目的:评价MTA、iRoot BP Plus两种根管充填材料在根管正充填与倒充填两种不同根尖术式下的根管封闭效果。方法::收集因牙周、正畸拔除并符合标准的下颌恒前磨牙40颗,根管预备后随机分为4个实验组(n=8)和2个对照组(n=4):A组(MTA正充填组)...目的:评价MTA、iRoot BP Plus两种根管充填材料在根管正充填与倒充填两种不同根尖术式下的根管封闭效果。方法::收集因牙周、正畸拔除并符合标准的下颌恒前磨牙40颗,根管预备后随机分为4个实验组(n=8)和2个对照组(n=4):A组(MTA正充填组)、B组(iRoot BP Plus正充填组)、C组(MTA倒充填组)、D组(iRoot BP Plus倒充填组)、M组(阳性对照组)、N组(阴性对照组)。使用印度墨汁染色技术,透明牙技术评价两种材料在根管正充填与倒充填两种不同根尖术式下的根管封闭效果。结果:各实验组根方均有不同深度的墨汁渗入,A、B组较C、D组微渗漏值稍大,但各组间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:MTA、iRoot BP Plus在根管正充填与倒充填两种不同充填方式下能取得同样的根尖封闭效果。因此,对于部分特殊部位的根尖病变以及止血困难等行根尖倒预备、倒充填较困难的病例可以选择MTA或iRoot BP Plus正充填后再行根尖切除这一手术方式作为有效的替代方式。展开更多
Background: One of the ideal properties of a root canal sealer is to have a good sealing ability, especially at the apical third of the root. Objective: To evaluate the comparison of the apical leakage between obturat...Background: One of the ideal properties of a root canal sealer is to have a good sealing ability, especially at the apical third of the root. Objective: To evaluate the comparison of the apical leakage between obturation using bioceramic sealer (BS) and polydimethylsiloxane sealer (PS). Materials and Methods: Thirty-six mandibular premolars were equally divided into two groups and were obturated with single cone technique. The sealers used for Group I and Group II were BS and PS respectively. After obturation, the samples were incubated (37°C, 24 h), sealed with two coats of nail polish except for 2 mm from the apex, submerged in the Indian ink for 7 days, decalcified, dehydrated, and made transparent according to Robertson technique. Dye penetration was evaluated under stereomicroscope. Samples without dye penetration were given score 0, dye penetration ≤ 0.5 mm were given score 1, 0.51 - 1 mm were given score 2, and >1 mm were given score 3. Result: The largest proportion distribution in BS group was at the score 1 (55.6%), whereas in PS group was at the score 2 (44.4%). Conclusion: Bioceramic sealer showed similar apical leakage to polydimethylsiloxane sealer. Clinical Relevance: Based on this study, bioceramic sealer can be recommended to be used as sealer with low level of apical leakage as well as polydimethylsiloxane sealer.展开更多
目的:评估酸蚀处理倒预备洞型对根尖倒充填材料封闭性能的影响。方法:选用80颗新鲜拔除的下颌磨牙,使用3.5倍放大镜检查,排除牙根隐裂,清洁干净后保存于蒸馏水中备用,截取其远中根,行根管治疗。根管预备使用旋转镍钛器械,根管充填采用...目的:评估酸蚀处理倒预备洞型对根尖倒充填材料封闭性能的影响。方法:选用80颗新鲜拔除的下颌磨牙,使用3.5倍放大镜检查,排除牙根隐裂,清洁干净后保存于蒸馏水中备用,截取其远中根,行根管治疗。根管预备使用旋转镍钛器械,根管充填采用冷侧压法。根管治疗后牙根截去根尖3 mm,使用超声尖倒预备(3 mm深)。倒预备后牙根随机分成4组,分别使用银汞、临时充填材料(intermediate restorative material,IRM)、新型根尖倒充填材料iRoot BP Plus和三氧化矿物凝聚体(mineral trioxide aggregate,MTA)4种材料倒充填。每组再根据倒预备洞型行酸蚀处理与否分为酸蚀组和非酸蚀组两个亚组,每组10颗牙。牙根倒充填后使用藻酸盐印膜材覆盖根尖,保存在PBS溶液中1周,待其固化,使用亚甲基蓝染色1周,取出纵行劈开,在体视显微镜下观察微渗漏。统计学分析采用单因素方差分析和Tamhane’s T2法,α值设为0.05。结果:各组渗漏值为:银汞酸蚀(2.80±0.72)mm,银汞不酸蚀(2.07±0.86)mm,IRM酸蚀(1.54±0.19)mm,IRM不酸蚀(1.12±0.28)mm,iRoot BP Plus酸蚀(0.20±0.20)mm,iRoot BP Plus不酸蚀(0.11±0.08)mm,MTA酸蚀(0.19±0.19)mm,MTA不酸蚀(0.17±0.14)mm。单因素方差分析显示不同组渗漏差异有统计学意义。Tamhane’s T2法组间比较显示:iRoot BP Plus组和MTA组渗漏显著小于银汞和IRM组(P<0.05);iRoot BP Plus组和MTA组渗漏无显著差别;酸蚀会增加IRM的渗漏性(P<0.05);酸蚀对MTA、iRoot BP Plus和银汞的渗漏性无显著影响。结论:酸蚀处理不能改进根尖倒充填材料的封闭性。展开更多
