Moire photgraphy is a new technique whi-ch has been usel in screening for early diagn-osis of spinal deformities. It is an optical bio-stereometric method to give a three dimensio-ned image of the back. By its sensitivity, even minor asymetricity between the two sides of the back can be disclosed. Normally the moire shadow of both shoulder blades, hips and lumbars should be exactly symmetrical. 1055 children from 4 primary schools, aged between 6-14 were investigated. 598 were boys and 466 girls. Moire fringe asymmetry was observed in 65 of them (16.2%). X-ray films were taken in 55 of these 65 asymmetric children, and proved them to have a 5°-20° scoliosis. Moire photography as a non-traumatic technique is feasible in school-screening program for pupils with any observed asymmetry of the back. X-ray films should be taken in positive cases. When the Moire photography displays 2 Moire fringes of asymmetry while X-ray films shows a curve more than 10°, orthopedic treatment combined with exercises under medical supervision should be advised.
Chinese Journal of Pediatric Surgery