For more than a thousand years, Chinese people were aware of the transmitted sensations by the application of needles on the body surface. This practice is called acupuncture. Acupuncture had been recorded and transcr...For more than a thousand years, Chinese people were aware of the transmitted sensations by the application of needles on the body surface. This practice is called acupuncture. Acupuncture had been recorded and transcribed in writings and in drawings, until finally the acupoints were inscribed onto a bronze statue. The bronze statue was called the Meridian Figure. Deeply embodied in the bronze statue is a tripartite confrontation-prism representation of the humans body. This concept was a great scientific achievement in ancient China. The author traces the history of Meridian science described in traditional Chinese medical terms. Then he explores a clear analogy of the meridian pathway (MP) phenomenon. In a model system, by using a simple segmental in vertebrate, certain parallels can be demonstrated with the meridian concept. For example, the author demonstrated a clear correlation rule among the central mechano-sensory channels, and characteristics of positional discrimination in individual nerve cells from different receptive field inputs. The evidence suggests that the MP phenomenon is an objective neurobiological response. To clarify the research objective in this paper, the author suggests that the MP is a bi-directional pathway along which a positional message signal is transmitted. This phenomenon is evoked by physical stimulation, transmitted linearly across the human body segments, and is perceived by the brain. The MP consists of low resistance paths, is connected by the liquid media contained in the apposite membranous structure. At the cellular level, the regulation functions of MP must pass through along this low resistance path. Two aspects of the modern Meridian research are the functional regulation and the mechanism of intercellular liquid modulation at the nanometer level.展开更多
群养圈栏内猪只的位置分布是反映其健康福利的重要指标。为解决传统人工观察方式存在的人力耗费大、观察时间长和主观性强等问题,实现群养猪只圈内位置的高效准确获取,该研究以三原色(Red Green Blue,RGB)图像为数据源,提出了改进的快...群养圈栏内猪只的位置分布是反映其健康福利的重要指标。为解决传统人工观察方式存在的人力耗费大、观察时间长和主观性强等问题,实现群养猪只圈内位置的高效准确获取,该研究以三原色(Red Green Blue,RGB)图像为数据源,提出了改进的快速区域卷积神经网络(Faster Region Convolutional Neural Networks,Faster R-CNN)的群养猪只圈内位置识别算法,将时间序列引入候选框区域算法,设计Faster R-CNN和轻量化CNN网络的混合体,将残差网络(Residual Network,ResNet)作为特征提取卷积层,引入PNPoly算法判断猪只在圈内的所处区域。对育成和育肥2个饲养阶段的3个猪圈进行24 h连续98 d的视频录像,从中随机提取图像25000张作为训练集、验证集和测试集,经测试该算法识别准确率可达96.7%,识别速度为每帧0.064s。通过该算法获得了不同猪圈和日龄的猪群位置分布热力图、分布比例和昼夜节律,猪圈饲养面积的增加可使猪群在实体地面的分布比例显著提高(P<0.05)。该方法可为猪只群体行为实时监测提供技术参考。展开更多
文摘For more than a thousand years, Chinese people were aware of the transmitted sensations by the application of needles on the body surface. This practice is called acupuncture. Acupuncture had been recorded and transcribed in writings and in drawings, until finally the acupoints were inscribed onto a bronze statue. The bronze statue was called the Meridian Figure. Deeply embodied in the bronze statue is a tripartite confrontation-prism representation of the humans body. This concept was a great scientific achievement in ancient China. The author traces the history of Meridian science described in traditional Chinese medical terms. Then he explores a clear analogy of the meridian pathway (MP) phenomenon. In a model system, by using a simple segmental in vertebrate, certain parallels can be demonstrated with the meridian concept. For example, the author demonstrated a clear correlation rule among the central mechano-sensory channels, and characteristics of positional discrimination in individual nerve cells from different receptive field inputs. The evidence suggests that the MP phenomenon is an objective neurobiological response. To clarify the research objective in this paper, the author suggests that the MP is a bi-directional pathway along which a positional message signal is transmitted. This phenomenon is evoked by physical stimulation, transmitted linearly across the human body segments, and is perceived by the brain. The MP consists of low resistance paths, is connected by the liquid media contained in the apposite membranous structure. At the cellular level, the regulation functions of MP must pass through along this low resistance path. Two aspects of the modern Meridian research are the functional regulation and the mechanism of intercellular liquid modulation at the nanometer level.