Face masks help prevent the spread of coronavirus and other diseases,and mass masking is recommended by almost all health groups and countries to control the COVID-19 pandemic(Brooks et al.,2020).Recent studies estima...Face masks help prevent the spread of coronavirus and other diseases,and mass masking is recommended by almost all health groups and countries to control the COVID-19 pandemic(Brooks et al.,2020).Recent studies estimated an astounding 129 billion face masks being used globally every month(3 million/minute)and most are disposable face masks made from plastic microfibers(Prata et al.,2020).With increasing reports on inappropriate disposal of masks,it is urgent to recognize this potential environmental threat and prevent it from becoming the next plastic problem.展开更多
George A,Brooks的突出贡献是对乳酸的研究,他推翻了希尔的氧债假说,创立和发展了乳酸穿梭学说,并得到了运动生理学界内外的普遍认可。搜集Brooks近50年的论文、新闻以及同行争议与评价,从认识论角度梳理其对乳酸的研究历史和观点,基于...George A,Brooks的突出贡献是对乳酸的研究,他推翻了希尔的氧债假说,创立和发展了乳酸穿梭学说,并得到了运动生理学界内外的普遍认可。搜集Brooks近50年的论文、新闻以及同行争议与评价,从认识论角度梳理其对乳酸的研究历史和观点,基于研究者视角树立运动“代谢物”的认识过程和方法。Brooks认为,乳酸具有能量底物、电子载体、信号分子三重角色,乳酸变化在不同生理环境下产生截然不同的效益。Brooks的乳酸简史从认识论和方法论上都给我们以深刻启示和教训,对运动“代谢物”的认识切忌片面化和主观的价值导向。在面对很多实验结果时有必要事先推定,运动内源性“代谢物”具有多重角色,只有在特定生理或病理条件下表现“好”与“坏”。运动生理学家须致力于用运动刺激的特殊模型,揭示深层次、普适性的生理学机制,对运动生理、健康生理、病理生理给予统一解释,从繁杂的实验结论中创造与实验数据吻合的学说。展开更多
为了解《论语》英译本的接受情况,本文作者共同拟定了问题,以问卷调查的形式对英语学术读者进行了调查,发现大多数读者都推荐白牧之和白妙子夫妇所翻译的《论语辨》(1)(The Original Analects:Sayings of Confucius and His Successors,...为了解《论语》英译本的接受情况,本文作者共同拟定了问题,以问卷调查的形式对英语学术读者进行了调查,发现大多数读者都推荐白牧之和白妙子夫妇所翻译的《论语辨》(1)(The Original Analects:Sayings of Confucius and His Successors,1998)。为了探究该译本为何广为接受,陶友兰教授利用访学之便,于2019年6月赴马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校(University of Massachusetts Amherst)采访了白氏夫妇。该访谈由《论语辨》的译者王琰副教授翻译成中文。白牧之(E.Bruce Brooks)为美国汉学家,历史学家,马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校“战国项目”主任,马萨诸塞大学亚洲语言文学系兼职教授,主编两本有影响力的学术杂志Warring States Papers:Studies in Chinese and Comparative Philology(《辨古集》)和Alpha:Studies in Early Christianity(《阿尔法:早期基督教文本辨》)。其妻白妙子(A.Taeko Brooks)为美国汉学家,历史学家,《论语辨》的合著者,“战国项目”的研究助理。访谈主要围绕五个主题展开:为什么翻译《论语》?如何翻译?翻译中侧重什么?为谁翻译?翻译的意义是什么?白氏夫妇认为,他们的译本不仅仅是翻译,主要是关于《论语》的历史考证和阐释。作为历史学家,“我们的任务是通过相应的注释提供译文本身无法传递的历史背景信息,让译文本身尽可能清楚。译文加注释就是我们眼中的‘翻译’--传输越过历史和文化障碍的文本”。展开更多
The development of ischemic brain damage is dramatically affected by the immune system,whose activation occurs immediately after the insult and may last for several days,involving a complex interplay between soluble a...The development of ischemic brain damage is dramatically affected by the immune system,whose activation occurs immediately after the insult and may last for several days,involving a complex interplay between soluble and cellular mediators(Amantea et al.,2015).Accordingly,recent expression profiling studies have revealed that the majority of the genes modulated in the blood of stroke patients participate in the regulation of innate immune responses(Brooks et al.,2014).展开更多
Arctic Alaska is a 'suspect' terrane that encompasses approximately 20%of Alaska,stretching from the southern Brooks Range all the way to the continental shelves of the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas.Although the origin ...Arctic Alaska is a 'suspect' terrane that encompasses approximately 20%of Alaska,stretching from the southern Brooks Range all the way to the continental shelves of the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas.Although the origin and subsequent travels of this large crustal fragment are debated among geologists,most researchers agree upon its composite nature and exotic origin.To constrain the early geological history of this terrane,we describe a recent expedition to the Doonerak fenster of the central Brooks Range.This area has long been regarded as a key locality for understanding the structural evolution of the Mesozoic-Cenozoic Brooks Range orogen;however,our target was different:a unique sequence of volcanic and siliciclastic rocks(Apoon assemblage) exposed beneath a profound pre-Mississippian unconformity,which we argue is of key importance to understanding the early Paleozoic tectonic history of northern Alaska and the greater Arctic.展开更多
《论语辩》(The Original Analects:Sayings of Confucius and His Successors)~①是对《论语》翻译和研究的一部著作,于1998年由哥伦比亚大学出版社出版。作者白牧之(E.Bruce Brooks)、白妙子(A.Takeo Brooks)夫妇现执教于美国马萨诸...《论语辩》(The Original Analects:Sayings of Confucius and His Successors)~①是对《论语》翻译和研究的一部著作,于1998年由哥伦比亚大学出版社出版。作者白牧之(E.Bruce Brooks)、白妙子(A.Takeo Brooks)夫妇现执教于美国马萨诸塞大学(University of Massachussetts)阿默斯特(Amherst)分校亚洲语言与文学系,主要研究领域是先秦思想史。在书中,白氏夫妇提出了《论语》成书的"层累"说,即该原典是经历多个年代、集多人之力才得以形成,从而解释《论语》在内容、风格、句法、结构等方面前后不一致的原因。白氏认为《论语》只有第四篇的前十七章为孔子真实言论的记录,是成书年代最早的一篇,其余都是由后人篡加的,并以文本内容和语言特点为依据划定《论语》成书的历史阶段,在历史背景中诠释文本,以期获得"原初的意义",这也就是该《论语》译本命名为The Original Analects的原因。在此,将该著第四篇(公元前479年)译出~②,以飨读者。展开更多
文摘Face masks help prevent the spread of coronavirus and other diseases,and mass masking is recommended by almost all health groups and countries to control the COVID-19 pandemic(Brooks et al.,2020).Recent studies estimated an astounding 129 billion face masks being used globally every month(3 million/minute)and most are disposable face masks made from plastic microfibers(Prata et al.,2020).With increasing reports on inappropriate disposal of masks,it is urgent to recognize this potential environmental threat and prevent it from becoming the next plastic problem.
