Synchronization is an important issue in multimedia systems which integrate a variety of temporally related media objects. One part of synchronization is the representation of temporal information. With the emerging ...Synchronization is an important issue in multimedia systems which integrate a variety of temporally related media objects. One part of synchronization is the representation of temporal information. With the emerging illteractive multimedia, deterministic temporal models are replaced by nondeterministic ones with more expressiveness. This paper classifies temporal models by their expressiveness, and evaluates relevant nondeterministic temporal relations in multimedia data. Additionally, an intervalbased nondeterndnistic model based on a complete temporal operator set is proposed providing highlevel abstractions and a high degree of expressiveness for interactive multimedia systems.展开更多
Time intervals are often associated with tuples to represent their valid time in temporal relations, where overlap join is crucial for various kinds of queries. Many existing overlap join algorithms use indices based ...Time intervals are often associated with tuples to represent their valid time in temporal relations, where overlap join is crucial for various kinds of queries. Many existing overlap join algorithms use indices based on tree structures such as quad-tree, B+-tree and interval tree. These algorithms usually have high CPU cost since deep path traversals are unavoidable, which makes them not so competitive as data-partition or plane-sweep based algorithms. This paper proposes an efficient overlap join algorithm based on a new two-layer flat index named as Overlap Interval Inverted Index (i.e., O2i Index). It uses an array to record the end points of intervals and approximates the nesting structures of intervals via two functions in the first layer, and the second layer uses inverted lists to trace all intervals satisfying the approximated nesting structures. With the help of the new index, the join algorithm only visits the must-be-scanned lists and skips all others. Analyses and experiments on both real and synthetic datasets show that the proposed algorithm is as competitive as the state-of-the-art algorithms.展开更多
时间关系的识别成为近年来自然语言处理领域(nature language processing,NLP)的一个研究热点。引入时间片段和主题片段这两种比事件触发词粒度粗的语义单元进行时间关系识别,首先在文本中利用一些时间篇章特点识别时间片段,然后利用相...时间关系的识别成为近年来自然语言处理领域(nature language processing,NLP)的一个研究热点。引入时间片段和主题片段这两种比事件触发词粒度粗的语义单元进行时间关系识别,首先在文本中利用一些时间篇章特点识别时间片段,然后利用相似度计算与支持向量机(support vector maehine,SVM)模型相结合的方法识别主题片段,最后在主题片段范围内,以时间片段为排序对象,使用最大熵分类模型识别时间关系。在TempEval-2010的汉语语料上进行实验,得到的时间关系识别宏平均精确率为60.09%。实验结果表明:引入时间片段后可有效减少不必要的事件时序关系的识别;同时,在主题片段的约束下所得到的时间关系更简洁、语义逻辑性更好。展开更多
文摘Synchronization is an important issue in multimedia systems which integrate a variety of temporally related media objects. One part of synchronization is the representation of temporal information. With the emerging illteractive multimedia, deterministic temporal models are replaced by nondeterministic ones with more expressiveness. This paper classifies temporal models by their expressiveness, and evaluates relevant nondeterministic temporal relations in multimedia data. Additionally, an intervalbased nondeterndnistic model based on a complete temporal operator set is proposed providing highlevel abstractions and a high degree of expressiveness for interactive multimedia systems.
文摘Time intervals are often associated with tuples to represent their valid time in temporal relations, where overlap join is crucial for various kinds of queries. Many existing overlap join algorithms use indices based on tree structures such as quad-tree, B+-tree and interval tree. These algorithms usually have high CPU cost since deep path traversals are unavoidable, which makes them not so competitive as data-partition or plane-sweep based algorithms. This paper proposes an efficient overlap join algorithm based on a new two-layer flat index named as Overlap Interval Inverted Index (i.e., O2i Index). It uses an array to record the end points of intervals and approximates the nesting structures of intervals via two functions in the first layer, and the second layer uses inverted lists to trace all intervals satisfying the approximated nesting structures. With the help of the new index, the join algorithm only visits the must-be-scanned lists and skips all others. Analyses and experiments on both real and synthetic datasets show that the proposed algorithm is as competitive as the state-of-the-art algorithms.
文摘时间关系的识别成为近年来自然语言处理领域(nature language processing,NLP)的一个研究热点。引入时间片段和主题片段这两种比事件触发词粒度粗的语义单元进行时间关系识别,首先在文本中利用一些时间篇章特点识别时间片段,然后利用相似度计算与支持向量机(support vector maehine,SVM)模型相结合的方法识别主题片段,最后在主题片段范围内,以时间片段为排序对象,使用最大熵分类模型识别时间关系。在TempEval-2010的汉语语料上进行实验,得到的时间关系识别宏平均精确率为60.09%。实验结果表明:引入时间片段后可有效减少不必要的事件时序关系的识别;同时,在主题片段的约束下所得到的时间关系更简洁、语义逻辑性更好。