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De-qi,Not Psychological Factors,Determines the Therapeutic Efficacy of Acupuncture Treatment for Primary Dysmenorrhea 被引量:18
作者 熊瑾 刘芳 +2 位作者 张明敏 王伟 黄光英 《Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine》 SCIE CAS 2012年第1期7-15,共9页
Objective: To study the impact of De-qi (得气%, obtaining qi) and psychological factors on the efficacy of acupuncture treatment for primary dysmenorrhea, with an attempt to explore the relationship among De-qi, ps... Objective: To study the impact of De-qi (得气%, obtaining qi) and psychological factors on the efficacy of acupuncture treatment for primary dysmenorrhea, with an attempt to explore the relationship among De-qi, psychological factors, and clinical efficacy. Methods: The patients with primary dysmenorrhea were randomly assigned to a group of acupuncture with manual manipulation (manipulation group, n=67) and an acupuncture group without manipulation (non-manipulation group, n=64). Pain intensity and pain duration were used as measures for evaluating the therapeutic efficacy of the acupuncture treatment. De-qi, the sensations a patient experienced during the acupuncture treatment, was scored on a 4-point scale by the subjects. In addition, the psychological factors, including belief in acupuncture, the level of nervousness, anxiety, and depression, were quantitatively assessed. The personality of the subject was assessed using the Eysenck personality questionnaire (EPQ) and 16 personality factor questionnaire (16PF). Results: Complete data were obtained from 120 patients, 60 patients in each group. There were statistically significant differences in pain intensity (W=2410.0, P〈0.01 ) and pain duration (W=3181.0, P〈0.01) between the two groups. The number of De-qi acupoints (W=1150.5, P〈0.01) and the average intensity of De-qi (W=1141.0, P〈0.01) were significantly higher in the manipulation group as compared with their non-manipulation counterparts. The correlation coefficients between De-qi and therapeutic efficacy of acupuncture were greater than those between psychological factors and therapeutic efficacy. Conclusions: Compared with the psychological factors, De-qi contributed more to the pain-relieving effect of acupuncture in subjects with primary dysmenorrhea. Moreover, manual manipulation is a prerequisite for eliciting and enhancing the De-qi sensations, and De-qi is critical for achieving therapeutic effects. 展开更多
关键词 ACUPUNCTURE de-qi psychological factors manual acupuncture needle manipulation therapeuticefficacy primary dysmenorrhea