文摘为了解《论语》英译本的接受情况,本文作者共同拟定了问题,以问卷调查的形式对英语学术读者进行了调查,发现大多数读者都推荐白牧之和白妙子夫妇所翻译的《论语辨》(1)(The Original Analects:Sayings of Confucius and His Successors,1998)。为了探究该译本为何广为接受,陶友兰教授利用访学之便,于2019年6月赴马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校(University of Massachusetts Amherst)采访了白氏夫妇。该访谈由《论语辨》的译者王琰副教授翻译成中文。白牧之(E.Bruce Brooks)为美国汉学家,历史学家,马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校“战国项目”主任,马萨诸塞大学亚洲语言文学系兼职教授,主编两本有影响力的学术杂志Warring States Papers:Studies in Chinese and Comparative Philology(《辨古集》)和Alpha:Studies in Early Christianity(《阿尔法:早期基督教文本辨》)。其妻白妙子(A.Taeko Brooks)为美国汉学家,历史学家,《论语辨》的合著者,“战国项目”的研究助理。访谈主要围绕五个主题展开:为什么翻译《论语》?如何翻译?翻译中侧重什么?为谁翻译?翻译的意义是什么?白氏夫妇认为,他们的译本不仅仅是翻译,主要是关于《论语》的历史考证和阐释。作为历史学家,“我们的任务是通过相应的注释提供译文本身无法传递的历史背景信息,让译文本身尽可能清楚。译文加注释就是我们眼中的‘翻译’--传输越过历史和文化障碍的文本”。
文摘The development of ischemic brain damage is dramatically affected by the immune system,whose activation occurs immediately after the insult and may last for several days,involving a complex interplay between soluble and cellular mediators(Amantea et al.,2015).Accordingly,recent expression profiling studies have revealed that the majority of the genes modulated in the blood of stroke patients participate in the regulation of innate immune responses(Brooks et al.,2014).
基金supported by a Geological Society of America graduate student research grant,Harvard University,Dartmouth Collegea National Science Foundation(NSF) Tectonics grant (EAR-1624131)+1 种基金supported by a Stanford McGee Grantand a NSF Graduate Research Fellowshipsupported by Harvard University
文摘Arctic Alaska is a 'suspect' terrane that encompasses approximately 20%of Alaska,stretching from the southern Brooks Range all the way to the continental shelves of the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas.Although the origin and subsequent travels of this large crustal fragment are debated among geologists,most researchers agree upon its composite nature and exotic origin.To constrain the early geological history of this terrane,we describe a recent expedition to the Doonerak fenster of the central Brooks Range.This area has long been regarded as a key locality for understanding the structural evolution of the Mesozoic-Cenozoic Brooks Range orogen;however,our target was different:a unique sequence of volcanic and siliciclastic rocks(Apoon assemblage) exposed beneath a profound pre-Mississippian unconformity,which we argue is of key importance to understanding the early Paleozoic tectonic history of northern Alaska and the greater Arctic.
文摘《论语辩》(The Original Analects:Sayings of Confucius and His Successors)~①是对《论语》翻译和研究的一部著作,于1998年由哥伦比亚大学出版社出版。作者白牧之(E.Bruce Brooks)、白妙子(A.Takeo Brooks)夫妇现执教于美国马萨诸塞大学(University of Massachussetts)阿默斯特(Amherst)分校亚洲语言与文学系,主要研究领域是先秦思想史。在书中,白氏夫妇提出了《论语》成书的"层累"说,即该原典是经历多个年代、集多人之力才得以形成,从而解释《论语》在内容、风格、句法、结构等方面前后不一致的原因。白氏认为《论语》只有第四篇的前十七章为孔子真实言论的记录,是成书年代最早的一篇,其余都是由后人篡加的,并以文本内容和语言特点为依据划定《论语》成书的历史阶段,在历史背景中诠释文本,以期获得"原初的意义",这也就是该《论语》译本命名为The Original Analects的原因。在此,将该著第四篇(公元前479年)译出~②,以飨读者。