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新的不确定性原理 被引量:4
作者 appell,David 覃欣 《科学(中文版)》 2001年第4期5-6,共2页
关键词 环境保护 预防原则 全球变暖 生物多样性保护 生物安全
作者 姬扬(编译) David appell 《物理》 CAS 北大核心 2021年第2期120-123,共4页
几个世纪以来,理论物理学的许多预言改变了我们对世界的理解。本文作者David Appell认为,物理学有史以来最伟大的十项预言如下。理论物理学家盯着黑板,做计算和预测。实验物理学家搭建设备,观测和分析数据。他们互相依赖:实验学家试图... 几个世纪以来,理论物理学的许多预言改变了我们对世界的理解。本文作者David Appell认为,物理学有史以来最伟大的十项预言如下。理论物理学家盯着黑板,做计算和预测。实验物理学家搭建设备,观测和分析数据。他们互相依赖:实验学家试图证明理论是正确的(或错误的),或者理论学家想要解释实验观察。英国理论物理学家爱丁顿(Arthur Eddington)说过,"实验学家惊讶地发现,我们不会接受任何未经理论证实的证据。" 展开更多
关键词 理论物理学家 实验物理学家 实验观察 爱丁顿 物理学 理论学家 分析数据
“曲棍球杆”与全球变暖 被引量:1
作者 David appell 柯江华 《科学(中文版)》 2005年第5期18-19,共2页
Michael Mann了解他的学生及其研究课题,研究生研讨会的主题是:厄尔尼诺现象和辐射强迫.届时将提供啤酒:科罗纳(Corona)牌,"因星系能以超光速退行吗?
关键词 全球变暖 球杆 MICHAEL 人类活动 科学观点
作者 戴维·阿佩尔(David appell +1 位作者 虎玮(译) 虞骏(校) 《环球科学》 2009年第1期11-12,共2页
一度让那些试图倾听宇宙之声的科学家感到心烦意乱的噪声,最后居然成为了异常丰富的宇宙信息源。对这种被称为“宇宙微波背景辐射”(cosmic microwave background,简称CMB)的信号进行了40年探测之后,科学家已经挖掘出众多宇宙学秘... 一度让那些试图倾听宇宙之声的科学家感到心烦意乱的噪声,最后居然成为了异常丰富的宇宙信息源。对这种被称为“宇宙微波背景辐射”(cosmic microwave background,简称CMB)的信号进行了40年探测之后,科学家已经挖掘出众多宇宙学秘密,彻底改变了宇宙学的面貌。接下来,欧洲科学家将在2009年春天发射普朗克卫星(Planck satellite), 展开更多
关键词 宇宙学 暴涨 科学家 信息源 普朗克
作者 David appell +1 位作者 林景新 曾少立 《科学(中文版)》 2004年第12期18-19,共2页
早晨8点,美国宇航局(NASA)的喷气推进实验室(JPL),火星机遇号漫游车团队的成员正聚在一间会议室里,举行每天的科研例会,安排漫游车在当天的行动计划.今天是"火星日149",也就是开始火星漫游任务的第149天,这一任务要求将漫游... 早晨8点,美国宇航局(NASA)的喷气推进实验室(JPL),火星机遇号漫游车团队的成员正聚在一间会议室里,举行每天的科研例会,安排漫游车在当天的行动计划.今天是"火星日149",也就是开始火星漫游任务的第149天,这一任务要求将漫游车的行动细化到每一分钟.今天要进行少量的光谱测定:用漫游车的岩石磨削工具(RockAbrasion Tool,简称RAT)钻取一点岩样以供分析."我想知道它们是不是红的."w.Squyres说,他指的是漫游车目前正在碾过的那些岩石. 展开更多
关键词 火星漫游车 机遇号 美国宇航局 NASA 喷气 成员 细化 团队 例会 任务
作者 戴维·阿佩尔(David appell 《环球科学》 2009年第12期9-10,共2页
“曲棍”图(hockey stick)既是气候变化争论的核心,又是双方论战的攻击标靶。图上显示了过去200万年来北半球的平均气温:温度变化曲线一直都相对平稳,直到20世纪开始骤然上升——就像一根尾端朝上的曲棍球球棍。气候变暖的质疑者... “曲棍”图(hockey stick)既是气候变化争论的核心,又是双方论战的攻击标靶。图上显示了过去200万年来北半球的平均气温:温度变化曲线一直都相对平稳,直到20世纪开始骤然上升——就像一根尾端朝上的曲棍球球棍。气候变暖的质疑者们一直在责难图中气温数修的推算过程。 展开更多
关键词 验证 气候变化 变化曲线 气候变暖 北半球 曲棍球 气温
作者 戴维·阿佩尔(David appell +1 位作者 李天绮(译) 虞骏(校) 《环球科学》 2009年第9期6-7,共2页
关键词 数据错误 民意 气候变暖 全球变暖 科学家 可信度
湖泊沉积物磁学性质的环境意义 被引量:59
作者 胡守云 邓成龙 +1 位作者 E. appel K. Verosub 《科学通报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第17期1491-1494,共4页
对湖泊沉积物磁性矿物的来源及其鉴别方法进行了较为深入系统的分析, 发现不同湖泊沉积物的磁学参数具有不同的气候响应过程. 提出为了恢复古气候和古环境的变化过程, 详细的岩石磁学和土壤磁学研究是认识湖泊沉积物磁学性质及其环境意... 对湖泊沉积物磁性矿物的来源及其鉴别方法进行了较为深入系统的分析, 发现不同湖泊沉积物的磁学参数具有不同的气候响应过程. 提出为了恢复古气候和古环境的变化过程, 详细的岩石磁学和土壤磁学研究是认识湖泊沉积物磁学性质及其环境意义的基础. 展开更多
关键词 岩石磁学 古气候 湖泊沉积物 磁性矿物 土壤磁学 环境磁学 磁化率
缺血性卒中的一级预防——美国心脏协会/美国卒中协会卒中委员会指南 动脉粥样硬化性周围血管病跨学科工作组、心血管护理委员会、临床心脏病学委员会、营养、体力活动和代谢委员会以及医疗质量和转归研究跨学科工作组共同倡导 被引量:28
作者 Larry B. Goldstein Robert Adams +14 位作者 Mark J. Alberts Lawrence J. appel Lawrence M. Brass Cheryl D. Bushnell Antonio Culebras Thomas J. DeGraba Philip B. Gorelick John R. Guyton Robert G. Hart George Howard Margaret Kelly-Hayes J.V. (Ian) Nixon Ralph L. Sacco 苏克江 高宗恩 《国际脑血管病杂志》 2006年第8期572-618,共47页
