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多重PCR技术研究进展 被引量:43
作者 钟泽澄 王进 张师音 《生物工程学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第2期171-179,共9页
多重PCR(Multiplex polymerase chain reaction,MPCR)是指通过一次PCR反应同时对多个靶标进行扩增,结合一定的检测手段对扩增产物进行检测从而实现对多个靶标进行诊断的技术。MPCR具有高效率、高通量、低成本的特性而被深入研究。目前M... 多重PCR(Multiplex polymerase chain reaction,MPCR)是指通过一次PCR反应同时对多个靶标进行扩增,结合一定的检测手段对扩增产物进行检测从而实现对多个靶标进行诊断的技术。MPCR具有高效率、高通量、低成本的特性而被深入研究。目前MPCR技术已被广泛应用于科学研究和疾病诊断等领域,文中从MPCR扩增与检测两方面概述了MPCR技术发展及其应用,讨论了MPCR技术的优点及存在的问题,并且提出将反应体系分隔成小液滴或结合管式对流PCR(CapillaryconvectivePCR,CCPCR)技术的方式有望提高固相载体表面的扩增效率,从而开发出扩增效率高、一致性好、体系稳定、检测重数高的多重PCR技术。 展开更多
关键词 多重PCR 熔解曲线 微流控 膜层析 Luminex液相芯片
微滴技术的数字PCR研究现状及发展趋势 被引量:19
作者 刘聪 蒋克明 +3 位作者 周武平 张涛 印晨宇 黎海文 《化学研究与应用》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第7期1041-1047,共7页
微滴式数字聚合酶链式反应(dd PCR)技术结合了液滴微流控芯片与数字PCR技术,是一种新型的核酸扩增及检测技术。其不仅继承了数字PCR技术高通量、高灵敏度、低消耗等优点,而且解决了传统数字PCR芯片结构复杂、加工困难、成本高等问题,在... 微滴式数字聚合酶链式反应(dd PCR)技术结合了液滴微流控芯片与数字PCR技术,是一种新型的核酸扩增及检测技术。其不仅继承了数字PCR技术高通量、高灵敏度、低消耗等优点,而且解决了传统数字PCR芯片结构复杂、加工困难、成本高等问题,在生命科学领域得到了广泛的应用。本文综述了近年来微滴式数字PCR技术的研究现状,以及目前的发展趋势。 展开更多
关键词 数字聚合酶链式反应 液滴 微流控 研究现状 发展趋势
人体器官芯片 被引量:19
作者 秦建华 张敏 +1 位作者 于浩 李中玉 《中国科学院院刊》 CSCD 2017年第12期1281-1289,共9页
人体器官芯片是一门新兴的前沿科学技术,也是一门典型的多学科交叉汇聚技术,对人类健康和生物产业发展具有重要战略意义,吸引了来自政府、科学界和产业界的关注,被2016年达沃斯世界经济论坛列为"十大新兴技术"之一。人体器官... 人体器官芯片是一门新兴的前沿科学技术,也是一门典型的多学科交叉汇聚技术,对人类健康和生物产业发展具有重要战略意义,吸引了来自政府、科学界和产业界的关注,被2016年达沃斯世界经济论坛列为"十大新兴技术"之一。人体器官芯片指的是一种在载玻片大小芯片上构建的器官生理微系统,包含有活体细胞、组织界面、生物流体和机械力等器官微环境关键要素。它可在体外模拟人体不同组织器官的主要结构功能特征和复杂的器官间联系,用以预测人体对药物或外界不同刺激产生的反应,在生命科学和医学研究、新药研发、个性化医疗、毒性预测和生物防御等领域具有广泛应用前景。文章概述性介绍了人体器官芯片的起源、国际发展态势和研究进展,并对其面临的挑战和未来发展趋势予以展望。 展开更多
关键词 器官芯片 微流控 生物传感 疾病模型 药物评价
辣椒素脂质体在体外瘢痕组织中透皮吸收的研究 被引量:15
作者 白铭 张恒术 +2 位作者 王昆 蔡振雄 蒋良全 《沈阳药科大学学报》 CAS CSCD 2004年第1期8-10,37,共4页
目的探讨脂质体包裹的辣椒素在体外人瘢痕组织中的透皮吸收能力。方法采用改良的Franz扩散池体外透皮实验技术 ,对通过微流法制备的辣椒素脂质体及其普通商用软膏剂进行透皮扩散。 1 2h后HPLC法测定瘢痕组织中辣椒素的含量 ,并加以比较... 目的探讨脂质体包裹的辣椒素在体外人瘢痕组织中的透皮吸收能力。方法采用改良的Franz扩散池体外透皮实验技术 ,对通过微流法制备的辣椒素脂质体及其普通商用软膏剂进行透皮扩散。 1 2h后HPLC法测定瘢痕组织中辣椒素的含量 ,并加以比较。结果体外透皮扩散 1 2h后 ,脂质体组瘢痕组织中的辣椒素单位面积透皮药量显著高于软膏组 (1 2 3 3 3± 3 2 )、(3 5 93±2 0 2 ) μg·cm-2 ,(P <0 0 1 )。结论脂质体作为辣椒素皮肤局部给药的载体 ,能够提高对瘢痕皮肤的穿透力 ,提高作用部位的有效药物浓度。 展开更多
关键词 脂质体 辣椒素 瘢痕组织 透皮扩散 微流法
T型微通道内液滴尺寸的实验测定与关联 被引量:18
作者 魏丽娟 朱春英 +1 位作者 付涛涛 马友光 《化工学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第2期517-523,共7页
利用高速摄像仪对不同深宽比的T型微通道内液滴尺寸进行了实验研究。分别采用3种不同尺寸(深度×宽度)的微通道:400μm×400μm、400μm×600μm、400μm×800μm。以环己烷为分散油相,含0.3%表面活性剂十二烷基硫酸钠(... 利用高速摄像仪对不同深宽比的T型微通道内液滴尺寸进行了实验研究。分别采用3种不同尺寸(深度×宽度)的微通道:400μm×400μm、400μm×600μm、400μm×800μm。以环己烷为分散油相,含0.3%表面活性剂十二烷基硫酸钠(SDS)的蒸馏水-甘油(质量分数分别为20%、40%、60%)溶液为连续相。考察了弹状流、过渡流和滴状流流型下微通道尺寸、两相流率、物性对液滴尺寸的影响。结果表明:液滴尺寸随微通道深宽比、连续相流率、黏度和毛细数的增加而减小,随分散相流率的增加而增加。用毛细数、两相流量比和通道深宽比对微通道内液滴尺寸进行了关联和预测,预测值与实验结果吻合良好。 展开更多
关键词 微通道 液滴 高速摄像仪 微流体
Application of microfluidic chip technology in pharmaceutical analysis:A review 被引量:13
