<i>Bacillus thuringiensis</i> (Bt) parasporal crystal proteins were well known to be toxic to certain insects and cytocidal activity against various human cancer cells. Bt serovar <i>coreanensis</i> ST7, non-pathogenic to insects and non-hemolytic, has an important parasporin, PS4Aa1 (Cry45Aa1), with potential toxicity to human cancer cells. In this study, we reported the feature of complete genome sequence and the cluster of orthologous groups of proteins function classification of ST7. Meanwhile, the evolutionary of ST7 was also studied. The genome data of ST7 will strongly contribute to a better understanding of the genomic diversity and evolution, and enrich the Bt genome database.
<i>Bacillus thuringiensis</i> (Bt) parasporal crystal proteins were well known to be toxic to certain insects and cytocidal activity against various human cancer cells. Bt serovar <i>coreanensis</i> ST7, non-pathogenic to insects and non-hemolytic, has an important parasporin, PS4Aa1 (Cry45Aa1), with potential toxicity to human cancer cells. In this study, we reported the feature of complete genome sequence and the cluster of orthologous groups of proteins function classification of ST7. Meanwhile, the evolutionary of ST7 was also studied. The genome data of ST7 will strongly contribute to a better understanding of the genomic diversity and evolution, and enrich the Bt genome database.
Jing Zhang
Yiping Liu
Rui Liu
Xu Liu
Baoli Zhang
Jun Zhu
Jing Zhang;Yiping Liu;Rui Liu;Xu Liu;Baoli Zhang;Jun Zhu(Rice Research Institute of Sichuan Agricultural University, Chengdu, China;Technical Center of Chengdu Customs, Chengdu, China;State Key Laboratory of Crop Gene Exploration and Utilization in Southwest China, Chengdu, China)