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乌梅的药理作用研究进展 被引量:92
作者 张小琼 侯晓军 +1 位作者 杨敏 冷静 《中国药房》 CAS 北大核心 2016年第25期3567-3570,共4页
目的:为深入研究和开发应用乌梅提供参考。方法:以"乌梅""药理作用""Prunus mume""Pharmacological action""Modern pharmacological effects"等为关键词,组合查询2000-2015年在Pub... 目的:为深入研究和开发应用乌梅提供参考。方法:以"乌梅""药理作用""Prunus mume""Pharmacological action""Modern pharmacological effects"等为关键词,组合查询2000-2015年在PubMed、ScienceDirect、中国知网、万方、维普等数据库中的相关文献,并进行整理和归纳。结果:共检索到相关文献1 153篇,其中有效文献52篇。乌梅具有抑菌、镇咳、镇静催眠及抗惊厥、抗病毒、抗变态反应、抗肿瘤、抗氧化、抗纤维化、降低血脂、抑制黑色素、抗生育、治疗结肠炎、降血糖、防治结石和止血等多种药理作用;且乌梅不同炮制品、不同用药部位的药理作用不完全相同,镇咳作用可能与其所含的苦杏仁苷有关,降血糖作用与乌梅中的苹果酸和枸橼酸有关,齐墩果酸和熊果酸可能是乌梅抗菌、抗肿瘤等作用的活性成分。结论:乌梅是一种安全性高的药食同源药材,其药理作用广泛,目前在抑菌、抗肿瘤、抗变态反应、抗氧化作用、治疗结肠炎方面研究较多,但其降血糖及止血作用还有待深入研究。建议相关学者深入研究乌梅及其用药各部位、各炮制品的不同药理作用的具体活性成分及作用机制。 展开更多
关键词 乌梅 药理作用 PRUNUS mume
利用分子标记对桃、李、杏、梅、樱类植物系统发育的分析 被引量:23
作者 程中平 《中国南方果树》 北大核心 2003年第3期45-50,共6页
采用RAPD技术 ,利用从 2 0 0个 10碱基随机引物中筛选的 2 2个随机引物对桃、李、杏、梅、樱类植物中的 2 2 3个试材进行了DNA扩增分析。结果表明 :每个随机引物都能在桃、李、杏、梅、樱类植物的DNA扩增带中找到多态 ,但每类植物没有... 采用RAPD技术 ,利用从 2 0 0个 10碱基随机引物中筛选的 2 2个随机引物对桃、李、杏、梅、樱类植物中的 2 2 3个试材进行了DNA扩增分析。结果表明 :每个随机引物都能在桃、李、杏、梅、樱类植物的DNA扩增带中找到多态 ,但每类植物没有能区别其他类别的共有特征带。对 2 2个随机引物 180个位点上的RAPD带进行聚类分析 ,结合前人从形态学、细胞学、孢粉学和酶学的研究结果 ,认为桃、李、杏、梅、樱类植物可划分为桃属、李属、杏属和樱属。 展开更多
关键词 分子标记 系统发育 蔷薇科
基于ITS序列探讨核果类果树桃、李、杏、梅、樱的系统发育关系 被引量:31
作者 刘艳玲 徐立铭 程中平 《园艺学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第1期23-28,共6页
测定了桃属(Amygdalus L.)8个野生种的ITS序列,并结合GenBank中已有的3个近缘属(李属、杏属和樱属)18个代表种的ITS数据,组成数据距阵,应用PAUP程序中的最大简约法构建了核果类果树桃李杏梅樱的系统发育关系。结果表明:基因树上,桃李杏... 测定了桃属(Amygdalus L.)8个野生种的ITS序列,并结合GenBank中已有的3个近缘属(李属、杏属和樱属)18个代表种的ITS数据,组成数据距阵,应用PAUP程序中的最大简约法构建了核果类果树桃李杏梅樱的系统发育关系。结果表明:基因树上,桃李杏梅樱类植物被分成2大分支,樱属(Cerasus Mill.)各个种构成一单系分支(CladeⅠ),并与其余各属构成另一单系分支,形成姊妹群关系位于系统发育树的基部,自展支持率分别为68%;而李属(Prunus L.)、杏属(Armeniaca Mill.)和桃属(Amygdalus L.)聚在一起构成另一个单系分支(CladeⅡ),得到了Bootstrap值的有力支持(100%),表明它们三属之间可能存在很近的亲缘关系或具有共同的起源。在CladeⅡ分支内又分成两支,一支为桃属,一支为李属和杏属,其自展支持率为100%和54%。最后根据ITS基因树并结合各属的形态特征及地理分布讨论了核果类果树的进化和分类问题。 展开更多
关键词 核果类 系统发育
梅花不同样本间亲缘关系的AFLP初步分析 被引量:16
作者 杨朝东 王健 +2 位作者 张俊卫 张波 包满珠 《中国农业科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第10期2084-2089,共6页
应用AFLP技术初步研究20个梅花株系间的亲缘关系,19对选择性引物扩增出清晰的总位点数918个,其中多态性位点324个,占总位点数的35.29%。采用SAS类平均法聚类分析AFLP数据,λ值为0.9759时,将20个梅花株系分为4个类群。半野生种曲梗梅的... 应用AFLP技术初步研究20个梅花株系间的亲缘关系,19对选择性引物扩增出清晰的总位点数918个,其中多态性位点324个,占总位点数的35.29%。采用SAS类平均法聚类分析AFLP数据,λ值为0.9759时,将20个梅花株系分为4个类群。半野生种曲梗梅的多态性位点数最高,‘多萼朱砂’、‘复瓣小宫粉’等梅花品种次之。在类群Ⅳ中,具有明显亲缘关系的两组亲本及其杂交子代各自聚为一组,表明AFLP技术和聚类分析方法可以用来研究梅花品种间的亲缘关系。‘小宫粉’、‘江南朱砂’和它们的子代亲缘关系密切,结果仍能区别其较小差异,这有助于解决梅花中存在的不同产地相同品种异名和同名而品种不同的问题。垂枝类梅花品种间有较近的亲缘关系或者遗传来源,支持枝姿作为梅花分类的重要形态特征,垂枝类品种属于梅花中比较进化的类群与其历史演化相吻合。本研究中所采用的DNA限制性内切酶酶切组合及所筛选的AFLP选择性引物对适合研究梅花品种间的亲缘关系和遗传多样性。 展开更多
关键词 梅花(Pruaus mume Sieb.et Zucc.) AFLP 聚类分析 亲缘关系 AFLP技术 梅花品种 限制性内切酶酶切
基于自助法的小样本Weibull分布可靠性分析 被引量:17
作者 高攀东 沈雪瑾 +1 位作者 陈晓阳 夏新涛 《机械设计与研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第2期164-167,共4页