文摘目的:评价MTA、iRoot BP Plus两种根管充填材料在根管正充填与倒充填两种不同根尖术式下的根管封闭效果。方法::收集因牙周、正畸拔除并符合标准的下颌恒前磨牙40颗,根管预备后随机分为4个实验组(n=8)和2个对照组(n=4):A组(MTA正充填组)、B组(iRoot BP Plus正充填组)、C组(MTA倒充填组)、D组(iRoot BP Plus倒充填组)、M组(阳性对照组)、N组(阴性对照组)。使用印度墨汁染色技术,透明牙技术评价两种材料在根管正充填与倒充填两种不同根尖术式下的根管封闭效果。结果:各实验组根方均有不同深度的墨汁渗入,A、B组较C、D组微渗漏值稍大,但各组间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:MTA、iRoot BP Plus在根管正充填与倒充填两种不同充填方式下能取得同样的根尖封闭效果。因此,对于部分特殊部位的根尖病变以及止血困难等行根尖倒预备、倒充填较困难的病例可以选择MTA或iRoot BP Plus正充填后再行根尖切除这一手术方式作为有效的替代方式。
文摘Background: One of the ideal properties of a root canal sealer is to have a good sealing ability, especially at the apical third of the root. Objective: To evaluate the comparison of the apical leakage between obturation using bioceramic sealer (BS) and polydimethylsiloxane sealer (PS). Materials and Methods: Thirty-six mandibular premolars were equally divided into two groups and were obturated with single cone technique. The sealers used for Group I and Group II were BS and PS respectively. After obturation, the samples were incubated (37°C, 24 h), sealed with two coats of nail polish except for 2 mm from the apex, submerged in the Indian ink for 7 days, decalcified, dehydrated, and made transparent according to Robertson technique. Dye penetration was evaluated under stereomicroscope. Samples without dye penetration were given score 0, dye penetration ≤ 0.5 mm were given score 1, 0.51 - 1 mm were given score 2, and >1 mm were given score 3. Result: The largest proportion distribution in BS group was at the score 1 (55.6%), whereas in PS group was at the score 2 (44.4%). Conclusion: Bioceramic sealer showed similar apical leakage to polydimethylsiloxane sealer. Clinical Relevance: Based on this study, bioceramic sealer can be recommended to be used as sealer with low level of apical leakage as well as polydimethylsiloxane sealer.
文摘目的:评估酸蚀处理倒预备洞型对根尖倒充填材料封闭性能的影响。方法:选用80颗新鲜拔除的下颌磨牙,使用3.5倍放大镜检查,排除牙根隐裂,清洁干净后保存于蒸馏水中备用,截取其远中根,行根管治疗。根管预备使用旋转镍钛器械,根管充填采用冷侧压法。根管治疗后牙根截去根尖3 mm,使用超声尖倒预备(3 mm深)。倒预备后牙根随机分成4组,分别使用银汞、临时充填材料(intermediate restorative material,IRM)、新型根尖倒充填材料iRoot BP Plus和三氧化矿物凝聚体(mineral trioxide aggregate,MTA)4种材料倒充填。每组再根据倒预备洞型行酸蚀处理与否分为酸蚀组和非酸蚀组两个亚组,每组10颗牙。牙根倒充填后使用藻酸盐印膜材覆盖根尖,保存在PBS溶液中1周,待其固化,使用亚甲基蓝染色1周,取出纵行劈开,在体视显微镜下观察微渗漏。统计学分析采用单因素方差分析和Tamhane’s T2法,α值设为0.05。结果:各组渗漏值为:银汞酸蚀(2.80±0.72)mm,银汞不酸蚀(2.07±0.86)mm,IRM酸蚀(1.54±0.19)mm,IRM不酸蚀(1.12±0.28)mm,iRoot BP Plus酸蚀(0.20±0.20)mm,iRoot BP Plus不酸蚀(0.11±0.08)mm,MTA酸蚀(0.19±0.19)mm,MTA不酸蚀(0.17±0.14)mm。单因素方差分析显示不同组渗漏差异有统计学意义。Tamhane’s T2法组间比较显示:iRoot BP Plus组和MTA组渗漏显著小于银汞和IRM组(P<0.05);iRoot BP Plus组和MTA组渗漏无显著差别;酸蚀会增加IRM的渗漏性(P<0.05);酸蚀对MTA、iRoot BP Plus和银汞的渗漏性无显著影响。结论:酸蚀处理不能改进根尖倒充填材料的封闭性。