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Advances in communications using optical vortices 被引量:64
作者 Jian Wang 《Photonics Research》 SCIE EI 2016年第5期14-28,共15页
An optical vortex having an isolated point singularity is associated with the spatial structure of light waves.A polarization vortex(vector beam) with a polarization singularity has spatially variant polarizations. A ... An optical vortex having an isolated point singularity is associated with the spatial structure of light waves.A polarization vortex(vector beam) with a polarization singularity has spatially variant polarizations. A phase vortex with phase singularity or screw dislocation has a spiral phase front. The optical vortex has recently gained increasing interest in optical trapping, optical tweezers, laser machining, microscopy, quantum information processing, and optical communications. In this paper, we review recent advances in optical communications using optical vortices. First, basic concepts of polarization/phase vortex modulation and multiplexing in communications and key techniques of polarization/phase vortex generation and(de)multiplexing are introduced. Second, free-space and fiber optical communications using optical vortex modulation and optical vortex multiplexing are presented. Finally, key challenges and perspectives of optical communications using optical vortices are discussed. It is expected that optical vortices exploiting the space physical dimension of light waves might find more interesting applications in optical communications and interconnects. 展开更多
关键词 OAM MODE Advances in communications using optical vortices
涡旋光束和光学涡旋 被引量:34
作者 陆璇辉 黄慧琴 +2 位作者 赵承良 王将峰 陈和 《激光与光电子学进展》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第1期50-56,共7页
关键词 涡旋光束 光学涡旋 相位奇异性 角动量 螺旋相位 光学操控
完美涡旋光束的产生及其空间自由调控技术 被引量:14
作者 李新忠 孟莹 +5 位作者 李贺贺 王静鸽 尹传磊 台玉萍 王辉 张利平 《光学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第10期446-453,共8页
利用涡旋光束与锥透镜透射率函数设计相位掩模板,采用平面光照射写入相位掩模板的空间光调制器(SLM),则在SLM的傅里叶平面上产生了完美涡旋光束,解决了傅里叶平面0级和±1级光谱重叠的问题。提出了一种完美涡旋光束的空间自由调控技... 利用涡旋光束与锥透镜透射率函数设计相位掩模板,采用平面光照射写入相位掩模板的空间光调制器(SLM),则在SLM的傅里叶平面上产生了完美涡旋光束,解决了傅里叶平面0级和±1级光谱重叠的问题。提出了一种完美涡旋光束的空间自由调控技术,通过实验分析,明确了空间调控位移与调控因子间的函数关系,调控精度达到了2.25μm。通过在线调节锥透镜的锥角参数,实现了完美涡旋光束中心亮环半径的自由调控,并得到光束中心亮环半径与锥角的二次函数关系。将波长为532nm和632.8nm入射光产生的完美涡旋光束作对比,结果表明,当入射波长较长时,仍可得到较小半径的完美涡旋光束。该研究为完美涡旋光束在微粒操纵、光学信息编码、光学测量及基于轨道角动量的光纤通信等领域的应用提供了新思路。 展开更多
关键词 物理光学 光学涡旋光束 完美涡旋光束 自由调控 微粒操纵
光学旋涡与轨道角动量光通信 被引量:12
作者 袁小聪 贾平 +5 位作者 雷霆 张萌 闵长俊 李玉茹 李朝晖 牛憨笨 《深圳大学学报(理工版)》 EI CAS 北大核心 2014年第4期331-346,共16页
光学旋涡(optical vortices,OV)光束包含螺旋型相位因子,具有全新的自由度——轨道角动量(orbital angular momentum,OAM).OAM本征值为l,且理论上拓扑荷l可取任意整数,这为光学旋涡在光通信系统中的各种应用提供基础.目前有很多方法... 光学旋涡(optical vortices,OV)光束包含螺旋型相位因子,具有全新的自由度——轨道角动量(orbital angular momentum,OAM).OAM本征值为l,且理论上拓扑荷l可取任意整数,这为光学旋涡在光通信系统中的各种应用提供基础.目前有很多方法可用于光学旋涡的产生与检测,而光学旋涡在光通信系统中的应用也正是基于这些方法.OAM在自由空间光通信系统中的应用机制可分为OAM键控(OAM状态作为调制方式)和OAM复用(OAM光束作为复用信道).针对这两种机制已展开大量的理论研究和实验探索,认为光学旋涡可为丰富自由空间光通信系统的调制方式和增加传输容量提供潜在的解决方案.光学旋涡光束的OAM和角向位置的不确定性关系也为之带来了与生俱来的安全优势.光学旋涡的独有特性为光通信系统的性能改善提供了巨大潜力. 展开更多
关键词 光通信技术 光学旋涡 轨道角动量 自由空间光通信 复用 调制 不确定原理 通信容量 误码率
Quantum digital spiral imaging 被引量:13
作者 Lixiang Chen Jijin Lei Jacquiline Romero 《Light(Science & Applications)》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第1期268-273,共6页
