This research work is related to soliton solutions considered as models that can describe the complex configuration of elementary particles from the study of the interactions of their fields. It is interested in the interaction of fields between two different elementary particles by expressing their physical properties. For that, we have obtained, exact static plane symmetric soliton-like solutions to the nonlinear equations of interacting electromagnetic and scalar fields taking into account the own gravitational field of elementary particles using the calibrated invariance function <i>P</i>(<i>I</i>). It has been proved that all solutions of the Einstein, nonlinear electromagnetic and scalar field equations are regular with the localized energy density. Moreover, the total charge of particles is finite and the total energy of the interaction fields is bounded. It have been emphasized the importance to the own gravitational field of elementary particles and the role of the nonlinearity of fields in the determination of these solutions. In flat space-time, soliton-like solutions exist but the total energy of the interaction fields is equal to zero. We have also shown that in the linear case, soliton-like solutions are absent.
This research work is related to soliton solutions considered as models that can describe the complex configuration of elementary particles from the study of the interactions of their fields. It is interested in the interaction of fields between two different elementary particles by expressing their physical properties. For that, we have obtained, exact static plane symmetric soliton-like solutions to the nonlinear equations of interacting electromagnetic and scalar fields taking into account the own gravitational field of elementary particles using the calibrated invariance function <i>P</i>(<i>I</i>). It has been proved that all solutions of the Einstein, nonlinear electromagnetic and scalar field equations are regular with the localized energy density. Moreover, the total charge of particles is finite and the total energy of the interaction fields is bounded. It have been emphasized the importance to the own gravitational field of elementary particles and the role of the nonlinearity of fields in the determination of these solutions. In flat space-time, soliton-like solutions exist but the total energy of the interaction fields is equal to zero. We have also shown that in the linear case, soliton-like solutions are absent.
Arnaud Edouard Yamadjako
Alain Adomou
Yélomè J. F. Kpomahou
Jonas Edou
Siaka Massou
Arnaud Edouard Yamadjako;Alain Adomou;Yélomè J. F. Kpomahou;Jonas Edou;Siaka Massou(Department of Physics, University of Abomey-Calavi, Abomey-Calavi, Benin;Department of Industrial and Technical Sciences, ENSET-Lokossa, UNSTIM-Abomey, Abomey, Benin;National Higher Institute of Industrial Technology, National University of Sciences, Technologies, Engineering and Mathematics of Abomey, UNSTIM, Abomey, Benin)