Advanced high strength steels are the group of material with high strength and good formability, because high strength lesser gauge thickness can be used without compromising the function of component. In terms of economic forming process, hydroforming is the manufacturing option which uses a fluid medium to form a component by using high internal pressure. This process gained steep interest in the automotive and aerospace industries because of its many advantages such as part consolidation, good quality of the formed part etc. The main advantage is that the uniform pressure can be transferred to whole projected part at the same time. Low pressure tube hydroforming considered an inexpensive option for forming these advanced high strength steel. This paper investigates the pressurization system used during the low pressure tube hydroforming cycle. It is observed that the usage of ramp pressure cycle during forming the part from low pressure tube hydroforming results in lesser die holding force. Also, the stress, strain and thickness distribution of the part during low pressure tube hydroforming are critically analysed.
Advanced high strength steels are the group of material with high strength and good formability, because high strength lesser gauge thickness can be used without compromising the function of component. In terms of economic forming process, hydroforming is the manufacturing option which uses a fluid medium to form a component by using high internal pressure. This process gained steep interest in the automotive and aerospace industries because of its many advantages such as part consolidation, good quality of the formed part etc. The main advantage is that the uniform pressure can be transferred to whole projected part at the same time. Low pressure tube hydroforming considered an inexpensive option for forming these advanced high strength steel. This paper investigates the pressurization system used during the low pressure tube hydroforming cycle. It is observed that the usage of ramp pressure cycle during forming the part from low pressure tube hydroforming results in lesser die holding force. Also, the stress, strain and thickness distribution of the part during low pressure tube hydroforming are critically analysed.