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不同放牧强度下奶牛对多年生黑麦草/白三叶草地土壤特性的影响 被引量:38
作者 姚爱兴 王培 +1 位作者 夏景新 樊奋成 《草地学报》 CAS CSCD 1995年第3期181-189,共9页
本文作者在湖南南山牧场通过放牧试验研究了不同放牧强度下奶牛对多年生黑麦草/白三叶人工草地土壤物理和化学特性的影响。结果表明:放牧强度直接影响着多年生黑麦草/白三叶人工草地土壤的物理结构。随放牧强度增加,奶牛对草地土壤... 本文作者在湖南南山牧场通过放牧试验研究了不同放牧强度下奶牛对多年生黑麦草/白三叶人工草地土壤物理和化学特性的影响。结果表明:放牧强度直接影响着多年生黑麦草/白三叶人工草地土壤的物理结构。随放牧强度增加,奶牛对草地土壤的践踏加剧,导致土壤紧实度增加,容重上升,通气性变差,含水量下降。放牧强度对土壤物理特性的影响随土层深度增加而减轻。土壤中全磷、速效磷、碱解氮和有机质随放牧强度的增加而减少,而全氮、速效钾则随放牧强度的增加而增加。土壤中各养分含量随季节变化波动很大。 展开更多
关键词 放牧强度 土壤养分 乳牛 白三叶 草地
不同放牧处理下多年生黑麦草/白三叶草地第一性生产力研究 被引量:23
作者 姚爱兴 王培 +1 位作者 樊奋成 呼天明 《中国草地》 CSCD 1998年第2期12-16,34,共6页
在湖南南山牧场研究了在不同放牧制度和强度下奶牛对多年生黑麦草/白三叶人工草地地下和地上生物量及其组成的影响。结果表明,地上生物量及各土层中地下生物量均以轮牧制较高;随放牧强度增加,根系生物量呈下降趋势,而地上总生物量... 在湖南南山牧场研究了在不同放牧制度和强度下奶牛对多年生黑麦草/白三叶人工草地地下和地上生物量及其组成的影响。结果表明,地上生物量及各土层中地下生物量均以轮牧制较高;随放牧强度增加,根系生物量呈下降趋势,而地上总生物量呈增加趋势。 展开更多
关键词 人工草地 放牧 乳牛 第一性生产力 黑麦草
不同放牧制度和强度下奶牛生产性能的研究──1.放牧对牧草采食量及营养摄入量的影响 被引量:13
作者 姚爱兴 王培 +1 位作者 夏景新 呼天明 《草地学报》 CAS CSCD 1995年第1期1-8,共8页
本文作者在湖南南山牧场研究了两种放牧制度(分区轮牧和连续放牧)和三种放牧强度(0.467,0.667和0.867ha/头)对处于泌乳中后期的黑白花奶牛在多年生黑麦草/由三叶人工草地上的放牧来食量、采食植物组成、营养摄入量的影响。结... 本文作者在湖南南山牧场研究了两种放牧制度(分区轮牧和连续放牧)和三种放牧强度(0.467,0.667和0.867ha/头)对处于泌乳中后期的黑白花奶牛在多年生黑麦草/由三叶人工草地上的放牧来食量、采食植物组成、营养摄入量的影响。结果表明:轮牧制奶牛的采食量低于连续放牧制,但其口粮组成中黑麦草和白三叶的比例高于连续放牧,故粗蛋白质、总能、钙和磷的日摄入量也低于轮牧制奶牛。随放牧强度的增加,奶牛的来食量、以及粗蛋白质、酸性洗涤纤维、总能、钙和磷的摄入量均有所增加,但三种放牧强度间差异并不显著。放牧强度越大,家畜日粮组成中黑麦草和白三叶的比例越大,而枯草和杂草所占比例越小。这说明在南山试验条件下,放牧制度和放牧强度对奶牛的采食量及各种营养物质的日摄入量有一定影响。 展开更多
关键词 放牧 采食量 营养摄入量 乳牛 生产性能
Effects of Feeding Combinations of Soybean and Linseed Oils on Productive Performance and Milk Fatty Acid Profile in Grazing Dairy Cows 被引量:7
作者 Liliana Elisabet Antonacci Gerardo Antonio Gagliostro +1 位作者 Adriana Virginia Cano Claudio Adrián Bernal 《Agricultural Sciences》 2017年第9期984-1002,共19页
Thirty-six grazing dairy cows were used to determine the effect of combinations of soybean (SO), and linseed (LO) oils on milk production, composition and milk fatty acid (FA) profile. Treatments were a basal control ... Thirty-six grazing dairy cows were used to determine the effect of combinations of soybean (SO), and linseed (LO) oils on milk production, composition and milk fatty acid (FA) profile. Treatments were a basal control diet (56% pasture, 44% concentrate) or the control diet supplemented with oils at 4% of estimated total dry matter (DM) intake. Oils were manually mixed to the concentrate in pure forms (SO100 or LO100) or in blends (%w/w) at SO75 - LO25, SO50 - LO50 and SO25 - LO75. Concentrate and oils were thoroughly consumed. Pasture intake (kg DM/cow·day) was 9.27 in control and decreased (p p p trans-9 C18:1 and trans-10 C18:1 FA. 展开更多
