Subcutaneous gangrene is a common infectious disease in neonatals.The authors treated 162 cases from Nov.1975 to May 1984.The patients' age ranged from 2 days to 30 days.According to the literatures reviewed,they can be classified in five groups,viz.A,gangrene.B.cellulitis.C.abscess.D.necrosis.E.similation dermatitis exfoliative.Late discovery by the parents,delayed diagnosis and severe complication were important factors of mortality.The total mortality rate was 10%.With the exception of antibiotics and general support drainage is a significant measure.Treatment should be adapted to the classification mentioned above and the cure rate can be raised.Precautionary measures include hygienic propagation,improved nursing admi nistration and avoidance of iatrogenic infec tions.
Chinese Journal of Pediatric Surgery