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植保无人飞机低空低容量喷雾技术应用与展望 被引量:80
作者 袁会珠 薛新宇 +5 位作者 闫晓静 秦维彩 孔肖 周洋洋 王明 高赛超 《植物保护》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第5期152-158,180,共8页
近十年来,我国植保无人飞机迅猛发展,应用的农作物范围越来越广,不仅在水稻、小麦、玉米等主要粮食作物得到了应用,在橡胶、槟榔等高大植株的病虫害防治中更有其独特优势,已经初步形成了我国植保无人飞机低空低容量喷雾的喷头配置、配... 近十年来,我国植保无人飞机迅猛发展,应用的农作物范围越来越广,不仅在水稻、小麦、玉米等主要粮食作物得到了应用,在橡胶、槟榔等高大植株的病虫害防治中更有其独特优势,已经初步形成了我国植保无人飞机低空低容量喷雾的喷头配置、配套药剂、飞防助剂、作业参数等技术体系,对于重要农作物病虫害如稻纵卷叶螟、水稻纹枯病、小麦蚜虫、玉米黏虫等防治效果均在80%以上,在各地病虫害防控中发挥了重要作用。但是,植保无人飞机喷雾作业过程中,还存在炸机或失控、雾滴飘移药害、药液分层结块、防治效果不稳定等问题。通过汇总分析植保无人飞机在重要病虫草害防治工作的成功经验和安全事故,本文提出植保无人飞机低容量喷雾技术将会得到更广泛的应用,植保无人飞机专用药剂和配套助剂、变量施药、多传感器数据融合、多机协同、精准施药、施药标准和规范等都将得到长足的发展,为现代农业和智慧农业发展提供技术支持。 展开更多
关键词 植保无人飞机 低容量喷雾 防治效果 安全风险 应用与展望
Drift and deposition of ultra-low altitude and low volume application in paddy field 被引量:49
作者 Xue xinyu Tu Kang +2 位作者 qin Weicai Yubin Lan Huihui Zhang 《International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第4期23-28,共6页
Field trials were performed to evaluate various techniques for measuring spray deposition and aerial drift during spray application to paddy field.The application of a spraying agent containing the fluorescent dye Rho... Field trials were performed to evaluate various techniques for measuring spray deposition and aerial drift during spray application to paddy field.The application of a spraying agent containing the fluorescent dye Rhodamine-B was applied by an unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV)which flew at a height of 5 m,a speed of 3 m/s,and the wind speed of 3 m/s.The results showed that because the downdraft produced by a helicopter rotor increased the penetrability of crops,there is a higher deposition on the upper layer and the under layer than the traditional spraying.The average deposition on the upper layer accounts for 28% of the total spraying,the deposition on the under layer accounts for 26% of the total spraying.The deposition on the under layer takes up 92.8% of the deposition on the upper layer.Droplets drift data showed that the drift of non-target area took up 12.9% of the total liquid spray.The 90% drifting droplets were located within a range of 8 m of the target area;the drift quantity was almost zero at a distance of 50 m away from the treated area. 展开更多
关键词 paddy field ultra-low altitude low volume UAV droplet drift DEPOSITION
Chinese expert consensus on conversion therapy for hepatocellular carcinoma(2021 edition) 被引量:26
作者 Hui-Chuan Sun Jian Zhou +77 位作者 Zheng Wang Xiufeng Liu qing Xie Weidong Jia Ming Zhao xinyu Bi Gong Li Xueli Bai Yuan Ji Li Xu Xiao-Dong Zhu Dousheng Bai Yajin Chen Yongjun Chen Chaoliu Dai Rongping Guo Wenzhi Guo Chunyi Hao Tao Huang Zhiyong Huang Deyu Li Gang Li Tao Li Xiangcheng Li Guangming Li Xiao Liang Jingfeng Liu Fubao Liu Shichun Lu Zheng Lu Weifu Lv Yilei Mao Guoliang Shao Yinghong Shi Tianqiang Song Guang Tan Yunqiang Tang Kaishan Tao Chidan Wan Guangyi Wang Lu Wang Shunxiang Wang Tianfu Wen Baocai Xing Bangde Xiang Sheng Yan Dinghua Yang Guowen Yin Tao Yin Zhenyu Yin Zhengping Yu Bixiang Zhang Jialin Zhang Shuijun Zhang Ti Zhang Yamin Zhang Yubao Zhang Aibin Zhang Haitao Zhao Ledu Zhou Wu Zhang Zhenyu Zhu Shukui qin Feng Shen Xiujun Cai Gaojun Teng Jianqiang Cai Minshan Chen Qiang Li Lianxin Liu Weilin Wang Tingbo Liang Jiahong Dong Xiaoping Chen Xuehao Wang Shusen Zheng Jia Fan 《Hepatobiliary Surgery and Nutrition》 SCIE 2022年第2期227-252,I0011-I0014,共30页
