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刚果(金)铜-钴矿床地质特征及分布规律 被引量:50
作者 杜菊民 赵学章 《地质与勘探》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第1期165-174,共10页
刚果(金)的铜矿带以赋存于新元古代沉积岩中的铜-钴多金属矿床为特征。根据矿体赋存地层的不同,矿带内自下向上共发育6层矿体。最主要的两个层状铜-钴矿体主要赋存于下Roan群Mines亚群(R2)之中,其一位于Kamoto组底部(R2.1),构成下部矿体... 刚果(金)的铜矿带以赋存于新元古代沉积岩中的铜-钴多金属矿床为特征。根据矿体赋存地层的不同,矿带内自下向上共发育6层矿体。最主要的两个层状铜-钴矿体主要赋存于下Roan群Mines亚群(R2)之中,其一位于Kamoto组底部(R2.1),构成下部矿体;另一位于Shales dolomitic组(R2.2)底部,构成上部矿体。第三层矿体呈透镜状赋存于Roan群Mines亚群Kambove组(R2.3)中底部。第四层矿体赋存于Roan群Dipeta亚群Kansuki组(R3.3)内,为局部层状矿化。第五层矿体位于Nguba群Likasi亚群顶部(Ng1.3),为局部的铜多金属矿化。第六层矿体位于Kundelungu群Plateaux亚群中,为次生富集的铜多金属矿化。这些矿床(体)根据矿化特征的不同可以分为层状、次生富集和脉状三个类型,其分布严格受地层控制,并与卢菲莲造山期挤压构造密切相关。层状铜-钴矿床主要分布在由Mines亚群组成的逆冲岩席边缘的山脊部位,而次生富集、脉状矿床从Mines亚群到Kundelungu群都有发育,多出露于逆冲岩席内部的山脊与线性构造的交切部位。 展开更多
关键词 中非铜矿带 刚果(金) 铜-钴矿床 构造控矿分布规律
刚果(金)加丹加铜矿带地质特征及成矿前景 被引量:29
作者 陶则熙 《地质与勘探》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第2期392-398,共7页
刚果(金)加丹加是非洲板块克拉通的一部分,在该地区有世界上最著名的加丹加弧形铜成矿带,科卢韦齐(Klowezi)铜矿就产生在该成矿带上,含矿地层主要为罗安组,由泥质石英岩、长石石英砂岩、泥质岩等组成,多呈正地形,出露面积较大。科卢韦... 刚果(金)加丹加是非洲板块克拉通的一部分,在该地区有世界上最著名的加丹加弧形铜成矿带,科卢韦齐(Klowezi)铜矿就产生在该成矿带上,含矿地层主要为罗安组,由泥质石英岩、长石石英砂岩、泥质岩等组成,多呈正地形,出露面积较大。科卢韦齐铜矿总体走向80°,倾向170°,矿体长1300m,平均厚度13.34m,最大厚度50.79m。孔雀石是找铜矿的主要标志。 展开更多
关键词 刚果(金) 科卢韦齐 铜矿带 地质特征 成矿前景
中国首支赴刚果(金)维和医疗分队疟疾发病情况及防护措施效果评价 被引量:23
作者 凌磊 张绍维 +2 位作者 叶晓卉 许志伟 李鹏飞 《解放军医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第10期915-916,共2页
目的 阐明我国赴刚果 (金 )维和医疗分队疟疾发病与感染情况 ,评价预防措施效果 ,为疟疾预防研究和后续向非洲派遣人员的疟疾预防提供参考。方法 观察 2 0 0 3年 4月~ 12月我国首支维和医疗分队共 4 3人 (男 30人 ,女 13人 )在刚果 (... 目的 阐明我国赴刚果 (金 )维和医疗分队疟疾发病与感染情况 ,评价预防措施效果 ,为疟疾预防研究和后续向非洲派遣人员的疟疾预防提供参考。方法 观察 2 0 0 3年 4月~ 12月我国首支维和医疗分队共 4 3人 (男 30人 ,女 13人 )在刚果 (金 )的疟疾感染与发病情况。所采取的预防措施为防蚊灭蚊和对易感者行药物预防 ,包括整治环境 ,使用驱蚊器、灭蚊灯和氯氰菊酯等 ,以降低营区内蚊虫密度 ,使用防疟 3号和双氢青蒿素对人员进行预防。定期行血液疟原虫检查 ,阳性并无临床症状者为感染 ,阳性且有临床症状者为发病。结果 室内蚊虫密度明显降低。4 3人中有 3人发病(男 2人 ,女 1人) ,发病率为 6 98% ,与同一战区的其他国家维和分队比较 ,我分队发病率最低。但疟原虫感染率较高 ,达 90 70 %。结论 我分队在刚果 (金 )维和期间采取的降低蚊虫密度和选用防疟 3号、双氢青蒿素作为疟疾发病的预防措施是有效的。 展开更多
关键词 疟疾 发病 蚊虫密度 医疗 双氢青蒿素 灭蚊 阳性 降低 氯氰菊酯 驱蚊
刚果(金)KOLWEZI铜钴矿床地质特征及成因分析 被引量:14
作者 刘洪微 《地质与勘探》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第4期856-866,共11页
KOLWEZI铜钴矿位于刚果(金)-赞比亚铜钴矿带,卢菲利弧外部褶皱推覆构造带西北缘,KOLWEZI复式推覆体上。该矿床主要受Mines亚群及卢菲利造山运动D1阶段褶皱、逆冲推覆、断层及层间断裂控制。矿体呈层状,矿石主要为它形粒状结构,层状、浸... KOLWEZI铜钴矿位于刚果(金)-赞比亚铜钴矿带,卢菲利弧外部褶皱推覆构造带西北缘,KOLWEZI复式推覆体上。该矿床主要受Mines亚群及卢菲利造山运动D1阶段褶皱、逆冲推覆、断层及层间断裂控制。矿体呈层状,矿石主要为它形粒状结构,层状、浸染状构造,矿石矿物和脉石矿物按生成序次可以分为四个组合。结合毗邻KOLWEZI的类似矿床的地球化学研究及中非铜矿带的研究成果,认为KOLWEZI铜钴矿床的成矿过程经历了三个成矿期次,其中同成岩期成矿是形成KOLWEZI铜钴层状矿体的主要期次,同造山期矿化使先成层状矿体中的硫化物矿物发生活化、再沉淀,同造山构造活动一定程度上塑造了KOLWEZI铜钴矿床如今的产出状态。分析认为,KOLWEZI铜钴矿应属同成岩层状沉积矿床。 展开更多
关键词 KOLWEZI铜钴矿床 地质特征 矿床成因 刚果(金)
刚果(金)铜-钴矿业发展现状 被引量:11
作者 谢添 徐敬元 +8 位作者 姚刚 张书琛 童雄 邱冠周 王振堂 刘仕统 孙欣 刘殿文 王军 《中国有色金属学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第11期3422-3435,共14页
