本文根据Nation与Macalister (2010) [1]的语言课程设计模型,结合托福口语考试的任务特点和官方要求,探讨了托福口语教学中运用翻转课堂型课程授课的必要性,避免千篇一律的传统教学模式给学员带来的低分结果和口语能力始终无法得到有效提升的状况。本文针对国内托福口语教学现状,阐述了托福口语翻转课堂型的课程设计在语言课程设计模型理论依据指导下的具体实施方式,以及这些策略实施时需要注意的事项,并结合作者的真实教学案例进行分析,供托福口语教学者参考。
This paper discusses the necessity of applying flipped classroom in TOEFL Speaking teaching based on language curriculum design model by Nation and Macalister (2010) [1], combining TOEFL speaking tasks features and scoring rubric. The aim of flipped classroom is to address the problems of learners’ low score in TOEFL speaking tasks and failure in English speaking skill improvement caused by repetitive traditional teaching model. Considering the present status of TOEFL teaching and training in China, this research provides specific methods of using flipped classroom design in TOFEL speaking class based on important elements of language curriculum design model, explains notices of putting flipped classroom model in practice, and demonstrates the model with a teaching case of the author for reference.
Overseas English Testing: Pedagogy and Research