Recent advances in systemic and locoregional treatments for patients with unresectable or advanced hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC)have resulted in improved response rates.This has provided an opportunity for selected pa... Recent advances in systemic and locoregional treatments for patients with unresectable or advanced hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC)have resulted in improved response rates.This has provided an opportunity for selected patients with initially unresectable HCC to achieve adequate tumor downstaging to undergo surgical resection,a‘conversion therapy’strategy.However,conversion therapy is a new approach to the treatment of HCC and its practice and treatment protocols are still being developed.Review the evidence for conversion therapy in HCC and develop consensus statements to guide clinical practice.Evidence review:Many research centers in China have accumulated significant experience implementing HCC conversion therapy.Preliminary findings and data have shown that conversion therapy represents an important strategy to maximize the survival of selected patients with intermediate stage to advanced HCC;however,there are still many urgent clinical and scientific challenges for this therapeutic strategy and its related fields.In order to summarize and learn from past experience and review current challenges,the Chinese Expert Consensus on Conversion Therapy for Hepatocellular Carcinoma(2021 Edition)was developed based on a review of preliminary experience and clinical data from Chinese and non-Chinese studies in this field and combined with recommendations for clinical practice.Sixteen consensus statements on the implementation of conversion therapy for HCC were developed.The statements generated in this review are based on a review of clinical evidence and real clinical experience and will help guide future progress in conversion therapy for patients with HCC. 展开更多
关键词 Hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC) conversion therapy surgical resection systematic treatment locoregional treatment CONSENSUS China
中国农药应用工艺学20年的理论研究与技术概述 被引量:21
作者 闫晓静 杨代斌 +5 位作者 薛新宇 王国宾 崔丽 冯超 秦维彩 袁会珠 《农药学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第5期908-920,共13页
农药应用工艺学是研究提高农药利用率和施药效率,减轻或消除农药对环境的污染和对人、畜及有益生物危害风险的一门综合性学科。近20年来,中国在农药的吸收传导、控制释放、剂型研发、省力化施药、雾滴运动、高效装备及智能精准施药等方... 农药应用工艺学是研究提高农药利用率和施药效率,减轻或消除农药对环境的污染和对人、畜及有益生物危害风险的一门综合性学科。近20年来,中国在农药的吸收传导、控制释放、剂型研发、省力化施药、雾滴运动、高效装备及智能精准施药等方面取得了长足的进步:建立了药剂吸收量与种子包衣剂量之间的关系模型;阐明了农药控制释放的动力学规律,揭示了缓释农药提高作物安全性的生物学机制;研发了超低容量制剂、烟雾剂、粉尘剂、展膜油剂、缓释颗粒剂等省力化农药剂型和与之匹配的省力化施药技术;探明了农药雾滴在作物冠层的沉积流失规律,建立了农药利用率模型;建立了农药施用定量分析计算理论,提出了农药雾滴"杀伤半径"概念,推动了农药低容量喷雾技术发展;建立了植保无人飞机低容量喷雾技术体系,开启了人工智能(AI)施药技术的研究和应用,初步建立人工智能精准喷雾技术。中国农药应用已逐步实现从简单、粗放向科学、安全、智能精准的转变,为农药减施增效提供理论依据和技术支撑。 展开更多
关键词 农药应用工艺学 吸收传导 控制释放 省力化施药技术 智能装备
电动单旋翼植保无人机性能试验 被引量:18
作者 金永奎 薛新宇 +1 位作者 秦维彩 孙竹 《中国农机化学报》 北大核心 2019年第3期56-61,共6页
植保无人机近年来在我国得到迅速发展,在病虫害防治中发挥越来越重要的作用,而其性能好坏决定喷洒质量和防治效果。本文针对新开发的CE-20型电动单旋翼植保无人机的性能特点,结合新颁布的标准和相关测试设备,设计测试内容和方法,分别对... 植保无人机近年来在我国得到迅速发展,在病虫害防治中发挥越来越重要的作用,而其性能好坏决定喷洒质量和防治效果。本文针对新开发的CE-20型电动单旋翼植保无人机的性能特点,结合新颁布的标准和相关测试设备,设计测试内容和方法,分别对飞行精度、重喷漏喷率、雾滴覆盖率和农药有效利用率等参数进行测试。测试结果表明,CE-20型电动单旋翼植保无人机水平偏航距最大偏差为0.365 m、高度偏航距最大偏差为0.314 m、飞行速度最大偏差为0.254 m/s、重喷率为7.3%、漏喷率为3.1%、雾滴覆盖率上部和下部的平均值分别为1.17%和0.99%、农药有效利用率为42.3%,具有较好的性能,能满足水稻、小麦等作物大面积的病虫害防治。本文的数据和结果可为机具的性能完善提高提供依据,也可为田间作业提供参考和指导。 展开更多