刚果(金)地处中南部非洲,闻名世界的铜矿带主要埋藏于该国境内西南部地区。本文对刚果(金)的铜-钴资源赋存状况、中外企业在刚果(金)的投资及其生产工艺技术和未来发展等方面进行综述。刚果(金)铜-钴资源储量巨大,主要以孔雀石、水钴矿... 刚果(金)地处中南部非洲,闻名世界的铜矿带主要埋藏于该国境内西南部地区。本文对刚果(金)的铜-钴资源赋存状况、中外企业在刚果(金)的投资及其生产工艺技术和未来发展等方面进行综述。刚果(金)铜-钴资源储量巨大,主要以孔雀石、水钴矿等氧化矿和黄铜矿、硫铜钴矿等硫化矿形式存在,目前各大铜钴矿业企业主要生产铜钴精矿、阴极铜、粗铜和氢氧化钴等产品。紫金矿业、洛阳钼业、中铁资源、北方矿业等中资企业及嘉能可、欧亚资源等外资企业因矿储丰富、工艺成熟、设备先进而发展良好。在生产工艺方面,本文对纯湿法、湿法火法结合、选冶结合等三种工艺技术进行了论述,可为国内矿业企业践行"一带一路"倡议和坚持矿业开发"走出去"发展战略提供借鉴和参考。 展开更多
关键词 刚果(金) 铜-钴矿 企业发展 选冶工艺现状
维和二级医院药房管理体会 被引量:8
作者 张小瑞 施振国 慕高萌 《中国药业》 CAS 2014年第6期64-65,共2页
目的以健全的制度和完善的管理经验,促进维和二级医院药房管理工作的开展,提高维和二级医院的服务质量。方法对中国驻刚果(金)维和二级医院药房的管理工作特点进行分析,总结有效可行的药房工作的做法,即制订合理的管理制度,严抓制度落... 目的以健全的制度和完善的管理经验,促进维和二级医院药房管理工作的开展,提高维和二级医院的服务质量。方法对中国驻刚果(金)维和二级医院药房的管理工作特点进行分析,总结有效可行的药房工作的做法,即制订合理的管理制度,严抓制度落实并不断完善;加强药品质量管理;提高药师自身素质和管理水平。结果药房各项制度更加健全和完善,药师的专业知识和综合能力得到明显提高,患者用药安全、经济、有效,为圆满完成联合国赋予的医疗卫生保健任务提供了强有力的保障。结论结合维和任务区特点,建立健全制度并严抓落实、提高药师综合素质是管理好维和二级医院药房的重要措施。 展开更多
关键词 维和二级医院 刚果(金) 药房管理
Epidemiological and Histopathological Profile of Prostate Cancer: A Retrospective Study in the Pathology Department of the University Clinics of Kinshasa
作者 Rive Lukuaku Buanza Jérémie Okumadi Lukuke +5 位作者 Fabrice Bokambandja Lolangwa Andy Mbangama Muela Matthieu Loposo Nkumu François Beya Kabongo Renault Kambere Sitamuina Jean-Marie Mpolesha Kabongo 《Journal of Cancer Therapy》 2024年第6期239-249,共11页
Background: Prostate cancer, the most common male cancer, represents a real public health problem in terms of its frequency and severity in different countries around the world. It disproportionately affects people of... Background: Prostate cancer, the most common male cancer, represents a real public health problem in terms of its frequency and severity in different countries around the world. It disproportionately affects people of African descent wherever they live in the world [1]. To the best of our knowledge, its extent and particularities in the African environment are not well known. Objective: To determine the epidemiological and histopathological profile of prostate cancer in the CUK anatomopathology department. Methodology: This is a retrospective study conducted at the University Clinics of Kinshasa Anapathology Department from January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2022, a period of 8 years. Word processing and tables were entered using the Hp brand computer, with Microsoft Office WORD 2016 software. Data analysis was performed with SPSS version 22.0 software. Results were presented in tables and figures. Results: Prostate was diagnosed in 132 cases, i.e. 1.58% of all CUK laboratory analyses and 8% of cancers diagnosed. The age group most affected was 66-75 years, i.e. 59% of all subjects. Adenocarcinoma was the most frequent histological type, and biopsy dominated in 111 cases (84.1%). Conclusion: Prostate cancer is a