针对高可靠性长寿命机械产品在小样本定时截尾试验方案下的可靠性评估问题,提出了一种基于Weibull分布和小样本数据的可靠性评估新方法。首先根据自助法将定时截尾试验数据进行计算机模拟,通过自助再抽样原理产生再生样本达到扩大样本... 针对高可靠性长寿命机械产品在小样本定时截尾试验方案下的可靠性评估问题,提出了一种基于Weibull分布和小样本数据的可靠性评估新方法。首先根据自助法将定时截尾试验数据进行计算机模拟,通过自助再抽样原理产生再生样本达到扩大样本信息的目的,其次运用中值无偏矩估计法对每组再生样本进行计算,得到威布尔分布的参数值,进而可以得到产品的可靠度估计。通过Monte Carlo模拟结果表明,所提方法的评估结果误差较小,结果稳健。最后通过一个实例分析,证明了所提方法的正确性和对小样本的适用性。 展开更多
关键词 WEIBULL分布 小样本 定时截尾 中值无偏矩估计 自助法 可靠性
基于表型和SSR标记的梅花种质资源遗传多样性分析 被引量:11
作者 赵靓 罗燕杰 +4 位作者 肖思文 蔡亚南 何立飞 遆羽静 李庆卫 《分子植物育种》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第13期4458-4469,共12页
为了提高梅花种质资源保存的效率和种质创新,本研究利用表型性状和SSR分子标记技术对11份梅花种质资源进行遗传多样性分析。结果表明,11份种质资源表型性状具有丰富的变异类型,11个数量性状在群体间差异均达到极显著水平(p<0.01),品... 为了提高梅花种质资源保存的效率和种质创新,本研究利用表型性状和SSR分子标记技术对11份梅花种质资源进行遗传多样性分析。结果表明,11份种质资源表型性状具有丰富的变异类型,11个数量性状在群体间差异均达到极显著水平(p<0.01),品种内变异系数和品种间变异系数最大值均为核重(10.49%和103.56%),均值分别为6.26和26.16;遗传多样性指数(H’)的变幅为1.16~1.76,均值为1.44。24对SSR引物共检测到79个等位基因,平均为3.251 7,有效等位基因数在1.219 5~4.566 0之间,均值为2.537 3;香农信息指数(I)、期望杂合度(He)、观测杂合度(Ho)的变化分别为0.325 1~1.555 8、0.180 0~0.781 0、0.189 5~0.8182,均值分别为0.984 5、0.565 5、0.603 8;多态信息含量(PIC)值在0.163 8~0.745 1之间,均值为0.502 1;Q型聚类和基于UPGMA聚类的结果部分一致,遗传相似系数在0.445 8~0.807 2之间。综上看出,供试材料优良性状突出,遗传变异丰富,为新品种的选育提供帮助。 展开更多
关键词 梅花(Prunus mume) 表型性状 SSR标记 遗传多样性 聚类分析
响应面法优化超声辅助提取果梅果实有机酸工艺 被引量:10
作者 靳志飞 陈红 《湖北农业科学》 2016年第7期1782-1787,共6页
以果梅(Prunus mume Sieb.et Zucc)果实为原料,利用响应面法确定其有机酸的超声辅助提取最佳工艺条件。在单因素试验基础上,以超声温度、超声时间、料液比、超声频率为自变量,有机酸提取量为响应值,使用中心组合(Box-Behnken)试验设计... 以果梅(Prunus mume Sieb.et Zucc)果实为原料,利用响应面法确定其有机酸的超声辅助提取最佳工艺条件。在单因素试验基础上,以超声温度、超声时间、料液比、超声频率为自变量,有机酸提取量为响应值,使用中心组合(Box-Behnken)试验设计对各个因素的显著性和交互作用进行分析。结果表明,果梅果实有机酸的最佳提取工艺为超声温度36℃、超声时间30 min、料液比1∶19(m L/g)、超声功率59 k Hz、提取次数2次。在此条件下有机酸提取量的预测值为6.40%,实测值为6.24%,两者较接近。表明BoxBehnken试验设计和响应面法可以优化果梅果实有机酸的超声辅助提取工艺。 展开更多
关键词 果梅(Prunus mume Sieb.et Zucc)果实 超声辅助提取 有机酸 响应面法 工艺优化
Advanced hepatocellular carcinoma responds to MK615, a compound extract from the Japanese apricot “Prunus mume ” 被引量:7
作者 Takashi Hoshino Hitoshi Takagi +6 位作者 Atsushi Naganuma Eri Koitabashi Sanae Uehara Naomi Sakamoto Tomohiro Kudo Ken Sato Satoru Kakizaki 《World Journal of Hepatology》 CAS 2013年第10期596-600,共5页
MK615, a compound extracted from the Japanese apricot "Prunus mume " has been reported to have in vitro anti-tumor activities against several cancer cell lines,including hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC). Howeve... MK615, a compound extracted from the Japanese apricot "Prunus mume " has been reported to have in vitro anti-tumor activities against several cancer cell lines,including hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC). However, the clinical effects and feasibility of administering MK615for patients with HCC were unknown. We experienced a case with advanced HCC for which MK615 was effective against both lymph node and pulmonary metastases. A 60-year-old female underwent surgical resection of a 9 cm HCC in the right lobe. The pathological diagnosis was moderately differentiated HCC with vascular invasion. The HCC