背景和目的本指南提供有关各种确定和潜在的卒中危险因素证据的概述,并提供降低卒中风险的推荐。方法写作组成员由委员会主席根据每位作者先前在相关课题领域中的工作提名,并经美国心脏协会(AHA)卒中委员会科学声明监督委员会批准。写... 背景和目的本指南提供有关各种确定和潜在的卒中危险因素证据的概述,并提供降低卒中风险的推荐。方法写作组成员由委员会主席根据每位作者先前在相关课题领域中的工作提名,并经美国心脏协会(AHA)卒中委员会科学声明监督委员会批准。写作组采用系统文献回顾(涵盖时间段为2001年最后一次回顾发表到2005年1月),参考先前已发表的指南、个人文件和专家意见来概括现有的证据,指明现有知识的差距;如果合适,则根据标准的AHA标准做出简明的推荐。写作组全体成员在撰写过程中均有很多机会对推荐进行评论并认可这份声明的最终版本。在AHA科学咨询与协调委员会批准之前,本指南已进行过广泛的同行评议。结果对评价个体首次卒中风险的流程图进行评估。根据干预的可能性(不可干预、可干预或潜在可干预)和证据的强度(证据充分或证据不太充分),对首次卒中的危险因素或风险标记物进行分类。不可干预的危险因素包括年龄、性别、出生体重低、人种/种族和遗传因素。证据充分的可干预危险因素包括高血压、主动或被动吸烟、糖尿病、心房颤动和某些其他心脏病、血脂异常、颈动脉狭窄、镰状细胞病、绝经后激素治疗、不良饮食习惯、缺乏体力活动、肥胖和体脂分布。证据不太充分或潜在的可干预危险因素包括代谢综合征、酗酒、药物滥用、口服避孕药、睡眠呼吸障碍、偏头痛、高同型半胱氨酸血症、脂蛋白(a)升高、脂蛋白相关的磷脂酶升高、高凝状态、炎症和感染。对应用阿司匹林进行卒中一级预防的资料进行回顾。结论有大量证据可以用于确定增加首次卒中风险的各种特殊因素和提供降低这种风险的策略。 展开更多
关键词 美国心脏协会科学声明 卒中 危险因素 一级预防
Resequencing of 145 Landmark Cultivars Reveals Asymmetric Sub-genome Selection and Strong Founder Genotype Effects on Wheat Breeding in China 被引量:30
作者 Chenyang Hao Chengzhi Jiao +17 位作者 Jian Hou Tian Li Hongxia Liu Yuquan Wang Jun Zheng Hong Liu Zhihong Bi Fengfeng Xu Jing Zhao Lin Ma Yamei Wang Uzma Majeed Xu Liu Rudi appels Marco Maccaferri Roberto Tuberosa Hongfeng Lu Xueyong Zhang 《Molecular Plant》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2020年第12期1733-1751,共19页
Controlled pedigrees and the multi-decade timescale of national crop plant breeding programs offer a unique experimental context for examining how selection affects plant genomes.More than 3000 wheat cultivars have be... Controlled pedigrees and the multi-decade timescale of national crop plant breeding programs offer a unique experimental context for examining how selection affects plant genomes.More than 3000 wheat cultivars have been registered,released,and documented since 1949 in China.In this study,a set of 145 elite cultivars selected from historical points of wheat breeding in China were re-sequenced.A total of 43.75 Tb of sequence data were generated with an average read depth of 17.94x for each cultivar,and more than 60.92 million SNPs and 2.54 million InDels were captured,based on the Chinese Spring RefSeq genome v1.0.Seventy years of breeder-driven selection led to dramatic changes in grain yield and related phenotypes,with distinct genomic regions and phenotypes tar-geted by different breeders across the decades.There are very clear instances illustrating how introduced Italian and otherforeign germplasm was integrated into Chinese wheat programs and reshaped the genomic landscape of local modern cultivars.Importantly,the resequencing data also highlighted significant asymmetric breeding selec-tion among the three sub-genomes:this was evident in both the collinear blocks for homeologous chromosomes and among sets of three homeologous