In quantum mechanics, there are two very famous formulas. One is the energy formula of the bose particle, called Planck’s law. The other is the wavelength formula, which is called the de Broy wavelength. According to Einstein’s mass-energy equation, we have studied Planck’s law and De Bloy’s wavelength, and generalized it to the De Bloy’s wavelength formula from low speed to light speed. Then, on this basis, the smallest particle is defined as mass quantum. The new wavelength formula is obtained from the mass quantum and converted into the frequency formula. The generalized Planck’s law is obtained.
In quantum mechanics, there are two very famous formulas. One is the energy formula of the bose particle, called Planck’s law. The other is the wavelength formula, which is called the de Broy wavelength. According to Einstein’s mass-energy equation, we have studied Planck’s law and De Bloy’s wavelength, and generalized it to the De Bloy’s wavelength formula from low speed to light speed. Then, on this basis, the smallest particle is defined as mass quantum. The new wavelength formula is obtained from the mass quantum and converted into the frequency formula. The generalized Planck’s law is obtained.
Dan Liu
Dan Liu; Bill(School of Physics, Neijiang Normal University, Neijiang, China;American Mathematical Physics Studies, Manchester, USA)