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作者 王鑫 马达 《白城师范学院学报》 2024年第6期17-24,共8页
梅花诗是高启诗歌中的一个重要题材,他继承了传统梅花诗的写法,又突破了传统的束缚,赋予梅花新的情感内涵和表达方式,其梅花诗洋溢着“复意为工”的“隐”和“卓绝为巧”的“秀”。“隐”主要体现在情与理方面,“秀”主要体现在文辞、... 梅花诗是高启诗歌中的一个重要题材,他继承了传统梅花诗的写法,又突破了传统的束缚,赋予梅花新的情感内涵和表达方式,其梅花诗洋溢着“复意为工”的“隐”和“卓绝为巧”的“秀”。“隐”主要体现在情与理方面,“秀”主要体现在文辞、意象与修辞方面“,隐”与“秀”共同构筑了高启梅花诗自然和谐又深韵的艺术之美,为梅花诗的发展开辟出一片新的天地。 展开更多
关键词 梅花诗 高启 “隐” “秀”
“洞穴喻”发微--海德格尔真理之路的转折点 被引量:2
作者 朱清华 《哲学门》 CSSCI 2015年第2期1-17,共17页
海德格尔1930年代初期对真理的集中探讨展示了他思想的转向和更深入更丰富的开展。他对柏拉图的“洞穴喻”的解析表明,原始的遮蔽状态笼罩着人的生存,支配着人揭示真理、获取自由的过程。真理是去除遮蔽,是筹划着将自己系缚于一个理念,... 海德格尔1930年代初期对真理的集中探讨展示了他思想的转向和更深入更丰富的开展。他对柏拉图的“洞穴喻”的解析表明,原始的遮蔽状态笼罩着人的生存,支配着人揭示真理、获取自由的过程。真理是去除遮蔽,是筹划着将自己系缚于一个理念,从而脱离黑暗进入光明。但作为绽出的自由的真理仍在原始的遮蔽统治下。由此,真理也不能由一个理念而一劳永逸地获得,而必须返回洞穴,持续地进行去除遮蔽活动,才能保持住真理。作为始终处于遮蔽和迷误的笼罩下的真理追问,哲学活动就是不断探求存在的意义的来源,即柏拉图的至善。这既是对存在的意义和存在的真理的无尽追问,也是对人自身和人的本质的探求。海德格尔对“洞穴喻”的解释对柏拉图以及古希腊思想诠释开拓出新局面。 展开更多
关键词 洞穴喻 真理 自由 遮蔽 至善
作者 何家慧 《淮北煤炭师范学院学报(自然科学版)》 2004年第2期69-71,共3页
关键词 数学教育 解题方法 灵活性 相对性 等价性 隐含性 逆反性
作者 朱兆斌 陈思 《江南大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2020年第1期75-80,共6页
刘震云的《温故一九四二》以取材于历史事实的非虚构性叙事在他的作品中独具特色。这部作品以河南大饥荒为背景建构了一个"民族寓言",其中浓缩了部分中国人的生存境况与精神生态:在其生存境况中,充满了饥饿、挣扎与死亡;而在... 刘震云的《温故一九四二》以取材于历史事实的非虚构性叙事在他的作品中独具特色。这部作品以河南大饥荒为背景建构了一个"民族寓言",其中浓缩了部分中国人的生存境况与精神生态:在其生存境况中,充满了饥饿、挣扎与死亡;而在其精神生态中,则充满了迟钝、利己与遗忘。这一"民族寓言"被置于宏大历史叙事与宏大政治叙事的夹缝之中展开,并在作为中华文明发源地之一的河南地区的大饥荒中突显了其自身的意义。宏大历史叙事使底层百姓逐渐遗忘其在历史灾难中的挣扎,而宏大政治叙事则使人民利益在政治目的之中被忽视。在这两种宏大叙事之中,人民的微观生存与西方的正面作用常被隐匿。这部作品具有历史纪实风格的叙事与上述两种宏大叙事产生对抗,揭示出宏大叙事对微观层面的个体生存状态与精神生态的遮蔽作用,并清晰地标识出西方因素的位置与作用。刘震云在作品中对双重宏大叙事"祛隐匿化",使"民族寓言"得到了完整呈现,从而使人们得以直面更为真实而又极其复杂的历史。 展开更多
关键词 温故一九四二 民族寓言 宏大叙事 隐匿性
高危及重要客户用电风险防范及服务策略思考 被引量:18
作者 巢民 《电力需求侧管理》 2013年第1期51-53,共3页
关键词 重要电力客户 隐患缺陷 风险防范 服务策略
作者 李勇 白梅娟 +3 位作者 付高阳 周敏敏 李昊瞳 侯帅 《电脑与信息技术》 2024年第4期31-35,共5页
无人机渗透作战指隐藏航迹,穿越敌人密集区域向敌人后方运动,是一种重要的作战样式。为了解决无人机在城市场景下的渗透路径规划问题,提出了一种基于遴选策略的蜜獾算法(Select Excellent Individuals Honey Badger Algorithm,SEI-HBA)... 无人机渗透作战指隐藏航迹,穿越敌人密集区域向敌人后方运动,是一种重要的作战样式。为了解决无人机在城市场景下的渗透路径规划问题,提出了一种基于遴选策略的蜜獾算法(Select Excellent Individuals Honey Badger Algorithm,SEI-HBA),它能够在隐蔽度模型下规划无人机的渗透路径。首先,提出一种根据划分低隐蔽区域减少区域内路径数量的结点缩减模型;其次,提出遴选策略蜜獾算法,将蜜獾种群中满足阈值的个体遴选出作为优秀个体,引导种群中剩余个体求解方向;最后,通过划分结点类型,考虑敌方有效视野、建筑物与敌方的位置分布构建无人机城市渗透隐蔽度计算模型。实验证明,遴选蜜獾算法结合渗透模型的无人机路径规划相比于传统只考虑路程最短的无人机路径规划,取得了良好的实验效果,为渗透背景下的路径规划提供了新的方法和思路。 展开更多
关键词 结点缩减 遴选策略 蜜獾算法 隐蔽度模型
钱钟书比喻思想的符号学解读 被引量:3
作者 姜奕村 《中国比较文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第1期129-138,共10页
钱钟书先生对比喻现象有十分独到的见解,提出了"两柄多边说"等重要观点。从符号学角度来解读钱先生的隐喻思想,能够得到不少新的发现。在宏观层面上,钱先生通过阐述"喻"与"诗"之间的关系,指出比喻性思维... 钱钟书先生对比喻现象有十分独到的见解,提出了"两柄多边说"等重要观点。从符号学角度来解读钱先生的隐喻思想,能够得到不少新的发现。在宏观层面上,钱先生通过阐述"喻"与"诗"之间的关系,指出比喻性思维,即诗性思维,是人类最基本的思维方式。在这一问题上,钱先生与维科和皮尔士等西方学者不谋而合。维科最先提出了"诗性逻辑"这一概念。皮尔士认为,比喻的逻辑基础是类象推理。钱先生进一步指出,这种类象推理的本质特征是"以不同类为类"。在微观层面上,钱先生提出并重点阐述了比喻的"两柄多边"现象。"两柄多边说"充分体现了喻体的多义性和多样性,同时也揭示了比喻的任意性特征。 展开更多
