(GaN-on-Silicon)功率晶体管器件,产品性能高于传统硅功率MOSFET...宜普电源转换公司(Efficient Power Conversion Corporation,EPC)是氮化镓(GaN)功率晶体管先行者。EPC称,其率先推出的商用增强型(enhancement-mode)硅基板氮化镓(GaN-on-Silicon)功率晶体管器件,产品性能高于传统硅功率MOSFET数倍,可适用于服务器、基站、笔记本电脑、手机、LCD显示器、D类功率放大器等。展开更多
Notable for the completeness with which it surrenders formally and artistically to the textual dictates of Twitter, Jennifer Egan's 2012 short science fiction Black Box is one of the most triumphant and fully-fledged...Notable for the completeness with which it surrenders formally and artistically to the textual dictates of Twitter, Jennifer Egan's 2012 short science fiction Black Box is one of the most triumphant and fully-fledged fictions written in the form of new media. This paper explores the Twitter narrative employed in Black Box, pointing out that the serialized tweeting format of the story released via computer, mobile phone, or other electronic equipments brings readers immediate reading experience, allowing readers to sense the same feelings as the protagonist does. Through the experimental serialization of"Twitter" narrative, Egan expresses her concerns and worries about the security of the American security as well as the whole world in the post-"9.11" period and at the same time she embraces the virtues and pleasures of traditional storytelling delivered through a wholly new digital format. This paper concludes that Black Box is perhaps one of the boldest experiments of narrative form and is direct exploration into the contemporary image culture.展开更多
2019年,美国汉学家艾朗诺的译作《李清照作品集》(The Works of Li Qingzhao)问世,成为李清照作品在英语世界的第一部全译本。本文从翻译与形象建构的关系出发,结合译者的翻译目的,从翻译选材、翻译策略、译文处理三个维度,对《李清照...2019年,美国汉学家艾朗诺的译作《李清照作品集》(The Works of Li Qingzhao)问世,成为李清照作品在英语世界的第一部全译本。本文从翻译与形象建构的关系出发,结合译者的翻译目的,从翻译选材、翻译策略、译文处理三个维度,对《李清照作品集》进行了分析。研究发现,艾朗诺希望通过《李清照作品集》来反驳中外对李清照及其作品的传统解读,真实地还原李清照的形象。正是出于这一译介目的,艾朗诺在作品收集和排布方面进行了精心的安排,整体上采用了深度翻译的策略,且将自己对李清照及其作品的理解和发现融入了该译作。展开更多
文摘美国国家半导体(NS)近日推出了业界首款针对高压电源转换器的增强型氮化镓(eGaN)功率场效应晶体管(FET)而优化的100V半桥栅极驱动器LM5113,宜普电源转换公司(Efficient Power Conversion,EPC)创始人之一兼首席执行官AlexLidow表示:“NS的LM5113桥式驱动器与我们的eGaNFETs配合使用,可以大幅缩小PCB面积,实现更高的功率密度水平,而基于等效MOSFET的设计是做不到这一点的。”
文摘宜普电源转换公司(Efficient Power Conversion Corporation,EPC)是氮化镓(GaN)功率晶体管先行者。EPC称,其率先推出的商用增强型(enhancement-mode)硅基板氮化镓(GaN-on-Silicon)功率晶体管器件,产品性能高于传统硅功率MOSFET数倍,可适用于服务器、基站、笔记本电脑、手机、LCD显示器、D类功率放大器等。
文摘Notable for the completeness with which it surrenders formally and artistically to the textual dictates of Twitter, Jennifer Egan's 2012 short science fiction Black Box is one of the most triumphant and fully-fledged fictions written in the form of new media. This paper explores the Twitter narrative employed in Black Box, pointing out that the serialized tweeting format of the story released via computer, mobile phone, or other electronic equipments brings readers immediate reading experience, allowing readers to sense the same feelings as the protagonist does. Through the experimental serialization of"Twitter" narrative, Egan expresses her concerns and worries about the security of the American security as well as the whole world in the post-"9.11" period and at the same time she embraces the virtues and pleasures of traditional storytelling delivered through a wholly new digital format. This paper concludes that Black Box is perhaps one of the boldest experiments of narrative form and is direct exploration into the contemporary image culture.
文摘2019年,美国汉学家艾朗诺的译作《李清照作品集》(The Works of Li Qingzhao)问世,成为李清照作品在英语世界的第一部全译本。本文从翻译与形象建构的关系出发,结合译者的翻译目的,从翻译选材、翻译策略、译文处理三个维度,对《李清照作品集》进行了分析。研究发现,艾朗诺希望通过《李清照作品集》来反驳中外对李清照及其作品的传统解读,真实地还原李清照的形象。正是出于这一译介目的,艾朗诺在作品收集和排布方面进行了精心的安排,整体上采用了深度翻译的策略,且将自己对李清照及其作品的理解和发现融入了该译作。