genes.Accumulation of more newly assembled genes in newer cultivars implied the potential value of these genes in breeding.Conserved and extended sharing of linkage disequilibrium(LD)blocks was highlighted among pedigree-related cultivars,in which fewer haplotype differences were detected.Fixation or replacement of haplotypes from founder genotypes after generations of breeding was related to their breeding value.Based on the haplotype frequency changes in LD blocks of pedigree-related cultivars,we propose a strategy for evaluating the breeding value of any given line on the basis of the accumulation(pyramiding)of bene-ficial haplotypes.Collectively,our study demonstrates the influence of "founder genotypes" on the output of breeding efforts over many decades and also suggests that found 展开更多
关键词 wheat breeding asymmetric selection founder genotype haplotype block
南京某钢铁公司周边耕作土壤的磁学性质与重金属污染的相关性研究 被引量:28
作者 段雪梅 胡守云 +4 位作者 闫海涛 Blaha U. Rǒsler W. appel E. 孙伟华 《中国科学(D辑)》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第9期1304-1312,共9页
对取自于南京西南郊某钢铁公司附近水稻田土壤NJ008样芯进行了磁性测量和重金属含量分析,探讨了利用农业耕作土壤的磁参数指示工业区周围重金属污染的可行性.环境磁学测试结果表明:磁化率(χ)、非磁滞剩磁(ARM)及饱和等温剩磁(SIRM)在... 对取自于南京西南郊某钢铁公司附近水稻田土壤NJ008样芯进行了磁性测量和重金属含量分析,探讨了利用农业耕作土壤的磁参数指示工业区周围重金属污染的可行性.环境磁学测试结果表明:磁化率(χ)、非磁滞剩磁(ARM)及饱和等温剩磁(SIRM)在土壤剖面上部20cm显著增强,磁化率平均值达到112.5×10?8m3·kg?1;20cm以下呈现为较低磁背景特征,磁化率平均值为27.8×10?8m3·kg?1.进一步的磁学实验证明低矫顽力的亚铁磁矿物主导了NJ008样芯的磁性特征,不完整反铁磁性矿物在20cm以下土壤中含量相对较高.Ni,Cu,Fe,Pb,V和Zn等重金属与磁化率呈现相同的变化特征.主成分分析表明亚铁磁性矿物和重金属受同一主成分控制,且磁指标(χ,ARM和SIRM)与重金属(Ni,Cu,Fe,Pb,V和Zn)呈显著相关关系(0.69≤R≤0.98).对远离钢铁公司的同种耕作土壤剖面NJ013测试表明:其磁化率随深度变化不大,绝对值与NJ008在20cm以下磁背景值基本一致.表明耕作过程中的化肥和农药对土壤磁化率影响不大,钢铁公司释放的工业污染是NJ008土壤剖面中磁化率显著增强的主要原因.耕作土壤由于反复翻种,虽然不能用于污染历史及污染物迁移过程研究,但基于磁指标与部分重金属之间的显著相关性,耕作土壤仍然可以用于重金属污染分布范围的圈定和相对污染程度评价. 展开更多
关键词 某钢铁公司 土壤 重金属 磁指标
Environmental magnetic studies of lacustrine sediments 被引量:20
作者 HU Shouyun, DENG Chenglong, E. appel & K. L. VerosubNanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Nanjing 210008, China Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Beijing 100101, China +1 位作者 Institut fur Geologic, Universitat Tubingen, 72076 Tubingen, Germany Departm 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 2002年第7期613-616,共4页
In recent decades, environmental magnetism has become an important method for studying past global climatic and environmental changes. For an environmental magnetic study, it is important to understand the magnetic pr... In recent decades, environmental magnetism has become an important method for studying past global climatic and environmental changes. For an environmental magnetic study, it is important to understand the magnetic properties of various magnetic minerals in lacustrine sediments and the processes involved in the formation, transport, and preservation of these magnetic minerals. The magnetic response of lacustrine sediments to climatic change may vary widely from lake to lake. To reconstruct the processes contributing to paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental change, it is, therefore, necessary to derive a complete understanding of the potential origin of the magnetic signal observed. 展开更多
