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身体健康对中国人幸福感的影响:宗教信仰的调节作用 被引量:26
作者 王彤 黄希庭 毕翠华 《中国临床心理学杂志》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2014年第6期1053-1056,共4页
目的:本研究基于中国文化背景下,对身体健康与幸福感的关系,以及宗教信仰对两者关系的影响作用进行探讨。方法:采用中国城市幸福指数问卷及包含身体健康和宗教信仰的自编问卷对通过分组抽样选取的全国31个省市(不含港澳台)的5165名非学... 目的:本研究基于中国文化背景下,对身体健康与幸福感的关系,以及宗教信仰对两者关系的影响作用进行探讨。方法:采用中国城市幸福指数问卷及包含身体健康和宗教信仰的自编问卷对通过分组抽样选取的全国31个省市(不含港澳台)的5165名非学生成人被试进行调查。结果:1身体健康对幸福感影响显著,身体健康状况越差,幸福感越低;2在身体健康影响幸福感的过程中,对于存在很多身体健康问题的个体,宗教信仰的缓冲作用显著,而对于身体健康问题不多的个体,宗教信仰的缓冲作用并不显著。结论:对中国人而言,宗教信仰可以缓解身体健康对幸福感的消极影响,这种改善作用对于有很多身体健康问题的个体尤为明显。 展开更多
关键词 身体健康 幸福感 宗教信仰 调节作用
宗教传统影响股价崩盘风险吗?——基于“信息披露”和“管理自律”的双重视角 被引量:22
作者 曾爱民 魏志华 《经济管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第11期134-148,共15页
宗教传统作为我国悠久历史文化的重要组成部分,在社会生活和经济发展中起着不容小觑的作用。在我国股市跌宕起伏的现实背景下,本文研究了宗教传统这一非正式制度对公司股价崩盘风险的影响。基于地理临近性度量法和GSS调查问卷衡量上市... 宗教传统作为我国悠久历史文化的重要组成部分,在社会生活和经济发展中起着不容小觑的作用。在我国股市跌宕起伏的现实背景下,本文研究了宗教传统这一非正式制度对公司股价崩盘风险的影响。基于地理临近性度量法和GSS调查问卷衡量上市公司所在地宗教传统氛围的浓厚程度。本文实证研究发现:公司所在地宗教传统氛围越浓,则公司未来股价崩盘风险越低;进一步,通过"信息披露"和"管理自律"双重视角的路径检验发现,宗教传统对股价崩盘风险的抑制效应主要通过"管理自律"视角下的投资路径传导,而"信息披露"视角下的信息路径和"管理自律"视角下的税收路径并不存在。最后,本文还发现,在投资者保护(正式制度)越薄弱的地区,宗教传统(非正式制度)在降低公司股价崩盘风险方面作用越显著,这表明,宗教传统与正式制度在某种程度上具有替代性治理作用。本研究有助于从非正式制度视角理解公司股价崩盘风险的影响因素和作用机理,这不仅丰富了宗教传统的经济后果研究,也对稳定股市和保护投资者利益具有重要借鉴作用。 展开更多
关键词 宗教传统 股价崩盘风险 传导路径 投资者保护
儿童青少年宗教性研究述评 被引量:8
作者 万明钢 杨宝琰 《西北师大学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第2期66-70,共5页
介绍和分析了儿童青少年宗教性研究中,在宗教性的概念界定及其测量方法等方面存在的分歧与共识;比较了宗教性的心理结构理论与测量工具,对儿童和青少年宗教性的发展、宗教性的跨文化研究、家庭对宗教性的影响、宗教性的性别差异等方面... 介绍和分析了儿童青少年宗教性研究中,在宗教性的概念界定及其测量方法等方面存在的分歧与共识;比较了宗教性的心理结构理论与测量工具,对儿童和青少年宗教性的发展、宗教性的跨文化研究、家庭对宗教性的影响、宗教性的性别差异等方面的研究做了综述;概括了宗教性研究存在的一些问题以及今后可能的研究趋向。 展开更多
关键词 儿童 青少年 宗教性 宗教心理
基督教青少年的宗教性:以甘肃农村基督教群体为例 被引量:10
作者 杨宝琰 万明钢 +1 位作者 王微 刘显翠 《心理学报》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2008年第11期1197-1202,共6页
以148名基督教青少年为被试,研究了基督教青少年的宗教性。研究结果表明,(1)基督教青少年的宗教信仰的坚定性在减弱,没有表现出性别差异,出生于基督教家庭的青少年的宗教坚定性高于某个时期皈依的青少年;(2)宗教倾向包括内倾宗教、外倾... 以148名基督教青少年为被试,研究了基督教青少年的宗教性。研究结果表明,(1)基督教青少年的宗教信仰的坚定性在减弱,没有表现出性别差异,出生于基督教家庭的青少年的宗教坚定性高于某个时期皈依的青少年;(2)宗教倾向包括内倾宗教、外倾个人和外倾社会等三个方面,以外在个人倾向为主,不存在性别差异,"保持宗教者"在内倾宗教和外在个人维度的得分显著高于"脱离宗教者";(3)高宗教卷入的基督教青少年在内倾宗教和外倾个人维度的得分显著地高于低宗教卷入的基督教青少年;(4)宗教倾向内部各维度间表现出显著的正相关,宗教态度的各维度与宗教卷入、内倾宗教倾向和外在个人宗教倾向表现出显著的正相关。 展开更多
关键词 基督教青少年 宗教性 宗教倾向 宗教态度
儒家宗教性研究的趋向 被引量:8
作者 白诗朗 彭国翔 《求是学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2002年第6期27-36,共10页
本文对晚近四十年来英语世界中儒学研究的概况进行了精要的说明。透过本文 ,我们可以掌握当前英语世界儒学研究的整体情况与主要动向。本文首先介绍了儒学研究在英语世界中最近的历史发展 ,继而说明了儒学研究在当前英语世界中的几种不... 本文对晚近四十年来英语世界中儒学研究的概况进行了精要的说明。透过本文 ,我们可以掌握当前英语世界儒学研究的整体情况与主要动向。本文首先介绍了儒学研究在英语世界中最近的历史发展 ,继而说明了儒学研究在当前英语世界中的几种不同类型。在此基础上 ,着重指出了从宗教性角度研究儒学的最新动向 ,并通过对代表这一动向主要人物如狄百瑞、杜维明等人相关思想的分析与探讨 ,使我们对这一研究动向能有较为深入的了解。 展开更多
关键词 西方 儒家 宗教性
大学生宗教信仰、感恩、人际宽恕与亲社会行为的关系 被引量:8
作者 安连超 张守臣 +2 位作者 王宏 马子媛 赵建芳 《中国临床心理学杂志》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2018年第3期570-574,共5页
目的:探讨感恩在宗教信仰与大学生亲社会行为和人际宽恕间的中介作用。方法:采用杜克信仰量表、感恩问卷、亲社会行为倾向量表和Heartland宽恕量表对822名大学生进行测量。结果:(1)宗教信仰、感恩、人际宽恕与亲社会行为四个变量间均呈... 目的:探讨感恩在宗教信仰与大学生亲社会行为和人际宽恕间的中介作用。方法:采用杜克信仰量表、感恩问卷、亲社会行为倾向量表和Heartland宽恕量表对822名大学生进行测量。结果:(1)宗教信仰、感恩、人际宽恕与亲社会行为四个变量间均呈显著正相关;(2)感恩在宗教信仰与人际宽恕间起中介作用;(3)感恩在宗教信仰与亲社会行为间起中介作用。结论:宗教信仰可以直接影响亲社会行为和人际宽恕,也可以通过感恩间接影响亲社会行为和人际宽恕。 展开更多