关键词 grazing dairy cow Conjugated Linoleic Acid SOYBEAN OIL LINSEED OIL
不同放牧制度和强度下奶牛生产性能的研究──2.放牧对奶牛产奶量及体增重的影响 被引量:5
作者 姚爱兴 王培 +1 位作者 夏景新 樊奋成 《草地学报》 CAS CSCD 1995年第2期112-119,共8页
本文作者在湖南南山牧场首次研究了不同放牧制度(分区轮牧和连续放牧)和放牧强度(0.467,0.667和0.867ha/头)下在多年生黑麦草/白三叶人工草地上放牧的黑白花奶牛产奶量、乳比重及体重的变化。结果表明:轮牧制奶牛的产奶量显... 本文作者在湖南南山牧场首次研究了不同放牧制度(分区轮牧和连续放牧)和放牧强度(0.467,0.667和0.867ha/头)下在多年生黑麦草/白三叶人工草地上放牧的黑白花奶牛产奶量、乳比重及体重的变化。结果表明:轮牧制奶牛的产奶量显著高于连续放牧制(1632.5vs.1462.3kg/头)。不同放牧强度下,奶牛的产奶量以中等放牧强度最高,轻牧次之,重牧最低,分别为1724.5、1571.1和1331.2kg/头。放牧期间两种放牧制间奶牛平均日增重差异不显著,以轮牧制较高(0.224vs.0.205kg/头·天);三种放牧强度间奶牛的平均日增重差异也不显著,由大到小依次为B3>B2>B1,分别为0.242、0.225和0.176kg/头·天。不同放牧处理对牛奶比重影响不大。这说明在本试验条件下,放牧制度和放牧强度对奶牛平均日增重增加影响不显著,但对奶牛的产奶量有显著的影响。 展开更多
关键词 放牧 体增重 乳牛 产乳量
草原放牧奶牛采食量测定及营养监测的研究 被引量:6
作者 樊金富 金海 《黑龙江畜牧兽医》 CAS 北大核心 2017年第6期117-119,共3页
为了研究不同牧草生长时期对草原放牧奶牛牧草采食量和营养摄取情况的影响,为优化补饲提供科学依据,试验采用饱和链烷烃技术测定了不同牧草生长时期(牧草生长幼嫩期、旺盛期和枯黄期)放牧奶牛干物质采食量(DMI)和干物质消化率(DMD),同... 为了研究不同牧草生长时期对草原放牧奶牛牧草采食量和营养摄取情况的影响,为优化补饲提供科学依据,试验采用饱和链烷烃技术测定了不同牧草生长时期(牧草生长幼嫩期、旺盛期和枯黄期)放牧奶牛干物质采食量(DMI)和干物质消化率(DMD),同时测定了牧草营养成分。参照中国奶牛饲养标准,分析了不同牧草生长时期奶牛营养盈亏情况。结果表明:与枯黄期相比,放牧奶牛干物质采食量和干物质消化率在牧草幼嫩期、旺盛期差异显著(P<0.05);奶牛采食到的营养水平在牧草旺盛期和幼嫩期与枯黄期相比均差异显著(P<0.05)。参照奶牛饲养标准,在现行载畜量和放牧强度下,放牧奶牛干物质采食量都不能满足,营养需要不同程度缺乏,尤其是牧草枯黄期全部营养都不能满足需要。说明草原放牧奶牛采食量和摄取营养情况受多种因素影响,准确掌握奶牛采食量情况对奶牛进行优化补饲和科学放牧管理十分重要。 展开更多
关键词 草原 放牧奶牛 采食量 营养监测 饱和链烷烃 优化补饲
农牧交错区不同牧草时期放牧奶牛采食量与食性的研究 被引量:4
作者 樊金富 金海 《中国草食动物》 2009年第3期15-19,共5页
用饱和烷烃法对不同牧草时期放牧奶牛的采食量进行了测定。结果表明:放牧奶牛在牧草幼嫩期、旺盛期、枯黄期3期的采食量结果分别为:绝对采食量(kg/d)为11.54±0.66、13.83±0.55、5.75±0.32,采食量在牧草旺盛期时达到最高... 用饱和烷烃法对不同牧草时期放牧奶牛的采食量进行了测定。结果表明:放牧奶牛在牧草幼嫩期、旺盛期、枯黄期3期的采食量结果分别为:绝对采食量(kg/d)为11.54±0.66、13.83±0.55、5.75±0.32,采食量在牧草旺盛期时达到最高。采食组成幼嫩期以苔草为主、旺盛期以隐子草为主、枯黄期以赖草为主,这与草场植物的生长和奶牛的喜好有关。 展开更多
关键词 农牧交错区 放牧奶牛 饱和烷烃 采食量 采食组成
Feeding Polyunsaturated Supplements to Grazing Dairy Cows Improve the Healthy Value of Milk Fatty Acids 被引量:2
作者 Gerardo Antonio Gagliostro Daniel Alberto Garciarena +1 位作者 María Alejandra Rodriguez Liliana Elisabet Antonacci 《Agricultural Sciences》 2017年第8期759-782,共24页
The objective of the experiment was to improve the healthy value of milk fatty acids (FA) by feeding sunflower oil (SO) or sunflower seed (SS) combined or not with fish oil (FO) to grazing dairy cows. Four Holstein co... The objective of the experiment was to improve the healthy value of milk fatty acids (FA) by feeding sunflower oil (SO) or sunflower seed (SS) combined or not with fish oil (FO) to grazing dairy cows. Four Holstein cows (515 ± 80 kg liveweight) in late lactation (230 days postpartum) fitted with ruminal cannulae were allotted to a 4 × 4 Latin square design with factorial