A method to generate the dynamic moderate pressure dc glow discharge on the basis of electrolytic cathode in the form of aqueous solution of sodium bicarbonate NaHCO3 is described. Photo and video images of the discharge are presented as well as the synchronized therewith “oscillograms” of current and voltage. Different phases of the discharge were discovered, one of which is a quasi-stationary glow discharge with the foamy cathode, was recorded for the first time. It was shown, that in this phase the discharge is supported by a so-called three-dimensional cathode spot, having the finite volume. The time-spatial diagram was plotted for the discharge. The Rayleigh-Taylor instability in the two-layered electrolytic cathode was recorded.
A method to generate the dynamic moderate pressure dc glow discharge on the basis of electrolytic cathode in the form of aqueous solution of sodium bicarbonate NaHCO3 is described. Photo and video images of the discharge are presented as well as the synchronized therewith “oscillograms” of current and voltage. Different phases of the discharge were discovered, one of which is a quasi-stationary glow discharge with the foamy cathode, was recorded for the first time. It was shown, that in this phase the discharge is supported by a so-called three-dimensional cathode spot, having the finite volume. The time-spatial diagram was plotted for the discharge. The Rayleigh-Taylor instability in the two-layered electrolytic cathode was recorded.