关键词 宗教信仰 人际宽恕 亲社会行为 感恩 中介作用
中国老年人宗教信仰的变动趋势与影响因素 被引量:7
作者 黄庆波 陈功 《人口研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第2期100-112,共13页
文章利用2000年、2010年“中国城乡老年人状况调查”数据,通过时期队列比较和多元Logistic回归,分析我国近十年来老年人宗教信仰的变动趋势与影响因素,为我国老年人口的服务政策提供相关的依据。分析发现,十年间我国老年入口中信教... 文章利用2000年、2010年“中国城乡老年人状况调查”数据,通过时期队列比较和多元Logistic回归,分析我国近十年来老年人宗教信仰的变动趋势与影响因素,为我国老年人口的服务政策提供相关的依据。分析发现,十年间我国老年入口中信教的比例从15.56%下降到13.89%;除60~64岁年龄组外,同一年龄组的老人信教比例有所降低,同一出生队列老年人信教比例随着年龄增长而有所下降,这与世俗化理论的预测趋势一致。性别、民族、受教育水平、是否为党员/干部、慢性病、自评子女孝顺、是否与子女同住、有无社会组织参与等变量是影响老年人宗教信仰选择的主要因素。相关部门应充分地认识和把握宗教在不同时期和出生队列老年人群中的变化趋势与影响因素,以更好地制定老龄服务性政策。 展开更多
关键词 老年人 宗教信仰选择 时期/队列分析 比较分析
甘青藏区寺院型市场研究 被引量:7
作者 杨红伟 李稳稳 《西北师大学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第6期60-68,共9页
清代中叶以来,甘青藏区以寺院型集镇为龙头,带动集市、街市、小市等集团式发展,寺院会集密集丛生的市场格局形成,深刻体现着其以虔诚的信仰为前提,以寺院社会中心地位为依托,以活佛的崇拜中心为感召,构成的藏传佛教寺院对人口与商业组... 清代中叶以来,甘青藏区以寺院型集镇为龙头,带动集市、街市、小市等集团式发展,寺院会集密集丛生的市场格局形成,深刻体现着其以虔诚的信仰为前提,以寺院社会中心地位为依托,以活佛的崇拜中心为感召,构成的藏传佛教寺院对人口与商业组织聚集的中心引力的动力机制。 展开更多
关键词 甘青藏区 寺院型市场 宗教性
一与多:“宗教性”的现象学的进路、预设与时代精神 被引量:7
作者 陈立胜 《现代哲学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第2期103-110,共8页
本文在勾勒出自Schleiermacher、Rudolf Otto到John Hick对宗教性探究的发展线索的基础上,揭示了这一宗教性的现象学进路的时代精神与理论预设,并进而检讨了其中的理路上的缺憾以及可能的出路。
关键词 宗教性 宗教现象学 一与多
黔西南地区石板房民居气候适应性建构演变与更新研究——以兴义市楼纳村为例 被引量:6
作者 张真真 孔宇航 《西部人居环境学刊》 CSCD 2021年第3期132-140,共9页
从民居对地域气候的适应性营建角度分析黔西南地区的石板房,并以布依族、苗族与汉族混居的楼纳片区为对象,借助图解分析、问卷采集、田野调查与SPSS数据等定量与定性结合的分析方法,系统梳理石板房民居的气候适应性建构的演变脉络,总结... 从民居对地域气候的适应性营建角度分析黔西南地区的石板房,并以布依族、苗族与汉族混居的楼纳片区为对象,借助图解分析、问卷采集、田野调查与SPSS数据等定量与定性结合的分析方法,系统梳理石板房民居的气候适应性建构的演变脉络,总结地区更新现状问题。基于对传统石板房民居与新民居建造体系演变历程的解读,提炼传统石板房民居的适候被动性设计策略,明晰触发其形式建构与空间布局等演变机制的地域气候与人们的生活方式等因素。同时,从建筑形式、平面与垂直空间变迁、材料与界面建构、空间功能与路径四个层面对传统石板房民居与新民居进行气候适应性建构策略剖析。研究结论显示,黔西南地区的传统石板房中具有通风降湿与遮阳作用的连续性与内凹空间等气候适应性应答设计智慧日渐式微,弱化了石板房自身对室内微气候环境的调控作用,此部分建构智慧的继承与当代转译也是建立与优化黔西南地区城镇更新体系的重要内容。 展开更多
关键词 楼纳村 石板房 气候适应性 被动策略 微气候调控
The Black American Church: A Reactionary and Ideological Apparatus of Slavery
作者 Paul C.Mocombe 《Philosophy Study》 2024年第1期30-41,共12页
This work argues that Denmark Vesey,Nat Turner,Gabriel Prosser,David Walker,Henry Highland Garnet,amongst a few others were the reactionary(dialectical)exceptions to the black church,not the norm,an(ideological)instit... This work argues that Denmark Vesey,Nat Turner,Gabriel Prosser,David Walker,Henry Highland Garnet,amongst a few others were the reactionary(dialectical)exceptions to the black church,not the norm,an(ideological)institution established to interpellate and indoctrinate blacks to accept their conditions in slavery.In other words,the aforementioned were the enslaved who used Christian dogma to(negative dialectically)respond to the barbarity of slavery by violently convicting white Christian society for not living up to its values,ideas,and ideals given the treatment of African people by so-called Christians.In the latter sense it was reactionary;in the former,it was an ideological apparatus of domination and control for the institution of slavery.The contemporary attempt to racially vindicate the black church as a sui generis revolutionary institution overflowing with Africanisms is ahistorical and ideological reaped in pseudoscientific propositions stemming from postmodern and post-structural theories. 展开更多
