本文对34例光镜证实的慢性乙肝患者(CPH 6例,CAH 28例,其中伴肝硬化10例)进行了HBV血清学标记的观察.重点研究HBV血清学标记与肝组织病理变化之间的关系.发现门脉周碎屑状坏死在DNA-P阳性组较阴性组出现的频率明显增多,而且DNA-P阳性率在CAH组也较CPH组显著增高,P值均<O.05,提示DNA-P血清学标记与肝脏病变活动程度呈正相关.支持慢性乙肝肝脏病变活动可能与HBV的持续复制有关.
The correlation between the serologic markers of hepatitis B virus and liver pathology was studied in 34 cases with adult chronic hepatitis(CAH 28 cases,OPH 6 cases).It was found that the cases with piecemeal necrosis adjacent to the portal area was more in DNA-P positive patients than in DNA-P negative patients.and the increase of serum DNA-P level was more common in CAH than in CPH.The difference was statistically significant.These findings suggesfr that the pathological changes and activity of chronic viral hepatitis B correlate to the DNA-P and support the view of pathological changes and aotivity of CAH correlating to the continuous replication of hopatitis B virus.
Chinese Journal of Infectious Diseases