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Discovery of Three Variable Stars in Direction toward NGC 4565 被引量:1
作者 LeiLi HongWu +4 位作者 Xiao-BinZhang Ya-BoWu XuZhou Zhao-JiJiang JunMa 《Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics》 CSCD 北大核心 2004年第5期411-414,共4页
We present the results of a variable star search in a field next to the edge-on galaxies NGC 4565 from the archive data of Beijing-Arizona-Taibei-Connecticut Multicolor Sky Survey. Three new variable stars were discov... We present the results of a variable star search in a field next to the edge-on galaxies NGC 4565 from the archive data of Beijing-Arizona-Taibei-Connecticut Multicolor Sky Survey. Three new variable stars were discovered. Based on spectra obtained from the 2.16m NAOC telescope, we identify two of these as RR Lyr stars and one as a special T Tauri star. 展开更多
关键词 stars: variables: RR Lyr stars: variables: T tauris
作者 武文君 《内蒙古大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2020年第3期64-71,共8页
古代黑海地区克里米亚陶里斯有杀人献祭的帕特诺斯女神(Parthenos)崇拜,在希腊的阿提卡半岛及斯巴达也有野蛮的阿尔忒弥斯崇拜习俗。陶里斯人崇拜的帕特诺斯和希腊人的阿尔忒弥斯是同质异名的女神,陶里斯的女神可能是希腊人根据去黑海... 古代黑海地区克里米亚陶里斯有杀人献祭的帕特诺斯女神(Parthenos)崇拜,在希腊的阿提卡半岛及斯巴达也有野蛮的阿尔忒弥斯崇拜习俗。陶里斯人崇拜的帕特诺斯和希腊人的阿尔忒弥斯是同质异名的女神,陶里斯的女神可能是希腊人根据去黑海的希腊海员所听到的当地传说而对阿尔忒弥斯女神的野蛮崇拜所产生的相似联想。希腊文献中关于陶里斯女神献祭仪式的描述,既是希腊人对黑海地区征服的一个体现,也在侧面反映了古希腊人对当时非希腊世界蛮族的一种认知。 展开更多
关键词 陶里斯 阿尔忒弥斯 帕特诺斯 阿提卡 斯巴达
歌德诗剧《伊菲格妮在陶里斯岛》中女主人公的完满人性 被引量:2
作者 王婉赢 《复旦外国语言文学论丛》 CSSCI 2017年第1期45-50,共6页
诗剧《伊菲格妮在陶里斯岛》是歌德魏玛时期代表作,凝结了诗人对完满人性的推崇和呼唤。本文从文本入手,寻找诠释依据,着重分析伊菲格妮从待拯救者到自主理性的人的成长,并透过"散文—诗剧"的经典转向看歌德对完满人性的执着追求。从... 诗剧《伊菲格妮在陶里斯岛》是歌德魏玛时期代表作,凝结了诗人对完满人性的推崇和呼唤。本文从文本入手,寻找诠释依据,着重分析伊菲格妮从待拯救者到自主理性的人的成长,并透过"散文—诗剧"的经典转向看歌德对完满人性的执着追求。从而说明歌德借助伊菲格妮的形象塑造人性典范,剧中女主人公挣脱命运论牢笼的自我解放,展现出接近神性的伟大人性,不仅符合启蒙时期的时代要求,更反映了歌德建立启蒙社会的政治理想。 展开更多
关键词 约翰·沃尔夫冈·歌德 《伊菲格妮在陶里斯岛》 完满人性
悲剧性的避免——歌德诗剧《伊菲格妮在陶里斯》的和谐路径 被引量:1
作者 胡丹 《德语人文研究》 2019年第2期68-73,共6页
意大利之行标志着歌德的创作风格从狂飙突进转向经典和谐。诗剧《伊菲格妮在陶里斯》是歌德在这一时期的重要作品。本文以悲剧性为切人点探究诗剧缘何走向和谐。歌德理解的和谐是一种建立在对立之上的平衡,无法平衡的对立则会走向悲剧... 意大利之行标志着歌德的创作风格从狂飙突进转向经典和谐。诗剧《伊菲格妮在陶里斯》是歌德在这一时期的重要作品。本文以悲剧性为切人点探究诗剧缘何走向和谐。歌德理解的和谐是一种建立在对立之上的平衡,无法平衡的对立则会走向悲剧性。诗剧中致力于探索悲剧性在此在的界限,并以悲剧性的方式寻求妥协和平衡,从而解释了和谐的产生路径。 展开更多
关键词 歌德 《伊菲格妮在陶里斯》 悲剧性 和谐
作者 胡丹 《绍兴文理学院学报》 2023年第11期108-114,共7页
在歌德的诗剧《伊菲格妮在陶里斯岛》的阐释历史上,对俄瑞斯特的救赎情节存在截然不同的阐释。启蒙人本主义视野下的俄瑞斯特依靠纯粹理性的方式,通过道德自主性获得自我救赎。然而戏剧文本中布局充斥的大量非理性的自然图像,与人本理... 在歌德的诗剧《伊菲格妮在陶里斯岛》的阐释历史上,对俄瑞斯特的救赎情节存在截然不同的阐释。启蒙人本主义视野下的俄瑞斯特依靠纯粹理性的方式,通过道德自主性获得自我救赎。然而戏剧文本中布局充斥的大量非理性的自然图像,与人本理性的启蒙精神相去甚远。歌德对18世纪中期德国文学史上文学之争的回应,彰显歌德对诗学本质的认识,通过诗剧《伊菲格妮在陶里斯岛》的文本分析,展示歌德是如何利用诗学图像这一非理性的方式渗透和扭转剧中人物和情节的。诗剧中俄瑞斯特的救赎发生在由图像构成的非理性领域中,俄瑞斯特的救赎展示了歌德对诗学图像的治愈性信仰。 展开更多
关键词 歌德 《伊菲格妮在陶里斯岛》 图像 救赎
古典美学的诗意融合——论歌德诗剧《伊菲格妮在陶里斯岛》的美学特征 被引量:1
作者 胡丹 《绍兴文理学院学报》 2020年第3期54-58,共5页
德国古典文学从古希腊的美学理想中汲取养分而形成独特的艺术表达风格。其创作的成熟性在于对典型塑造的追求,寻求人和世界的现象下的最高原型,以封闭和谐的艺术形式表达世界和人性形象中内在的和谐性。歌德在魏玛古典时期的重要戏剧作... 德国古典文学从古希腊的美学理想中汲取养分而形成独特的艺术表达风格。其创作的成熟性在于对典型塑造的追求,寻求人和世界的现象下的最高原型,以封闭和谐的艺术形式表达世界和人性形象中内在的和谐性。歌德在魏玛古典时期的重要戏剧作品《伊菲格妮在陶里斯岛》是对古典艺术美学思想的诗学彰显。由散文到韵文的诗学改编为古典戏剧找到了合适的语言外衣,韵文的格律性展现了古典美学对纯洁和谐的追求。 展开更多
关键词 古典文学 歌德 《伊菲格妮在陶里斯岛》 和谐
作者 余迎胜 《外国文学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第2期131-136,共6页
伦理自信与伦理互信是进行伦理选择的前提,历史语境为伦理选择提供了价值实现的基础。"逼婚"语境在欧洲古典文学中具有代表性,被逼婚者的行动选择往往彰显其伦理观念与伦理法则。在伦理选择中,伦理自信与伦理他信起到关键作用... 伦理自信与伦理互信是进行伦理选择的前提,历史语境为伦理选择提供了价值实现的基础。"逼婚"语境在欧洲古典文学中具有代表性,被逼婚者的行动选择往往彰显其伦理观念与伦理法则。在伦理选择中,伦理自信与伦理他信起到关键作用,它们共同决定了主人公会采取何种方式解决冲突或化解矛盾。古典伦理范本往往采用各种优势力量作为武器来处理纠纷,他们信奉的是丛林法则;而歌德《伊菲革涅亚在陶里斯岛》的女主人公,在相同的历史语境中,采取了道德感化的方式,成功化解了尖锐矛盾,取得了敌对双方的伦理共识。伊菲革涅亚形象颠覆了古典伦理范本,并树立了新的伦理形象。 展开更多
关键词 歌德 《伊菲革涅亚在陶里斯岛》 历史语境 伦理自信 伦理互信
作者 莫小红 雷蕾 《广东开放大学学报》 2022年第5期54-60,共7页