关键词 Black Church African-Americanization racial identity religiosity black diaspora SPIRITUALISM phenomenological structuralism
作者 张晚林 杨云飞 Hou Jian(译) 《孔学堂》 CSSCI 2024年第2期29-38,130-140,共21页
要理解孟子的性善论,必须先明了孟子言性之理路。孟子言性之理路与康德很相近。康德言人性,其要点有三:一、人性不是经验物;二、欲望不是人性。在此两点的基础上,康德言人性的关键点在于:人性必须切就自由而言。康德言性之三要点在孟子... 要理解孟子的性善论,必须先明了孟子言性之理路。孟子言性之理路与康德很相近。康德言人性,其要点有三:一、人性不是经验物;二、欲望不是人性。在此两点的基础上,康德言人性的关键点在于:人性必须切就自由而言。康德言性之三要点在孟子那里都有所体现,且是我们理解孟子言性之理路的基本点。“天下之言性也”章,无论对“故”作“故实”“陈迹”解,还是对“故”作“所以然”解,都可以归趋切就于存心之自由而论人性上来。一旦切就自由而论人性,则人性必然是善的,且这种善不是伦理学的,而是宗教性的。 展开更多
关键词 康德 自由 性善论 宗教性
State,Communal,and Individual Identities in Iran
作者 Mehran Kamrava 《International Relations and Diplomacy》 2024年第1期1-17,共17页
Cultural identity in Iran is comprised of four primary elements,each of which have proven to be highly resonant in the country political history.The vexing issue of modernity,and where individuals and collectivities a... Cultural identity in Iran is comprised of four primary elements,each of which have proven to be highly resonant in the country political history.The vexing issue of modernity,and where individuals and collectivities are placed in relation to it,has been one of the most prominent of these elements of Iranian identity.A second constitutive factor has been the role of the state as a deliberate crafter of cultural,in turn directly influencing the salience,interpretation,extent,and direction of modernity,or its antithesis,in Iran.Equally defining has been the role and significance of religion,which has emerged as a marker of individual and collective,as well as political,identities.Nationalism,and its compelling impulse across Iranian society especially from the early 1900s and continuing until today,has also emerged as an integral and inseparable feature of Iranian identity.Together,these four elements―modernity,a culturally intrusive state,religion and religiosity,and nationalism―constitute fluid yet constant,sometimes complementary and sometimes competing,dimensions of Iranian identity. 展开更多
关键词 Iranian identity NATIONALISM religiosity modernity social change
Hypothesis and Thought Experiment:Can We Program AI Forms with the Foundations of Sentience to Protect Humanity?
作者 Margaret Boone Rappaport Christopher J.Corbally 《Journal of Social Computing》 EI 2024年第3期195-205,共11页