关键词 植保无人机 性能测试 电动单旋翼 飞行精度 雾滴覆盖率 农药利用率
锆石微量元素的理论基础及其应用研究进展 被引量:18
作者 邹心宇 蒋济莲 +3 位作者 秦克章 张毅刚 杨蔚 李献华 《岩石学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第4期985-999,共15页
锆石是地质学研究中最重要的副矿物,其分布广泛、物理、化学性质稳定,记录了结晶时的年龄、温度、氧逸度以及O-Hf-Si-Zr-Li等多元同位素和微量元素信息,被广泛运用于地球科学的研究中。近年来,随着分析技术的发展,研究者在获取锆石年龄... 锆石是地质学研究中最重要的副矿物,其分布广泛、物理、化学性质稳定,记录了结晶时的年龄、温度、氧逸度以及O-Hf-Si-Zr-Li等多元同位素和微量元素信息,被广泛运用于地球科学的研究中。近年来,随着分析技术的发展,研究者在获取锆石年龄的同时也获取了大量锆石微量元素数据,这些数据的积累推动着研究者对锆石微量元素理论研究的不断深入,并取得了一系列重要进展,如发现锆石微量元素组成受锆石本身的晶格特点主导,符合晶格应变模型和类质同象替代机制;发现锆石微量元素组成受到熔体成分演化影响,锆石结晶时的熔体微量元素组成往往不等同于全岩;发现锆石内部的微量元素不均一特征(矿物包裹体、热点、蜕晶化作用等)可能会严重影响锆石的微量元素组成,继而建立了"干净锆石"的判别指标和筛选机制。此外,锆石微量元素的应用研究也取得了长足进展,研究者们不断尝试通过各类锆石微量元素指标、图解、分配系数,识别母岩浆物理化学性质、反演母岩浆组成,大大推动了锆石微量元素在示踪岩浆源区和岩浆过程中的应用。然而,由于锆石微量元素组成受控于多种因素,使得锆石微量元素在实际应用当中常常面临着多解性问题、重叠问题和分配系数的选择问题,在一定程度上影响了锆石微量元素应用研究的可靠性。未来的锆石微量元素研究将不满足于使用传统的低维指标和图解以及分配系数,而将在充分吸收传统方法精华的基础上,从海量数据与更高的维度中寻找元素之间相关性,基于热力学定律揭示新原理,基于更高空间分辨率揭示动力学因素的影响,从数据驱动和理论驱动的全新视角下深入揭示隐藏在锆石微量元素中的信息。 展开更多
关键词 锆石 微量元素 理论基础 地质应用 研究展望
H2A.Z Represses Gene Expression by Modulating Promoter Nucleosome Structure and Enhancer Histone Modifications in Arabidopsis 被引量:14
作者 Xiaozhuan Dai Youhuang Bai +9 位作者 Lihua Zhao Xianying DOU Yanhui Liu Lulu Wang Yi Li Weimin Li Yanan Hui xinyu Huang Zonghua Wang Yuan qin 《Molecular Plant》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第10期1274-1292,共19页
Deposition of the histone variant H2A.Z at gene bodies regulates transcription by modifying chromatin accessibility in plants. However, the role of H2A.Z enrichment at the promoter and enhancer regions is unclear, and... Deposition of the histone variant H2A.Z at gene bodies regulates transcription by modifying chromatin accessibility in plants. However, the role of H2A.Z enrichment at the promoter and enhancer regions is unclear, and how H2A.Z interacts with other mechanisms of chromatin modification to regulate gene expression remains obscure. Here, we mapped genome-wide H2A.Z, H3K4me3, H3K27me3, Pol II, and nucleosome occupancy in Arabidopsis inflorescence. We showed that H2A.Z preferentially associated with H3K4me3 at promoters, while it was found with H3K27me3 at enhancers, and that H2A.Z deposition negatively correlated with gene expression. In addition, we demonstrated that H2A.Z represses gene expression by establishing low gene accessibility at +1 nucleosome and maintaining high gene accessibility at -1 nucleosome. We further showed that the high measures of gene responsiveness correlate with the H2A.Z-associated closed +1 nucleosome structure. Moreover, we found that H2A.Z represses enhancer activity by promoting H3K27me3 and preventing H3K4me3 histone modifications. This study provides a framework for future studies of H2A.Z functions and opens up new aspects for decoding the interplay between chromatin modification and histone variants in transcrip- tional control. 展开更多
关键词 ChlP-seq RNA-seq H2A.Z histone modification nucleosome occupancy gene expression
Optimization and test for structural parameters of UAV spraying rotary cup atomizer 被引量:12
作者 Zhou qingqing Xue xinyu +2 位作者 qin Weicai Cai Chen Zhou Liangfu 《International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS 2017年第3期78-86,共9页
