Our idea is to state that a particular set of values and reformulation of initial conditions for relic black holes, as stated in this manuscript, will enable using the idea of Torsion to formulate a cosmological constant and resultant Dark Energy. Relic Planck sized black holes will allow for a spin density term which presents an opportunity to modify a brilliant argument given as to cancelling Torsion as given by de Sabbata and Sirvaram, Erice 1990. Meantime speculation given by Corda replaces traditional firewalls in relic Black holes with a different formulation are included with a quantum number, n. In addition and most important, we have that there may be a solution to showing the incompleteness of the black holes have no hair theorem, for reasons which require quantum number, n, and also BEC representation of Black holes in primordial conditions.
Our idea is to state that a particular set of values and reformulation of initial conditions for relic black holes, as stated in this manuscript, will enable using the idea of Torsion to formulate a cosmological constant and resultant Dark Energy. Relic Planck sized black holes will allow for a spin density term which presents an opportunity to modify a brilliant argument given as to cancelling Torsion as given by de Sabbata and Sirvaram, Erice 1990. Meantime speculation given by Corda replaces traditional firewalls in relic Black holes with a different formulation are included with a quantum number, n. In addition and most important, we have that there may be a solution to showing the incompleteness of the black holes have no hair theorem, for reasons which require quantum number, n, and also BEC representation of Black holes in primordial conditions.