We demonstrate that the combination of digital spiral imaging with high-dimensional orbital angular momentum(OAM)entanglement can be used for efficiently probing and identifying pure phase objects,where the probing li... We demonstrate that the combination of digital spiral imaging with high-dimensional orbital angular momentum(OAM)entanglement can be used for efficiently probing and identifying pure phase objects,where the probing light does not necessarily touch the object,via the experimental,non-local decomposition of non-integer pure phase vortices in OAM-entangled photon pairs.The entangled photons are generated by parametric downconversion and then measured with spatial light modulators and single-mode fibers.The fractional phase vortices are defined in the idler photons,while their corresponding spiral spectra are obtained non-locally by scanning the measured OAM states in the signal photons.We conceptually illustrate our results with the biphoton Klyshko picture and the effective dimensionality to demonstrate the high-dimensional nature of the associated quantum OAM channels.Our result is a proof of concept that quantum imaging techniques exploiting high-dimensional entanglement can potentially be used for remote sensing. 展开更多
关键词 dimensionality Klyshko picture optical vortices orbital angular momentum quantum imaging
光的自旋和轨道角动量 被引量:9
作者 魏功祥 刘晓娟 +1 位作者 刘云燕 付圣贵 《激光与光电子学进展》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第10期30-37,共8页
光具有由偏振性决定的自旋角动量(SAM)和由光场空间分布决定的轨道角动量(OAM)两种不同的物理性质。重点对光的自旋和轨道角动量在光束生成和变换性质、存在形式和描述方法、力学效应、空间相干性和时间相干性、角向多普勒频移效应及参... 光具有由偏振性决定的自旋角动量(SAM)和由光场空间分布决定的轨道角动量(OAM)两种不同的物理性质。重点对光的自旋和轨道角动量在光束生成和变换性质、存在形式和描述方法、力学效应、空间相干性和时间相干性、角向多普勒频移效应及参量转换与量子纠缠等方面进行对比,探索它们的现象学差别,以期更好地理解光的本性,为该领域的研究提供启发和拓展思路。总结和分析了轨道角动量的最新研究成果,并展望了该领域的最新研究动态。 展开更多
关键词 物理光学 奇点光学 测量 角动量 光学涡旋 光学微操纵 量子纠缠
A review of multiple optical vortices generation: methods and applications 被引量:8
作者 Long ZHU Jian WANG 《Frontiers of Optoelectronics》 EI CSCD 2019年第1期52-68,共17页
Optical vortices carrying orbital angular momentum(OAM)have attracted increasing interest in recent years.Optical vortices have seen a variety of emerging applications in optical manipulation,optical trapping,optical ... Optical vortices carrying orbital angular momentum(OAM)have attracted increasing interest in recent years.Optical vortices have seen a variety of emerging applications in optical manipulation,optical trapping,optical tweezers,optical vortex knots,imaging,microscopy,sensing,metrology,quantum information processing,and optical communications.In various optical vortices enabled applications,the generation of multiple optical vortices is of great importance.In this review article,we focus on the methods of multiple optical vortices generation and its applications.We review the methods for generating multiple optical vortices in three cases,i.e.,1-to-N collinear OAM modes,1-to-N OAM mode array and N-to-N collinear OAM modes.Diverse applications of multiple OAM modes in optical communications and non-communication areas are presented.Future trends,perspectives and opportunities are also discussed. 展开更多