Small unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV)pesticide application technology is developing rapidly in China.However,the spray efficiency of UAV sprayer is not stable,one important reason is that the lack of specialized aviation... Small unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV)pesticide application technology is developing rapidly in China.However,the spray efficiency of UAV sprayer is not stable,one important reason is that the lack of specialized aviation nozzle.Rotary cup atomizer is not easily to be blocked and has broad application foreground in UAV spray.In order to obtain good spraying quality and narrow droplet spectrum aviation spraying centrifugal nozzle,the impacts of rotary cup atomizer structural parameters on atomization property were studied.In this research,a centrifugal atomization test device was designed,on which a frequency converter was used to adjust the rotary speed,and a return valve was used to stabilize the flow rate and pressure of spray liquid.The droplet volume medium diameter(VMD)and droplet spectrum relative width(SRW)were tested by using laser particle analyzer and particle analysis system.The analysis results of variance and quadratic regression orthogonal test were used to optimize the structural parameters of rotary cup atomizer.The influences of rotary cup atomizer structural parameters on atomization property,such as groove shape,diameter,teeth number,cone angle and height were evaluated and analyzed by conducting single-factor test.The results showed that:the best optimized rotary groove shape was square,diameter and teeth number had significant effects on droplet VMD and SRW,while cone angle had no effect on the droplet VMD and SRW,height affected droplet VMDbut did not affect droplet SRW.Therefore,diameter and teeth number were selected as the variables of quadratic regression orthogonal test,droplet VMD and SRW regression model was established by using response surface analysis method.The optimized structural parameters respectively were:groove shape square,cone angle 60°,height 20 mm,diameter 61.5 mm and teeth number 149.Droplet VMD and SRW simulation value respectively were 200μm and 0.562.The differences between simulation value and test value were 0.68%and 9.90%respectively,indicating that the regression m 展开更多
关键词 rotary cup atomizer atomization droplet VMD droplet SRW OPTIMIZATION mathematical model response surface
复杂环境下电力设备红外热图增强与分割研究 被引量:12
作者 陈基顺 肖立军 +3 位作者 万新宇 麦锐杰 秦慧平 李磊 《红外技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第11期1112-1118,共7页
在户外电力设备维护中,红外热图增强与分割是今后诊断排障智能化发展的关键一环。本文提出复杂环境下电力设备红外热图增强与分割的新模型:采用区域联合先验信息约束和伽马变换对Retinex图像增强模型进行改进;提出多尺度结构保留型平滑... 在户外电力设备维护中,红外热图增强与分割是今后诊断排障智能化发展的关键一环。本文提出复杂环境下电力设备红外热图增强与分割的新模型:采用区域联合先验信息约束和伽马变换对Retinex图像增强模型进行改进;提出多尺度结构保留型平滑滤波,用高斯正则项约束滤波尺寸。新模型不仅可以对隐藏噪声进行估计补偿,增大红外热图的对比度,而且消除了滤波边缘弥散现象,适用于多种尺寸的电力设备分割。实验证实,在复杂环境下相比其他算法,新模型可以得到更为完整、高对比度的红外热图,同时具备去除绝大多数背景干扰的性能。 展开更多
关键词 电力设备 红外热图分割 图像增强 Retinex模型 联合先验信息 多尺度结构保留型平滑滤波
喜马拉雅山脉中段南坡孢粉垂直分布特征及影响因素 被引量:11
作者 张润鑫 张心语 +4 位作者 姚昕 王文轩 秦问 田芳 曹现勇 《第四纪研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第1期300-309,共10页