real public health problem. Worldwide, and in the Democratic Republic of Congo, it is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in men, and the leading cause of cancer-related death in men. In the DRC, because of the delay in consulting our patients and the weakness of systematic screening, patients are seen at an advanced stage of the disease. Treatment is multidisciplinary, involving surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy (including targeted therapies). Patient awareness and screening campaigns will help to considerably reduce the delay in diagnosis and the morbidity and mortality associated with prostate cancer. 展开更多
关键词 PROSTATE Gleason Score democratic republic of congo
Abdominoplasty, Liposuction and Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) in Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic of Congo. My Experience in This Aesthetic Plastic Surgery with Black African Women in a Low-Income Country
作者 Anatole Kibadi-Kapay 《Modern Plastic Surgery》 2024年第3期36-50,共15页
Background: In low-income African countries, the demand and use of plastic surgery operations including abdominoplasty, liposuction and Brazilian butt lift (BBL) are increasing. The goal of this work is to present my ... Background: In low-income African countries, the demand and use of plastic surgery operations including abdominoplasty, liposuction and Brazilian butt lift (BBL) are increasing. The goal of this work is to present my experience and the challenges of this aesthetic plastic surgery among black African women. Material and Methods: A retrospective study was conducted about the abdominoplasties, liposuctions and Brazilian butt lift (BBL) which I operated in public and private hospitals at Kinshasa (Democratic Republic of Congo) in black African women. It covers a period of 13 years, going from December 1, 2010 to December 1, 2023. For this study, I had at least 6 months period (to Juin 1, 2024) to assess the occurrence of early and late postoperative complications. Results: I performed 84 abdominoplasties, 144 liposuctions and 23 Brazilian butt lifts (BBL). The average age at the time of abdominoplasty was 44 years with extremes ranging from 26 to 55 years and a concentration of cases (60.7%) in the age group of 40 to 49 years. The age group of 20 to 29 years old represented the lowest rate of requests for abdominoplasty (4.7%). Patients with a BMI of 30 to 2 were the majority (61.9%), followed by those between 25 to 2 (29.7%). 