作者 Ping Cui Sicen Wang 《Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2019年第4期238-247,共10页
The development of pharmaceutical analytical methods represents one of the most significant aspects of drug development. Recent advances in microfabrication and microfluidics could provide new approaches for drug anal... The development of pharmaceutical analytical methods represents one of the most significant aspects of drug development. Recent advances in microfabrication and microfluidics could provide new approaches for drug analysis, including drug screening, active testing and the study of metabolism. Microfluidic chip technologies, such as lab-on-a-chip technology, three-dimensional (3D) cell culture, organs-on-chip and droplet techniques, have all been developed rapidly. Microfluidic chips coupled with various kinds of detection techniques are suitable for the high-throughput screening, detection and mechanistic study of drugs. This review highlights the latest (2010–2018) microfluidic technology for drug analysis and discusses the potential future development in this field. 展开更多
Investigation of Nitration Processes of iso-Octanol with Mixed Acid in a Microreactor 被引量:14
作者 沈佳妮 赵玉潮 +1 位作者 陈光文 袁权 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2009年第3期412-418,共7页
In this paper, the nitration characteristic of alcohols with mixed acid for the synthesis of energetic mate-rials in a stainless steel microreactor was investigated experimentally. The nitration of iso-octanol with HN... In this paper, the nitration characteristic of alcohols with mixed acid for the synthesis of energetic mate-rials in a stainless steel microreactor was investigated experimentally. The nitration of iso-octanol with HNO3-H2SO4 mixed acid was chosen as a typical model reaction which involved fast and strong exothermic liquid-liquid heterogeneous reaction process. The influences of mixed acid composition, flow rate, organic/aqueous flow ratio and reaction temperature have been investigated. The results indicated that the reaction could be con-ducted safely and stably in the microreactor at 25-40°C, which are enhanced compared to 15°C or below for safe operating conditions in the conventional reactors. Moreover, the 98.2% conversion of iso-octanol could be obtained and no by-products were detected in all cases. 展开更多
关键词 NITRATION 2-ethylhexyl nitrate MICROCHANNEL MICROMIXER microfluidic
微流控SERS芯片及其生物传感应用 被引量:9
作者 王志乐 王著元 +1 位作者 宗慎飞 崔一平 《中国光学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第3期513-530,共18页
由于微流控芯片具有优异的集成性和灵活的可操作性,基于芯片上的检测方法被大量开发,发展十分迅速。其中,表面增强拉曼光谱(SERS)凭借其超高的灵敏度、独一无二的指纹谱和窄峰宽等特点成为一种广泛采用的检测手段。SERS微流控芯片集SER... 由于微流控芯片具有优异的集成性和灵活的可操作性,基于芯片上的检测方法被大量开发,发展十分迅速。其中,表面增强拉曼光谱(SERS)凭借其超高的灵敏度、独一无二的指纹谱和窄峰宽等特点成为一种广泛采用的检测手段。SERS微流控芯片集SERS检测技术与微流控芯片的优势于一体,一方面为SERS检测方法的重复性和可靠性提供了一个高效平台,另一方面推动了微流控芯片的功能拓展,在生物分子探测、细胞捕获乃至组织模拟等领域具有广阔的应用前景。本文在简要介绍SERS的原理及其生物传感应用的基础上,重点概述了SERS微流控芯片的构建及其在生物传感及检测中的应用,最后探讨了该研究方向存在的问题及发展方向。 展开更多