The speed,capacity,and strength of artificial intelligence units(AIs)could pose a selfinflicted danger to humanity’s control of its own civilization.In this analysis,three biologically-based components of sentience t... The speed,capacity,and strength of artificial intelligence units(AIs)could pose a selfinflicted danger to humanity’s control of its own civilization.In this analysis,three biologically-based components of sentience that emerged in the course of human evolution are examined:cultural capacity,moral capacity,and religious capacity.The question is posed as to whether some measure of these capacities can be digitized and installed in AIs and so afford protection from their dominance.Theory on the emergence of moral capacity suggests it is most likely to be amenable to digitization and therefore installation in AIs.If so,transfer of that capacity,in creating commonalities between human and AI,may help to protect humanity from being destroyed.We hypothesize that religious thinking and culturally elaborated theological creativity could,in not being easily transferred,afford even more protection by constructing impenetrable barriers between humans and AIs,along real/counterfactual lines.Difficulties in digitizing and installing the three capacities at the foundation of sentience are examined within current discussions of“superalignment”of superintelligent AIs.Human values articulate differently for the three capacities,with different problems and capacities for supervision of superintelligent AIs. 展开更多
关键词 human evolution cultural capacity moral decision-making superalignment religiosity SENTIENCE Turing Test extraterrestrials
传统宗教意识和中国科学发展 被引量:2
作者 谢文郁 郝海燕 《自然辩证法研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第7期84-89,共6页
冯友兰提过一种看法:中国哲学家不需要现代科学。这种观点从未得到过学术界的讨论。本文旨在通过对中国自然观念的存在分析来进行这样的考证。文中以《庄子》和《中庸》为基础,对道家和儒家中国式的存在关怀以及它们为何对现代科学观念... 冯友兰提过一种看法:中国哲学家不需要现代科学。这种观点从未得到过学术界的讨论。本文旨在通过对中国自然观念的存在分析来进行这样的考证。文中以《庄子》和《中庸》为基础,对道家和儒家中国式的存在关怀以及它们为何对现代科学观念下的科学研究不感兴趣进行考察,并支持这样一种观点:这两部著作中包含了一种终极关怀;这种终极关怀与作为现代科学基础的终极关怀完全不同。为了佐证这一观点,文中对徐光启和伽利略进行了简要比较,并提出这样一个议题:为了更好地理解中国现代科学的发展,我们不得不透视作为现代科学基础的宗教意识。 展开更多
关键词 宗教意识 中国 科学发展 道家 自然 儒家
Ritual Immersion in a Mikveh Is Associated with Increased Risk of Group B Streptococcal Carrier State in Israeli Parturient Women 被引量:1
作者 Revital Drai-Hasid Ronit Calderon-Margalit +4 位作者 Ahinoam Lev-Sagie Guy Avital Colin Block Allon E. Moses Drorith Hochner-Celnikier 《Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology》 2015年第14期769-774,共6页
Purpose: Group B Streptococcus (GBS) infection is a major cause of neonatal sepsis. The objective of this study was to estimate the prevalence and risk factors for GBS carriership among parturient women in Jerusalem. ... Purpose: Group B Streptococcus (GBS) infection is a major cause of neonatal sepsis. The objective of this study was to estimate the prevalence and risk factors for GBS carriership among parturient women in Jerusalem. Methods: A cross-sectional study of 436 parturient Jewish women at Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical Center, Mount Scopus. The study included patient interview and vagino-rectal swab for culture. Main outcome measures were the prevalence of GBS carriership among study population. Results: Of the 436 participants, 77 had a positive culture for GBS, giving a carrier rate of 17.7%. No differences were found between carriers and non-carriers in age, BMI or parity. Orthodox Jewish women had a significantly higher carrier rate compared with secular Jewish women (20.6% vs. 12.8% respectively), yielding an age, education and BMI adjusted odds ratio (OR) of 1.9 (95% confidence interval (CI): 1.06 - 3.40). Similarly, ritual immersion was associated with increased risk of carrier state with an adjusted OR of 2.01 (95% CI: 1.03 - 3.92, P = 0.039). Conclusions: Our study suggests an association between ritual immersion in the Mikveh and GBS carriership. 展开更多