北京首钢工业区大气重金属污染树叶的磁学响应 被引量:20
作者 胡守云 段雪梅 +5 位作者 沈明洁 Blaha U Rosler W 闫海涛 appel E Hoffmann V 《科学通报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第4期437-445,共9页
在北京西郊首钢工业区及附近混杂的居民区、公园绿地和农村耕作区采集了55个一年生的树叶样品,并对其进行岩石磁学和元素含量分析.结果表明:磁性矿物的含量和粒径由污染源区向周边递减.研究区域树叶的磁性由低矫顽力的磁铁矿主导.进一... 在北京西郊首钢工业区及附近混杂的居民区、公园绿地和农村耕作区采集了55个一年生的树叶样品,并对其进行岩石磁学和元素含量分析.结果表明:磁性矿物的含量和粒径由污染源区向周边递减.研究区域树叶的磁性由低矫顽力的磁铁矿主导.进一步研究表明样品的主要磁性参数(磁化率、非磁滞剩磁以及饱和等温剩磁)与元素Fe,Pb,Cr,V和Zn呈显著相关关系(0.73≤R≤0.88).因此树叶的磁参数可以作为大气重金属污染研究的理想替代指标. 展开更多
关键词 首钢工业区 树叶 磁参数 重金属含量
Environmental mechanism of magnetic susceptibility changes of lacustrine sediments from Lake Hulun, China 被引量:16
作者 胡守云 王苏民 +1 位作者 Erwin appel 吉磊 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2000年第5期534-540,共7页
The changes of magnetic susceptibility(κ) are correlated with those of corresponding sedimentological, geochemical, mineralogical and biological results, which verifies thatκ can be taken as one of the environmental... The changes of magnetic susceptibility(κ) are correlated with those of corresponding sedimentological, geochemical, mineralogical and biological results, which verifies thatκ can be taken as one of the environmental proxies. However, usually the exact origin of magnetic signal is poorly understood, and is difficult to relate with the environmental evolution. Magnetic properties of material derived from the catchment and sedimentary environment may affect the accumulation, preservation, or authigenesis and diagenesis of magnetic minerals. In the Lake Hulun region in Inner Mongolia, it is found that muddy sediments, deposited during high water level period (corresponding to humid climate), have comparatively highκ values. In contrast, the sandy sediments, deposited during low water level period (corresponding to arid climate), have lowκ values. Detailed rock magnetic investigation confirms that detrital magnetite derived from volcanic rocks in the catchment exists in both muddy and sandy sediments. During high water level period, secondary ferrimagnetic iron sulphide was produced in muddy sediments under relatively reductive conditions. Ferrimagnetic iron sulphide, coexisting with detrital magnetite, predominates the magnetic properties of muddy sediments, resulting in increasingκ. This paper reveals the significance of authigenic ferrimagnetic iron sulphide produced after sediment deposition. 展开更多
关键词 LACUSTRINE sediment magnetic susceptibility environmental MAGNETISM FERRIMAGNETIC IRON SULPHIDE Lake Hulun.