67.8% of patients were obese (BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2). The average age at the time of liposuction was 41 years with extremes ranging from 21 years to 69 years;and more than half of cases (68%) in the age group between 30 and 49 years. As for Brazilian butt lift (BBL), the average age was 33 years with extremes ranging from 24 to 42 years and a concentration of patients (91.3%) between 20 and 39 years. The immediate postoperative complications of abdominoplasties observed were: seroma in 7% of cases, hematoma and partial infection of the surgical site in 5% of cases. Pathological scars (hypertrophic, keloid) after abdominoplasties were observed in 9% of cases. The most common complication of liposuction was contour deformity. I observed 16 patients (11.1%) with soft-tissue depressions or elevations, s 展开更多
关键词 ABDOMINOPLASTY LIPOSUCTION Brazilian butt lift (BBL) Black African Women KINSHASA democratic republic of congo
刚果(金)SCM矿区低品位高氧化率铜钴矿浮磁联合选冶试验研究 被引量:1
作者 刘杰 周宽达 +4 位作者 王洪杰 陈兴海 蒙文飞 兰福荫 陆智国 《中国矿业》 北大核心 2024年第2期228-235,共8页
刚果(金)SCM矿区低品位铜钴矿样中,铜以自由氧化铜、结合氧化铜为主,并含少量次生硫化铜,原生硫化铜甚微;钴主要以水钴矿、菱钴矿、钴白云石等氧化钴的形式存在,铜矿物、钴矿物赋存状态复杂,回收难度大。根据矿石性质和实际生产需求,试... 刚果(金)SCM矿区低品位铜钴矿样中,铜以自由氧化铜、结合氧化铜为主,并含少量次生硫化铜,原生硫化铜甚微;钴主要以水钴矿、菱钴矿、钴白云石等氧化钴的形式存在,铜矿物、钴矿物赋存状态复杂,回收难度大。根据矿石性质和实际生产需求,试验采用“预先浮选硫化矿-硫化浮选氧化矿-磁选-浸出”的原则流程,考察了硫化剂种类、铜钴矿浮选作业药剂制度和磁场强度等因素对铜钴分选指标的影响,考察了常规浸出条件下铜钴的浸出效果。研究结果表明:采用Na_(2)S作为氧化铜钴的硫化剂、丁基黄药为捕收剂、硫化时间4 min时,可实现自然矿浆环境中氧化铜钴的选择性分选;以磁场强度1.1 T、磁场流速1.0 cm/s、磁脉动频率16 Hz为磁选条件,磁选氧化铜钴矿硫化浮选的尾矿,可获得良好的铜钴矿磁选效果。针对含铜1.68%、含钴0.165%、氧化率94.05%的原矿,铜钴矿分选作业采用四段氧化铜浮选、三段氧化钴浮选和两段磁选的开路试验,获得了产率20.99%、铜品位6.67%、铜回收率79.91%、钴品位0.396%、钴回收率51.70%的氧化铜钴粗精矿。对开路试验获得氧化铜钴粗精矿进行硫酸浸出,用98%硫酸调节浸出矿浆酸度,在液固比5∶1、浸出时间4 h、搅拌速度200 r/min、浸出终点pH值约1.5的条件下,铜的浸出率为97.96%,钴的浸出率为91.08%,吨铜净酸为0.96 t酸/t铜。本文的研究结果可为同类型矿石的选冶处理提供一定的技术参考。 展开更多
关键词 高氧化率 铜钴矿 硫化浮选 磁选 浸出 刚果(金)
刚果(金)加丹加鲁苏西铜钴矿床S、C、O、Sr同位素特征及矿床成因 被引量:7
作者 王武名 盛涛 +1 位作者 王丽娟 董少波 《地学前缘》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第6期318-330,共13页
鲁苏西铜钴矿床位于刚果(金)加丹加铜钴矿带,是该区域典型层控铜钴矿床。该矿床的矿石类型依据氧化程度可分为硫化矿和氧化矿。野外地质观察和区域资料分析表明,硫化矿的成矿期可分为成岩早期和造山期,矿石矿物为黄铜矿、斑铜矿、硫铜... 鲁苏西铜钴矿床位于刚果(金)加丹加铜钴矿带,是该区域典型层控铜钴矿床。该矿床的矿石类型依据氧化程度可分为硫化矿和氧化矿。野外地质观察和区域资料分析表明,硫化矿的成矿期可分为成岩早期和造山期,矿石矿物为黄铜矿、斑铜矿、硫铜钴矿和辉铜矿。氧化矿主要为铜钴硫化物在富水表生环境下淋滤而成。矿床的同位素数据分析表明:该矿床成岩期的硫化物为以生物还原作用为主,硫源来自元古宙海水,碳源以海相无机碳为主,放射性锶同位素与基底物质有关;造山期硫化物生成以热化学还原作用为主,成矿流体来自蒸发盐的溶解,硫源来自早期硫化物再活化和蒸发盐溶解,碳氧同位素表明成矿流体与围岩发生了强烈的缓冲反应。综合分析表明,蒸发相的海水为鲁苏西铜钴矿富集和成岩早期成矿提供了有利条件,造山期改造和表生期氧化对矿床品位的富集影响明显。 展开更多
关键词 铜钴矿 同位素 矿床成因 加丹加 刚果(金)
作者 王保国 《云南地质》 2024年第2期198-202,共5页
刚果(金)FTB矿区铜钴矿矿体呈透镜状、脉状赋存于罗安群矿山组。区内大面积出露卡莫阿-卡库拉铜矿恩古巴群含矿地层。地层、构造对成矿的控制作用明显。本文在重新梳理矿床地质特征、控矿因素和化探异常特征基础上,结合卡莫阿-卡库拉铜... 刚果(金)FTB矿区铜钴矿矿体呈透镜状、脉状赋存于罗安群矿山组。区内大面积出露卡莫阿-卡库拉铜矿恩古巴群含矿地层。地层、构造对成矿的控制作用明显。本文在重新梳理矿床地质特征、控矿因素和化探异常特征基础上,结合卡莫阿-卡库拉铜矿地质特征,优选出三个出露恩古巴群底部杂砾岩层位靶区为下步找矿方向,实现找矿突破,为矿山建设开发提供资源基础。 展开更多
关键词 地层+构造控矿 找矿方向 FTB矿区铜钴矿 刚果(金)
作者 曾瑞垠 祝新友 +7 位作者 王蓉 李庆哲 詹勇 张雄 孙宁 李亮 谭康雨 黄建业 《中国地质》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第2期443-456,共14页
