采用耦合中国气象科学研究院CAMS(Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences)研发的云参数方案的MM5中尺度模式对2013年8月13日湘南地区受"尤特"台风外围云系影响的一次典型积层混合云降水过程进行数值模拟,分析此次天气...采用耦合中国气象科学研究院CAMS(Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences)研发的云参数方案的MM5中尺度模式对2013年8月13日湘南地区受"尤特"台风外围云系影响的一次典型积层混合云降水过程进行数值模拟,分析此次天气过程云微物理量的时空分布特征以及人工增雨作业最佳时机和位置。结果显示,各种水成物混和比随时间变化趋势基本一致,均呈单峰型,最大值都出现在13日14:00左右;在云系整个发展过程中,各类水成物水平分布不均匀,积云部分呈明显块状分布,随着云系发展,水成物混合比大值区有明显的西移趋势;在云系发展成熟阶段,云水经向分布范围不大,约60 km,各类水成物在垂直方向吻合很好,云水垂直发展很旺盛,有过冷水存在;雨水和霰的分布对应很好,说明此次过程霰的融化是雨水的主要来源。积层混合云的发展前期450 h Pa附近最有利于人工增雨催化。展开更多
A 2-D slab-symmetric model of mixed convective-stratiform cloud is developed by superimposing convective cloud-size field on the convergence field,in order to simulate and study the mixed clouds consisting of stratifo...A 2-D slab-symmetric model of mixed convective-stratiform cloud is developed by superimposing convective cloud-size field on the convergence field,in order to simulate and study the mixed clouds consisting of stratiform cloud and convective cloud.A deep convective,anelastic and conservative system of equations with basic variables(V,θ,π')is solved by a new method to calculate dynamic field.The water substance in the cloud is divided into 6 categories and the microphysical processes are described in spectrum with two variable parameters and more reasonable particle number/size distributions.To compare with measured radar echo intensity and structure,the model may calculate echo intensity of the model cloud observed by radar.展开更多
文摘采用耦合中国气象科学研究院CAMS(Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences)研发的云参数方案的MM5中尺度模式对2013年8月13日湘南地区受"尤特"台风外围云系影响的一次典型积层混合云降水过程进行数值模拟,分析此次天气过程云微物理量的时空分布特征以及人工增雨作业最佳时机和位置。结果显示,各种水成物混和比随时间变化趋势基本一致,均呈单峰型,最大值都出现在13日14:00左右;在云系整个发展过程中,各类水成物水平分布不均匀,积云部分呈明显块状分布,随着云系发展,水成物混合比大值区有明显的西移趋势;在云系发展成熟阶段,云水经向分布范围不大,约60 km,各类水成物在垂直方向吻合很好,云水垂直发展很旺盛,有过冷水存在;雨水和霰的分布对应很好,说明此次过程霰的融化是雨水的主要来源。积层混合云的发展前期450 h Pa附近最有利于人工增雨催化。
文摘A 2-D slab-symmetric model of mixed convective-stratiform cloud is developed by superimposing convective cloud-size field on the convergence field,in order to simulate and study the mixed clouds consisting of stratiform cloud and convective cloud.A deep convective,anelastic and conservative system of equations with basic variables(V,θ,π')is solved by a new method to calculate dynamic field.The water substance in the cloud is divided into 6 categories and the microphysical processes are described in spectrum with two variable parameters and more reasonable particle number/size distributions.To compare with measured radar echo intensity and structure,the model may calculate echo intensity of the model cloud observed by radar.