To analyze the dynamic interaction between detonation waves and coolant flow in a hydrogen fuelled detonation chamber,a hydrogen fuelled detonation chamber with a cooled liner was designed and a simulation model was established.An explicit high-resolution total variation diminishing(TVD)scheme was developed to solve the two-dimensional Euler equations implemented with an augmented reduced mechanism of the hydrogen/air mixture.A point-implicit method was used to solve the numerical stiffness of the chemical reaction source term.The interaction between detonative was and coolant flow were presented.The interaction dynamics between detonation waves and coolant flow in a detonation chamber were investigated.The results indicated that there were some negative interaction effects between detonation waves and coolant flow.
To analyze the dynamic interaction between detonation waves and coolant flow in a hydrogen fuelled deto‐nation chamber ,a hydrogen fuelled detonation chamber with a cooled liner was designed and a simulation model was established .An explicit high‐resolution total variation diminishing (TVD) scheme was developed to solve the two‐dimensional Euler equations implemented with an augmented reduced mechanism of the hydrogen/air mixture . A point‐implicit method was used to solve the numerical stiffness of the chemical reaction source term .The inter‐action between detonative was and coolant flow were presented . The interaction dynamics between detonation waves and coolant flow in a detonation chamber were investigated .The results indicated that there were some neg‐ative interaction effects between detonation waves and coolant flow .
supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.51476077)