【研究背景】Manono-Kitotolo伟晶岩位于刚果(金)中元古代Kibaran稀有金属成矿带,属于锂-铯-钽伟晶岩(LCT),主要由含锂辉石伟晶岩(40%~70%)构成。通过野外地质调查发现:伟晶岩在横向上由外至内依次发育有:花岗细晶岩带(Ⅰ)—白云母长石... 【研究背景】Manono-Kitotolo伟晶岩位于刚果(金)中元古代Kibaran稀有金属成矿带,属于锂-铯-钽伟晶岩(LCT),主要由含锂辉石伟晶岩(40%~70%)构成。通过野外地质调查发现:伟晶岩在横向上由外至内依次发育有:花岗细晶岩带(Ⅰ)—白云母长石石英带(Ⅱ)—石英钠长石带(Ⅲ)—锂辉石带(Ⅳ)—石英内核(Ⅴ)。【研究方法】通过电子探针(EPMA)法测试,获得伟晶岩中云母、锂辉石、锡石和铌钽铁矿的主量成分,对伟晶岩的分异演化特征、锂矿化、铌钽矿化和锡矿化特征进行了讨论,并对Manono-Kitotolo伟晶岩型稀有金属矿床的成矿作用进行了分析。【研究结果】白云母由外向内Rb、Li和F含量逐渐升高,K/Rb值逐渐降低,锂云母石英带(Ⅴ-1)中产出的锂云母FeO和Rb_(2)O含量相对高于白云母,表明伟晶岩由外向内结晶的分异演化程度较高。【结论】锂矿化主要分布在锂辉石伟晶岩(Ⅳ)中,锂辉石粒度呈巨晶—粗粒—中粒变化,主量成分较稳定,但近地表的氧化淋滤作用与黏土化、云英岩化等蚀变作用造成锂元素发生流失;锡矿化分布于Ⅲ—Ⅳ带中,锡石Nb和Ta含量相对较高,属于稀有金属伟晶岩成因,但粗粒锡石主要形成于云英岩化阶段;铌钽矿化分布于Ⅱ—Ⅳ带中,根据元素含量比值显示其为铌铁矿-钽铁矿-锰钽铁矿系列,随着分异作用的进行,铌钽矿物中的钽和锰的含量增加,铌、铁和钛的含量降低,形成富钽、富锰的铌钽铁矿。 展开更多
关键词 锂辉石 锡石 铌钽铁矿 白云母 云英岩化 Manono-Kitotolo伟晶岩 矿产勘查工程 刚果(金)
刚果(金)东北部太古宙绿岩型金矿地质特征及找矿方向 被引量:6
作者 孙凯 何胜飞 刘晓阳 《地质找矿论丛》 CAS CSCD 2015年第A01期73-81,共9页
绿岩型金矿是刚果(金)重要的金矿类型之一。刚果(金)东北部的金矿床以内生金矿为主,次为外生金矿,内生金矿中主要为构造控制的脉状金矿床。典型矿床为基巴里绿岩带中的基洛矿区,矿化主要发生在发生碳酸盐化岩石的片理、剪切带和褶皱裂隙... 绿岩型金矿是刚果(金)重要的金矿类型之一。刚果(金)东北部的金矿床以内生金矿为主,次为外生金矿,内生金矿中主要为构造控制的脉状金矿床。典型矿床为基巴里绿岩带中的基洛矿区,矿化主要发生在发生碳酸盐化岩石的片理、剪切带和褶皱裂隙中;其次为受片理控制的浸染状金矿床,主要位于基巴里绿岩带的摩托矿区,矿化通常与围岩的片理相一致,并发育碳酸盐化等蚀变。研究认为,金矿床中的金质主要来源于绿岩带,太古宙岩浆活动形成了金的第一次富集,后期绿片岩相变质作用和强烈的蚀变造成了金的活化,并最终沉淀在构造裂隙中成矿。文章还总结了金矿床的找矿标志,并为区域金矿勘查方法提出了建议。 展开更多
关键词 绿岩型金矿 地质特征 成矿规律 找矿标志 刚果(金)
A Pilot Study about the First Cases of Coronary Angioplasty in Democratic Republic of Congo/Kinshasa: Patient Profile
作者 David Ipungu Gondele Eulethère Vita Kintoki +9 位作者 Yves Lubenga Georges Ngoyi Trésor Mvunzi Dominique Mupepe Nathan Buila Zéphirin Kamuanga Fahd Qureshi Aliosha Nkodila Jean Robert Rissasi Makulo Jean René M’buyamba-Kabangu 《Case Reports in Clinical Medicine》 2023年第10期371-388,共18页
Background: The objective of this pilot study was to describe clinical profile, electric, echocardiographic and angiographic caracteristics with procedural outcome of congolease patients undergoing coronarography in t... Background: The objective of this pilot study was to describe clinical profile, electric, echocardiographic and angiographic caracteristics with procedural outcome of congolease patients undergoing coronarography in the first and only one cardiac catheterization center opened in Kinshasa. Methods: An analytical cross-sectional study was carried out over a period from October 2019 (date of establishment of the first coronary angiography unit in DR Congo) to March 2021. We proceeded to a serial sampling of the consecutive cases of all the patients who have an angiographic exploration of coronary arteries. Clinical, ECG and cardiac ultrasound data were collected in all patients. The indications for the coronary angiography examination were set by differents cardiologists on the basis of repolarization troubles in the electrocardiogram, cinetic troubles in echocardiography, positive stress test and chest pain in patients with cardiovascular risq factors. Results: The serie (47 