作者 辛志勇 徐惠君 +8 位作者 陈孝 林志珊 周广和 钱幼亭 成卓敏 P. J. LARKIN P. BANKS R. appelS B. GLARKE AND R. I. S. BRETTELL 《Science China Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS 1991年第9期1055-1062,共8页
Barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) is one of the most serious wheat diseases in China. So far no resistance has been described in common wheat. A certain level of BYDV resistance was found in thirteen Triticeae species.... Barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) is one of the most serious wheat diseases in China. So far no resistance has been described in common wheat. A certain level of BYDV resistance was found in thirteen Triticeae species. Thinopyrum intermedium, two octoploids derived from TH. intermedium/wheat, Zhong 4 awnless and TAF46, and one disomic addition line, L1 derived from TAF46, showed good resistance to BYDV by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Two wheat/TA. intermedium translocation lines, CPI 119880 and CPI 119899, showing good BYDV resistance were developed from L1 by using both CSph mutant and tissue culture. It is found that their BYDV resistance was controlled by a single dominant gene. Two cDNA probes pEleAcc3 and pPJN8 (E1-T1) were screened for detecting Th. intermedium DNA in wheat background. A specific band for the DNA of Th. intermedium and its derivatives was found in Southern hybridization. It is also possible to determine the size of the alien segment by comparing the relative density of the specific band. Therefore, this can be used as a marker to identify the BYDV resistance in wheat breeding program. 展开更多
临汾市树叶磁性的时空变化特征及其对大气重金属污染的指示 被引量:13
作者 曹丽婉 胡守云 +2 位作者 appel Erwin 师尚礼 尹刚 《地球物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第5期1729-1742,共14页
粉煤灰经工厂废气排放进入大气,对人类健康和生态系统都造成了无法弥补的破坏.本文选取具有高空间分辨率优势的树叶作为收集粉煤灰的载体,对临汾市大气中可吸入颗粒物进行磁学参数和重金属含量监测.结果表明,磁化率最大值出现在工厂污... 粉煤灰经工厂废气排放进入大气,对人类健康和生态系统都造成了无法弥补的破坏.本文选取具有高空间分辨率优势的树叶作为收集粉煤灰的载体,对临汾市大气中可吸入颗粒物进行磁学参数和重金属含量监测.结果表明,磁化率最大值出现在工厂污染源附近,磁化率空间分布呈现随污染源距离增加而降低的趋势.工业区收集到的磁性颗粒以低矫顽力、粗粒度的磁铁矿为主.夏季磁性矿物来源单一,主要为人为影响.冬季大气中悬浮的磁性颗粒有部分来自于西北风/北风的自然尘降.同一采样点磁化率随时间变化特征表明,树叶的磁学性质可以灵敏和有效地反映较短时期内大气污染的现状.统计分析表明磁化率和重金属元素(铁,铬,镍,铜,铅,钴)之间存在显著相关性.污染负荷指数用于评估研究区域内重金属各元素综合污染的程度.结果显示,在废弃的旧工业区附近无大气污染指示,但在运营中的工厂集中的地区,大气均受到严重污染.污染负荷指数与表征磁性矿物含量的磁化率呈相关性(r2=0.66),因此树叶的磁性参数可以作为大气重金属污染的替代指标. 展开更多
关键词 环境磁学 粉煤灰 重金属污染 污染负荷指数 临汾市
卒中一级预防指南 美国心脏协会/美国卒中协会为医疗卫生专业人员制定的指南美国神经病学学会肯定本指南作为神经科医生继续教育工具的价值 被引量:12
作者 Larry B. Goldstein Cheryl D. Bushnell +22 位作者 Robert J. Adams Lawrence J. appel Lynne T. Braun Seemant Chaturvedi Mark A. Creager Antonio Culebras Robert H. Eckel Robert G. Hart Judith A. Hinchey Virginia J. Howard Edward C. Jauch Steven R. Levine James F. Meschia Wesley S. Moore J.V. (Ian) Nixon Thomas A. Pearson 张霞(译) 尤寿江(译) 陈孝东(译) 卢涛声(译) 石际俊(译) 曹勇军(译) 徐兴顺(译) 《国际脑血管病杂志》 北大核心 2010年第12期881-943,共63页
