气候智慧型农业(climate-smart agriculture,CSA)已成为全球可持续发展目标(Sustainable Development Goals,SDGs)下应对气候变化和粮食安全双挑战的农业系统解决方案。通过全面梳理CSA的概念内涵,评估其与可持续发展目标的关联,进一步...气候智慧型农业(climate-smart agriculture,CSA)已成为全球可持续发展目标(Sustainable Development Goals,SDGs)下应对气候变化和粮食安全双挑战的农业系统解决方案。通过全面梳理CSA的概念内涵,评估其与可持续发展目标的关联,进一步归纳其基本议题和未来发展趋势。研究发现:①CSA不仅可直接促进SDG13-气候行动,而且与其他SDGs有紧密的内在联系,有利于实现消除贫困、饥饿、促进公平的SDG目标。②结合中国语境,CSA可界定为一项基于系统思维,能在多目标、多尺度下平衡粮食可持续增产(粮食安全)、提高农业对气候的适应能力(适应)、减缓温室气体排放(减缓)3个目标之间的优先事项,增强农业系统弹性的土地利用工程。③CSA研究可从理论探讨、水平测度、实践举措、优化调控4个方面深入探索,掌握概念标准、公平正义、多目标协同权衡、促进实践采纳等研究的关键节点,布局未来研究蓝图。本文期待为CSA发展成多学科交融和多系统互动的综合研究奠定基础,最终促使中国CSA研究走向国际理论关联和本土实践创新。展开更多
气候智慧型农业(climate-smart agriculture,CSA)作为应对气候变化和粮食安全双挑战的高潜力农业系统解决方案,一经提出就受到了国际各界的高度重视,而中国的CSA研究项目进展缓慢,且尚未引起学术界的广泛关注。本研究借助CiteSpace(5.8....气候智慧型农业(climate-smart agriculture,CSA)作为应对气候变化和粮食安全双挑战的高潜力农业系统解决方案,一经提出就受到了国际各界的高度重视,而中国的CSA研究项目进展缓慢,且尚未引起学术界的广泛关注。本研究借助CiteSpace(5.8.R3)软件,选取Web of Science核心数据集,对2010—2021年的国际CSA研究文献进行分析,梳理了国外研究热点与趋势变化,并提出新的展望思考,为我国CSA发展提供理论和实践支撑。研究结果表明:1)CSA已形成多维度平衡农业与气候变化的完整概念框架;2)CSA与可持续集约化、智慧农业、保护性农业等研究交织融合发展,研究热点围绕着生产力、适应、缓解这“3个支柱”展开;3)CSA研究趋势有泛化倾向,表现在研究区域转向发展中国家,研究对象注重多目标,研究内容涉及多领域。最后,对CSA的未来研究趋势进行展望,将更关注其内涵探索、实施框架制定、脆弱群体需求、跨学科合作和农业转型等方面。此外,本文强调,CSA作为应对气候变化的农业发展新模式,其理论框架和实践技术对中国农业转型具有理论和实践的双重意义,其在中国的应用与适应发展是一个亟待开拓探究和富有挑战的领域。展开更多
气候智慧型农业(Climate-smart agriculture,CSA)已成为推动农业绿色发展议程的核心要素。深入探究全球范围内CSA研究进展,有助于提升学术界和实践者对该领域的理解和评估。本文基于Web of Science(WoS)数据库,检索2014-01-01至2023-08...气候智慧型农业(Climate-smart agriculture,CSA)已成为推动农业绿色发展议程的核心要素。深入探究全球范围内CSA研究进展,有助于提升学术界和实践者对该领域的理解和评估。本文基于Web of Science(WoS)数据库,检索2014-01-01至2023-08-11发表的814篇CSA相关主题的论文,运用文献计量学方法重点剖析国际CSA研究热点。结果表明:(1)2018年后CSA论文发表数量与被引用次数均快速上升,环境科学、可持续性研究、农学的多学科交叉领域是CSA研究核心;(2)气候型智慧农业、气候变化、采用、保护性农业、管理、粮食安全、减缓和农户等为热点关键词;(3)研究热点主要包括CSA重要实践模式之一的保护性农业、CSA对土壤有机碳的影响与量化、CSA在不同区域应用效果、影响农户采纳CSA的关键因素和CSA相关决策支持,揭示出不同国家和地区在实施CSA过程中效果不同,农户采纳CSA的关键因素呈多元化特点,提示政策制定者在设计和推行CSA策略时须全面考虑多元化因素,以确保在全球各地实现CSA措施的有效推广和本土化应用;(4)2014−2023年引文量激增的25篇论文主要集中在保护性农业、CSA的应用与挑战,以及气候变化对农业的影响及应对策略等核心问题上。展开更多
In a world where excessive use and degradation of water resources are threatening the sustainability of livelihoods dependent on water and agriculture, increased food production will have to be done in the face of a c...In a world where excessive use and degradation of water resources are threatening the sustainability of livelihoods dependent on water and agriculture, increased food production will have to be done in the face of a changing climate and climate variability. There is a need to make optimal use of the available water resource to maximize productivity. Climate-smart irrigation is aimed at increasing per unit production and income from irrigated cropping systems without having negative impacts on the environment or other water users and uses. This paper developed a water allocation model using Genetic Algorithm to equitably allocation available water to the various sectors in Kano River Irrigation Scheme yielding an optimal as well as equitable water release with a 96.44% demand met. An average relative supply of 0.94 was obtained indicating the there was even supply of water to all the sectors. The model is robust and relatively easy to apply and can be employed by farm managers to achieve equity and optimal use of the available water resource.展开更多