patients) was predominantly male with a sex ratio M/W of 2.6. The average age was 59.8 ± 10.5 years. Arterial hypertension (HBP) was the main risk factor (89.4%);followed by diabetes mellitus (14.9%). Chest pain was the main functional sign with an atypical character in 44.7%. The ECG showed ST segment depression (17%) and T wave inversion (17%), the anterior region being the most affected. Hypokinesia was the most common echocardiographic abnormality (34%), followed by akinesia (10.6%). The anteroseptal and apical territories were affected in 12.8%. Dilated myocardiopathy (DMC) was significantly predominant in the male sex (29.4% vs 7.7%;p = 0.011). With radial puncture as the main approach, coronary angiography was pathological in 44% revealing mono-truncal lesions. The left coronary network was the most affected: the middle inter ventricular artery (12.8%), the proximal interventricular artery (10.6%) and the proximal circonflex artery (10.6%). In multivariate logistic regression analysis, age (for age > 50 years for men and >60 years for w 展开更多
关键词 Heart Disease Coronary Angioplasty Patient Profile Pilot Study democratic republic of congo
Using Remote Sensing to Analyse the Role of Urbanization in the Transformation of Land-Use and Land Cover in Likasi Town (Haut-Katanga, DR Congo)
作者 Matthieu M. Tshanga Pierre T. Mashala Faidance Mashauri 《Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection》 2023年第10期167-183,共17页
Environmental change is characterized as an alteration in the environment caused primarily by human activities and ecological processes that are natural. Given the fact that the southern part of the province of Haut-K... Environmental change is characterized as an alteration in the environment caused primarily by human activities and ecological processes that are natural. Given the fact that the southern part of the province of Haut-Katanga in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is part of the African Copperbelt and has been a region of intense mining for decades, humans have affected the physical environment in various ways: such as overpopulation, suburbanization, wastage, deforestation. It is therefore important to track and control the changes in the area’s mining activities. This study aimed to analyze these changes using remote sensing techniques. Landsat satellite images from 2002 and 2022 were processed and classified to quantify changes in built-up area, agricultural land, and vegetation cover over the 20-year period. The classification results revealed sizable differences between the two time points, indicating considerable expansion of built-up land and declines in agricultural land and vegetation cover from 2002 to 2022 in Likasi. These findings provide evidence that urban growth has transformed the landscape in Likasi, likely at the expense of farmland and ecosystems. Further analysis of the remote sensing data could quantify the changes and model future trends to support sustainable land use planning. The land cover and land use analysis were performed with the assistance of the ERDAS 16.6.13 software by mapping LANDSAT data from two different years 2002 and 2022. 展开更多