关键词 “隐”与“显” 类象性思维 分类 喻体的多义性和多样性 比喻的任意性
作者 黄景忠 《韩山师范学院学报》 2005年第2期19-23,共5页
钟敬文先生散文创作的初始阶段曾深受周作人闲话体散文的影响,但钟敬文在本质上并非一个智者而是一个诗人,这决定了他后来的散文创作从闲话体转向抒情体。他以一颗伤感之心对自然万物和人生进行细致的体察和品味,以灵动、从容的笔调去... 钟敬文先生散文创作的初始阶段曾深受周作人闲话体散文的影响,但钟敬文在本质上并非一个智者而是一个诗人,这决定了他后来的散文创作从闲话体转向抒情体。他以一颗伤感之心对自然万物和人生进行细致的体察和品味,以灵动、从容的笔调去表达心灵的宁静、智慧和诗性。用清幽、悲惋、流逸可以概括他散文的艺术风格。 展开更多
关键词 钟敬文 抒情体 山水情怀 感伤
作者 岳爱华 姜一 《运城学院学报》 2011年第6期7-9,共3页
《文心雕龙.隐秀篇》"隐"与"秀"二者是辩证统一的独立美学范畴,是刘勰对创作中外在形式与内在意蕴统一性的深刻思辨认识。《隐秀》致力于解决文学活动中的言意矛盾、探讨文学创作的规律,通过"隐"、"... 《文心雕龙.隐秀篇》"隐"与"秀"二者是辩证统一的独立美学范畴,是刘勰对创作中外在形式与内在意蕴统一性的深刻思辨认识。《隐秀》致力于解决文学活动中的言意矛盾、探讨文学创作的规律,通过"隐"、"秀"的相契相协,文学创作就能够做到更好的依言达意。 展开更多
关键词 刘勰 文心雕龙 隐秀 言意
Analysis on hidden blood loss of total knee arthroplasty in treating knee osteoarthritis 被引量:47
作者 SHEN Hui-liang LI Zheng FENG Ming-li CAO Guang-le 《Chinese Medical Journal》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第11期1653-1656,共4页
Background Total knee arthroplasty (TKA) is an important therapy for the treatment of various late-stage knee diseases. However, it has been observed that patients have lower hemoglobin (HB) counts postoperatively... Background Total knee arthroplasty (TKA) is an important therapy for the treatment of various late-stage knee diseases. However, it has been observed that patients have lower hemoglobin (HB) counts postoperatively, which are significantly inconsistent with the measured blood loss. Although the concept of hidden blood loss has been presented in 2000, very little clinical attention has been paid since then. In this study, we investigated the characteristics and influential factor of hidden blood loss after TKA in treating knee osteoarthritis. 展开更多
关键词 total knee arthroplasty hidden blood loss REINFUSION OSTEOARTHRITIS
论隐性课程与大学精神 被引量:44
作者 谭伟平 《现代大学教育》 2004年第6期58-63,共6页
显性课程和隐性课程是构成大学总课程的两个有机组成部分。显性课程主要构成人才的骨骼框架 ,隐性课程主要构成人才的灵魂血肉 ,它们在不同的方面 ,以不同的教育方式共同完成培养全面发展的“全人”这一教育终极目的。隐性课程是一种“... 显性课程和隐性课程是构成大学总课程的两个有机组成部分。显性课程主要构成人才的骨骼框架 ,隐性课程主要构成人才的灵魂血肉 ,它们在不同的方面 ,以不同的教育方式共同完成培养全面发展的“全人”这一教育终极目的。隐性课程是一种“软课程” ,是一种非理性教育 ,它注重人的情感体验和人的和谐全面发展 ,能培养和激发学生的想象力和创造力 ,它以氛围、风格、环境等方式体现出来。人文底蕴越深厚的大学 ,其隐性课程的表现样式就越多样化。大学精神主要是靠隐性课程来存储和散发的 ,它是大学的形象和标志 ,是大学的精气神。隐性课程的习得必须要亲临其境才能感同身受。隐性课程对提升大学品位有重要意义 ,能帮助大学达到追求的最高境界 ! 展开更多
关键词 隐性课程 大学精神 显性课程 全面发展 非理性教育 培养 教育方式 人才 构成 才能
186例老年肺炎临床特点和治疗分析 被引量:46
作者 郭丽 《临床肺科杂志》 2012年第2期258-259,共2页
目的探讨老年肺炎的临床特点及治疗效果,进一步提高老年肺炎的诊治水平。方法回顾性分析我院2006年3月~2011年3月间收治的186例老年肺炎的临床资料。结果 186例病例中治愈133例(占71.5%),好转30例(占16.1%),未愈自动出院5例(占2.7%),死... 目的探讨老年肺炎的临床特点及治疗效果,进一步提高老年肺炎的诊治水平。方法回顾性分析我院2006年3月~2011年3月间收治的186例老年肺炎的临床资料。结果 186例病例中治愈133例(占71.5%),好转30例(占16.1%),未愈自动出院5例(占2.7%),死亡18例(占9.7%)。结论老年肺炎起病隐匿,临床表现多种多样,症状交叉且复杂,呼吸系统症状不典型,特异性体征较少,合并症及并发症较多,死亡率高。早期的诊断和治疗对提高治愈率和降低死亡率具有重要的临床意义。 展开更多
关键词 老年肺炎 临床特点 治疗分析 隐匿
西方“隐蔽课程”研究的探析 被引量:42
作者 唐晓杰 《华东师范大学学报(教育科学版)》 1988年第2期43-55,共13页