recurred in the liver 8 mo after the surgery. Radiofrequency ablation and transarterial infusion chemotherapy were performed, but the recurrence was not controlled. One year after the intrahepatic recurrence, pulmonary and lymph metastasis appeared.Sorafenib was administered, but was not effective.Then, MK615 was administered as a final alternative therapy after informed consent was obtained from the patient. Three months later, her alpha-fetoprotein level decrease and both the lymph node and pulmonary metastases decreased in size. The patient has survived for more than 17 mo after the MK615 administration, and was in good condition. Although further investigations are necessary to clarify its safety and efficacy in humans, MK615 may be useful for the treatment of HCC,without serious adverse effects. 展开更多
New anti-proliferative agent,MK615,from Japanese apricot “Prunus mume” induces striking autophagy in colon cancer cells in vitro 被引量:9
作者 Shozo Mori Tokihiko Sawada +3 位作者 Toshie Okada Tatsushi Ohsawa Masakazu Adachi Kubota Keiichi 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第48期6512-6517,共6页
AIM: To investigate the anti-neoplastic effects of MK615, an extract from the Japanese apricot (Prunus mume), against colon cancer cells. METHODS: Three colon cancer cell lines, SW480, COLO, and WiDr, were cultured wi... AIM: To investigate the anti-neoplastic effects of MK615, an extract from the Japanese apricot (Prunus mume), against colon cancer cells. METHODS: Three colon cancer cell lines, SW480, COLO, and WiDr, were cultured with MK615. Growth inhibition was evaluated by cell proliferation assay and killing activity was determined by lactate dehydrogenase assay. Induction of apoptosis was evaluated by annexin Ⅴ flow cytometry. Morphological changes were studied by light and electron microscopy, and immunofluorescence staining with Atg8. RESULTS: MK615 inhibited growth and lysed SW480, COLO and WiDr cells in a dose-dependent manner. Annexin Ⅴ flow cytometry showed that MK615 induced apoptosis after 6 h incubation, at which point the occurrence of apoptotic cells was 68.0%, 65.7% and 64.7% for SW480, COLO, and WiDr cells, respectively. Light and electron microscopy, and immunofluorescence staining with Atg8 revealed that MK615 induced massive cytoplasmic vacuoles (autophagosomes) in all three cell lines. CONCLUSION: MK615 has an anti-neoplastic effect against colon cancer cells. The effect may be exerted by induction of apoptosis and autophagy. 展开更多
关键词 Colon cancer Japanese apricot Prunus mume AUTOPHAGY Apoptosis MK615
Photoperiod-and temperature-mediated control of the ethylene response and winter dormancy induction in Prunus mume 被引量:7
作者 Ping Li Tangchun Zheng +6 位作者 Xiaokang Zhuo Man Zhang Xue Yong Lulu Li Jia Wang Tangren Cheng Qixiang Zhang 《Horticultural Plant Journal》 SCIE CSCD 2021年第3期232-242,共11页