关键词 表面增强拉曼光谱 微流控 微流控芯片 生物传感
微流体驱动与控制系统的研究进展 被引量:11
作者 赵士明 赵静一 +2 位作者 李文雷 王立亚 郭锐 《制造技术与机床》 北大核心 2018年第7期40-47,共8页
随着微流控系统的应用越来越广泛,微米尺度和纳米尺度器件微通道内的流动逐渐成为了研究的热点。重点阐述了微流控系统的驱动元件——微泵、控制元件——微阀的研究现状,介绍了学者们研制的各种微泵、微阀的工作原理与结构特点,指出了... 随着微流控系统的应用越来越广泛,微米尺度和纳米尺度器件微通道内的流动逐渐成为了研究的热点。重点阐述了微流控系统的驱动元件——微泵、控制元件——微阀的研究现状,介绍了学者们研制的各种微泵、微阀的工作原理与结构特点,指出了微流体驱动控制系统泄漏、结构复杂、成本偏高等问题依然存在,并对微驱动控制的发展方向进行了展望。 展开更多
关键词 微流体 微通道 微泵 微阀
一种微流控检测芯片的设计与工艺研究 被引量:11
作者 杨波 唐飞 +2 位作者 王晓浩 杨卓 熊继军 《仪器仪表学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第7期1464-1468,共5页
设计并制作了一种PMMA材料的微流控检测芯片,利用外界气体驱动液体,用于实验样品的分析和检测。芯片的整体尺寸为86 mm×60 mm×4.5 mm,利用精密加工的方法进行加工。采用一种简单实用的溶胶-凝胶改性方法对微通道管路进行亲水... 设计并制作了一种PMMA材料的微流控检测芯片,利用外界气体驱动液体,用于实验样品的分析和检测。芯片的整体尺寸为86 mm×60 mm×4.5 mm,利用精密加工的方法进行加工。采用一种简单实用的溶胶-凝胶改性方法对微通道管路进行亲水处理,实验证明亲水性有明显提高。并分析了亲水性提高的机理。提出一种新的溶剂键合方法,在室温下对芯片进行键合。溶剂为二氯乙烷和无水乙醇按1:1混合的混合液。分析了不同溶液配比、键合时间和键合压力对键合效果的影响。同时,芯片上集成了多个阀,对阀膜材料的选择、粘接工艺进行了研究。 展开更多
关键词 微流控 检测芯片 亲水性 键合
On the spray drying of uniform functional microparticles 被引量:8
作者 W.Liu X.D.Chen C.Selomulya 《Particuology》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第5期1-12,共12页
Spray drying is a typical method to produce particles in dry powder forms at industrial scale. Most spray-dried products often show a wide range of particle properties even within the same batch. At Monash University,... Spray drying is a typical method to produce particles in dry powder forms at industrial scale. Most spray-dried products often show a wide range of particle properties even within the same batch. At Monash University, we utilise a microfluidic spray drying approach to generate uniform microparticles with tightly controlled characteristics and sizes in a scalable, almost waste-flee process. The technique is useful to correlate the effects of formulation and spray drying conditions on the properties of spray-dried particles, and can be used to test new formulations for targeted applications such as encapsulation and release of active ingredients. The synthesis route can be applied to other self-assembling systems, includ- ing mesoporous, crystalline, and hierarchically structured microparticles. As spray drying is commonly used in commercial scales, the understanding of how functional particles are formed in relation to formulations and process conditions could assist in developing a cost effective, energy and material-efficient route to produce powders with better properties and ease of handling for more advanced applications such as selective adsorption and bio-separation. 展开更多
关键词 microfluidic spray drying Uniform microparticles ENCAPSULATION Controlled release
Tailoring micro/nano-fibers for biomedical applications 被引量:9
作者 Bin Kong Rui Liu +3 位作者 Jiahui Guo Ling Lu Qing Zhou Yuanjin Zhao 《Bioactive Materials》 SCIE CSCD 2023年第1期328-347,共20页