关键词 optical communications optical vortices ORBITAL angular momentum (OAM) mode-division multiplexing (MDM) MODE MULTICASTING
Optical vortex copier and regenerator in the Fourier domain 被引量:7
The generation and manipulation of optical vortices are of fundamental importance in a variety of promising applications. Here, we develop a nonlinear optical paradigm to implement self- and cross-convolution of optic... The generation and manipulation of optical vortices are of fundamental importance in a variety of promising applications. Here, we develop a nonlinear optical paradigm to implement self- and cross-convolution of optical vortex arrays, demonstrating the features of a vortex copier and regenerator. We use a phase-only spatial light modulator to prepare the 1064 nm invisible fundamental light to carry special optical vortex arrays and use a potassium titanyl phosphate crystal to perform type Ⅱ second-harmonic generation in the Fourier domain to achieve 532 nm visible structured vortices. Based on pure cross-convolution, we succeed in copying arbitrary-order single vortices as well as their superposition states onto a prearranged array of fundamental Gaussian spots. Also, based on the simultaneous effect of self- and cross-convolutions, we can expand the initial vortex lattices to regenerate more vortices carrying various higher topological charges. Our presented method of realizing imaging, an optical vortex copier and regenerator could find direct applications in optical mani optical communication, and quantum information processing with structured vortex pulation, optical arrays. 展开更多
关键词 optical vortices Harmonic generation and mixing Nonlinear optical signal processing
利用衍射光栅探测涡旋光束轨道角动量态的研究进展 被引量:8
作者 付时尧 高春清 《物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第3期4-12,共9页
涡旋光束是一种携带有轨道角动量的光束,在光学扳手、光通信、旋转探测等领域具有重要的应用价值.由于轨道角动量态是涡旋光束的特征值,因此如何探测光束的轨道角动量态分布至关重要.国内外学者已经提出了多种探测涡旋光束的技术,如干... 涡旋光束是一种携带有轨道角动量的光束,在光学扳手、光通信、旋转探测等领域具有重要的应用价值.由于轨道角动量态是涡旋光束的特征值,因此如何探测光束的轨道角动量态分布至关重要.国内外学者已经提出了多种探测涡旋光束的技术,如干涉法、衍射光栅法、多普勒分析法、超材料表面法等.这些技术中,衍射光栅测量法较为简单易行,应用较广.本综述主要介绍了几种当前利用衍射光栅测量涡旋光束轨道角动量态的主流方法,同时也介绍了如何利用衍射光栅来测量光束的轨道角动量谱. 展开更多
关键词 涡旋光束 轨道角动量 衍射光栅
高阶相干涡旋和光涡旋的动态演化和传输轨迹 被引量:6
作者 高鹏慧 李晋红 +1 位作者 郭苗军 田文艳 《光电子.激光》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第7期773-781,共9页
基于广义惠更斯-菲涅耳原理,以拉盖尔-高斯(LG,Laguerre-Gaussian)光束为例,详细研究了高阶相干涡旋、高阶光涡旋在自由空间、大气湍流中的动态演化和传输轨迹。研究表明,拓扑荷为+m的高阶相干涡旋在自由空间和大气湍流传输中均演化为m... 基于广义惠更斯-菲涅耳原理,以拉盖尔-高斯(LG,Laguerre-Gaussian)光束为例,详细研究了高阶相干涡旋、高阶光涡旋在自由空间、大气湍流中的动态演化和传输轨迹。研究表明,拓扑荷为+m的高阶相干涡旋在自由空间和大气湍流传输中均演化为m个拓扑荷为+1的相干涡旋;高阶光涡旋在自由空间传输中不分裂,且随传输距离的增加高阶光涡旋的位置不发生变化;拓扑荷为+m的高阶光涡旋在大气湍流传输中演化为m个拓扑荷为+1的光涡旋;光场的部分相干性和大气湍流的扰动都会诱导高阶相干涡旋发生分裂。所得结论,在光涡旋通信系统有潜在应用价值。 展开更多
关键词 相干涡旋 光涡旋 拓扑荷 大气湍流 拉盖尔-高斯(LG)光束
Non-spreading Bessel spatiotemporal optical vortices 被引量:7
作者 Qian Cao Jian Chen +3 位作者 Keyin Lu Chenhao Wan Andy Chong Qiwen Zhan 《Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CSCD 2022年第2期133-140,M0003,共9页