关键词 Urban Growth Change Detection Likasi Urban Planning Remote Sensing democratic republic of congo
刚果(金)上加丹加省坎博韦地区KZ铜钴矿控矿因素和找矿前景 被引量:1
作者 陈浦浦 杨懿全 +2 位作者 代俊成 郭其林 陈天浩 《矿产与地质》 2023年第6期1145-1153,共9页
KZ铜钴矿位于加丹加铜钴成矿带北西段,是塞萨挤压构造成矿带的一部分。本文通过对KZ铜钴矿矿床地质特征、控矿因素、矿床成因等开展综合研究并进行找矿前景预测。研究表明,矿体呈层状赋存于推覆体碎片罗安群R2层位中;矿化类型为氧化矿... KZ铜钴矿位于加丹加铜钴成矿带北西段,是塞萨挤压构造成矿带的一部分。本文通过对KZ铜钴矿矿床地质特征、控矿因素、矿床成因等开展综合研究并进行找矿前景预测。研究表明,矿体呈层状赋存于推覆体碎片罗安群R2层位中;矿化类型为氧化矿和硫化矿并存,氧化矿石矿物为孔雀石、水钴矿,硫化矿石矿物为黄铜矿和硫钴矿等。矿床严格受地层和构造控制,矿床成因类型为沉积-改造层控型铜钴矿床,在矿区西北部及深部仍有较好的成矿潜力。 展开更多
关键词 铜钴矿 层控型矿床 控矿因素 找矿前景 刚果(金)
刚果(金)卢阿拉巴省康隆卡铜钴矿床地质特征及找矿前景 被引量:5
作者 张银 胡登攀 +1 位作者 余璨 翟建军 《地质与资源》 CAS 2021年第4期450-455,413,共7页
刚果卢阿拉巴省隶属于非洲板块克拉通,该区发育了世界著名的加丹加弧形铜成矿带,康隆卡铜矿即产于该成矿带上.在资料系统收集和二次分析的基础上,结合大量的野外勘探工作,系统厘定康隆卡铜矿矿体特征、矿石类型、围岩蚀变特征,分析地层... 刚果卢阿拉巴省隶属于非洲板块克拉通,该区发育了世界著名的加丹加弧形铜成矿带,康隆卡铜矿即产于该成矿带上.在资料系统收集和二次分析的基础上,结合大量的野外勘探工作,系统厘定康隆卡铜矿矿体特征、矿石类型、围岩蚀变特征,分析地层、构造对成矿的控制,结合物探工作,总结铜矿成矿规律.研究表明:1)矿床中矿石矿物以孔雀石、蓝铜矿、黑铜矿等次生氧化矿物为主,矿石结构以自形-他形粒状结构为主,矿石构造主要为多孔构造、角砾状构造、浸染状构造;2)罗安群木瓦夏组层状白云质砂岩(RSF)及蜂窝状硅质白云岩(RSC)为康隆卡铜矿重要的赋矿层位,矿(化)体层控性质显著;3)构造在空间上与成矿显示出密切联系,坎苏祁(Kansuki)断裂、次级断裂及褶皱构造共同控制着含矿层位,为矿质运移、沉淀、叠加提供场所,初步认为康隆卡铜矿为沉积-热液改造型铜钴矿床;4)结合物探工作成果及找矿标志,NE向次级构造所对应的矿致异常深部具有矿(化)体富集、膨大趋势,找矿潜力良好,矿区内民采遗迹、南部矿点均为找矿工作重点. 展开更多
关键词 刚果(金) 铜钴矿床 矿床成因 找矿标志 找矿方向
刚果(金)Dipeta铜钴矿床地质特征与找矿方向 被引量:4
作者 刘高杰 王纪昆 李松彬 《矿产与地质》 2021年第1期9-14,共6页
Dipeta铜钴矿床处在中非铜矿带北西端,是全球范围内规模最大的铜钴矿床之一。主矿体为产在罗安群矿山亚群SDB和RSF中的上部矿体和下部矿体,呈层状、板状,总体形态、产状与地层一致。主要控矿因素为矿山亚群地层、沉积相、构造和表生氧... Dipeta铜钴矿床处在中非铜矿带北西端,是全球范围内规模最大的铜钴矿床之一。主矿体为产在罗安群矿山亚群SDB和RSF中的上部矿体和下部矿体,呈层状、板状,总体形态、产状与地层一致。主要控矿因素为矿山亚群地层、沉积相、构造和表生氧化作用,主要找矿标志有地层、构造、典型矿物、物化探异常、地形、植物学和古采坑标志等。迪佩特向斜核部、部分主矿体延伸方向和勘查程度相对较低的普查区域找矿潜力大。 展开更多
关键词 Dipeta铜钴矿床 罗安群矿山亚群 控矿因素 找矿方向 刚果(金)
刚果民主共和国三级成矿区带划分 被引量:3
作者 余金杰 刘晓阳 +3 位作者 王杰 王铁柱 陆邦成 刘帅杰 《地质找矿论丛》 CAS CSCD 2015年第A01期46-52,共7页
刚果(金)前寒武纪地质构造初步划分为太古宙刚果克拉通(〉2 500 Ma)、中元古代活动带(1 800~1 100 Ma)和新元古代(1 100~550 Ma)活动带。刚果(金)共划分出11个Ⅲ级成矿区带,其中新元古代中非铜-钴成矿带(Ⅲ-8)、中元古代基... 刚果(金)前寒武纪地质构造初步划分为太古宙刚果克拉通(〉2 500 Ma)、中元古代活动带(1 800~1 100 Ma)和新元古代(1 100~550 Ma)活动带。刚果(金)共划分出11个Ⅲ级成矿区带,其中新元古代中非铜-钴成矿带(Ⅲ-8)、中元古代基巴拉锡-铌-钽多金属成矿带(Ⅲ-5)和中元古代卡拉圭—安科莱锡-铌-钽多金属成矿带(Ⅲ-6)是世界上著名的成矿带。最后分析了刚果金具有优势的矿产资源有金刚石、铜、钴、钽、铌、铀、金和铁。 展开更多
关键词 地质构造单元 Ⅲ级成矿区带 优势矿产资源 刚果民主共和国
Mass Distribution Campaign of Long-Lasting Insecticidal Nets in the Democratic Republic of Congo from 2018 to 2021 in the Context of the Emergence of COVID-19: Results and Lessons Learned