Nano/micro fibers have evoked much attention of scientists and have been researched as cutting edge and hotspot in the area of fiber science in recent years due to the rapid development of various advanced manufacturi... Nano/micro fibers have evoked much attention of scientists and have been researched as cutting edge and hotspot in the area of fiber science in recent years due to the rapid development of various advanced manufacturing technologies,and the appearance of fascinating and special functions and properties,such as the enhanced mechanical strength,high surface area to volume ratio and special functionalities shown in the surface,triggered by the nano or micro-scale dimensions.In addition,these outstanding and special characteristics of the nano/micro fibers impart fiber-based materials with wide applications,such as environmental engineering,electronic and biomedical fields.This review mainly focuses on the recent development in the various nano/micro fibers fabrication strategies and corresponding applications in the biomedical fields,including tissue engineering scaffolds,drug delivery,wound healing,and biosensors.Moreover,the challenges for the fabrications and applications and future perspectives are presented. 展开更多
关键词 Nano/micro fibers BIOPRINTING ELECTROSPINNING microfluidic spinning Near field electrospinning Biomedical field
Composite core-shell microparticles from microfluidics for synergistic drug delivery 被引量:10
作者 李艳娜 燕丹 +6 位作者 付繁繁 刘羽霄 张彬 王洁 商珞然 顾忠泽 赵远锦 《Science China Materials》 SCIE EI CSCD 2017年第6期543-553,共11页
Microparticles have a demonstrated value for drug delivery systems. The attempts to develop this tech- nology focus on the generation of featured microparticles for improving the function of the systems. Here, we pres... Microparticles have a demonstrated value for drug delivery systems. The attempts to develop this tech- nology focus on the generation of featured microparticles for improving the function of the systems. Here, we present a new type of microparticles with gelatin methacrylate (GelMa) cores and poly(L-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) shells for syn- ergistic and sustained drug delivery applications. The mi- croparticles were fabricated by using GelMa aqueous solu- tion and PLGA oil solution as the raw materials of the mi- croflnidic double emulsion templates, in which hydrophilic and hydrophobic actives, such as doxorubicin hydrochloride (DOX, hydrophilic) and camptothecine (CPT, hydrophobic), could be loaded respectively. As the inner cores were poly- merized in the microfluidics when the double emulsions were formed, the hydrophilic actives could be trapped in the cores with high efficiency, and the rupture or fusion of the cores could be avoided during the solidification of the micropar- ticle shells with other actives. The