The present work breaks the endless impasse of the current theories with space and gravitation, proposing a completely new conception in which the quantum space, ruling the propagarion of light and the inertial motion of matter, moves according to a velocity field consistent with the local main astronomical motions. This solution is clearly suggested by recent clear-cut experimental observations, achieved with the help of the GPS and also is implicit in the Quantum Field Theory (QFT) underlying the Standard Elementary Particle Model (SEPM). In a first part (Section II) it is shown that these recent experimental observations demonstrate that real space, the one that rules the propagation of light and the inertial motion of matter, is moving round each gravitational source according to a Keplerian velocity field consistent with the local main astronomical motions. This is the crucial experimental fundamentation of the spacedynamics that appropriately produces the observed gravitational dynamics on earth, in the solar system and also the galactic gravitational dynamics without the need of dark matter as well as all the observed effects of the gravitational fields on the propagation of light and on the rate of clocks. In a second part (Section III) it is shown how this spacedynamics arises within the context of the QFT underlying the SEPM. The QFT entails the idea that space is filled up with a scalar quantum field, a Bose-Einstein condensate of Higgs bosons. This Higgs condensate is a quantum fluid, responsible for giving mass to the elementary particles by the Higgs mechanism providing them with mechanical properties. This lets clear that the Higgs condensate plays the role of real quantum space that rules the propagation of light and the inertial motion of matter and is the ultimate reference for rest and for motion of matter and light. Therefore, on moving according to a Keplerian velocity field, this condensate causes the observed gravitational dynamics as well as all the other observed effects caused by the gra
The present work breaks the endless impasse of the current theories with space and gravitation, proposing a completely new conception in which the quantum space, ruling the propagarion of light and the inertial motion of matter, moves according to a velocity field consistent with the local main astronomical motions. This solution is clearly suggested by recent clear-cut experimental observations, achieved with the help of the GPS and also is implicit in the Quantum Field Theory (QFT) underlying the Standard Elementary Particle Model (SEPM). In a first part (Section II) it is shown that these recent experimental observations demonstrate that real space, the one that rules the propagation of light and the inertial motion of matter, is moving round each gravitational source according to a Keplerian velocity field consistent with the local main astronomical motions. This is the crucial experimental fundamentation of the spacedynamics that appropriately produces the observed gravitational dynamics on earth, in the solar system and also the galactic gravitational dynamics without the need of dark matter as well as all the observed effects of the gravitational fields on the propagation of light and on the rate of clocks. In a second part (Section III) it is shown how this spacedynamics arises within the context of the QFT underlying the SEPM. The QFT entails the idea that space is filled up with a scalar quantum field, a Bose-Einstein condensate of Higgs bosons. This Higgs condensate is a quantum fluid, responsible for giving mass to the elementary particles by the Higgs mechanism providing them with mechanical properties. This lets clear that the Higgs condensate plays the role of real quantum space that rules the propagation of light and the inertial motion of matter and is the ultimate reference for rest and for motion of matter and light. Therefore, on moving according to a Keplerian velocity field, this condensate causes the observed gravitational dynamics as well as all the other observed effects caused by the gra