'隐蔽课程(hidden curriculum)'是当今西方课程领域中新崛起的研究课题,也是当代课程研究的发展趋势之一。究其历史,确实不长,但劲势颇强,令许多教育学者刮目相看。道德教育理论家不失时机地指出,隐蔽课程是道德教育的一个重要... '隐蔽课程(hidden curriculum)'是当今西方课程领域中新崛起的研究课题,也是当代课程研究的发展趋势之一。究其历史,确实不长,但劲势颇强,令许多教育学者刮目相看。道德教育理论家不失时机地指出,隐蔽课程是道德教育的一个重要手段,它比任何正规课程(formal curriculum)都来得有力;课程理论家敏于现实。 展开更多
关键词 隐蔽课程 curriculum 教育学者 当代课程 课程领域 道德教育理论 附带学习 课程研究 hidden formal
Review on hidden trouble detection and health diagnosis of hydraulic concrete structures 被引量:28
作者 WU ZhongRu1,2?, LI Ji1, GU ChongShi1,2 & SU HuaiZhi1,2 1 College of Water Conservancy and Hydropower Engineering, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China 2 National Engineering Research Center of Water Resources Efficient Utilization and Engineering Safety, Nanjing 210098, China 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2007年第z1期34-50,共17页
A large number of hydraulic concrete structures have hidden defects such as cracks, erosion, freeze and thaw, thermal fatigue, carbonization. These hidden defects seriously affect the strength, stability and durabilit... A large number of hydraulic concrete structures have hidden defects such as cracks, erosion, freeze and thaw, thermal fatigue, carbonization. These hidden defects seriously affect the strength, stability and durability of structures. These problems are studied mainly by single monitoring or diagnosis methods at present. The integration of multiple monitoring and diagnosis methods is not applied widely. Besides, the analysis theory on these problems is not developed very well. The systemic study on the aging mechanism of hydraulic concrete structures, time- variation model and health diagnosis is still not enough. The support for engineering practice is limited. Aimed at these major scientific and technological problems and combined with specific projects, study on detection of hidden defects and health diagnosis of hydraulic concrete structure has been carried out. This study includes the following content: field non-destructive examination of hidden defects of hydraulic concrete structures, seepage detection, the construction of in-situ sensing system, the combination of field detection and in-situ monitoring, the mechanism of crack, freeze and thaw, erosion and carbonization of hydraulic concrete structure, mechanism of combination aging; time-variation model of hydraulic concrete structure, theories and methods for health diagnosis of hydraulic concrete structures. 展开更多
Searching Databases with Keywords 被引量:16
作者 ShanWang Kun-LongZhang 《Journal of Computer Science & Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2005年第1期55-62,共8页