size and component of the microparticles can be easily and precisely adjusted by ma- nipulating the flow solutions during the microfluidic emulsi- fication. Because of the solid structure of the resultant mi- croparticles, the encapsulated actives were released from the delivery systems only with the degradation of the biopolymer layers, and thus the burst release of the actives was avoided. These features of the microparticles make them ideal for drug delivery applications. 展开更多
关键词 microfluidic EMULSION micropartide drug delivery biomaterial
Exhausted local lactate accumulation via injectable nanozyme-functionalized hydrogel microsphere for inflammation relief and tissue regeneration 被引量:10
作者 Jieliang Shen Ao Chen +5 位作者 Zhengwei Cai Zhijie Chen Ruichao Cao Zongchao Liu Yuling Li Jie Hao 《Bioactive Materials》 SCIE 2022年第6期153-168,共16页
Local lactate accumulation greatly hinders tissue repair and regeneration under ischemic condition.Herein,an injectable microsphere(MS@MCL)for local lactate exhaustion was constructed by grafting manganese dioxide(MnO... Local lactate accumulation greatly hinders tissue repair and regeneration under ischemic condition.Herein,an injectable microsphere(MS@MCL)for local lactate exhaustion was constructed by grafting manganese dioxide(MnO_(2))-lactate oxidase(LOX)composite nanozyme on microfluidic hyaluronic acid methacrylate(HAMA)microspheres via chemical bonds,achieving a long-term oxygen-promoted lactate exhaustion effect and a long half-life in vivo.The uniform and porous microspheres synthesized by microfluidic technology is beneficial to in situ injection therapy and improving encapsulation efficiency.Furthermore,chemical grafting into HAMA microspheres through amide reactions promoted local enzymatic concentration and activity enhancement.It was showed that the MS@MCL eliminated oxidative and inflammatory stress and promoted extracellular matrix metabolism and cell survival when co-cultured with nucleus pulposus cells(NPCs)in vitro.In the rat degenerative intervertebral disc model caused by lactate injection,MS@MCL showed a long-term therapeutic effect in reducing intervertebral height narrowing and preventing extracellular matrix(ECM)degradation as well as inflammatory damage in vivo.Altogether,this study confirms that this nanozyme-functionalized injectable MS@MCL effectively improves the regenerative and reparative effect in ischemic tissues by disposing of enriched lactate in local microenvironment. 展开更多
关键词 Hydrogel microsphere microfluidic LACTATE Tissue regeneration Injection
高速变焦液体透镜的发展动态综述 被引量:10
作者 石广丰 杨彬 +1 位作者 史国权 徐远哲 《红外技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第10期777-781,786,共6页
高速变焦液体透镜是光学成像领域内新兴的一个研发热点。首先从微流控方法和机理的角度介绍了近几年国内外学者研究的高速变焦液体透镜技术,阐述了相关技术特点和发展趋势。最后,对高速变焦液体透镜技术在军、民若干领域的具体应用进行... 高速变焦液体透镜是光学成像领域内新兴的一个研发热点。首先从微流控方法和机理的角度介绍了近几年国内外学者研究的高速变焦液体透镜技术,阐述了相关技术特点和发展趋势。最后,对高速变焦液体透镜技术在军、民若干领域的具体应用进行了分析,对该技术的前景和面临的挑战进行了展望。 展开更多