研究现代孢粉沿海拔梯度分布、传播特征及其驱动因素,有助于提高基于孢粉重建古植被和古气候的可靠性。喜马拉雅山是全球中纬地区落差最大的山脉之一,其中段南坡植被垂直带谱完整,目前尚缺乏该垂直带谱孢粉现代过程研究。本研究通过喜... 研究现代孢粉沿海拔梯度分布、传播特征及其驱动因素,有助于提高基于孢粉重建古植被和古气候的可靠性。喜马拉雅山是全球中纬地区落差最大的山脉之一,其中段南坡植被垂直带谱完整,目前尚缺乏该垂直带谱孢粉现代过程研究。本研究通过喜马拉雅山脉中段南坡不同海拔26个表土样品(海拔梯度为3551~4444m)的孢粉分析并整合前人表土孢粉数据(n=138,海拔梯度涵盖132~5000m),系统分析了孢粉(包括组成、百分比含量、浓度及多样性)的垂直分异规律及其与气候、土地利用之间的关系。研究结果显示孢粉组合垂直分布特征能很好地代表植被垂直分布特征,年降水和暖季气温是影响孢粉分布的重要气候要素。孢粉丰富度沿海拔梯度无明显分异特征;而孢粉均匀度随海拔升高而显著降低(特别是海拔3500m以上区域),能够代表植被群落随海拔的变化特征。常见乔木植物花粉(松属、云杉属、桦木属和栎属等)存在明显的向高海拔传播现象,且不同类型间传播能力差异较大;而柏科花粉传播能力差,能很好地指示局地植被。表土样品孢粉浓度随海拔升高呈现降低趋势,且高海拔地区较低的孢粉浓度一定程度上放大了由低海拔传播而来的乔木植物花粉对孢粉组合的影响。研究结果提示我们应注意乔木植物花粉传播能力差异对地层孢粉谱解释的可能影响。 展开更多
关键词 青藏高原 现代花粉 孢粉多样性 花粉传播
长宁气田水平段钻井参数强化必要性浅析 被引量:11
作者 伍葳 曹权 +3 位作者 李斌 沈欣宇 秦章晋 张玉婷 《非常规油气》 2019年第4期94-98,共5页
北美页岩气水平井普遍采用大钻压、大排量、高泵压而钻井速度显著提高,对比可知我国川南地区长宁区块钻井参数偏低,制约钻井提速。以工区参数强化试验井A井的水平段为研究对象,通过对比实钻工艺参数与设计强化钻井参数,开展钻井参数强... 北美页岩气水平井普遍采用大钻压、大排量、高泵压而钻井速度显著提高,对比可知我国川南地区长宁区块钻井参数偏低,制约钻井提速。以工区参数强化试验井A井的水平段为研究对象,通过对比实钻工艺参数与设计强化钻井参数,开展钻井参数强化执行情况分析及计算,并进行钻井硬件适应性评价。结果表明,实钻中钻压与机械钻速总体呈正相关关系;泵输出功率与泵压、钻头水功率及占比、钻头压降及占比等关键水力破岩能量指标随排量同步增加;现场试验中钻井硬件暴露出本身规格型号不匹配、长期服役硬件老化以及相关易损配件质量未满足要求等问题。结论认为:实钻参数低于设计强化参数导致井底破岩能量不足,进而影响机械钻速不及预期,故强化钻井机械与水力参数是必要的;同时钻井硬件适应性不理想成为限制参数强化的关键因素,应相应进行改造升级,包括优选强力钻头与螺杆、采用非API大水眼钻具及采购高质量泥浆泵易损配件等。 展开更多
关键词 长宁气田 页岩气 水平段 钻井提速 排量 泵压 参数强化
三维有限元法分析脊柱推拿手法的生物力学特征 被引量:10
作者 刘柏杰 周红海 +4 位作者 何心愉 覃鸿图 陈龙豪 田君明 陆庆旺 《中国组织工程研究》 CAS 北大核心 2023年第27期4385-4392,共8页
背景:脊柱推拿手法作为脊柱相关疾病疗效显著的物理治疗手段,被国内外学者广泛应用并逐渐向规范化和系统化发展,其作用机制及安全性一直是医疗群体的关注热点。三维有限元法是一种对人体力学行为进行数值模拟的有效工具,通过技术分析以... 背景:脊柱推拿手法作为脊柱相关疾病疗效显著的物理治疗手段,被国内外学者广泛应用并逐渐向规范化和系统化发展,其作用机制及安全性一直是医疗群体的关注热点。三维有限元法是一种对人体力学行为进行数值模拟的有效工具,通过技术分析以明确手法对脊柱结构的生物力学效应,其具有一定的研究价值及临床意义。目的:综述三维有限元法的发展历程及其在颈椎、胸腰椎、腰椎推拿手法生物力学研究中的分析流程和应用概况。方法:由第一作者以“finite element,biomechanics,spine,cervical vertebrae,thoracolumbar,lumbar vertebra,manipulation”为英文检索词,应用计算机在PubMed及Web of Science数据库检索从建库至2022年4月为止的相关文献共495篇;以“有限元分析、脊柱、颈椎、胸腰椎、腰椎、推拿、手法、生物力学”为中文检索词,应用计算机在中国知网、万方及维普数据库检索从建库至2022年4月的相关文献共593篇,根据纳入标准选择其中的80篇进行综述。结果与结论:(1)通过三维有限元法对推拿手法作用下的脊柱结构进行应力应变分析,可获得模型各部件的应力值和位移值,客观、直观和准确地反映椎体、椎间盘、韧带、肌肉、血管和神经等部件的力学效应状况,为阐释脊柱推拿手法的作用机制、提高手法操作的安全性和有效性提供有力的证据依靠,极大地推进了临床推拿手法技术的发展,拥有良好的发展潜力。(2)目前三维有限元法在脊柱推拿手法生物力学研究上已取得重要进展,脊柱模型的椎旁软组织部件模拟不断完善,颈椎和腰椎推拿手法的基础研究不断深入,推拿手法的生物力学分析由固体力学发展至流体力学。(3)但现阶段应用中仍存在着脊柱模型影像学来源和各部件材料设定数据的代表性不足,脊柱推拿手法的模拟和加载过于简单,很多胸椎推拿手法的基础研究未 展开更多
关键词 三维仿真模型 有限元分析 脊柱 颈椎 胸腰椎 腰椎 推拿 手法 生物力学 综述
Development of functional connectome gradients during childhood and adolescence 被引量:10
作者 Yunman Xia Mingrui Xia +21 位作者 Jin Liu Xuhong Liao Tianyuan Lei xinyu Liang Tengda Zhao Ziyi Shi Lianglong Sun Xiaodan Chen Weiwei Men Yanpei Wang Zhiying Pan Jie Luo Siya Peng Menglu Chen Lei Hao Shuping Tan Jia-Hong Gao Shaozheng qin Gaolang Gong Sha Tao Qi Dong Yong He 《Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CSCD 2022年第10期1049-1061,M0004,共14页
Connectome mapping studies have documented a principal primary-to-transmodal gradient in the adult brain network,capturing a functional spectrum that ranges from perception and action to abstract cognition.However,how... Connectome mapping studies have documented a principal primary-to-transmodal gradient in the adult brain network,capturing a functional spectrum that ranges from perception and action to abstract cognition.However,how this gradient pattern develops and whether its development is linked to cognitive growth,topological reorganization,and gene expression profiles remain largely unknown.Using longitudinal resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging data from 305 children(aged 6-14 years),we describe substantial changes in the primary-to-transmodal gradient between childhood and adolescence,including emergence as