Traditionally, SQL query language is used to search the data in databases. However, it is inappropriate for end-users, since it is complex and hard to learn. It is the need of end-user, searching in databases with key... Traditionally, SQL query language is used to search the data in databases. However, it is inappropriate for end-users, since it is complex and hard to learn. It is the need of end-user, searching in databases with keywords, like in web search engines. This paper presents a survey of work on keyword search in databases. It also includes a brief introduction to the SEEKER system which has been developed. 展开更多
关键词 relational databases keyword search hidden web information system integration
Correlation between the coverage percentage of prosthesis and postoperative hidden blood loss in primary total knee arthroplasty 被引量:18
作者 Gao Fuqiang Guo Wanshou Sun Wei Li Zirong Wang Weiguo Wang Bailiang Cheng Liming Kush Nepali 《Chinese Medical Journal》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第12期2265-2269,共5页
Background The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between prosthesis coverage and postoperative hidden blood loss (HBL) in primary total knee arthroplasty (TKA).Methods A total of 120 patients who... Background The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between prosthesis coverage and postoperative hidden blood loss (HBL) in primary total knee arthroplasty (TKA).Methods A total of 120 patients who had undergone unilateral TKA from August 2012 to May 2013 were retrospectively studied.The Gross formula was used to calculate the amount of HBL.Routine standard anteroposterior (AP) and lateral x-ray films of the knee joint were taken postoperatively and used to measure the percentages of coronal femoral and of coronal and sagittal tibial prosthetic coverage.Then Pearson's correlation analysis was performed to assess the correlations between the percentages of prosthetic coverage for each AP and lateral position and HBL on the first and third postoperative days.Results The volumes of HBL on the first and third postoperative days after TKA were (786.5±191.6) ml and (1 256.6±205.1) ml,respectively,and lateral x-ray film measurements of percentages of coronal femoral,tibial coronal,and sagittal prosthetic coverage were (87.9±2.5)%,(88.5±2.2)%,and (89.1±2.3)%,respectively.Pearson's correlation analysis showed statistically significant correlations between percentages of total knee prosthetic coverage for each AP and lateral position and volumes of HBL on the first and third postoperative days (P <0.05).Conclusions HBL after TKA correlates with degree of prosthetic coverage.To some extent,the size of the surfaces exposed by osteotomy determines the amount of HBL.Choice of the appropriate prosthesis can significantly reduce postoperative HBL.Designing individualized prostheses would be a worthwhile development in joint replacement surgery. 展开更多
关键词 ARTHROPLASTY replacement knee prosthetic coverage blood loss hidden
Intent Pattern Recognition of Lower-limb Motion Based on Mechanical Sensors 被引量:16