arrangement of treatments: SS = 1.9 kg dry matter (DM)/cow/d of SS;SO = 0.8 kg/cow/d of SO;SS-FO = SS + 0.24 kg/cow/d FO and SO-FO = SO + 0.24 kg/FO. Cows grazed a high quality pasture offered at 11 kg DM/cow/day. After the afternoon milking cows also received 5.6 kg DM/cow of corn silage and during each milking time cracked corn grain (1.3 kg DM/cow) mixed with a mineral-vitamin premix was fed. Oils and SS were introduced via ruminal cannulae and SS was fed roughly grounded. Milk yield tended (p 12:0, 51% for C14:0 and 29% for C16:0. Atherogenicity index (AI) of milk was reduced particularly in SS-FO. Basal concentration of cis-9, trans-11 C18:2 (CLA) in milk was 1.39 g/100g FA and increased (p < 0.05) by 144% across treatments without differences between SS or SO. Feeding FO increased (p < 0.05) milk contents of CLA (2.86 to 3.92 g/100g FA) and linolenic acid. Comparing SO or SS with or without FO showed no changes for neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and crude protein (CP) degradation of pasture. Polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) fed to grazing dairy cows had a marked effect on milk FA profile putatively enhancing its healthy value. 展开更多
关键词 grazing dairy cow Milk FATTY Acids Conjugated Linoleic Acid
农牧交错带人工草地放牧对奶牛生产性能的影响 被引量:1
作者 石永红 韩建国 张洪生 《草地学报》 CAS CSCD 2007年第3期232-237,共6页
研究不同放牧制度和强度对在“多年生禾草+紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa)”人工草地上放牧奶牛的采食量、产奶量、乳成分及体重和体况分的影响。结果表明:轮牧制奶牛的采食量低于连续放牧制,中度放牧低于轻度放牧。轻度轮牧有较高的体增重... 研究不同放牧制度和强度对在“多年生禾草+紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa)”人工草地上放牧奶牛的采食量、产奶量、乳成分及体重和体况分的影响。结果表明:轮牧制奶牛的采食量低于连续放牧制,中度放牧低于轻度放牧。轻度轮牧有较高的体增重和较小的体况分损失,连续放牧则相反。轮牧制奶牛的产奶量显著高于连续放牧制,中牧高于轻牧。不同放牧处理对乳成分的影响不显著,轻度轮牧的乳脂率低于中度轮牧和连续放牧,轻度轮牧的乳蛋白最高,乳糖和乳干物质含量则无显著变化。 展开更多
关键词 放牧奶牛 产奶量 乳成分 体增重 体况
Increasing Conjugated Linoleic Acid Content in Milk and Cheese after Supplementing a Blend of Crude Soybean Oil Sediment Combined with Fish Oil to Grazing Dairy Cows
作者 Gerardo Antonio Gagliostro Liliana Elisabet Antonacci +5 位作者 Carolina Daiana Pérez Luciana Rossetti Martín Tassone Verónica Frossasco Favio Terreno Alvaro Ugartemendia 《Open Journal of Animal Sciences》 2020年第3期468-492,共25页
The aim of the work was to improve the healthy value of milk and cheese fatty acids (FA) by feeding a mix of crude soybean oil sediment (CSOS) combined with fish oil (FO) to grazing dairy cows. The CSOS is a by-produc... The aim of the work was to improve the healthy value of milk and cheese fatty acids (FA) by feeding a mix of crude soybean oil sediment (CSOS) combined with fish oil (FO) to grazing dairy cows. The