Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) or cold laser has been used in medicine for several decades. However, the method utilizes a direct contact of the light beam with a patient. Further research resulted in development of another method that enables remote transmission of the pharmacological properties of a medicament into a human body with the application of low-level laser radiation as the light source. 18 patients with different viral diseases were treated with the antiviral drugs placed into the field formed by the unexplained properties of low-level laser radiation of the “device for transfer of the pharmacological properties of a drug into the patient’s body”. This resulted in improvement of the patient’s condition, the absence of side effects and adverse reactions when using drugs in the proposed device and shortened therapy period for patients with chronic hepatitis C infection and Covid-19 patients. The long-term follow-up of the patients with chronic hepatitis B infection showed that hepatitis B virus remained at low replication levels under the influence of the therapy, which made it possible to avoid such formidable complications of the disease as cirrhosis of the liver and liver cancer.
Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) or cold laser has been used in medicine for several decades. However, the method utilizes a direct contact of the light beam with a patient. Further research resulted in development of another method that enables remote transmission of the pharmacological properties of a medicament into a human body with the application of low-level laser radiation as the light source. 18 patients with different viral diseases were treated with the antiviral drugs placed into the field formed by the unexplained properties of low-level laser radiation of the “device for transfer of the pharmacological properties of a drug into the patient’s body”. This resulted in improvement of the patient’s condition, the absence of side effects and adverse reactions when using drugs in the proposed device and shortened therapy period for patients with chronic hepatitis C infection and Covid-19 patients. The long-term follow-up of the patients with chronic hepatitis B infection showed that hepatitis B virus remained at low replication levels under the influence of the therapy, which made it possible to avoid such formidable complications of the disease as cirrhosis of the liver and liver cancer.
Naylya Djumaeva
Naylya Djumaeva(Out-Patient Department of the Virology Research Institute, Tashkent, Uzbekistan)