Plant dormancy is essential for perennial plant survival.Different genotypes of Prunus mume,including Eumume group and Apricot Mei group,undergo leaf senescence and dormancy at different times.In order to verify the c... Plant dormancy is essential for perennial plant survival.Different genotypes of Prunus mume,including Eumume group and Apricot Mei group,undergo leaf senescence and dormancy at different times.In order to verify the cold resistance of P.mume,freeze resistance evaluation was carried out.Our results showed that Apricot Mei group had a stronger freezing tolerance than Eumume group and that leaf senescence and dormancy of Apricot Mei group occurred at an earlier period before winter.Based on phenotypic data in response to seasonal climate change,the significant candidate regions were selected using GWAS.Furthermore,through KEGG pathway and qRT-PCR analyses,we found that the ethylene-related genes,including PmEIL(Pm002057)and PmERF(Pm004265),were significantly upregulated in‘Songchun’Mei(Apricot Mei group)and downregulated in‘Zaohua Lve’Mei(Eumume group).Ethylene-related genes expression models showed that ethylene may be indirectly involved in the induction of dormancy.The PmEIL and PmERF genes were the core genes of the ethylene signal transduction pathway and were regulated by the exogenous ACC or PZA compounds.For non-dormant or weekly dormant perennial plants,application of ACC was able to induce plant dormancy and thus enhance cold/freeze tolerance.Overall,the expression of the major ethylene genes played a significant role in dormancy induction and freezing tolerance in P.mume;accordingly,application of ACC and PZA compounds were an effective approach for enhancing cold/freeze of tolerance of woody plant. 展开更多
关键词 Prunus mume Seasonal climate change Ethylene-related genes Dormancy induction Freezing tolerance
梅花粉生活力和授粉亲合力的测定 被引量:7
作者 张彦书 《四川农业大学学报》 CSCD 1990年第1期27-31,共5页
关键词 花粉 生活力 授粉 亲合力
Genetic Relationships among Prunus mume var. pendula Using AFLP Markers 被引量:3
作者 Ming Jun Zhang Qixiang +3 位作者 Ru Guangxin Mao Qingshan Yan Xiaolan Lan Yanping 《Forestry Studies in China》 CAS 2003年第4期26-30,共5页
Genetic relationships among Prunus mume var. pendula were studied by using AFLP markers. 18 accessions representing 14 cultivars of Prunus mume var. pendula were selected from the germplasm collection at the Research ... Genetic relationships among Prunus mume var. pendula were studied by using AFLP markers. 18 accessions representing 14 cultivars of Prunus mume var. pendula were selected from the germplasm collection at the Research Center of China Mei Flower. Seven Mse I-EcoR I AFLP primer combinations revealed 450 legible bands, and 269 of which were polymorphic markers. A similarity matrix was prepared using the simple matching coefficient of similarity and Neis (72) distance coefficient. A UPGMA dendrogram demonstrated the genetic relationships of the cultivars. The information given by AFLP markers