针灸治病,气调而止 被引量:4
作者 李迎红 李敏 +1 位作者 郭义 刘阳阳 《成都中医药大学学报》 2014年第3期104-106,共3页
关键词 针刺 得气 治神 调气
A Survey of the Depth for De-Qi in Acupuncture Therapy
作者 林昭庚 王清福 +1 位作者 黄政典 陈春发 《Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine》 SCIE CAS 1996年第2期101-103,共3页
This study measures the depth for De-Qi at different acupoints from head, trunk, and extrem-ities. The differencos of the depth for De-Qi of subjects from tat, medium and slender groups were analyzedstatistically by t... This study measures the depth for De-Qi at different acupoints from head, trunk, and extrem-ities. The differencos of the depth for De-Qi of subjects from tat, medium and slender groups were analyzedstatistically by t-test. The results suggest that the depth for De-Qi from slender group is less deep (P<0. 01 )than that of the fat group. The depth for De-Qi is less deep at loci from head than tliat of the trunk and extrem-ities. The standard derivation for the depth of De-Qi is ±0. 1 cm at loci from head region arid ± 0. 2 cm atboth trunk and extremity region. Tlie depth tor De-Qi from the subjects with nervous or allergic cliaracter, ingerieral, is less deeper than that of the normal. However the depth for De-Qi trom the subjects with cancerand sequelae of cerebral vasciJlar accident is deeper than that of the normal. 展开更多
关键词 ACUPOINT the depth for de-qi
Using a consensus acupoints regimen to explore the relationship between acupuncture sensation and lumbar spinal postoperative analgesia: A retrospective analysis of prospective clinical cooperation 被引量:1
作者 Yen-Lin Chao Yi-Ai Rau +12 位作者 Hong-Sheng Shiue Jiun-Lin Yan Yuan-Yun Tang Shao-Wen Yu Bo-Yan Yeh Yen-Lung Chen Tsung-Hsien Yang Shu-Chen Cheng Yi-Wen Hsieh Hsin-Chia Huang Fu-Kuang Tsai Yu-Sheng Chen Geng-Hao Liu 《Journal of Integrative Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2022年第4期329-337,共9页
Objective: This study evaluated the effectiveness of acupuncture treatment on postoperative pain in patients with degenerative lumbar spine disease, and explored the relationship between the postoperative analgesic ef... Objective: This study evaluated the effectiveness of acupuncture treatment on postoperative pain in patients with degenerative lumbar spine disease, and explored the relationship between the postoperative analgesic effect of acupuncture and the sensation of acupuncture experienced by the patients.Methods: This retrospective study analyzed the medical records of 97 patients who had undergone an operation by the same surgeon due to degenerative