Since 1990s, Chinese government has begun to allow more and more MNC entering Chinese market.Penetrating the development potential of Chinese milk product market, since 1980s, MNC related tomilk products gradually ent...Since 1990s, Chinese government has begun to allow more and more MNC entering Chinese market.Penetrating the development potential of Chinese milk product market, since 1980s, MNC related tomilk products gradually entered Chinese market, such as, Nestle, Danone, Parmalat, Kraft, Friesland,Uniliver, Dumex, Mead Johnson, Wyeth, and Land O Lake, and so on. Up to now, the entire twentyworld-top milk product brand has entered Chinese market, which have great influence to Chinesemilk industry.展开更多
遥感影像数据与地理信息系统(geographic information system,GIS)矢量数据的配准是遥感与GIS集成的基础。目前遥感影像与矢量数据的配准关键在于遥感影像特征的提取,而现有遥感影像特征提取方法存在特征提取不完整、配准失败和精度不...遥感影像数据与地理信息系统(geographic information system,GIS)矢量数据的配准是遥感与GIS集成的基础。目前遥感影像与矢量数据的配准关键在于遥感影像特征的提取,而现有遥感影像特征提取方法存在特征提取不完整、配准失败和精度不高等问题。由此提出了一种基于Mask R-CNN(region-based convolutional neural network)的遥感影像与矢量数据配准方法,首先,利用Mask R-CNN模型提取影像的道路交叉口作为影像控制点;然后,依据几何拓扑关系筛选矢量数据道路交叉口作为矢量控制点,再根据遥感影像与矢量数据控制点的欧氏距离确定同名控制点;最后,以同名控制点为基础实现遥感影像与矢量数据的配准。选取上海市矢量数据和高分二号影像数据进行配准实验,实验结果表明,所提方法鲁棒性强、精度高。展开更多
文摘Since 1990s, Chinese government has begun to allow more and more MNC entering Chinese market.Penetrating the development potential of Chinese milk product market, since 1980s, MNC related tomilk products gradually entered Chinese market, such as, Nestle, Danone, Parmalat, Kraft, Friesland,Uniliver, Dumex, Mead Johnson, Wyeth, and Land O Lake, and so on. Up to now, the entire twentyworld-top milk product brand has entered Chinese market, which have great influence to Chinesemilk industry.