the principal gradient,expansion of global topography,and focal tuning in primary and default-mode regions.These gradient changes are mediated by developmental changes in network integration and segregation,and are associated with abstract processing functions such as working memory and expression levels of calcium ion regulated exocytosis and synaptic transmission-related genes.Our findings have implications for understanding connectome maturation principles in normal development and developmental disorders. 展开更多
关键词 Brain development Functional connectome gradient Primary-to-transmodal Working memory TRANSCRIPTOME
植保无人机作业参数对棕榈树雾滴沉积的影响 被引量:10
作者 郭祥雨 薛新宇 +2 位作者 秦维彩 王珊 刘小明 《中国农机化学报》 北大核心 2021年第6期35-40,共6页
为探究单旋翼油动无人机对高大乔木棕榈树的雾滴沉积效果,设置三因素三水平的正交试验,通过方差分析研究喷头流量、作业高度、飞行速度对棕榈树雾滴沉积、雾滴穿透性、地面流失量的影响程度,并分析试验指标与雾滴沉积、雾滴穿透性、地... 为探究单旋翼油动无人机对高大乔木棕榈树的雾滴沉积效果,设置三因素三水平的正交试验,通过方差分析研究喷头流量、作业高度、飞行速度对棕榈树雾滴沉积、雾滴穿透性、地面流失量的影响程度,并分析试验指标与雾滴沉积、雾滴穿透性、地面流失量的关系。结果表明:最佳作业参数为喷头流量4.2 L/min、作业高度3 m、飞行速度3 m/s,此时雾滴沉积量和雾滴穿透性为0.397μL/cm^(2)和5.01%;影响雾滴沉积效果的主次顺序依次为:作业高度、飞行速度、喷头流量;适当的增加作业高度可以提高雾滴穿透性,增加飞行速度可减小地面流失量。针对棕榈树型高大特点和病虫害位置,优选植保无人机的作业参数,以保证其良好的雾滴沉积效果,本试验可为棕榈树病虫害飞防作业提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 植保无人机 棕榈树 作业参数 雾滴沉积量 正交试验
多参数流式细胞术与实时定量PCR技术检测Ph阳性急性B淋巴细胞白血病异基因造血干细胞移植前微小残留病的预后意义比较 被引量:10
作者 王欣玉 常英军 +8 位作者 刘艳荣 秦亚溱 许兰平 王昱 张晓辉 闫晨华 孙于谦 黄晓军 赵晓甦 《中华血液学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第2期116-123,共8页
目的探讨多参数流式细胞术(MFC)与实时定量聚合酶链反应技术(RQ-PCR)两种方法检测费城染色体阳性(Ph^(+))急性B淋巴细胞白血病(B-ALL)患者异基因造血干细胞移植(allo-HSCT)前微小残留病(MRD)的预后意义。方法回顾性分析2014年7月至2018... 目的探讨多参数流式细胞术(MFC)与实时定量聚合酶链反应技术(RQ-PCR)两种方法检测费城染色体阳性(Ph^(+))急性B淋巴细胞白血病(B-ALL)患者异基因造血干细胞移植(allo-HSCT)前微小残留病(MRD)的预后意义。方法回顾性分析2014年7月至2018年2月在北京大学血液病研究所接受allo-HSCT的280例Ph^(+)B-ALL患者,同时用MFC和RQ-PCR法(检测BCR-ABL融合基因表达)检测移植前MRD。结果RQ-PCR与MFC检测MRD具有相关性(rs=0.435,P<0.001)。MFC、RQ-PCR法检测移植前MRD的阳性率分别为25.7%(72/280)、60.7%(170/280)。移植前MFC-MRD阳性组患者移植后白血病3年累积复发率(CIR)明显高于MFC-MRD阴性组(23.6%对8.6%,P<0.001)。RQ-PCR检测BCR/ABL融合基因阳性组(RQ-PCR MRD阳性组)的3年CIR、非复发死亡(NRM)、无白血病生存(LFS)、总生存(OS)与BCR/ABL融合基因阴性组(RQ-PCR MRD阴性组)相比差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。移植前RQ-PCR MRD≥1%组比<1%组具有更高的3年CIR(23.1%对11.4%,P=0.032)、更低的LFS率(53.8%对74.4%,P=0.015)与OS率(57.7%对79.1%,P=0.009)。多因素分析显示,移植前MFC-MRD阳性是影响移植后CIR的危险因素(HR=2.488,95%CI 1.216~5.088,P=0.013),移植前RQ-PCR MRD≥1%是影响LFS(HR=2.272,95%CI 1.225~4.215,P<0.001)、OS(HR=2.472,95%CI 1.289~4.739,P=0.006)的危险因素。MFC检测MRD预测复发的敏感性、特异性、阳性预测值(PPV)、阴性预测值(NPV)分别为48.50%、77.56%、23.62%、87.16%。以RQ-PCR MRD≥1%预测复发的敏感性、特异性、PPV、NPV分别为23.00%、88.59%、17.15%、91.84%。移植前MFC-MRD阳性或RQ-PCR MRD≥1%二者任一成立为指标预测移植后复发的敏感性、特异性、PPV、NPV分别为54.29%、73.88%、45.70%、91.87%。结论MFC和RQ-PCR法检测移植前MRD水平均可预测Ph^(+)B-ALL患者移植预后。移植前MFC-MRD阳性是移植后复发的危险因素。联合使用两种方法(移植前MFC-MRD阳性状态或RQ-PCR MRD≥1%成立)可提高预测移植后复发的� 展开更多
关键词 急性淋巴细胞白血病 微小残留病 流式细胞术 实时定量PCR
Metal‐organic frameworks‐derived novel nanostructured electrocatalysts for oxygen evolution reaction 被引量:9
作者 xinyu qin Dongwon Kim Yuanzhe Piao 《Carbon Energy》 CAS 2021年第1期66-100,共35页