lumbar disease. These patients were divided into acupuncture group(n = 32), patient-controlled analgesia(PCA) group(n = 27), and oral analgesia group(n = 38) according to the different postoperative analgesic methods. During their hospitalization, patients completed daily evaluations of their pain using a visual analogue scale(VAS), and injection times of supplemental meperidine were recorded. Also, the Chinese version of the Massachusetts General Hospital Acupuncture Sensation Scale(C-MASS) was used in the acupuncture group.Results: Each of the three treatment groups showed significant reductions in postoperative pain, as shown by reduced VAS scores. The acupuncture group, however, had less rebound pain(P < 0.05) than the other two groups. Both the acupuncture and PCA groups experienced acute analgesic effects that were superior to those in the oral analgesia group. In addition, the higher the C-MASS index on the second day after surgery, the lower the VAS score on the fourth day after surgery. There was also a significant difference in the“dull pain” in the acupuncture sensation.Conclusion: The results demonstrated that acupuncture was beneficial for postoperative pain and discomfort after simple surgery for degenerative spinal disease. It is worth noting that there was a disproportionate relevance between the patient’s acupuncture sensation and the improvement of pain VAS score. 展开更多
关键词 Acupuncture analgesia Postoperative period Neurodegenerative diseases Lumbosacral region Acupuncture sensation de-qi
不同针感与外周经皮二氧化碳释放量的关系 被引量:9
作者 黄涛 王瑞红 +5 位作者 张维波 韩彬 黄鑫 田宇瑛 王广军 徐一慧 《中国中医基础医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第8期615-616,618,共3页
目的:观察不同针感时经穴经皮二氧化碳释放量的变化,研究针刺得气与外周组织能量代谢效应的相关性。方法:20名健康志愿者分别以不同方式刺激内关穴,在针前、中、后测定经穴及经上非穴的TCE,并与非经穴点进行对照。结果:假针刺与浅针刺... 目的:观察不同针感时经穴经皮二氧化碳释放量的变化,研究针刺得气与外周组织能量代谢效应的相关性。方法:20名健康志愿者分别以不同方式刺激内关穴,在针前、中、后测定经穴及经上非穴的TCE,并与非经穴点进行对照。结果:假针刺与浅针刺组针感较针刺得气组轻,而机械压迫引起针感较针刺得气组重。得气组经上穴点针刺前后TCE值升高,有统计学意义;用机械力压迫后,经上穴及点上TCE值先下降,解除压迫后有所升高。结论:针刺疗效与针感并不一定同步,采用传统针刺得气的操作方法后,但同一条经上的穴点处TCE明显增加,表明有效针刺可能明显提高相关经线上的体表能量代谢。 展开更多
关键词 针感 假针刺 针刺得气 疗效 经皮二氧化碳释放量
古代汉藏医药交流述略 被引量:5
作者 陈强强 《中医药文化》 2020年第4期61-69,共9页
通过系统梳理和考证史籍、医典和以往研究成果可以发现,古代汉族和藏族在医药典籍、医学理论、诊治技术、药物及养生理论等方面都有广泛而深入的交流与融合。这些医药典籍中的文献记载展现古老的中国智慧,深入阐述了古代汉藏医药交流的... 通过系统梳理和考证史籍、医典和以往研究成果可以发现,古代汉族和藏族在医药典籍、医学理论、诊治技术、药物及养生理论等方面都有广泛而深入的交流与融合。这些医药典籍中的文献记载展现古老的中国智慧,深入阐述了古代汉藏医药交流的历史与成就。 展开更多
关键词 汉医药 藏医药 医药交流 医学典籍 《大医典》 《无畏的武器》 《月王药诊》 《四部医典》
浅谈针感、得气、气至的相互关系 被引量:20
作者 徐赟赟 孙若晗 +2 位作者 韩德雄 胡汉通 方剑乔 《中医杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2020年第4期294-297,共4页
