New methodologies in science (also mathemat- ics) learning process and scientific thinking in the classroom activity of engineer students with ICT (information and communication technology, including also graphic calculator) are presented: visual modelling with ICT, action research with graphic calculator, insight in classroom, com- munications and reflection of integrative ac- tions. How can we show our students the beauty of science (and mathematics) with ICT and the way scientists think and try to find the truth? Is it possible to create the motivation in science learning for students using ICT or graphic cal- culator? How can we organize the engineer training on such professional activity in class- room? In this paper we try to answer the ques- tions using methodology of visual modelling and technology of resource lessons in high en- gineering school.
New methodologies in science (also mathemat- ics) learning process and scientific thinking in the classroom activity of engineer students with ICT (information and communication technology, including also graphic calculator) are presented: visual modelling with ICT, action research with graphic calculator, insight in classroom, com- munications and reflection of integrative ac- tions. How can we show our students the beauty of science (and mathematics) with ICT and the way scientists think and try to find the truth? Is it possible to create the motivation in science learning for students using ICT or graphic cal- culator? How can we organize the engineer training on such professional activity in class- room? In this paper we try to answer the ques- tions using methodology of visual modelling and technology of resource lessons in high en- gineering school.