作者 Zuojun Liu Wei Lin +1 位作者 Yanli Geng Peng Yang 《IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica》 SCIE EI CSCD 2017年第4期651-660,共10页
Based on the regularity nature of lower-limb motion,an intent pattern recognition approach for above-knee prosthesis is proposed in this paper. To remedy the defects of recognizer based on electromyogram(EMG), we deve... Based on the regularity nature of lower-limb motion,an intent pattern recognition approach for above-knee prosthesis is proposed in this paper. To remedy the defects of recognizer based on electromyogram(EMG), we develop a pure mechanical sensor architecture for intent pattern recognition of lower-limb motion. The sensor system is composed of an accelerometer, a gyroscope mounted on the prosthetic socket, and two pressure sensors mounted under the sole. To compensate the delay in the control of prosthesis, the signals in the stance phase are used to predict the terrain and speed in the swing phase. Specifically, the intent pattern recognizer utilizes intraclass correlation coefficient(ICC) according to the Cartesian product of walking speed and terrain. Moreover, the sensor data are fused via DempsterShafer's theory. And hidden Markov model(HMM) is used to recognize the realtime motion state with the reference of the prior step. The proposed method can infer the prosthesis user's intent of walking on different terrain, which includes level ground,stair ascent, stair descent, up and down ramp. The experiments demonstrate that the intent pattern recognizer is capable of identifying five typical terrain-modes with the rate of 95.8%. The outcome of this investigation is expected to substantially improve the control performance of powered above-knee prosthesis. 展开更多
关键词 Above-knee prosthesis hidden Markov model(HMM) intra-class correlation coefficient(ICC) intent pattern recognition sensor fusion
A survey on life prediction of equipment 被引量:15
作者 Hu Changhua Zhou Zhijie +1 位作者 Zhang Jianxun Si Xiaosheng 《Chinese Journal of Aeronautics》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第1期25-33,共9页
Once in the hands of end users, such durable equipment as spacecraft, aircraft, ships,automobiles, computers, etc. are in a state of debugging, working or storage. In either state, availability, reliability and super-... Once in the hands of end users, such durable equipment as spacecraft, aircraft, ships,automobiles, computers, etc. are in a state of debugging, working or storage. In either state, availability, reliability and super-efficiency are the ultimate goals, which have been achieved through constant monitoring as well as regular, preventive, routine and corrective maintenance. Although some advanced instruments can visualize certain invisible malfunctioning phenomena into visible ones, deeply hidden troubles cannot be found unless monitoring and testing data are addressed using tools that process the data statistically, analytically and mathematically. Some state-of-theart trouble-shooting and life-predicting techniques and approaches are introduced in this paper. 展开更多