从针感、得气、气至的概念和内涵入手,阐述三者之间的关系。针感是针刺入皮肤后产生的特殊感觉,包括医患双方的感觉。得气是指气至针下及能够产生后续疗效的最佳机体状态,其表现形式包括针感、隐性针感和无针感三种,与针刺的层次有关。... 从针感、得气、气至的概念和内涵入手,阐述三者之间的关系。针感是针刺入皮肤后产生的特殊感觉,包括医患双方的感觉。得气是指气至针下及能够产生后续疗效的最佳机体状态,其表现形式包括针感、隐性针感和无针感三种,与针刺的层次有关。气至涵义较广,是从针刺前至针刺取效整个过程的机体状态,既是针刺的前提,也是针刺取效的表现,包括了得气和针感。临床操作过程中,全程都需守神以达气至,在补泻前后既要重视针感的表现,也当明确在不同层次的其他得气表现,根据需要进行调整。 展开更多
关键词 针刺 针感 得气 气至
“得气”“气至”“针感”概念之我见 被引量:19
作者 林驰 马良宵 +8 位作者 苑鸿雯 张鹏 齐丹丹 李静 辛思源 胡妮娟 郝杰 王培 朱江 《中华中医药杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第9期2892-2895,共4页
得气、气至、针感,三者的概念既有相同之处,又有不同之处。得气和气至均有"针与经气相得"和"经气调和"之意,同时气至还有针前气至和气至病所的涵义。针感包括患者针感和医者手下感。其中,患者针感既包括反映针下得... 得气、气至、针感,三者的概念既有相同之处,又有不同之处。得气和气至均有"针与经气相得"和"经气调和"之意,同时气至还有针前气至和气至病所的涵义。针感包括患者针感和医者手下感。其中,患者针感既包括反映针下得气的,也包括能反映气至气调的,还包括与经气变化无关的针感。因此气至的概念包含得气,而针感的概念与气至和得气均有交叠之处。国内外研究者关注的"得气",应理解为"针与经气相得",主要研究方向有文献研究、得气与临床疗效关系研究以及得气的客观量化研究。针感作为体察得气的重要指征,是目前研究的主要切入点。 展开更多
关键词 得气 气至 针感
Needle Sensation and Personality Factors Influence Therapeutic Effect of Acupuncture for Treating Bell's Palsy: A Secondary Analysis of a Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial 被引量:10
作者 Chen-Yan Zhang Sha-Bei Xu +7 位作者 Bo Huang Peng Du Gui-Bin Zhang Xiang Luo Guang-Ying Huang Min-Jie Xie Zong-Kui Zhou Wei Wang 《Chinese Medical Journal》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第15期1789-1794,共6页
Background: It has not been solved what kind of needle sensation might influence outcomes of acupuncture treatment. Effects of personality factors on the therapeutic effect of acupuncture have not been investigated. ... Background: It has not been solved what kind of needle sensation might influence outcomes of acupuncture treatment. Effects of personality factors on the therapeutic effect of acupuncture have not been investigated. This study aimed to find the effects of the traits of personality on the objective outcome when different acupuncture techniques were used in treating patients with Bell's palsy. Methods: We performed a secondary analysis of a prospective multicenter randomized controlled trial of acupuncture for Bell's palsy. Patients were randomly assigned to the de qi and control groups, respectively. The primary outcome was facial nerve function at month 6. The intensity of each needle sensation was rated by a visual analog scale. Psychosocial thctors were assessed by the pretreatment mediator questionnaire: 16 Personality Factor Questionnaire (16PF) was used tbr assessing personality factors and digit cancellation test for assessing attention. Results: After 6 months, patients in the de qi group