COVID-19 Vaccine Rejection among Muslims in Turkey: Religiosity and Fear of Death
作者 Neşe Karakaş Mert Kartal +1 位作者 Gürkan Kapikiran Recep Bentli 《Journal of Biosciences and Medicines》 2023年第6期71-80,共10页
This study aimed to examine the relationship between COVID-19 vaccine refusal and religiosity and fear of death among Muslims living in Turkey. This cross-sectional study was conducted online with 1046 adults aged 18 ... This study aimed to examine the relationship between COVID-19 vaccine refusal and religiosity and fear of death among Muslims living in Turkey. This cross-sectional study was conducted online with 1046 adults aged 18 and older. The Ok-Religious Attitude Scale (Islam) (ORASI) (8 items) and Thorson-Powell Death Anxiety Scale (TPDAS) (20 items) were used as data collection instruments. The data were analyzed using the Pearson chi-square test, Student’s t-test, and binary logistic regression. A p-value of 0.05). In binary logistic regression analysis, vaccine rejection was 7.19 times higher among single people, 50.55 times higher among workers and tradesmen, and 3.36 times higher among people who did not have COVID-19. As religiosity increased, the risk of vaccine refusal decreased 1.037-fold. 展开更多
关键词 COVID-19 Vaccines Vaccine Hesitancy religiosity Fear of Death MUSLIM
The Role of Well-Being, Spirituality, and Religiosity for Successful Aging in Late Life: A Brief Review 被引量:1
作者 Dimitrios Papadopoulos 《Advances in Aging Research》 2020年第2期23-31,共9页
Much research has highlighted the aging process as a global, multi-faceted issue, focusing on modifiable factors that can improve physical health and psychosocial well-being in late life. This is particularly true for... Much research has highlighted the aging process as a global, multi-faceted issue, focusing on modifiable factors that can improve physical health and psychosocial well-being in late life. This is particularly true for both developed and developing countries, which are likely to face long-term issues in health and psychosocial care as the aging of their population increases. Within the theoretical framework of successful aging and developmental psychology, this paper aims to review recent advances in our knowledge of middle and late-life well-being in order to better understand the role of well-being and spirituality/religiosity across adulthood. The results of the selected studies allow us to conclude that subjective, hedonic, and eudemonic well-being and religious practices are significant determinants shaping the overall psychological well-being, life satisfaction, and social functioning of the older population. Limitations and implications of the study will also be discussed. 展开更多