CSOS is a by-product commonly discarded after oil extraction containing 3.3% moisture, 6% total ash and 70.7% oil, locally available, comparatively economic and easy to mix with other feed ingredients. The experiment lasted 55 days from September 30th to November 23th 2018 and was carried out at the dairy farm “Gacef” provider of milk to the dairy industrial plant “Capilla Del Se<span style="font-family:Verdana, Helvetica, Arial;white-space:normal;background-color:#FFFFFF;">&#241;</span>or” (CDS) located at the Villa María City, Córdoba Province, Argentine. A herd of 80 multiparous Holstein cows producing 24 kg<sup>-1</sup> milk·cow<sup>-1</sup>·day<sup>-1</sup> was used. The cows grazed an alfalfa and an oat pasture that represented about 47% of total dry matter (DM) intake supplemented at 8.5 kg DM·cow<sup>-1</sup>·day<sup>-1</sup> with a total mixed ration (TMR) composed (DM basis) by cracked corn grain (35.18%), whole plant corn silage (31.98%), pelletized soyben meal (17.99%), the CSOS supplement (13.85%) and FO (0.99%). The TMR was supplied by halves after each milking time in groupal feeders yielding 1.4 kg·cow<sup>-1</sup>·day<sup>-1</sup> of the CSOS and 0.1 kg·cow<sup>-1</sup>·day<sup>-1</sup> of FO. Before the start of lipid supplementation, milk samples (5) were obtained from the farm-tank representing the standar or reference milk (Ref-Milk). After 21 days of supplementary lipid supply, additional milk samples (5) were obtained representing the modified milk (Mod-Milk). Milk samples were analyzed for chemical composition and milk FA profile. At each time, sufficient quantities of both (Ref- and Mod-Milk) were collected for manufacturing six types of cheeses. The results were analyzed through the Student-T test for independent observations. Oil supplementation did not modify (P > 0.05) the 展开更多
关键词 Oil Supplementation grazing dairy cow Milk Fatty Acids Conjugated Linoleic Acid CHEESE Fish Oil Crude Soybean Oil Sediment
Intake, Energy Expenditure and Methane Emissions of Grazing Dairy Cows at Two Pre-Grazing Herbage Masses
作者 Cecilia Loza José Gere +5 位作者 María Soledad Orcasberro Alberto Casal Mariana Carriquiry Paula Juliarena Efren Ramírez-Bribiesca Laura Astigarraga 《Open Journal of Animal Sciences》 2021年第3期440-457,共18页