had better facial function (adjusted odds ratio [OR]: 4.16, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 2.23-7.78). Path analysis showed that intensity of needle sensation of fullness had direct effect on House-Brackmann (HB) score at month 6. In de qi group, the low HB score on day I (OR: 0.13, 95% (_7: 0.03-0.45) and the low Social Boldness score (OR: 0.63, 95% CI: 0.41-0.97) in 16PF were associated with better facial function. In control group, low HB score on day 1 (OR: 0.25, 95% CI: 0.13-0.50), low Vigilance score (OR: 0.66, 95% CI: 0.50-0.88), and high Tension score (OR: 1.41,95% CI: 1.12 1.77) in 16PF were related to better facial function. Conclusions: The needle sensation of fullness could predict better facial function and personality traits might influence outcomes of acupuncture treatment. Both of them should be considered seriously in acupuncture treatment and research. 展开更多
关键词 16 Personality Factor Questionnaire Bell's Palsy de qi Needle Sensation
针刺得气研究现状及思考 被引量:6
作者 王伟 《科技导报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第15期43-48,共6页
针灸疗效得到世界公认,但如何传承数千年针灸的治疗经验和标准化针灸刺激手法,尤其是临床上如何确定有效的针灸刺激量,成为针灸研究、应用,乃至向世界传播的难题。基于中医传统理论和针刺得气的现代研究进展,思考了得气理论的意义,并提... 针灸疗效得到世界公认,但如何传承数千年针灸的治疗经验和标准化针灸刺激手法,尤其是临床上如何确定有效的针灸刺激量,成为针灸研究、应用,乃至向世界传播的难题。基于中医传统理论和针刺得气的现代研究进展,思考了得气理论的意义,并提出得气是针灸取得最佳疗效的一个重要前提,在研究如何充分发挥针灸治疗作用及评价针灸疗效时,得气是不可或缺的重要参数的见解。针灸临床试验应进一步纳入得气的客观量化评价体系,科学地探索得气现象背后的生物学机制,阐明得气与疗效之间的关系。 展开更多
关键词 针灸 得气 疗效评价 贝尔麻痹
Patient blinding with blunt tip placebo acupuncture needles:comparison between 1 mm and 2 mm skin press 被引量:3
作者 Nobuari Takakura Miho Takayama +3 位作者 Morihiro Nasu Masako Nishiwaki Akiko Kawase Hiroyoshi Yajima 《Journal of Integrative Medicine》 CAS CSCD 2018年第3期164-171,共8页
Objective: To investigate the influence of the depth of skin press in blunt tip placebo acupuncture needles on patient blinding and its relationship to needle diameter.Methods: Forty healthy volunteers were enrolled... Objective: To investigate the influence of the depth of skin press in blunt tip placebo acupuncture needles on patient blinding and its relationship to needle diameter.Methods: Forty healthy volunteers were enrolled as subjects for patient blinding. Four acupuncturists applied the following needles randomly at three points in each forearm: 0.18 mm and 0.25 mm diameter penetrating needles inserted to a depth of 5 mm, and 0.18 mm and 0.25 mm diameter skin-touch needles depressing the skin at the acupoint to a depth of 1 mm and 2 mm from the skin surface. The subjects reported their guesses at the nature of