Engineering cost‐effective catalysts with exceptional performance for theelectrochemical oxygen evolution reaction (OER) remains crucial for theaccelerated development of renewable energy techniques, and especially s... Engineering cost‐effective catalysts with exceptional performance for theelectrochemical oxygen evolution reaction (OER) remains crucial for theaccelerated development of renewable energy techniques, and especially so,given the pivotal role of OER in water electrolysis. On the basis of the metalnodes (clusters) and organic linkers, metal‐organic frameworks (MOFs) andtheir derivatives are rapidly gaining ground in the fabrication of electrocatalysts,with promising catalytic activity and sound durability in OER, thanksto their controllable pore structures, abundant unsaturated active sites of metalion, extensive specific surface area, as well as easily functionalized/modifiedsurfaces. This review presents an in‐depth understanding of the establishedprogress of MOFs‐derived materials for OER electrocatalysis. The materialdesigning strategies of the pristine, monometallic, and multimetallic MOFsbasedcatalysts are summarized to indicate the infinite possibilities of themorphology and the composition of MOF‐derived materials. While emphasisis laid on the essential features of MOF‐derived materials for the electrocatalysisof the corresponding reactions, insights about the applications in OERare discussed. Finally, this paper is concluded by presenting challengesand perspectives for MOF‐derived materials’ future applications in OERelectrocatalysis. 展开更多
关键词 ELECTROCATALYST high‐performance metal‐organic frameworks oxygen evolution reaction
方证相应理论的系统生物学研究进展 被引量:9
作者 张晓雨 杨欣宇 +5 位作者 张琴 邱瑞瑾 李敏 孙杨 刘硕 商洪才 《辽宁中医杂志》 CAS 2018年第6期1335-1337,共3页
方证相应理论是辨证论治的核心内容,是临床取效的关键环节。在病证结合、方证结合基础上,遵循整体性、动态性原则,探求方证间的内在联系与物质基础,对阐明中医药作用机理、提高临床疗效具有十分重要的意义。近年来,将系统生物学方法技... 方证相应理论是辨证论治的核心内容,是临床取效的关键环节。在病证结合、方证结合基础上,遵循整体性、动态性原则,探求方证间的内在联系与物质基础,对阐明中医药作用机理、提高临床疗效具有十分重要的意义。近年来,将系统生物学方法技术应用于方证相应理论研究取得了一些新进展,显示出更加注重整合的趋势。该文从蛋白质组学研究、代谢组学研究、整合研究方面对方证相应理论研究进展进行了综述,并就当前研究中存在的问题及下一步研究方向提出了一些看法。 展开更多
关键词 方证相应 系统生物学 蛋白质组学 代谢组学 整合研究
超高效液相色谱-串联质谱法测定沼液中的林可霉素和大环内酯类抗生素 被引量:9
作者 仲伶俐 郑幸果 +5 位作者 赵珊 雷欣宇 黄世群 秦琳 郭灵安 李曦 《分析科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第1期57-62,共6页
建立了一种测定沼液中林可霉素(Lincomycin)和6种大环内酯类抗生素(MacrolideAntibiotics)的分析方法。沼液样品经离心后通过C18固相萃取小柱净化,采用超高效液相色谱-串联质谱(UPLC-MS/MS)进行测定。实验优化了净化方法和色谱、质谱条... 建立了一种测定沼液中林可霉素(Lincomycin)和6种大环内酯类抗生素(MacrolideAntibiotics)的分析方法。沼液样品经离心后通过C18固相萃取小柱净化,采用超高效液相色谱-串联质谱(UPLC-MS/MS)进行测定。实验优化了净化方法和色谱、质谱条件。结果表明,7种目标药物在0.2~200.0ng/mL范围内线性关系良好(r>0.997),方法的检测限为0.1~0.5ng/mL,定量限为0.2~1.0ng/mL。当螺旋霉素、替米考星在沼液中的添加水平为1.0、5.0和50.0ng/mL时,回收率范围为76.6%~94.1%,相对标准偏差在3.5%~12.7%之间;当林可霉素、泰乐菌素、红霉素、交沙霉素和罗红霉素在沼液中的添加水平为0.2、1.0、5.0和50.0ng/mL时,回收率范围为72.5%~100.1%,相对标准偏差在2.3%~11.1%之间。该方法简单、快速、准确,适用于沼液中林可霉素和6种大环内酯类抗生素药物的检测。 展开更多
关键词 超高效液相色谱-串联质谱 沼液 林可霉素 大环内酯类抗生素
Stabilizing zinc anode via a chelation and desolvation electrolyte additive 被引量:9
作者 Jin Cao Dongdong Zhang +4 位作者 Rungroj Chanajaree Yilei Yue Zhiyuan Zeng xinyu Zhang Jiaqian qin 《Advanced Powder Materials》 2022年第1期97-105,共9页
The uncontrollable dendrites growth and intricately water-induced side reactions occurred on zinc anode leads to safety issues and poor electrochemical kinetics,which largely limit the widespread application of zinc-i... The uncontrollable dendrites growth and intricately water-induced side reactions occurred on zinc anode leads to safety issues and poor electrochemical kinetics,which largely limit the widespread application of zinc-ion batteries(ZIBs).Herein,ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid disodium salt(EDTA-2Na)is utilized as an electrolyte additive to strengthen the reversibility and cycling stability of zinc