阿多诺立足战后德国文化重建的历史背景,对歌德的著名诗剧《伊菲革涅亚在陶里斯》进行了全新意义上的解读。首先,阿多诺拒绝对该剧的传统“古典主义”定位,认为其并非仿古,而是强调了人的力量,在“人道主义”理想的面纱下,展现文明与野... 阿多诺立足战后德国文化重建的历史背景,对歌德的著名诗剧《伊菲革涅亚在陶里斯》进行了全新意义上的解读。首先,阿多诺拒绝对该剧的传统“古典主义”定位,认为其并非仿古,而是强调了人的力量,在“人道主义”理想的面纱下,展现文明与野蛮的冲突。其次,阿多诺认为这种冲突是启蒙与神话的对立,由此也暴露出伊菲革涅亚“人道主义”的邪恶性。最后,阿多诺指出建立在不公正和他人牺牲基础之上的和解是具有欺骗性质的,文明只有在自我否定中才能真正实现。该剧揭示了古典主义和解理想的破灭。对《伊菲革涅亚在陶里斯》的解读遵循了阿多诺否定辩证法的思想路径,不仅是他对现实的否定性回应,也是他批判同一性思维的体现,饱含了他对文明浩劫以及当局幻想的反思,具有深刻的现实意义。 展开更多
关键词 阿多诺 歌德 《伊菲革涅亚在陶里斯》 古典主义 和解
Near-infrared polarimetry of the GG Tauri A binary system
作者 Yoichi Itoh Yumiko Oasa +47 位作者 Tomoyuki Kudo Nobuhiko Kusakabe Jun Hashimoto Lyu Abe Wolfgang Brandner Timothy D.Brandt Joseph C.Carson Sebastian Egner Markus Feldt Carol A.Grady Olivier Guyon Yutaka Hayano Masahiko Hayashi Saeko S.Hayashi Thomas Henning Klaus W.Hodapp Miki Ishii Masanori Iye Markus Janson Ryo Kandori Gillian R.Knapp Masayuki Kuzuhara Jungmi Kwon Taro Matsuo Michael W.McElwain Shoken Miyama Jun-Ichi Morino Amaya Moro-Martin Tetsuo Nishimura Tae-Soo Pyo Eugene Serabyn Takuya Suenaga Hiroshi Suto Ryuji Suzuki Yasuhiro H.Takahashi Naruhisa Takato Hiroshi Terada Christian Thalmann Daigo Tomono Edwin L.Turner Makoto Watanabe John Wisniewski Toru Yamada Satoshi Mayama Thayne Currie Hideki Takami Tomonori Usuda Motohide Tamura 《Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第11期1438-1446,共9页
A high angular resolution near-infrared image that shows the intensity of polarization for the GG Tau A binary system was obtained with the Subaru Telescope. The image shows a circumbinary disk scattering the light fr... A high angular resolution near-infrared image that shows the intensity of polarization for the GG Tau A binary system was obtained with the Subaru Telescope. The image shows a circumbinary disk scattering the light from the central binary. The azimuthal profile of the intensity of polarization for the circumbinary disk is roughly reproduced by a simple disk model with the Henyey-Greenstein phase function and the Rayleigh function, indicating there are small dust grains at the surface of the disk. Combined with a previous observation of the circumbinary disk, our image indicates that the gap structure in the circumbinary disk orbits counterclockwise, but material in the disk orbits clockwise. We propose that there is a shadow caused by material located between the central binary and the circumbinary disk. The separations and position angles of the stellar components of the binary in the past 20 yr are consistent with the binary orbit with a = 33.4 AU and e = 0.34. 展开更多
关键词 STARS individual (GG tauri -- stars pre-maln sequence - techniques high angular resolution
Optical Spectroscopic Monitoring Observations of a Young Binary Z CMa
作者 Hinako Akimoto Yoichi Itoh 《International Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics》 2021年第3期406-421,共16页
The results of optical spectroscopic monitoring observations of a young binary system, Z CMa, are presented in this study. Z CMa consists of a Herbig Be star and an FU Orionis object, and it shows irregular light vari... The results of optical spectroscopic monitoring observations of a young binary system, Z CMa, are presented in this study. Z CMa consists of a Herbig Be star and an FU Orionis object, and it shows irregular light variation in the quiescent phase and exploding brightening in the outburst phase. Medium-resolution spectra were obtained on 21 nights between 2015 and 2019 using the Nayuta telescope in Japan. We also used five high-resolution spectra, obtained between 2008 and 2011, with the Keck Telescope. During the outburst