was basically consistent with the morphological classification and the evolutionary history of the morphotypes, and roughly supported the new revised classification system for Chinese Mei Cultivars. But there were still several exceptions: 1) the Guhong Chuizhi inserted between the Tiaoxue Chuizhi and the Danfen Chuizhi; 2) the Wufu Chuizhi kept off the Pink Pendant Form, and the Moshan Chuizhi was removed from Viridiflora Pendant Form; 3) the Danbi Chuizhi and the Shuangbi Chuizhi of Viridiflora Pendant Form got together well but fell within the Pink Pendant Form. 展开更多
关键词 Prunus mume Sieb. et Zucc. amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) Prunus mume var. pendula (Pendulous Mei Group) genetic relationship
Orthogonal Test Optimization of Extraction Technology of Total Fla-vonoids from Fruits and Leaves of Prunus mume Sieb. et Zucc. and Its in Vitro Anti-oxidation Activity 被引量:4
作者 Xue ZHAI Qian JIN +2 位作者 Haiyan XIANG Fenglin WANG Yuan LIU 《Medicinal Plant》 2017年第2期25-31,36,共8页
[Objectives]To optimize the extraction technology of total flavonoids component,and investigate its in vitro anti-oxidation activity.[Methods]The single factor was inspected firstly. By orthogonal experiment,the best ... [Objectives]To optimize the extraction technology of total flavonoids component,and investigate its in vitro anti-oxidation activity.[Methods]The single factor was inspected firstly. By orthogonal experiment,the best extraction conditions of total flavonoids from fruits and leaves of P. mume Sieb. et Zucc. were determined,and reducing ability of the extracted total flavonoids and its DPPH and ABTS scavenging abilities were explored. [Results] The best extraction technology conditions: solid-liquid ratio of 1∶ 50,ethanol concentration of 50%,extraction time of 2. 5 h,extraction temperature of 85 ℃,two-time extraction. By detecting DPPH and ABTS scavenging abilities of total flavonoids,the anti-oxidation activity of the total flavonoids from fruits and leaves of P. mume Sieb. et Zucc. was analyzed and evaluated. [Conclusions]Fruits and leaves of P. mume Sieb. et Zucc. had a certain in vitro anti-oxidation activity,and heat reflux extraction method of its total flavonoids had high extraction rate and simple and convenient operation,which had some practical value. 展开更多
关键词 Prunus mume Sieb. ET Zucc. FRUITS and LEAVES ANTI-OXIDATION TOTAL flavonoids Orthogonal process
梅花品种AFLP分析鉴定研究 被引量:1
作者 吕英民 殷婧 +1 位作者 杨果 张启翔 《分子植物育种》 CAS CSCD 2006年第S2期12-22,共11页
本研究采用AFLP分子标记技术,以筛选出的引物组合E-CAC/M-ACC进行扩增,建立了南京和武汉的229个梅花品种的DNA指纹图谱,并分别选用简单匹配系数和Nei’s遗传距离系数,进行不加权成对算术平均法聚类分析,分别建立了聚类树,结果表明:聚类... 本研究采用AFLP分子标记技术,以筛选出的引物组合E-CAC/M-ACC进行扩增,建立了南京和武汉的229个梅花品种的DNA指纹图谱,并分别选用简单匹配系数和Nei’s遗传距离系数,进行不加权成对算术平均法聚类分析,分别建立了聚类树,结果表明:聚类分析显示了供试梅花品种间的亲缘关系;AFLPDNA指纹相对灵敏地鉴别了梅花相近品种,并与形态学鉴别分类结论相吻合,表明DNA指纹鉴定结合形态学鉴定方法具有较高的准确性和有效性。本研究还对28个垂枝类梅花品种进行了聚类分析,结果表明垂枝类梅花品种与直枝类梅花品种相混杂聚类情况比较普遍。 展开更多
