The mathematical modeling of solar cells is essential for any optimization operation of the efficiency or the diagnosis of photovoltaic generator. The photovoltaic module is generally represented by an equivalent circuit whose parameters are experimentally calculated by using the characteristic current-tension, I-V. The precise determination of these parameters stays a challenge for the researchers, making to a big difference in the models and the digital methods dedicated to their characterizations. In the present paper, We are interested to characterize the parameters of single diode and two diodes models, in order to plan the behavior of the photovoltaic generator under real functioning conditions. We developed an identification method of the parameters using Newton Raphson method by using the software Matlab/Simulink. This method is the faster technique which allows the identification of several parameters and can be used in real time applications. The results of the proposed method show an accordance with the experimental and simulated characteristics of photovoltaic generator.
The mathematical modeling of solar cells is essential for any optimization operation of the efficiency or the diagnosis of photovoltaic generator. The photovoltaic module is generally represented by an equivalent circuit whose parameters are experimentally calculated by using the characteristic current-tension, I-V. The precise determination of these parameters stays a challenge for the researchers, making to a big difference in the models and the digital methods dedicated to their characterizations. In the present paper, We are interested to characterize the parameters of single diode and two diodes models, in order to plan the behavior of the photovoltaic generator under real functioning conditions. We developed an identification method of the parameters using Newton Raphson method by using the software Matlab/Simulink. This method is the faster technique which allows the identification of several parameters and can be used in real time applications. The results of the proposed method show an accordance with the experimental and simulated characteristics of photovoltaic generator.
Ahmed Yahfdhou
M. M. Menou
A. M. Yahya
Ne. D. Eida
A. K. Mahmoud
Issakha Youm
Ahmed Yahfdhou;M. M. Menou;A. M. Yahya;Ne. D. Eida;A. K. Mahmoud;Issakha Youm(Laboratory of Semiconductors and Solar Energy (LASES), Faculty of Sciences and Technology, University of Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar, Senegal;Applied Research Laboratory of Renewable Energy (LRAER), Faculty of Sciences and Technology, University of Sciences Technology and Medicine, Nouakchott, Mauritania;Unit of Electromechanical Research, Institute Superior of Technological Education, Rosso, Mauritania;Center of the Study and Research of the Renewable Energy (CERER), Dakar, Senegal)