phase, the intensity of the He I absorption line increased with an increase in the luminosity of the system. Because the He I absorption line is a characteristic feature of an early-type star, we considered that the outbursts were caused by the Herbig Be star. The equivalent widths of the [O I] line decreased with an increase in the luminosity of the system. We claim steady mass loss at the rate of <img src="Edit_8c9ccc1e-fde4-4e49-bcde-5fae6e20252e.png" alt="" /> The intensities of the H<em>α</em> and Fe II emission lines did not change during the outbursts. However, the line intensities increased with an increase in the luminosity of the system in the quiescent phase. We consider that those lines are attributed to the FU Orionis object and the light variations in the quiescent phase were caused by the FU Orionis object. 展开更多
关键词 Stars:Pre-Main Sequence Stars:Variables:T tauri Herbig Ae/Be Techniques:Spectroscopic
A multiwavelength view of a classical T Tauri star CV Cha
作者 Jeewan Chandra Pandey Subhajeet Karmakar +3 位作者 Arti Joshi Saurabh Sharma Shashi Bhushan Pandey Anil Kumar Pandey 《Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2019年第1期75-86,共12页
Using long-term optical, ultraviolet(UV) and X-ray data, we present a study of a classical T Tauri star CV Cha. The V-band light curve obtained from the All Sky Automated Survey(ASAS) shows short as well as long-term ... Using long-term optical, ultraviolet(UV) and X-ray data, we present a study of a classical T Tauri star CV Cha. The V-band light curve obtained from the All Sky Automated Survey(ASAS) shows short as well as long-term variability. The short-term variability could be due to rotational modulation of CV Cha. We derive the rotational period of 3.714 ± 0.001 d for CV Cha. UV light curves obtained from Swift also show the variations. X-ray light curves from XMM-Newton and Swift do not show any significant short as well as long-term variability. However, the light curve from Chandra appears to be variable, which could be due to the emergence of flaring activities. X-ray spectra from all observations are explained well by the single temperature plasma of 0.95 keV with X-ray luminosity of 1030.4erg s-1in the 0.5–7.5 keV energy band. It appears that variability in optical and UV bands could be due to the presence of both hot and cool spots on the surface, while X-ray emission is dominated by magnetic processes. 展开更多
关键词 stars:activity stars:individual(CV Cha) stars:pre-main sequence stars:variable:T tauri X-ray:stars
Ionization of protoplanetary disks by galactic cosmic rays,solar protons,and supernova remnants
作者 Ryuho Kataoka Tatsuhiko Sato 《Geoscience Frontiers》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第2期247-252,共6页
Galactic cosmic rays and solar protons ionize the present terrestrial atmosphere,and the air showers are simulated by well-tested Monte-Carlo simulations,such as PHITS code.We use the latest version of PHITS to evalua... Galactic cosmic rays and solar protons ionize the present terrestrial atmosphere,and the air showers are simulated by well-tested Monte-Carlo simulations,such as PHITS code.We use the latest version of PHITS to evaluate the possible ionization of protoplanetary disks by galactic cosmic rays(GCRs),solar protons,and by supernova remnants.The attenuation length of GCR ionization is updated as 118 g cm^-2,which is approximately 20% larger than the popular value.Hard and soft possible spectra of solar protons give comparable and 20% smaller attenuation lengths compared with those from standard GCR spectra,respectively,while the attenuation length is approximately 10% larger for supernova remnants.Further,all of the attenuation lengths become 10% larger in the compound gas of cosmic abundance,e.g.128 g cm^-2 for GCRs,which can affect the minimum estimate of the size of dead zones in protoplanetary disks when the incident flux is unusually high. 展开更多