needles they received, and rated needle pain and de qi. A blinding index was calculated to define the success of blinding for subjects.Results: The blinding status of subjects for 1 mm press needles of 0.18 mm diameter was "random guess",but "unblinded" for 1 mm press needles of 0.25 mm diameter. For 2 mm press needles of both diameters,the blinding status was "opposite guess" and the blinding status for penetrating needles of both diameters was "unblinded." The percentages of "felt pain" with 2 mm press needles of both diameters were similar to that with penetrating needles, but those were not similar for 1 mm press needles. The frequency of de qi occurrence with 2 mm press needles of 0.18 mm diameter was similar to that of penetrating needles of both diameters.Conclusion: Placebo needles of 2 mm press made more subjects guess that the needles penetrated the skin than 1 mm press needles. The use of small diameter needles increased patient blinding. 展开更多
关键词 Double-blind method Acupuncture PLACEBO SHAM de qi
作者 韩镍 单佳丽 +2 位作者 陆玲玲 汪倩妮 金琳 《中国中西医结合影像学杂志》 2024年第1期28-31,36,共5页
目的:应用剪切波弹性成像技术(SWE)评估低强度脉冲超声(LIPUS)刺激足三里穴位时肌张力的变化特点,初步探讨LIPUS刺激穴位的可行性,以期为LIPUS在外周神经调控研究中提供定量评估信息。方法:实验动物为16只雄性SD大鼠,随机分为胫骨前肌... 目的:应用剪切波弹性成像技术(SWE)评估低强度脉冲超声(LIPUS)刺激足三里穴位时肌张力的变化特点,初步探讨LIPUS刺激穴位的可行性,以期为LIPUS在外周神经调控研究中提供定量评估信息。方法:实验动物为16只雄性SD大鼠,随机分为胫骨前肌组和腓肠肌组各8只,应用LIPUS刺激大鼠足三里穴20 min,通过SWE连续监测胫骨前肌和腓肠肌的肌张力变化。酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)测定刺激前后血清5-羟色胺(5-HT)水平变化。结果:胫骨前肌在LIPUS刺激足三里穴后3 min的剪切波速度和杨氏模量值均较刺激前显著升高(均P<0.05);腓肠肌在刺激足三里穴后13、14 min的剪切波速度和杨氏模量值均较刺激前显著升高(均P<0.001)。血清5-HT水平较刺激前显著升高(P<0.05)。结论:SWE可为评估LIPUS刺激足三里穴位引起的肌张力变化提供客观依据,为LIPUS的经穴效应的研究提供更多信息。 展开更多
关键词 剪切波弹性成像 超声检查 足三里 得气 5-羟色胺
得气的判断指征辨析 被引量:3
作者 周燕 王诚尧 +3 位作者 朱洁妤 朱梓烨 张荧 王欣君 《亚太传统医药》 2021年第10期171-173,共3页
通过检索《中华医典》5.0软件中历代针灸医籍关于得气的论述,用感觉作为得气判断指征源于对经络、穴位解剖、生理特性等研究尚未完全清晰的情况下,仅能依赖受针者自我感觉与施针者的手下感觉。不得气判断指征仅有《标幽赋》记载,且有可... 通过检索《中华医典》5.0软件中历代针灸医籍关于得气的论述,用感觉作为得气判断指征源于对经络、穴位解剖、生理特性等研究尚未完全清晰的情况下,仅能依赖受针者自我感觉与施针者的手下感觉。不得气判断指征仅有《标幽赋》记载,且有可能是对《黄帝内经》得正气感觉的误解。《黄帝内经》仅将施针者的沉紧感及徐和感作为得气判断指征,后世医家却仅保留了得邪气的沉紧感,舍弃了得正气的徐和感,增加了受针者的感觉,但受针者感觉的可靠性却较低,因而以《黄帝内经》所载施针者的沉紧感及徐和感作为得气判断指征的依据更为恰当。 展开更多
关键词 得气 针感 判断指征
神经心理因素与针刺治疗男性慢性酒精中毒性周围神经病得气及疗效的关系 被引量:3
作者 梅俊华 王俊力 +5 位作者 高珊 陈国华 张中文 罗利俊 魏丹 邵卫 《中国康复理论与实践》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第10期1212-1217,共6页