关键词 梅(Prununs mume) AFLP DNA指纹 品种鉴定
梅花垂枝性状遗传研究初报 被引量:3
作者 吕英民 陈俊愉 《北京林业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第S2期43-45,118,共4页
利用梅花垂枝品种和普通品种进行杂交,研究了垂枝性状的遗传规律。研究表明:梅花垂枝性状属于完全隐性的质量性状,但不符合孟德尔遗传分离比例,可能有更复杂的遗传机制。GA_3处理没有改变垂枝梅花枝条的分枝角度。所以,梅花的垂枝性状... 利用梅花垂枝品种和普通品种进行杂交,研究了垂枝性状的遗传规律。研究表明:梅花垂枝性状属于完全隐性的质量性状,但不符合孟德尔遗传分离比例,可能有更复杂的遗传机制。GA_3处理没有改变垂枝梅花枝条的分枝角度。所以,梅花的垂枝性状的生理机制与垂枝樱与垂枝桃的生理机制不同,有待进一步深入研究。 展开更多
关键词 梅花(Prunus mume) 垂枝性状 赤霉素 遗传
作者 魏娜 张然 姜媛 《林业科技通讯》 2024年第5期76-78,共3页
梅花(Prunus mume)是我国重要的观赏植物,在园林景观中应用广泛。近年来梅花主要病虫害种类及发生情况有所不同,本文以紫竹院公园为例,对园内不同样地的梅花病虫害利用踏查的方法进行了研究。结果表明,15种病虫害中,虫害8种(鳞翅目3种,... 梅花(Prunus mume)是我国重要的观赏植物,在园林景观中应用广泛。近年来梅花主要病虫害种类及发生情况有所不同,本文以紫竹院公园为例,对园内不同样地的梅花病虫害利用踏查的方法进行了研究。结果表明,15种病虫害中,虫害8种(鳞翅目3种,半翅目4种、膜翅目1种)、病害4种(侵染性病害2种,非侵染性病害2种)、有害螨类2种和其他有害植物1种,其中最常见的病害是穿孔病,最常见的虫害是桃蚜。结果可为进一步研究提供理论依据。 展开更多
关键词 梅花 Prunus mume 北京 病虫害 调查
作者 简大为 贾斌斌 +3 位作者 涂俊杰 陈彪 李金成 舒芬芬 《中南农业科技》 2024年第6期233-236,共4页
阐述了梅花(Prunus mume Sieb.)扦插繁殖中梅花树种的遗传差异、插穗生长程度、扦插繁殖时间的差异、基质选择以及不同类型植物生长调节剂对成活率的影响,讨论了种植后环境对扦插繁殖过程的影响,对扦插繁殖存在的问题提出了一些建议,旨... 阐述了梅花(Prunus mume Sieb.)扦插繁殖中梅花树种的遗传差异、插穗生长程度、扦插繁殖时间的差异、基质选择以及不同类型植物生长调节剂对成活率的影响,讨论了种植后环境对扦插繁殖过程的影响,对扦插繁殖存在的问题提出了一些建议,旨在进一步促进梅花扦插繁殖的发展。 展开更多
关键词 梅花(Prunus mume Sieb.) 扦插生根 繁殖 研究进展
Huanglian decoction suppresses the growth of hepatocellular carcinoma cells by reducing CCNB1 expression 被引量:6
作者 Min Li Hua Shang +2 位作者 Tao Wang Shui-Qing Yang Lei Li 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2021年第10期939-958,共20页
BACKGROUND Hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC)is one of the most prevalent cancers in human populations worldwide.Huanglian decoction is one of the most important Chinese medicine formulas,with the potential to treat cancer... BACKGROUND Hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC)is one of the most prevalent cancers in human populations worldwide.Huanglian decoction is one of the most important Chinese medicine formulas,with the potential to treat cancer.AIM To investigate the role and mechanism of Huanglian decoction on HCC cells.METHODS To identify differentially expressed genes(DEGs),we downloaded gene expression profile data from The Cancer Genome Atlas Liver Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Gene Expression Omnibus(GSE45436)databases.We obtained phytochemicals of the four herbs of Huanglian decoction from the Traditional Chinese Medicine Systems Pharmacology Database and Analysis Platform.We also established a regulatory network of DEGs and drug target genes and subsequently analyzed key genes using bioinformatics approaches.Furthermore,we conducted in vitro experiments to explore the effect of Huanglian decoction and to verify the predictions.In particular,the CCNB1 gene was knocked down to verify the primary target of this decoction.Through the identification of the expression levels of key proteins,we determined the primary mechanism of Huanglian decoction in HCC.RESULTS Based on the results