关键词 Galactic cosmic rays Solar protons Supernova remnants Young Sun Protoplanetary disk T tauri stars
Spin evolution of classical T Tauri stars
作者 李向东 汪珍如 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 1996年第16期1373-1376,共4页
Classical T Tauri stars (hereinafter CTTS) are protostars formed by collapse of molecular clouds. As they evolve towards the main sequence, CCTS accrete from the circumstellar matter and contract due to self-gravitati... Classical T Tauri stars (hereinafter CTTS) are protostars formed by collapse of molecular clouds. As they evolve towards the main sequence, CCTS accrete from the circumstellar matter and contract due to self-gravitation. Mass accretion and gravitational contraction can accelerate the spin velocities of CTTS up to break-up (~300—400km·s) 展开更多
Optical Spectroscopic Monitoring Observations of a T Tauri Star V409 Tau
作者 Hinako Akimoto Yoichi Itoh 《International Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics》 2019年第3期321-334,共14页
We report the results of optical spectroscopic monitoring observations of a T Tauri star, V409 Tau. A previous photometric study indicated that this star experienced dimming events due to the obscuration of light from... We report the results of optical spectroscopic monitoring observations of a T Tauri star, V409 Tau. A previous photometric study indicated that this star experienced dimming events due to the obscuration of light from the central star with a distorted circumstellar disk. We conducted medium-resolution (R ~10,000) spectroscopic observations with 2-m Nayuta telescope at Nishi-Harima Astronomical Observatory. Spectra were obtained in 18 nights between November 2015 and March 2016. Several absorption lines such as Ca I and Li, and the H&alpha;emission line were confirmed in the spectra. The Ic-band magnitudes of V409 Tau changed by approximately 1 magnitude during the observation epoch. The equivalent widths of the five absorption lines are roughly constant despite changes in the Ic-band magnitudes. We conclude that the light variation of the star is caused by the obscuration of light from the central star with a distorted circumstellar disk, based on the relationship between the equivalent widths of the absorption lines and the Ic-band magnitudes. The blue component of the H&alpha;emission line was dominant during the observation epoch, and an inverse P Cygni profile was observed in eight of the spectra. The time-variable inverse P Cygni profile of the H&alpha;emission line indicates unsteady mass accretion from the circumstellar disk to the central star. 展开更多
关键词 STAR Formation Pre-Main Sequence STARS T tauri STARS
Long-term photometric behavior of the PMS stars V977 Cep and V982 Cep in the vicinity of NGC 7129
作者 Sunay I. Ibryamov Evgeni H. Semkov +1 位作者 Teodor R. Milanov Stoyanka P. Peneva 《Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第2期77-88,共12页