关键词 高速变焦 液体透镜 微流控
Application of flash nanoprecipitation to fabricate poorly water-soluble drug nanoparticles 被引量:7
作者 Jinsong Tao Shing Fung Chow Ying Zheng 《Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B》 SCIE CSCD 2019年第1期4-18,共15页
Nanoparticles are considered to be a powerful approach for the delivery of poorly watersoluble drugs. One of the main challenges is developing an appropriate method for preparation of drug nanoparticles. As a simple, ... Nanoparticles are considered to be a powerful approach for the delivery of poorly watersoluble drugs. One of the main challenges is developing an appropriate method for preparation of drug nanoparticles. As a simple, rapid and scalable method, the flash nanoprecipitation(FNP) has been widely used to fabricate these drug nanoparticles, including pure drug nanocrystals, polymeric micelles,polymeric nanoparticles, solid lipid nanoparticles, and polyelectrolyte complexes. This review introduces the application of FNP to produce poorly water-soluble drug nanoparticles by controllable mixing devices, such as confined impinging jets mixer(CIJM), multi-inlet vortex mixer(MIVM) and many other microfluidic mixer systems. The formation mechanisms and processes of drug nanoparticles by FNP are described in detail. Then, the controlling of supersaturation level and mixing rate during the FNP process to tailor the ultrafine drug nanoparticles as well as the influence of drugs, solvent, anti-solvent, stabilizers and temperature on the fabrication are discussed. The ultrafine and uniform nanoparticles of poorly watersoluble drug nanoparticles prepared by CIJM, MIVM and microfluidic mixer systems are reviewed briefly. We believe that the application of microfluidic mixing devices in laboratory with continuous process control and good reproducibility will be benefit for industrial formulation scale-up. 展开更多
基于无阀压电微泵控制的微流控液体变色眼镜 被引量:9
作者 张敏 李松晶 蔡申 《吉林大学学报(工学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第2期498-503,共6页
为了更好地利用变色镜保护人眼不受强光的伤害,提出了一种微流控液体变色眼镜。以透光性良好的高分子聚合物PDMS(polydimethylsiloxane)为材料,采用软刻蚀技术代替传统的机械加工,制作了具有微流道结构的镜片变色层。通过对封接面的表... 为了更好地利用变色镜保护人眼不受强光的伤害,提出了一种微流控液体变色眼镜。以透光性良好的高分子聚合物PDMS(polydimethylsiloxane)为材料,采用软刻蚀技术代替传统的机械加工,制作了具有微流道结构的镜片变色层。通过对封接面的表面改性处理实现了PDMS变色层和基底镜片(玻璃/光学树脂)之间的不可逆封接,构成了具有闭合微流道的液体变色镜片。设计并制作了一种无阀压电微泵控制器用以控制镜片微流道内有色液体的循环流动,实现镜片的变色功能。实验测试了微泵在不同驱动电压和驱动频率下变色眼镜的响应特性。测试结果表明:与传统的固体感光变色镜相比,无阀压电微泵控制的微流控液体变色眼镜具有较快的响应速度,较高的可控性和良好的可逆性。 展开更多
关键词 流体传动与控制 微流控 液体变色眼镜 无阀压电微泵 软刻蚀
应用磁性纳米材料的电感式油液金属磨粒检测传感器 被引量:9
作者 白晨朝 张洪朋 +3 位作者 曾霖 赵旭鹏 王文琪 杨定新 《光学精密工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第9期1960-1967,共8页