of the network pharmacological analysis,we revealed 5 bioactive compounds in Huanglian decoction that act on HCC.In addition,a protein-protein interaction network analysis of the target genes of these five compounds as well as expression and prognosis analyses were performed in tumors.CCNB1 was confirmed to be the primary gene that may be highly expressed in tumors and was significantly associated with a worse prognosis.We also noted that CCNB1 may serve as an independent prognostic indicator in HCC.Moreover,in vitro experiments demonstrated that Huanglian decoction significantly inhibited the growth,migration,and invasiveness of HCC cells and induced cell apoptosis and G2/M phase arrest.Further analysis showed that the decoction may inhibit the growth of HCC cells by downregulating the CCNB1 expression level.After Huanglian decoction treatment,the expression 展开更多
关键词 Huanglian decoction(Coptidis Rhizoma Zingiberis Rhizoma Folium Artemisiae Argyi mume Fructus) Hepatocellular carcinoma The Cancer Genome Atlas Gene Expression Omnibus P53 pathway Cell cycle Apoptosis
Comparative Analysis of Fingerprint Spectra of Fruits and Leaves of Prunus mume Collected at Various Altitudes in Different Months 被引量:1
作者 Qian JIN Xue ZHAI +3 位作者 Fang XIAO Zhe LIU Yongxia KE Yuan LIU 《Medicinal Plant》 2017年第4期23-26,31,共5页
[Objectives] To study characteristic fingerprint spectra of fruits( its stones were removed) and leaves of Prunus mume collected at various altitudes in different regions of Jinchuan County,the Aba Tibetan and Qiang A... [Objectives] To study characteristic fingerprint spectra of fruits( its stones were removed) and leaves of Prunus mume collected at various altitudes in different regions of Jinchuan County,the Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture,Sichuan Province,China in different months by using Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography( UPLC).[Methods]The evaluation system of similarity of chromatographic fingerprint spectra of traditional Chinese medicine and SPSS19. 0 were used to assess their similarity and to establish the reasonable reliable common model of chromatographic fingerprints,and the quality of the medicinal materials was evaluated.[Results] Seen from the fingerprint spectra of fruits( its stones were removed) and leaves of P. mume collected at different altitudes in various months,there were 15 common peaks in the fingerprint spectra of the fruits( its stones were removed),and the similarity of the 28 samples was higher than 0. 900,showing that there were small differences between the samples of the fruits( its stones were removed) in chemical components; there were 10 common peaks in the fingerprint spectra of the leaves,and the similarity of the 28 samples was also higher than 0. 900,indicating that there were also small differences between the samples of the leaves in chemical components.[Conclusions] The method of using fingerprint spectra to control the quality of fruits and leaves of P. mume was simple and stable and had strong specificity and good repeatability. 展开更多