Long-term BVRI photometric light curves of the pre-main sequence stars V977 Cep and V982 Cep during the period from 2000 October to 2016 August are presented. The stars are located in the vicinity of the reflection ne... Long-term BVRI photometric light curves of the pre-main sequence stars V977 Cep and V982 Cep during the period from 2000 October to 2016 August are presented. The stars are located in the vicinity of the reflection nebula NGC 7129. Our photometric data show that both stars exhibit strong photometric variability in all optical passbands, which is typical for Classical T Tauri stars. Using our observational data we analyze the reasons for the observed brightness variations. In the case of V977 Cep we identify previously unknown periodicity in its light curve. 展开更多
关键词 stars: pre-main sequence -- variables: T tauri -- stars: individual (V977 Cep V982 Cep)
A long-term UBVRI photometric study of the pre-main sequence star V350 Cep
作者 Sunay Ibryamov Evgeni Semkov Stoyanka Peneva 《Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第10期1264-1268,共5页
Results from UBVRI optical photometric observations of the pre-main se- quence star V350 Cep during the period 2004-2014 are presented. The star was dis- covered in 1977 due to its remarkable increase in brightness by... Results from UBVRI optical photometric observations of the pre-main se- quence star V350 Cep during the period 2004-2014 are presented. The star was dis- covered in 1977 due to its remarkable increase in brightness by more than 5 mag (R). In previous studies, V350 Cep was considered to be a potential FUor or EXor eruptive variable. Our data suggest that during the period of observations the star maintains its maximum brightness with low amplitude photometric variations. Our conclusion is that V350 Cep was probably an intermediate object between FUors and EXors, similar to V1647 Ori. 展开更多
关键词 STARS pre-main sequence -- stars variable T tauri -- stars individual(V350 Cep)
Variability of emission lines in the optical spectra of the Herbig Be binary system HD 200775
作者 Anastasia P.Bisyarina ANDrey M.Sobolev +1 位作者 Stanislav Yu.Gorda Anatoly S.Miroshnichenko 《Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2019年第3期31-34,共4页
In our previous papers we have improved the value of the orbital period of the binary Herbig Be star HD 200775 and showed that the [O I] and Si II 6347 and 6371 ?A emission lines displayed variations which correlate w... In our previous papers we have improved the value of the orbital period of the binary Herbig Be star HD 200775 and showed that the [O I] and Si II 6347 and 6371 ?A emission lines displayed variations which correlate with the orbital period. In this paper we provide evidences that other broad emission lines of metals in the spectra of HD 200775 also exhibit variability, which is probably related to the orbital cycle of the binary. Analysis was performed based on the high-resolution spectral data collected over a time span of 6 years at the Kourovka Astronomical Observatory of the Ural Federal University(Russia) and the Three College Observatory of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro(USA) as well as archival spectral data compiled since 1994. We report new data points in the radial velocity curve of the He I 5876 ?A line near the extremal values of the radial velocity. 展开更多
关键词 techniques spectroscopic-stars variables T tauri Herbig Ae/Be-stars individual HD 200775
Long-term BV RI photometric light curves of 15 PMS stars in the star-forming region IC 5070
作者 Sunay Ibryamov Evgeni Semkov +1 位作者 Teodor Milanov Stoyanka Peneva 《Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第11期63-74,共12页