Non-spreading nature of Bessel spatiotemporal wavepackets is theoretically and experimentally investigated and orders of magnitude improvement in the spatiotemporal spreading has been demonstrated.The spatiotemporal c... Non-spreading nature of Bessel spatiotemporal wavepackets is theoretically and experimentally investigated and orders of magnitude improvement in the spatiotemporal spreading has been demonstrated.The spatiotemporal confinement provided by the Bessel spatiotemporal wavepacket is further exploited to transport transverse orbital angular momentum through embedding spatiotemporal optical vortex into the Bessel spatiotemporal wavepacket, constructing a new type of wavepacket: Bessel spatiotemporal optical vortex. Both numerical and experimental results demonstrate that spatiotemporal vortex structure can be well maintained and confined through much longer propagation. High order spatiotemporal optical vortices can also be better confined in the spatiotemporal domain and prevented from further breaking up, overcoming a potential major obstacle for future applications of spatiotemporal vortex. 展开更多
关键词 optical vortices Bessel spatiotemporal wavepacket Orbital angular momentum Spatiotemporal vortex
Superposition of orbital angular momentum of photons by a combined computer-generated hologram fabricated in silica glass with femtosecond laser pulses 被引量:5
作者 郭忠义 曲士良 +1 位作者 孙正和 刘树田 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2008年第11期4199-4203,共5页
This paper introduces a novel method to realize the superposition of orbital angular momentum of photons by combined computer-generated hologram (CCGH) fabricated in silica glass with femtosecond laser pulses. First... This paper introduces a novel method to realize the superposition of orbital angular momentum of photons by combined computer-generated hologram (CCGH) fabricated in silica glass with femtosecond laser pulses. Firstly, the two computer-generated holograms (CGH) of optical vortex were obtained and combined as a CCGH according to the design. Then the CCGH was directly written inside glass by femtosecond laser pulses induced microexplosion without any preor post-treatment of the material. The vortex beams with different vortex topological charges (including new topological charges) have been restructured using a collimated He-Ne laser beam incidence to the CCGH normally. A theoretical and experimental explanation has been presented for the generations of the new topological charges. 展开更多
关键词 femtosecond laser MICRO-STRUCTURE optical vortices CGH
Propagation of transverse photonic orbital angular momentum through few-mode fiber 被引量:5
作者 Qian Cao Zhuo Chen +2 位作者 Chong Zhang Andy Chong Qiwen Zhan 《Advanced Photonics》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2023年第3期101-107,共7页
Spatiotemporal optical vortex(STOV)pulses can carry transverse orbital angular momentum(OAM)that is perpendicular to the direction of pulse propagation.For a STOV pulse,its spatiotemporal profile can be significantly ... Spatiotemporal optical vortex(STOV)pulses can carry transverse orbital angular momentum(OAM)that is perpendicular to the direction of pulse propagation.For a STOV pulse,its spatiotemporal profile can be significantly distorted due to unbalanced dispersive and diffractive phases.This may limit its use in many research applications,where a long interaction length and a tight confinement of the pulse are needed.The first demonstration of STOV pulse propagation through a few-mode optical fiber is