关键词 FRUITS of PRUNUS mume LEAVES of PRUNUS mume UPLC Characteristic FINGERPRINT SPECTRA Quality evaluation
Effects of Chinese Fructus Mume Formula and Its Separated Prescription Extract on Insulin Resistance in Type 2 Diabetic Rats 被引量:2
作者 李井彬 徐丽君 +4 位作者 董慧 黄诏宜 赵炎 陈广 陆付耳 《Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology(Medical Sciences)》 SCIE CAS 2013年第6期877-885,共9页
The effect of Fructus Mume formula and its separated prescription extract on insulin resis- tance in type 2 diabetic rats was investigated. The rat model of type 2 diabetes was established by feed- ing on a high-fat d... The effect of Fructus Mume formula and its separated prescription extract on insulin resis- tance in type 2 diabetic rats was investigated. The rat model of type 2 diabetes was established by feed- ing on a high-fat diet for 8 weeks and by subsequently intravenous injection of small doses of strepto- zotocin. Rats in treatment groups, including the Fructus Mume formula treatment group (FM), the cold property herbs of Fructus Mume formula treatment group (CFM), the warm property herbs of Fructus Mume formula treatment group (WFM), were administrated with Fructus Mume formula and its sepa- rated prescription extract by gavage, while the rats in diabetic model group (DM) and metformin group (MET) were given by gavage with normal saline and metformin correspondingly. The body weight be- fore and after treatment was measured, and the oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) and the insulin re- lease test (IRT) were performed. The homeostasis model assessment-insulin resistance index (HOMA-IR) was calculated. The protein and mRNA expression levels of Insr, β-arrestin-2, Its-1 and Glut-4 in the liver, skeletal muscle and fat tissues were detected by using Western blotting and RT-PCR respectively. The results demonstrated that, as compared with DM group, OGTT, IRT (0 h, 1 h) levels and HOMR-IR in treatment groups were all reduced, meanwhile their protein and mRNA expression levels of Insr, Irs-1 and Glut-4 in the liver, skeletal muscle and fat tissues were obviously increased, and their protein and mRNA expression levels of β-arrestin-2 in the liver and skeletal muscle tissues were also markedly increased. It was suggested that the Fructus Mume formula and its separated prescription extracts could effectively improve insulin resistance in type 2 diabetic rats, which might be related to the up-regulated expression of Insr, Irs-1 and Glut-4 in the liver, skeletal muscle and fat tissues, and β-arrestin-2 in the liver and skeletal muscle tissues. 展开更多
关键词 Fructus mume formula separated prescription type 2 diabetes insulin resistance β-arrestin-2
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