Improving agricultural water productivity, under rainfed or irrigated conditions, holds significant scope for addressing climate change vulnerability. It also offers adaptation capacity needs as well as water and food...Improving agricultural water productivity, under rainfed or irrigated conditions, holds significant scope for addressing climate change vulnerability. It also offers adaptation capacity needs as well as water and food security in the southern African region. In this study, evidence for climate change impacts and adaptation strategies in rainfed agricultural systems is explored through modeling predictions of crop yield, soil moisture and excess water for potential harvesting. The study specifically presents the results of climate change impacts under rainfed conditions for maize, sorghum and sunflower using soil-water-crop model simulations, integrated based on daily inputs of rainfall and evapotranspiration disaggregated from GCM scenarios. The research targets a vast farming region dominated by heavy clay soils where rainfed agriculture is a dominant practice. The potential for improving soil water productivity and improved water harvesting have been explored as ways of climate change mitigation and adaptation measures. This can be utilized to explore and design appropriate conservation agriculture and adaptation practices in similar agro-ecological environments, and create opportunities for outscaling for much wider areas. The results of this study can suggest the need for possible policy refinements towards reducing vulnerability and adaptation to climate change in rainfed farming systems.展开更多
文摘气候智慧型农业(climate-smart agriculture,CSA)已成为全球可持续发展目标(Sustainable Development Goals,SDGs)下应对气候变化和粮食安全双挑战的农业系统解决方案。通过全面梳理CSA的概念内涵,评估其与可持续发展目标的关联,进一步归纳其基本议题和未来发展趋势。研究发现:①CSA不仅可直接促进SDG13-气候行动,而且与其他SDGs有紧密的内在联系,有利于实现消除贫困、饥饿、促进公平的SDG目标。②结合中国语境,CSA可界定为一项基于系统思维,能在多目标、多尺度下平衡粮食可持续增产(粮食安全)、提高农业对气候的适应能力(适应)、减缓温室气体排放(减缓)3个目标之间的优先事项,增强农业系统弹性的土地利用工程。③CSA研究可从理论探讨、水平测度、实践举措、优化调控4个方面深入探索,掌握概念标准、公平正义、多目标协同权衡、促进实践采纳等研究的关键节点,布局未来研究蓝图。本文期待为CSA发展成多学科交融和多系统互动的综合研究奠定基础,最终促使中国CSA研究走向国际理论关联和本土实践创新。
文摘气候智慧型农业(climate-smart agriculture,CSA)作为应对气候变化和粮食安全双挑战的高潜力农业系统解决方案,一经提出就受到了国际各界的高度重视,而中国的CSA研究项目进展缓慢,且尚未引起学术界的广泛关注。本研究借助CiteSpace(5.8.R3)软件,选取Web of Science核心数据集,对2010—2021年的国际CSA研究文献进行分析,梳理了国外研究热点与趋势变化,并提出新的展望思考,为我国CSA发展提供理论和实践支撑。研究结果表明:1)CSA已形成多维度平衡农业与气候变化的完整概念框架;2)CSA与可持续集约化、智慧农业、保护性农业等研究交织融合发展,研究热点围绕着生产力、适应、缓解这“3个支柱”展开;3)CSA研究趋势有泛化倾向,表现在研究区域转向发展中国家,研究对象注重多目标,研究内容涉及多领域。最后,对CSA的未来研究趋势进行展望,将更关注其内涵探索、实施框架制定、脆弱群体需求、跨学科合作和农业转型等方面。此外,本文强调,CSA作为应对气候变化的农业发展新模式,其理论框架和实践技术对中国农业转型具有理论和实践的双重意义,其在中国的应用与适应发展是一个亟待开拓探究和富有挑战的领域。