presented.Both numerical and experimental analysis on the propagation of STOV pulse through a commercially available SMF-28 standard telecommunication fiber is performed.The spatiotemporal phase feature of the pulse can be well kept after the pulse propagates a few-meter length through the fiber even with bending.Further propagation of the pulse will result in a breakup of its spatiotemporal spiral phase structure due to an excessive amount of modal group delay dispersion.The stable and robust transmission of transverse photonic OAM through optical fiber may open new opportunities for transverse photonic OAM studies in telecommunications,OAM lasers,and nonlinear fiber-optical research. 展开更多
关键词 photonic orbital angular momentum spatiotemporal optical vortices multimode fiber
基于光取向液晶的光场调控技术 被引量:6
作者 陈鹏 徐然 +1 位作者 胡伟 陆延青 《光学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第10期319-328,共10页
由于特种光束的独特性质和丰富应用,光场调控技术近年来得到了越来越广泛的关注。设计特定结构调控普通高斯光束的振幅、相位或偏振方向,可以得到一系列特殊光场。利用一种偏振敏感的光取向材料,基于动态缩微投影曝光系统的液晶光控取... 由于特种光束的独特性质和丰富应用,光场调控技术近年来得到了越来越广泛的关注。设计特定结构调控普通高斯光束的振幅、相位或偏振方向,可以得到一系列特殊光场。利用一种偏振敏感的光取向材料,基于动态缩微投影曝光系统的液晶光控取向技术,可实现精确、任意和可重构的液晶方位角的取向控制。基于该项技术制备了二值或渐变的液晶微结构元件,对入射光场的各个参量维度进行调控,产生了高品质、高效率的涡旋光束、矢量光束和艾里光束。利用该项技术制备的器件具有成本低廉、轻便集成、电光可调、偏振可控和宽波段适用等特点。综述了本课题组近期在该领域的系列研究工作,或将为光场调控技术带来全新的可能,为液晶光学器件带来更广泛的应用。 展开更多
关键词 物理光学 液晶器件 涡旋光束 光敏材料 激光整形 奇点光学
Generation of tunable high-order Laguerre– Gaussian petal-like modes from a mid-infrared optical vortex parametric oscillator
作者 Yuxia Zhou Xining Yang +4 位作者 Jianqiang Ye Yuanyuan Ma Ying Wan Jianxiang Wen Taximaiti Yusufu 《Advanced Photonics Nexus》 2024年第3期113-119,共7页
High-order Laguerre–Gaussian(LG)petal-like beams have become a topic of significant interest due to their potential application in next-generation optical trapping,quantum optics,and materials processing technologies... High-order Laguerre–Gaussian(LG)petal-like beams have become a topic of significant interest due to their potential application in next-generation optical trapping,quantum optics,and materials processing technologies.In this work,we demonstrate the generation of high-order LG beams with petal-like spatial profiles and tunable orbital angular momentum(OAM)in the mid-infrared wavelength region.These beams are generated using idler-resonant optical parametric oscillation(OPO)in a KTiOAsO_(4)(KTA)crystal.By adjusting the length of the resonant cavity,the OAM of the mid-infrared idler field can be tuned and we demonstrate tuning in the range of 0 to10.When using a maximum pump energy of 20.2 mJ,the maximum output energy of high-order modes LG_(0.45),LG_(0.48),and LG_(0.410) were 0.8,0.53,and 0.46 mJ,respectively.The means by which high-order LG modes with petal-like spatial profiles and tunable OAM were generated from the OPO is theoretically modeled by examining the spatial overlap efficiency of the beam waists of the pump and resonant idler fields within the center of the KTA crystal.The methodology presented in this work offers a simple and flexible method to wavelength-convert laser emission and generate high-order LG modes. 展开更多
关键词 high-order Laguerre-Gaussian petal-like modes optical parametric oscillator nonlinear optics KTiOAsO_(4) optical vortices.