关键词 hidden uncertainty accelerated instruments shooting ultimate maintenance visible addressed trouble
Driving intention recognition and behaviour prediction based on a double-layer hidden Markov model 被引量:15
作者 Lei HE Chang-fu ZONG Chang WANG 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science C(Computers and Electronics)》 SCIE EI 2012年第3期208-217,共10页
We propose a model structure with a double-layer hidden Markov model (HMM) to recognise driving intention and predict driving behaviour. The upper-layer multi-dimensional discrete HMM (MDHMM) in the double-layer HMM r... We propose a model structure with a double-layer hidden Markov model (HMM) to recognise driving intention and predict driving behaviour. The upper-layer multi-dimensional discrete HMM (MDHMM) in the double-layer HMM represents driving intention in a combined working case, constructed according to the driving behaviours in certain single working cases in the lower-layer multi-dimensional Gaussian HMM (MGHMM). The driving behaviours are recognised by manoeuvring the signals of the driver and vehicle state information, and the recognised results are sent to the upper-layer HMM to recognise driving intentions. Also, driving behaviours in the near future are predicted using the likelihood-maximum method. A real-time driving simulator test on the combined working cases showed that the double-layer HMM can recognise driving intention and predict driving behaviour accurately and efficiently. As a result, the model provides the basis for pre-warning and intervention of danger and improving comfort performance. 展开更多
关键词 Vehicle engineering Driving intention recognition Driving behaviour prediction Driver model Double-layer hidden Markov model (HMM)
计划生育手术护理中存在的问题与对策浅探 被引量:13
作者 李瑞爱 卢伟燕 《当代医学》 2011年第33期121-123,共3页
目的探讨计划生育手术护理当中存在的问题,并以此提出相应的解决措施,加强计划生育手术护理的安全性,提高临床手术护理水平。方法将2009年3月~2010年2月期间454例实行计划生育手术者对计划生育手术中的相关护理服务的满意度、计划生育... 目的探讨计划生育手术护理当中存在的问题,并以此提出相应的解决措施,加强计划生育手术护理的安全性,提高临床手术护理水平。方法将2009年3月~2010年2月期间454例实行计划生育手术者对计划生育手术中的相关护理服务的满意度、计划生育手术护理纠纷案件予以调查总结,分析问题存在的原因。结果在计划生育手术护理服务当中,容易引起护理不良事件的主要因素为护理工作管理制度相对不健全,患者个人隐私未得到较好尊重与保护,临床护理工作人员与患者之间的沟通交流不充分,对患者存在的疑虑未做好合理有效的解释工作,临床护理人员专业技能水平有待提高等相关因素。通过对计划生育手术患者采取相应的临床护理措施,患者满意度约为97.35%,护理不良案件发生率约为2.64%。患者满意度相对较高,临床护理不良案件的发生率相对降低。结论在临床计划生育手术护理服务当中,要进一步建立健全计划生育手术护理服务专业技能、护理服务安全管理相关规章制度,加强对患者隐私保护力度,在手术之前充分尊重患者知情权,切实履行告知义务,通过各种合理有效的临床护患沟通方式,促进临床护理工作人员与患者之间良好沟通能力的提高,加强对临床护理人员服务质量的管理,以此提高患者的满意度,最大限度地减少临床不良护理案件的发生。 展开更多
关键词 计划生育手术 护理安全 隐患 管理措施
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