背景和目的本指南对各种已确定和新出现的卒中危险因素的证据进行概述,以提供降低首次卒中风险的循证推荐。方法写作组成员由委员会主席根据每位成员先前在相关课题领域中的工作提名,并经美国心脏协会(American HeartAssociation,AH... 背景和目的本指南对各种已确定和新出现的卒中危险因素的证据进行概述,以提供降低首次卒中风险的循证推荐。方法写作组成员由委员会主席根据每位成员先前在相关课题领域中的工作提名,并经美国心脏协会(American HeartAssociation,AHA)卒中委员会科学声明监督委员会批准。写作组采用系统文献回顾的方法(涵盖时间为2006年上一次回顾发表到2009年4月),参考先前已发表的指南、个人文件和专家意见来总结现有证据,并指出现有知识的差距;如果合适,则根据标准的AHA标准做出推荐。写作组全体成员均有机会对推荐进行评论并审核这份声明的最终文本。在AHA科学咨询和协调委员会考察和批准之前,本指南已南卒中委员会领导层和AIIA科学声明督察委员会进行过广泛的同行评议。结果对评价个体首次卒巾风险的流程图进行了评价。根据干预的町能性(不可于预、可于预或潜在可干预)和证据的强度(证据充分或证据不太充分),对首次卒中的危险因素或风险标记物进行分类。不可干预危险因素包括年龄、性别、低出生体质量、人种/种族和遗传倾向。证据充分的叮干预危险因素包括高血压、吸烟、糖尿病、心房颤动和某些其他心脏病、血脂异常、颈动脉狭窄、镰状细胞病、绝经后激素治疗、不良饮食习惯、体力活动过少以及肥胖和体脂分布。证据不太充分或潜在的可干预危险因素包括代谢综合征、酗酒、药物滥用、口服避孕药、睡眠呼吸障碍、偏头痛、高同型半胱氨酸血症、脂蛋白(a)升高、高凝状态、炎症和感染。对用阿司匹林进行卒中一级预防的资料进行了回顾。结论多方面的证据可用于确定能增高首次卒中风险的多种具体因素并提供降低这种风险的策略。 展开更多
关键词 AHA科学声明 卒中 危险因素 一级预防
The enhanced element enrichment in the supercritical states of granite–pegmatite systems 被引量:12
作者 Rainer Thomas Paul Davidson Karen appel 《Acta Geochimica》 EI CAS CSCD 2019年第3期335-349,共15页
In this paper, we show that supercritical fluids have a greater significance in the generation of pegmatites,and for ore-forming processes related to granites than is usually assumed. We show that the supercritical me... In this paper, we show that supercritical fluids have a greater significance in the generation of pegmatites,and for ore-forming processes related to granites than is usually assumed. We show that the supercritical melt or fluid is a silicate phase in which volatiles; principally H_2O are completely miscible in all proportions at magmatic temperatures and pressures. This phase evolves from felsic melts and changes into hydrothermal fluids, and its unique properties are particularly important in sequestering and concentrating low abundance elements, such as metals. In our past research, we have focused on processes observed at upper crustal levels, however extensive work by us and other researchers have demonstrated that supercritical melt/fluids should be abundant in melting zones at deep-crustal levels too. We propose that these fluids may provide a connecting link between lower and upper crustal magmas,and a highly efficient transport mechanism for usually melt incompatible elements. In this paper, we explore the unique features of this fluid which allow the partitioning of variouselements and compounds, potentially up to extreme levels,and may explain various features both of mineralization and the magmas that produced them. 展开更多
Magnetic response to atmospheric heavy metal pollution recorded by dust-loaded leaves in Shougang industrial area, western Beijing 被引量:10
作者 HU ShouYun DUAN XueMei +5 位作者 SHEN MingJie U BLAHA W ROESLER YAN HaiTao E appel V HOFFMANN 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 2008年第10期1555-1564,共10页
Fifty-five evergreen tree's leaves growing less than one year were collected from Shougang industrial area in western suburb of Beijing, including steel plants and its ambient residential areas, recreational parks... Fifty-five evergreen tree's leaves growing less than one year were collected from Shougang industrial area in western suburb of Beijing, including steel plants and its ambient residential areas, recreational parks and farmlands. Rock magnetic properties and heavy metal contents were