Purpose: The aim of this report is to describe the unusual MR imaging characteristics observed in two patients with biopsy-proven peliosis hepatis. Imaging findings using gadoxetate disodium (Eovist) as the contrast agent in a patient with peliosis hepatis are presented for the first time. Methods: This is a retrospective review of the MRI findings in two patients reviewed independently by two specialized abdominal imaging radiologists. The radiological findings were correlated with clinical history and histopathology. Results: Peliosis hepatis is a rare clinical and radiological entity that is often a diagnostic dilemma due to its non-specific clinical characteristics. Unusual imaging characteristics in this rare entity make diagnosis even more challenging. Conclusions: Improved understanding of the imaging characteristics of peliosis hepatis may prevent unnecessary and potentially dangerous biopsies in select patients with peliosis hepatis. This requires a high index of suspicion for practicing radiologists due to the rarity of this disease.
Purpose: The aim of this report is to describe the unusual MR imaging characteristics observed in two patients with biopsy-proven peliosis hepatis. Imaging findings using gadoxetate disodium (Eovist) as the contrast agent in a patient with peliosis hepatis are presented for the first time. Methods: This is a retrospective review of the MRI findings in two patients reviewed independently by two specialized abdominal imaging radiologists. The radiological findings were correlated with clinical history and histopathology. Results: Peliosis hepatis is a rare clinical and radiological entity that is often a diagnostic dilemma due to its non-specific clinical characteristics. Unusual imaging characteristics in this rare entity make diagnosis even more challenging. Conclusions: Improved understanding of the imaging characteristics of peliosis hepatis may prevent unnecessary and potentially dangerous biopsies in select patients with peliosis hepatis. This requires a high index of suspicion for practicing radiologists due to the rarity of this disease.