Iso-propagation vortices with OAM-independent size and divergence toward future faster optical communications
作者 Wenxiang Yan Zhaozhong Chen +6 位作者 Xian Long Yuan Gao Zheng Yuan Zhi-Cheng Ren Xi-Lin Wang Jianping Ding Hui-Tian Wang 《Advanced Photonics》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第3期51-59,共9页
Recognized in the 1990s,vortex beams'ability to carry orbital angular momentum(OAM)has significantly contributed to applications in optical manipulation and high-dimensional classical and quantum information commu... Recognized in the 1990s,vortex beams'ability to carry orbital angular momentum(OAM)has significantly contributed to applications in optical manipulation and high-dimensional classical and quantum information communication.However,inherent diffraction in free space results in the inevitable expansion of beam size and divergence contingent upon the OAM,limiting vortex beams'applicability in areas such as spatial mode multiplexing communication,fiber-optic data transmission,and particle manipulation.These domains necessitate vortex beams with OAM-independent propagation characteristics.We introduce iso-propagation vortices(IPVs),vortex beams characterized by OAM-independent propagation behavior,achieved through precise radial index configuration of Laguerre-Gaussian beams.IPVs display notable transmission dynamics,including a reduced quality factor,resilience post-damage,and decreased and uniform modal scattering under atmospheric turbulence.Their distinctive attributes render IPVs valuable for potential applications in imaging,microscopy,optical communication,metrology,quantum information processing,and light-matter interactions.Notably,within optical communication,the case study suggests that the IPV basis,due to its OAM-independent propagation behavior,provides access to a more extensive spectrum of data channels compared with conventional spatial multiplexing techniques,consequently augmenting information capacity. 展开更多
关键词 orbital angular momentum optical communication structured light optical vortices
基于混合光模式阵列的自由空间编码通信 被引量:4
作者 解万财 黄素娟 +2 位作者 邵蔚 朱福全 陈木生 《物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第14期329-337,共9页
光学涡旋的产生、传输与应用是当前光学领域的研究热点之一.光学涡旋具有轨道角动量,作为一种全新的自由度,丰富了目前光通信的方式.利用面向目标的共轭对称延拓傅里叶计算全息技术,基于空间光调制器,用单束激光直接产生混合光模式阵列... 光学涡旋的产生、传输与应用是当前光学领域的研究热点之一.光学涡旋具有轨道角动量,作为一种全新的自由度,丰富了目前光通信的方式.利用面向目标的共轭对称延拓傅里叶计算全息技术,基于空间光调制器,用单束激光直接产生混合光模式阵列进行编码通信.采用由单光涡和复合光涡构成的4种易于识别的模式组成2×2混合光模式阵列,进行灰度图像的编码传输.在接收端提取混合光模式阵列图的信息并进行解码,实现零误码的灰度图像再现.以传输一幅Lena图像为例,使用2×2混合光模式阵列进行编码通信,相对于传统单光涡编码通信,其信息容量可增加4倍.该方法光路简单易行,可扩展性强,进一步拓展使用4×4混合光模式阵列进行编码通信,信息容量提升16倍.提出的混合光模式阵列编码通信方法对于提高信息传输容量具有重要价值. 展开更多
关键词 光学涡旋 计算全息图 编码 空间光调制器
Dissipative gap solitons and vortices in moiré optical lattices
作者 Li Wang Zhenya Yan +1 位作者 Yi Zhu Jianhua Zeng 《National Science Open》 2024年第6期139-151,共13页
