Physicochemical investigations were performed on seeds of Nymphea lotus and N. micrantha consumed in the Senegal River valley. They revealed a composition similar to that of cereals. In order to estimate their intrinsic quality, the determination of their amino acid, fatty acid and monosaccharids profiles was done. The results indicate that monosaccharides are represented specifically by saccharose (7%) and glucose (0.67%);a predominance of stearic acid and linoleic acid as unsaturated acids (24.86%);arachidic and palmitic acids as the only saturated acid found (11.12%);a good ratio of unsaturated/saturated acid (2.23);a lack of oleic acid, linoleic, palmitoleic, myristic, caprylic acids;a poor-quality index protein due to low quantity amino acids. Nevertheless, all essential amino acids are present in the seeds. The Nymphea sp grains consumed by the populations around the Senegal River valley offer an interesting nutritional quality linked to fatty acids and carbohydrates.
Physicochemical investigations were performed on seeds of Nymphea lotus and N. micrantha consumed in the Senegal River valley. They revealed a composition similar to that of cereals. In order to estimate their intrinsic quality, the determination of their amino acid, fatty acid and monosaccharids profiles was done. The results indicate that monosaccharides are represented specifically by saccharose (7%) and glucose (0.67%);a predominance of stearic acid and linoleic acid as unsaturated acids (24.86%);arachidic and palmitic acids as the only saturated acid found (11.12%);a good ratio of unsaturated/saturated acid (2.23);a lack of oleic acid, linoleic, palmitoleic, myristic, caprylic acids;a poor-quality index protein due to low quantity amino acids. Nevertheless, all essential amino acids are present in the seeds. The Nymphea sp grains consumed by the populations around the Senegal River valley offer an interesting nutritional quality linked to fatty acids and carbohydrates.
Nicolas Cyrille Ayessou
Michel Bakar Diop
Fatou Kiné Gueye
César Bassène
Mame Samba Mbaye
Nicolas Cyrille Ayessou;Michel Bakar Diop;Fatou Kiné Gueye;César Bassène;Mame Samba Mbaye(Centre dEtudes sur la Scurit Alimentaire et les Molcules Fonctionnelles (CESAM-RESCIF), Universit Cheikh Anta DIOP, Dakar, Sngal;Unit de formation et de Recherche des Sciences Agronomiques, de lAquaculture et des Technologies Alimentaires, Universit Gaston Berger, Saint-Louis, Sngal;Laboratoire de Botanique-Biodiversit, Biologie Vgtale, Universit Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar, Senegal)