作者 Joris Losimba Likwela Adrien N’siala Kumbi +12 位作者 Michèle Luntadila Kiamenga Mireille Lusiense Zena Daniela Mundele Iris Simon-Pierre Kazadi Mutuba Eric Mukomena Sompwe Patrick Kanku-Ka-Lukusa Albert Kalonji Ntumba Ghislain Makhan Yav Didier Gasigwa Baneti Eric Tsasa Mbuku Charlotte Ndolerire Isingoma Muriel Nzazi Nsambu Philippe Lukanu Ngwala 《Journal of Biosciences and Medicines》 2022年第2期136-159,共24页
Introduction: The DRC had planned 23 mass distribution campaigns distribution of long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLIN) for the years 2018-2020, the implementation of which spanned from 2018 to July 2021. This article ... Introduction: The DRC had planned 23 mass distribution campaigns distribution of long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLIN) for the years 2018-2020, the implementation of which spanned from 2018 to July 2021. This article reviews the campaign’s planning process, the results, challenges, and lessons learned. Methods: A descriptive method was used to postpone the planning and implementation process according to the National Malaria Control Program (NMCP) standards adapted to the COVID-19 context. The changes and adaptations implemented as well as the challenges encountered are described. Results: Between January 2018 to June 2021, 23 LLIN mass distribution campaigns were organized in the DRC with the financial support of The Global Fund to Fight against Tuberculosis, AIDS and Malaria (GFTAM) and Against Malaria Foundation (AMF) allowing the distribution of 55,273,473 LLINs to 19,048,372 households at risk of malaria transmission with an average of 2.9 LLINs per household. The enumerated population (111,081,191) exceeded 7% of the micro plans projected population (102,790,391) while the number of households enumerated (19,311,629) was 3% lower compared to the micro planning projection households (19,862,417). Compared to a reported household coverage of 96% of households achieved over the expected households, the independent monitoring carried out revealed 91% of households served in the intervention areas. The main reasons for not reaching households mentioned by the respondents were absence at the time of distribution (26%) followed by the loss of vouchers (16%). Several communication channels were used among which, community workers were the most frequently mentioned (63.1%), followed by radios (18.5%) and churches (12.4%). Conclusion: Good planning, effective coordination of stakeholders, and revision of the implementing campaigns methods following the COVID-19 were factors in the success of this campaign. An effort to respect the schedules for renewing LLINs in households, coupled with good continuous distribution 展开更多
关键词 Vector Control LLIN Campaigns COVID-19 LESSONS democratic republic of congo
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