anode.Experimental results and theoretical calculation demonstrate that the EDTA-2Na presents a much stronger coordination with Zn^(2+)when comparing with H_(2)O molecular,implying the EDTA-2Na is capable to enter the solvation shell of[Zn(OH_(2))_(6)]^(2+)and coordinate with Zn^(2+)ions,thus achieving a flat and smooth zinc deposition with less by-products(Zn_(4)SO_(4)(OH)6·xH_(2)O and H_(2)).Consequently,the zinc symmetric battery with EDTA-2Na additive delivers an excellent cycling stability up to 1800 h under current density of 1 mA cm^(-2),and the hydrogen evolution reaction(HER),corrosion,by-product issues are significantly inhibited.Moreover,the rate performance and stability of coin-type and pouch-type Zn||MnO2/graphite batteries are significantly boosted via EDTA-2Na additive(248 mAh g^(-1)at 0.1 A g^(-1),81.3%after 1000 cycles at a A g^(-1)).This kind of electrolyte additive with chelation and desolvation functions shed lights on strategies of improving zinc anode stability for further application of ZIBs. 展开更多
关键词 Zinc-ion battery Zinc anode DENDRITES EDTA-2Na DESOLVATION
Expanded endoscopic therapy criteria should be cautiously used in intramucosal gastric cancer 被引量:8
作者 Hongshan Wang Heng Zhang +8 位作者 Cong Wang Yong Fang Xuefei Wang Weidong Chen Fenglin Liu Kuntang Shen xinyu qin Zhenbin Shen Yihong Sun 《Chinese Journal of Cancer Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第3期348-354,共7页
Objective: Accurate estimation of lymph node metastasis (LNM) in intramucosal gastric cancer is essential to select less invasive treatment options and even avoid surgery. The aim of this study was to evaluate comb... Objective: Accurate estimation of lymph node metastasis (LNM) in intramucosal gastric cancer is essential to select less invasive treatment options and even avoid surgery. The aim of this study was to evaluate combined clinicopathological features to predict the presence of LNM. Methods: A retrospective review of data from 386 intramucosaL gastric cancer patients who underwent gastrectomy with extended lymphadenectomy from 2003 to 2010 was conducted. The mutual relation between clinicopathological characteristics and LNM was analyzed. Results: LNM was detected in 40 (10.4%) of the 386 patients. Histological typeand vascular or lymphatic invasion presence showed a positive correlation with LNM occurrence by univariate analysis. Multivariate analysis revealed that histological type was the only factor associated with LNM. Combined clinicopathologic characteristics would be more predictable for LNM. We found no LNM when we used combined clinicopathological characteristics conforming to Japanese absolute indications for endoscopic therapy. The LNM rate was as high as 8.7% when Japanese expanded criteria were used. Univariate analysis in cancer conformity to expand endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) indication also revealed that the undifferential type was the only significant factor for LNM. Conclusions: It was possible to predict intramucosal gastric cancer cases without LNM using combined clinicopathological characteristic analysis. Extended indication for ESD should be cautiously used for intramucosal gastric cancer patients. 展开更多
关键词 Lymph node metastasis early gastric cancer intramucosal cancer endoscopic therapy
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