文摘气候智慧型农业(Climate-smart agriculture,CSA)已成为推动农业绿色发展议程的核心要素。深入探究全球范围内CSA研究进展,有助于提升学术界和实践者对该领域的理解和评估。本文基于Web of Science(WoS)数据库,检索2014-01-01至2023-08-11发表的814篇CSA相关主题的论文,运用文献计量学方法重点剖析国际CSA研究热点。结果表明:(1)2018年后CSA论文发表数量与被引用次数均快速上升,环境科学、可持续性研究、农学的多学科交叉领域是CSA研究核心;(2)气候型智慧农业、气候变化、采用、保护性农业、管理、粮食安全、减缓和农户等为热点关键词;(3)研究热点主要包括CSA重要实践模式之一的保护性农业、CSA对土壤有机碳的影响与量化、CSA在不同区域应用效果、影响农户采纳CSA的关键因素和CSA相关决策支持,揭示出不同国家和地区在实施CSA过程中效果不同,农户采纳CSA的关键因素呈多元化特点,提示政策制定者在设计和推行CSA策略时须全面考虑多元化因素,以确保在全球各地实现CSA措施的有效推广和本土化应用;(4)2014−2023年引文量激增的25篇论文主要集中在保护性农业、CSA的应用与挑战,以及气候变化对农业的影响及应对策略等核心问题上。
文摘In a world where excessive use and degradation of water resources are threatening the sustainability of livelihoods dependent on water and agriculture, increased food production will have to be done in the face of a changing climate and climate variability. There is a need to make optimal use of the available water resource to maximize productivity. Climate-smart irrigation is aimed at increasing per unit production and income from irrigated cropping systems without having negative impacts on the environment or other water users and uses. This paper developed a water allocation model using Genetic Algorithm to equitably allocation available water to the various sectors in Kano River Irrigation Scheme yielding an optimal as well as equitable water release with a 96.44% demand met. An average relative supply of 0.94 was obtained indicating the there was even supply of water to all the sectors. The model is robust and relatively easy to apply and can be employed by farm managers to achieve equity and optimal use of the available water resource.
文摘Improving agricultural water productivity, under rainfed or irrigated conditions, holds significant scope for addressing climate change vulnerability. It also offers adaptation capacity needs as well as water and food security in the southern African region. In this study, evidence for climate change impacts and adaptation strategies in rainfed agricultural systems is explored through modeling predictions of crop yield, soil moisture and excess water for potential harvesting. The study specifically presents the results of climate change impacts under rainfed conditions for maize, sorghum and sunflower using soil-water-crop model simulations, integrated based on daily inputs of rainfall and evapotranspiration disaggregated from GCM scenarios. The research targets a vast farming region dominated by heavy clay soils where rainfed agriculture is a dominant practice. The potential for improving soil water productivity and improved water harvesting have been explored as ways of climate change mitigation and adaptation measures. This can be utilized to explore and design appropriate conservation agriculture and adaptation practices in similar agro-ecological environments, and create opportunities for outscaling for much wider areas. The results of this study can suggest the need for possible policy refinements towards reducing vulnerability and adaptation to climate change in rainfed farming systems.