Religious Involvement, Inflammatory Markers and Stress Hormones in Major Depression and Chronic Medical Illness
作者 Denise L. Bellinger Lee S. Berk +7 位作者 Harold G. Koenig Noha Daher Michelle J. Pearce Clive J. Robins Bruce Nelson Sally F. Shaw Harvey Jay Cohen Michael B. King 《Open Journal of Psychiatry》 2014年第4期335-352,共18页
Background: Religious practices/experiences (RPE) may produce positive physiological changes in patients with major depressive disorder (MDD) and chronic medical illness. Here, we report cross-sectional relationships ... Background: Religious practices/experiences (RPE) may produce positive physiological changes in patients with major depressive disorder (MDD) and chronic medical illness. Here, we report cross-sectional relationships between depressive symptoms, RPE and stress biomarkers (pro-/anti-inflammatory measures and stress hormones), hypothesizing positive associations between depressive symptoms and stress biomarkers and inverse associations between RPE and stress biomarkers. Methods: We recruited 132 individuals with both MDD and chronic illness into a randomized clinical trial. First, stress biomarkers in the baseline sample were compared to biomarker levels from a community sample. Second, relationships between depressive symptoms and biomarkers were examined, and, finally, relationships between RPE and biomarkers were analyzed, controlling for demographics, depressive symptoms, and physical functioning. Results: As expected, inflammatory markers and stress hormones were higher in our sample with MDD compared to community participants. In the current sample, however, depressive symptoms were largely unrelated to stress biomarkers, and were unexpectedly inversely related to proinflammatory cytokine levels (TNF-α, IL-1β). Likewise, while RPE were largely unrelated to stress biomarkers, they were related to the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-1RA and the stress hormone norepinephrine in expected directions. Unexpectedly, RPE were also positively related to the proinflammatory cytokine IFN-γ and to IFN-γ/IL-4 and IFN-γ/IL-10 ratios. Conclusions: Little evidence was found for a consistent pattern of relationships between depressive symptoms or religiosity and stress biomarkers. Of the few significant relationships, unexpected findings predominated. Future research is needed to determine whether religious interventions can alter stress biomarkers over time in MDD. 展开更多
关键词 religiosity DEPRESSION Inflammation IMMUNE Function Stress HORMONES
“幽灵性”范畴与逻辑及其后马克思取向 被引量:3
作者 付清松 《哈尔滨工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2011年第2期2-6,共5页
幽灵性是德里达早期以异延为中轴的解构理路的继承与发展;它与"无X的X"、弥赛亚性、宗教性等话语筑起解构的马克思主义逻辑场域。幽灵性抛弃了历史唯物主义的分析范式和基础——主导辩证法,解构了马克思主义的阶级解放政治学... 幽灵性是德里达早期以异延为中轴的解构理路的继承与发展;它与"无X的X"、弥赛亚性、宗教性等话语筑起解构的马克思主义逻辑场域。幽灵性抛弃了历史唯物主义的分析范式和基础——主导辩证法,解构了马克思主义的阶级解放政治学,成为对德里达解构的马克思主义进行后马克思思潮认知测绘的关键依据。 展开更多
关键词 异延 幽灵性 弥赛亚性 宗教性 解构的马克思主义 后马克思思潮
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