studied. The results show that the magnetic properties of leaf samples are predominated by low-coercivity magnetite, and both the concentration and grain size of magnetite particles gradually decreased with the distance from the main pollution source increases. Moreover, there is a significant linear relationship between magnetic parameters (the low-field magnetic susceptibility, saturation isothermal remanent magnetization and anhysteretic remanent magnetization) and heavy metals contents (Fe, Pb, V, Cr and Zn) (0.73≤R≤ 0.88). Hence, the magnetic parameters of leaves can serve as a proxy for quick detecting of the recent atmospheric metallic pollution. 展开更多
关键词 首钢集团 大气重金属污染 磁场参数 环境保护
Relationship between magnetic parameters and heavy element contents of arable soil around a steel company,Nanjing 被引量:10
作者 BLAHA U ROESLER W appel E 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2010年第3期411-418,共8页
Magnetic parameters and element contents were determined in core NJ008 collected from the uppermost ca. 40 cm in a steel company in southwest Nanjing. The results showed that magnetic susceptibility (χ), saturation i... Magnetic parameters and element contents were determined in core NJ008 collected from the uppermost ca. 40 cm in a steel company in southwest Nanjing. The results showed that magnetic susceptibility (χ), saturation isothermal remanent magnetization (SIRM) and anhysteretic remanent magnetization (ARM) were enhanced in the uppermost 20 cm, with a mean magnetic susceptibility value of 112.5×10-8 m3 kg-1. Below 20 cm, χ decreased sharply with a mean value of 27.8×10-8m3 kg-1. Low-coercivity minerals such as magnetite dominate in arable soils, while the relative content of antiferromagnetic minerals increases below 20 cm. Heavy metals (Ni, Cu, Fe, Pb, V, and Zn) have similar vertical trends as χ. Principal component analysis reveals common high loadings of the same factor for magnetic concentration parameters (χ, ARM, and SIRM) and elements (Ni, Cu, Fe, Pb, V, and Zn) with an excellent linear correlation (0.69≤R≤0.98) between them. Magnetic susceptibility of paddy soil core NJ013, which had the same parent material as NJ008 but was far from pollution sources, showed stable values of magnetic concentration parameters along the whole core. Absolute values correspond to the so-called magnetic background value (below 20 cm) of NJ008. This indicates that pesticide and fertilizer had little effect on magnetic signals of the upper part of core NJ008 and the extremely enhanced magnetic concentration parameters originate from the steel company emission. Although, the arable soil does not reveal the pollution history and transportation due to annual ploughing, the significant linear relationship between magnetic concentration parameters and heavy metal contents suggests that magnetic parameters can serve as a proxy for quickly detecting soil metallic pollution and estimating the extent of contamination. 展开更多
关键词 steel COMPANY soil HEAVY metal magnetic parameters
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