为了增加电感式油液污染物检测传感器的稳定性,提升对铁磁性和非铁磁性污染物的检测精度,设计了一种内置磁性纳米材料的电感式油液污染物检测传感器,螺线管线圈内部填充的磁性纳米粒子层可以提升检测区域磁场强度,增强磁化涡流效应。模... 为了增加电感式油液污染物检测传感器的稳定性,提升对铁磁性和非铁磁性污染物的检测精度,设计了一种内置磁性纳米材料的电感式油液污染物检测传感器,螺线管线圈内部填充的磁性纳米粒子层可以提升检测区域磁场强度,增强磁化涡流效应。模型材料制作300μm的微通道穿过螺线管线圈和磁性纳米材料组成的传感单元,当污染物通过传感单元时,利用电感检测原理可以区分铁磁性和非铁磁性污染物。同时采用有无磁性纳米粒子层的两种传感器进行多组对比实验。实验结果表明,磁性纳米粒材料的电感式油液检测传感器具有更高的检测信噪比以及更低的检测下限,对于20~70μm的铁磁性颗粒检测信噪比提升了20%~25%,对于80~130μm的非铁磁性颗粒的检测信噪比提升了16%~20%。该方法基于微流控检测技术,具有体积小、检测信噪比高等优点,同时为液压油污染物快速检测提供了技术支持,对液压系统的故障诊断与寿命预测具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 微流控 电感式传感器 磁性纳米材料 污染物检测
Fabrication of a hydroxyapatite-PDMS microfluidic chip for bone-related cell culture and drug screening 被引量:9
作者 Qiangqiang Tang Xiaoyu Li +4 位作者 Chen Lai Lei Li Hongkai Wu Yingjun Wang Xuetao Shi 《Bioactive Materials》 SCIE 2021年第1期169-178,共10页
Bone is an important part of the human body structure and plays a vital role in human health.A microfluidic chip that can simulate the structure and function of bone will provide a platform for bone-related biomedical... Bone is an important part of the human body structure and plays a vital role in human health.A microfluidic chip that can simulate the structure and function of bone will provide a platform for bone-related biomedical research.Hydroxyapatite(HA),a bioactive ceramic material,has a similar structure and composition to bone mineralization products.In this study,we used HA as a microfluidic chip component to provide a highly bionic bone environment.HA substrates with different microchannel structures were printed by using ceramic stereolithography(SLA)technology,and the minimum trench width was 50μm.The HA substrate with microchannels was sealed by a thin polydimethylsiloxane(PDMS)layer to make a HA-PDMS microfluidic chip.Cell culture experiments demonstrated that compared with PDMS,HA was more conducive to the proliferation and osteogenic differentiation of the human foetal osteoblast cell line(hFOB).In addition,the concentration gradient of the model drug doxorubicin hydrochloride(DOX)was successfully generated on a Christmas tree structure HA-PDMS chip,and the half maximal inhibitory concentration(IC50)of DOX was determined.The findings of this study indicate that the HA-PDMS microfluidic chip has great potential in the field of high-throughput bonerelated drug screening and bone-related research. 展开更多
关键词 Hydroxyapatite(HA) Ceramic microfluidic chip Drug screening BIOMIMETIC Bone-on-a-chip
微流光纤传感器:从功能集成到功能设计(特邀) 被引量:1
作者 苑婷婷 张晓彤 +1 位作者 杨兴华 苑立波 《激光与光电子学进展》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期81-98,共18页
随着微流控技术的日趋成熟,将微流控芯片技术和光微流方法在微结构光纤中进行交叉融合,已经逐渐形成了一个新的发展方向。简要综述了这一技术是如何从初期的利用微结构光纤的特殊结构,进行简单的功能集成,拓展到如今基于特殊需求进行光... 随着微流控技术的日趋成熟,将微流控芯片技术和光微流方法在微结构光纤中进行交叉融合,已经逐渐形成了一个新的发展方向。简要综述了这一技术是如何从初期的利用微结构光纤的特殊结构,进行简单的功能集成,拓展到如今基于特殊需求进行光纤的功能设计的新阶段,以实现在微结构光纤内部构造微流控感测系统的目的。该方向的发展,不仅促进了光波导与微流物质检测技术相结合,还为实现不同检测原理在微结构光纤内的高灵敏度光纤微流传感器技术开辟了新方法与新途径。 展开更多
关键词 微流控 光微流 光纤传感器 光微流传感器
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