Considerable attention has been recently paid to elucidation the linear,nonlinear and quantum physics of moire patterns because of the innate extraordinary physical properties and potential applications.Particularly,m... Considerable attention has been recently paid to elucidation the linear,nonlinear and quantum physics of moire patterns because of the innate extraordinary physical properties and potential applications.Particularly,moire superlattices consisted of two periodic structures with a twist angle offer a new platform for studying soliton theory and its practical applications in various physical systems including optics,while such studies were so far limited to reversible or conservative nonlinear systems.Herein,we provide insight into soliton physics in dissipative physical settings with moire optical lattices,using numerical simulations and theoretical analysis.We reveal linear localization-delocalization transitions,and find that such nonlinear settings support plentiful localized gap modes representing as dissipative gap solitons and vortices in periodic and aperiodic moire optical lattices,and identify numerically the stable regions of these localized modes.Our predicted dissipative localized modes provide insightful understanding of soliton physics in dissipative nonlinear systems since dissipation is everywhere. 展开更多
关键词 moire optical lattices dissipative gap solitons and vortices localization-delocalization transition dissipation and gain self-defocusing nonlinearity
利用超表面的涡旋光束产生进展(特邀) 被引量:4
作者 吕浩然 白毅华 +2 位作者 叶紫微 董淼 杨元杰 《红外与激光工程》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2021年第9期54-69,共16页
涡旋光束因为携带轨道角动量,在光通信、粒子操纵及量子信息等领域都具有重要的应用前景。目前有很多方法可用于产生涡旋光束,如利用螺旋相位板、模式转换、空间光调制器等。然而,传统的方法需要搭建体积相对较大的光学系统,限制了其在... 涡旋光束因为携带轨道角动量,在光通信、粒子操纵及量子信息等领域都具有重要的应用前景。目前有很多方法可用于产生涡旋光束,如利用螺旋相位板、模式转换、空间光调制器等。然而,传统的方法需要搭建体积相对较大的光学系统,限制了其在集成光学等领域中的应用。不同于传统方法中通过传输效应来获得相位变化,超表面可以通过纳米结构使入射光产生相位突变,在纳米尺度上独立控制动态或几何相位以产生涡旋。超表面具有强大光控制能力的同时,还具有体积小、易于集成等特点,因此成为了产生涡旋光的理想方法。文中在介绍产生涡旋光束基本原理的基础上,回顾了近年来利用超表面产生涡旋光束的研究进展。首先介绍了利用动力学相位、Pancharatnam-Berry (P-B)相位以及混合相位产生光学涡旋的方法。随后,对利用全息与编码超表面产生涡旋及通过多路复用产生多个涡旋等不同方法进行了综述。最后,对基于超表面产生涡旋的一些亟待解决的问题和应用前景作了简单总结与讨论。 展开更多
关键词 光学涡旋 轨道角动量 超表面 产生方法
Spatiotemporal optical vortex wavepackets with phase singularities embedded in multiple domains[Invited] 被引量:3
作者 顾亮亮 曹前 詹其文 《Chinese Optics Letters》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2023年第8期6-11,共6页
Spatiotemporal optical vortex(STOV)wavepacket carrying transverse photonic orbital angular momentum(OAM)has been extensively studied in the past few years.In this Letter,we propose and study a novel STOV wavepacket wi... Spatiotemporal optical vortex(STOV)wavepacket carrying transverse photonic orbital angular momentum(OAM)has been extensively studied in the past few years.In this Letter,we propose and study a novel STOV wavepacket with multiple phase singularities embedded in different space–time domains using analytical and numerical approaches.By tuning different parameters used for designing the wavepacket,it is possible to engineer both the magnitude and orientation of the photonic OAM in space–time.The vectorially controllable OAM will pave new avenues and facilitate applications such as novel optical communication,studying complicated quantum systems,and spin-and-OAM interactions. 展开更多
关键词 spatiotemporal optical vortices photonic orbital angular momentum ultrafast optics
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