<span style="font-family:Verdana;">A grazing experiment was undertaken to assess the effects of two levels of herbage mass (HM) on herbage DM intake (DMI), fat and protein corrected milk yield (FPCM), ... <span style="font-family:Verdana;">A grazing experiment was undertaken to assess the effects of two levels of herbage mass (HM) on herbage DM intake (DMI), fat and protein corrected milk yield (FPCM), grazing behaviour, energy expenditure (HP), and methane emissions (CH</span><sub><span style="font-family:Verdana;">4</span></sub><span style="font-family:Verdana;">) of grazing dairy cows in spring. Treatments were a low HM (1447 kg DM/ha;LHM) or a high HM (1859 kg DM/ha;HHM). Pasture was composed mainly </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">of</span><span style="font-family:;" "=""><span><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> cocksfoot (</span><i></i></span><i><i><span style="font-family:Verdana;">Dactylis glomerata</span></i><span></span></i></span><span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">) and lucerne (</span><i></i></span><i><i><span style="font-family:Verdana;">Medicago sativa</span></i><span></span></i><span style="font-family:Verdana;">), offered at a daily herbage allowance of 30 kg DM/cow, above 5 cm. Eight multiparous Holstein cows were used in a 2</span><span style="font-family:;" "=""> </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">×</span><span style="font-family:;" "=""> </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">2 Latin Square design in two 10-day periods. Despite the differences in pre-grazing HM between treatments, OM digestibility was not different (P = 0.28). Herbage mass did not affect DMI or FPCM. Grazing time was not different between treatments, but cows had a greater bite rate when grazing on LHM swards. However, HP did not differ between treatments. Daily methane emission (per cow), methane emission intensity (per kg FPCM) and methane yield (as percentage of gross energy intake) were not different. The lack of effect of the amount of pre-grazing HM on energy intake, confirms that the difference between HM treatments w</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">as</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> beyond the limits that impose extra energy expenditure during grazing.</span> 展开更多
关键词 dairy cow Herbage Mass INTAKE grazing Behavior METHANE
奶牛放牧对人工草地土壤理化特性的影响 被引量:28
作者 石永红 韩建国 +1 位作者 邵新庆 刘贵河 《中国草地学报》 CSCD 2007年第1期24-30,共7页
2004-2005年在华北农牧交错带研究奶牛不同放牧强度及放牧制度对紫花苜蓿、无芒雀麦、新麦草和蓝茎冰草混播人工草地土壤理化特性的影响,结果表明:放牧强度对人工草地土壤的物理结构影响较大,与轻度轮牧相比,中度连续放牧使土壤(0-... 2004-2005年在华北农牧交错带研究奶牛不同放牧强度及放牧制度对紫花苜蓿、无芒雀麦、新麦草和蓝茎冰草混播人工草地土壤理化特性的影响,结果表明:放牧强度对人工草地土壤的物理结构影响较大,与轻度轮牧相比,中度连续放牧使土壤(0-20cm)紧实度增加19.8%,容重上升2.8%,孔隙度减少2.1%,通气性变差,含水量下降5.8%,〉0.25mm团聚体比例降低14%。放牧强度对土壤物理特性的影响随土层深度增加而显著减小,土壤pH值、全氮、速效氮和速效钾含量增加,而速效磷含量降低。 展开更多
关键词 放牧强度 奶牛 土壤理化性状 人工草地
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