目的研究慢性酒精中毒性周围神经病(CAPN)患者神经心理因素与针刺治疗得气及疗效三者之间的关系。方法 55例男性CAPN患者采用随机抽样法分为手法组(n=30)和非手法组(n=25)。分别进行针刺治疗,行下肢神经损害评分(NIS-LL)及神经系统症状... 目的研究慢性酒精中毒性周围神经病(CAPN)患者神经心理因素与针刺治疗得气及疗效三者之间的关系。方法 55例男性CAPN患者采用随机抽样法分为手法组(n=30)和非手法组(n=25)。分别进行针刺治疗,行下肢神经损害评分(NIS-LL)及神经系统症状评分(NSS)评价其症状程度及疗效,采用针刺主观感受得气量表(得气量表)评价针刺得气状态,采用卡特尔人格因素测试(16PF)、汉密尔顿焦虑量表(HAMA)、汉密尔顿抑郁量表(HAMD)评价其神经心理状态。结果治疗后7、14、21、28 d,手法组得气量表评分及平均值均高于非手法组(P<0.05)。乐群性、聪慧性、兴奋性、敏感性、独立性因子分高的人群较为容易得气。治疗14 d、28 d时,同时间点抑郁组、焦虑组得气量表评分低于正常组(P<0.05)。治疗28 d时抑郁组和焦虑组NIS-LL及NSS评分高于正常组(P<0.05);手法组NIS-LL及NSS评分低于非手法组(P<0.05)。结论针刺治疗是CAPN治疗中的有效手段,神经心理因素在CAPN针刺得气与疗效中发挥重要作用。 展开更多
关键词 慢性酒精中毒性周围神经病 神经心理因素 针刺 得气
针感及其物质基础相关研究进展 被引量:2
作者 夏雪 张小卿 《亚太传统医药》 2019年第6期197-201,共5页
关键词 针感 得气 气至 感受器
“针者,感也”刍议 被引量:2
作者 张立志 许能贵 《上海针灸杂志》 2017年第9期1130-1132,共3页
试从文字起源、"咸"卦含义及交相感应在针刺中的运用三个角度,探讨"鍼"的含义。笔者认为"针者,感也","针"的含义揭示了针灸取效的关键就是针感。在临床针刺治疗中,尤其应注意左右、上下、前后... 试从文字起源、"咸"卦含义及交相感应在针刺中的运用三个角度,探讨"鍼"的含义。笔者认为"针者,感也","针"的含义揭示了针灸取效的关键就是针感。在临床针刺治疗中,尤其应注意左右、上下、前后以及经脉间交相感应的运用,更利于提高针灸临床疗效。 展开更多
关键词 针刺感应 针刺穴位 得气 配穴法 选穴
《内经》中“得气”操作及整体观因素论析 被引量:1
作者 郭太品 梁繁荣 +1 位作者 任玉兰 杨洁 《时珍国医国药》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第11期2726-2727,共2页
从得气的相关因素进行探析,重点介绍治神在针刺得气中的重要性,且治神贯穿针灸治疗疾病的进针、行针、出针及针后调治等过程。并从疾病模式角度分析影响得气的病情、社会、环境、气候时间等因素,探讨得气的本质及与疾病的关系,分析得气... 从得气的相关因素进行探析,重点介绍治神在针刺得气中的重要性,且治神贯穿针灸治疗疾病的进针、行针、出针及针后调治等过程。并从疾病模式角度分析影响得气的病情、社会、环境、气候时间等因素,探讨得气的本质及与疾病的关系,分析得气治疗疾病的机制是引邪气出,引谷气入。寄以此引出针灸临床需从"天人合一"的整体观念为出发点。 展开更多
关键词 得气 治神 整体观念
针刺“审察卫气”论 被引量:20
作者 卓廉士 《中国针灸》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第9期763-767,共5页
检索、摘录古代文献中关于卫气的功能、循行、分布、特性等内容,用以分析、体会《内经》中针刺"审察卫气"的理论,结果发现针刺"得气"与卫气有关,卫气运行动静有时,刺法则应动静结合。卫气的聚散和分布情况与针刺治... 检索、摘录古代文献中关于卫气的功能、循行、分布、特性等内容,用以分析、体会《内经》中针刺"审察卫气"的理论,结果发现针刺"得气"与卫气有关,卫气运行动静有时,刺法则应动静结合。卫气的聚散和分布情况与针刺治疗的效能范围有关。卫气的循行受天地阳气变化的影响,四季不同,不宜以"按时取穴"的方法机械对待。卫气既可与脉并行,亦可"不循其道",因此"循经感传"的实验是否"循经"尚有待于讨论。 展开更多
关键词 针刺疗法 得气 卫气 中医基础理论
运用脑功能成像开展针刺得气客观化研究的思路 被引量:7
作者 黄泳 夏冒李 +2 位作者 陈俊琦 杨君军 唐纯志 《中华中医药学刊》 CAS 2009年第1期11-12,共2页
得气,是针刺过程的一个独特现象。长期以来,针刺得气的描述多为一种主观化的感觉描述。关于得气实质的研究相对集中在其产生的物质基础方面。针刺得气可以定义为针刺干预人体经络后经过脑的整合时在脑部区域的针刺反应。进一步指出应结... 得气,是针刺过程的一个独特现象。长期以来,针刺得气的描述多为一种主观化的感觉描述。关于得气实质的研究相对集中在其产生的物质基础方面。针刺得气可以定义为针刺干预人体经络后经过脑的整合时在脑部区域的针刺反应。进一步指出应结合脑功能成像技术和模式识别智能图像处理技术,开展针刺得气客观化研究。 展开更多
关键词 针刺得气 脑功能成像 模式识别 客观化研究
基于神经肌肉接头兴奋传递研究得气针感调控机制的思路探讨 被引量:6
作者 周晨 刘群 +5 位作者 辛娟娟 赵玉雪 吴爽 张雯晰 喻晓春 高俊虹 《中国中医基础医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第10期1658-1663,共6页
得气针感作为一种复合感觉,其产生的形态学基础虽然复杂但必定有神经和肌肉系统的参与。本文基于得气针感与神经、肌肉关系以及神经肌肉接头兴奋传递调控机制的研究进展,提出得气针感产生机制研究的新思路。未来研究可以从负责将运动神... 得气针感作为一种复合感觉,其产生的形态学基础虽然复杂但必定有神经和肌肉系统的参与。本文基于得气针感与神经、肌肉关系以及神经肌肉接头兴奋传递调控机制的研究进展,提出得气针感产生机制研究的新思路。未来研究可以从负责将运动神经元产生的动作电位传递到肌细胞,引起骨骼肌收缩的经典化学突触—神经肌肉接头入手,探讨其兴奋传递在针刺得气针感产生过程中的调控机制,为针刺得气针感理论提供科学解释,并藉此为提高临床疗效提供科学依据。 展开更多
关键词 得气针感 神经肌肉接头 兴奋传递 调控机制
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