This paper reports results from the multicolor photometric observations of 15 pre-main sequence stars collected in the period September 2010-October 2017. The stars from our study are located in the star-forming HII r... This paper reports results from the multicolor photometric observations of 15 pre-main sequence stars collected in the period September 2010-October 2017. The stars from our study are located in the star-forming HII region IC 5070. These objects were previously detected as either emission line stars, flare stars, T Tauri variables or Herbig Ae/Be stars. Photometric observations, especially concerning the long-term behavior of the objects, are missing in the literature. We present the first photometric monitoring for all stars from our study. The analysis of the obtained BV RI photometric data allows us to draw the conclusion that all investigated objects are variable stars. In the case of LkHα 146,we identified previously unknown periodicity in its photometric variability. 展开更多
关键词 stars: pre-main sequence stars: variables: T tauri Herbig Ae/Be stars: individual
BV(RI )c photometric study of three variable PMS stars in the field of V733 Cephei 被引量:1
作者 Sunay Ibryamov Evgeni Semkov +1 位作者 Stoyanka Peneva Kristina Gocheva 《Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2020年第12期221-228,共8页
This paper reports results from the first long-term BV(RI)c photometric CCD observations of three variable pre-main-sequence stars collected during the period from February 2007 to January 2020. The investigated stars... This paper reports results from the first long-term BV(RI)c photometric CCD observations of three variable pre-main-sequence stars collected during the period from February 2007 to January 2020. The investigated stars are located in the field of the PMS star V733 Cep within the Cepheus OB3 association. All stars from our study show rapid photometric variability in all-optical passbands. In this paper, we describe and discuss the photometric behavior of these stars and the possible reasons for their variability. In the light variation of two of the stars, we found periodicity. 展开更多
关键词 stars:pre-main sequence stars:variables:T tauri Herbig Ae/Be techniques:photometric methods:observational data analysis stars:individual(2MASS J22534654+6234582 2MASS J22533629+6231446 2MASS J22531578+6235262)
Long-term Photometric Study of the Pre-main Sequence Star V1180 Cas
作者 Asen Mutafov Evgeni Semkov +1 位作者 Stoyanka Peneva Sunay Ibryamov 《Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2022年第12期284-291,共8页
In this paper results from the optical photometric observations of the pre-main sequence star V1180 Cas are reported.The star is a young variable associated with the dark cloud Lynds 1340,located at a distance of 600 ... In this paper results from the optical photometric observations of the pre-main sequence star V1180 Cas are reported.The star is a young variable associated with the dark cloud Lynds 1340,located at a distance of 600 pc from the Sun in the star-forming region in Cassiopeia.V1180 Cas shows large amplitude variability,interpreted as a combination of accretion-induced and extinction-driven effects.Our data from VRI CCD photometric observations of the star were collected from September 2011 to February 2022.During our monitoring,we recorded several brightness dips with large amplitudes of up to 5 mag(I band).At the same time,increases in brightness over periods of several weeks have also been recorded.In this paper,we compare the photometric data obtained for V1180 Cas with observations of other low-mass pre-main sequence objects. 展开更多
关键词 stars:variables:T tauri Herbig Ae/Be stars:pre-main sequence stars:evolution
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