目的:探讨临床教学单元(Clinical Teaching Unit, CTU)在外科住院医师规培期间腹腔镜培训中的应用。方法:从2019年3至5月在外科规培学员中随机抽取12名学员作为实验组,其余12名为对照组,实验组实行以高年资规范化培训学员为主导的腹腔...目的:探讨临床教学单元(Clinical Teaching Unit, CTU)在外科住院医师规培期间腹腔镜培训中的应用。方法:从2019年3至5月在外科规培学员中随机抽取12名学员作为实验组,其余12名为对照组,实验组实行以高年资规范化培训学员为主导的腹腔镜操作培训,对照组为传统的培训方式,培训的内容及时间相同,最后按照评分表给予评分,应用SPSS 18.0软件对组间数据进行t检验。结果:在精细剪切项目和伤口缝合项目中实验组学员的成绩明显高于对照组(P<0.05),在基础的操作项目(夹豆子)中无明显差别。结论:CTU教学方式激发高年资学员的学习动力及教学意识,同时提高低年资学员的互动学习,提升学员的理论及实践能力。展开更多
Purpose:In medical colleges,reside nt training programs must provide adequate surgical experiences,making them qualified at the end of residency program.It is generally believed that it would take more time for a surg...Purpose:In medical colleges,reside nt training programs must provide adequate surgical experiences,making them qualified at the end of residency program.It is generally believed that it would take more time for a surgical resident to perform surgical procedures than a board-certified surgeon.There is no current benchmark w让h regards to operative time and surgical cases involving orthopedic surgery residents.In this study,we focused on two key aspects of surgical training variables,namely,surgical duration&C-arm shoots when the procedure is done by a faculty surgeon in comparison to done by an orthopedic reside nt under supervision of faculty surgeon.Methods:It is an observational prospective study,we observed patients undergoing 1 of 5 common orthopedic trauma operations in a community teaching hospital.We recorded two variables,'skin to'skin surgical duration&number of image intensifier television/C-arm shoots of faculty surgeons and orthopedic resident(postgraduate-3yr)under supervision of faculty surgeon.We calculated mean difference of two variables with or without resident&determined statistical significance,we also compared functional outcome at final follow-up.Results:The total number of procedure observed was 402.On observing summarized results of all surgical procedures,faculty surgeons took on an average 33 min lesser(p<0.05)&on an average 37 lesser number of shoots(p<0.05)than resident surgeons.The difference in surgical duration tended to increase with the greater complexity of the surgical dissection.The difference in number of C-arm shoots tended to increase with the increase in surgical duration in closed procedures.In all the five procedures there was no significant difference(p>0.05)in functional outcome of cases performed by faulty surge on and resident.Conclusion:Little data has been previously published regarding the impact of teaching orthopedic resident in operating room.We demonstrate that resident participation increases the procedure time for commonly performed orthopedic procedures and展开更多
文摘目的:探讨临床教学单元(Clinical Teaching Unit, CTU)在外科住院医师规培期间腹腔镜培训中的应用。方法:从2019年3至5月在外科规培学员中随机抽取12名学员作为实验组,其余12名为对照组,实验组实行以高年资规范化培训学员为主导的腹腔镜操作培训,对照组为传统的培训方式,培训的内容及时间相同,最后按照评分表给予评分,应用SPSS 18.0软件对组间数据进行t检验。结果:在精细剪切项目和伤口缝合项目中实验组学员的成绩明显高于对照组(P<0.05),在基础的操作项目(夹豆子)中无明显差别。结论:CTU教学方式激发高年资学员的学习动力及教学意识,同时提高低年资学员的互动学习,提升学员的理论及实践能力。
文摘Purpose:In medical colleges,reside nt training programs must provide adequate surgical experiences,making them qualified at the end of residency program.It is generally believed that it would take more time for a surgical resident to perform surgical procedures than a board-certified surgeon.There is no current benchmark w让h regards to operative time and surgical cases involving orthopedic surgery residents.In this study,we focused on two key aspects of surgical training variables,namely,surgical duration&C-arm shoots when the procedure is done by a faculty surgeon in comparison to done by an orthopedic reside nt under supervision of faculty surgeon.Methods:It is an observational prospective study,we observed patients undergoing 1 of 5 common orthopedic trauma operations in a community teaching hospital.We recorded two variables,'skin to'skin surgical duration&number of image intensifier television/C-arm shoots of faculty surgeons and orthopedic resident(postgraduate-3yr)under supervision of faculty surgeon.We calculated mean difference of two variables with or without resident&determined statistical significance,we also compared functional outcome at final follow-up.Results:The total number of procedure observed was 402.On observing summarized results of all surgical procedures,faculty surgeons took on an average 33 min lesser(p<0.05)&on an average 37 lesser number of shoots(p<0.05)than resident surgeons.The difference in surgical duration tended to increase with the greater complexity of the surgical dissection.The difference in number of C-arm shoots tended to increase with the increase in surgical duration in closed procedures.In all the five procedures there was no significant difference(p>0.05)in functional outcome of cases performed by faulty surge on and resident.Conclusion:Little data has been previously published regarding the impact of teaching orthopedic resident in operating room.We demonstrate that resident participation increases the procedure time for commonly performed orthopedic procedures and