We discuss the fact that there is a crucial contradiction within Von Neumann’s theory. We derive a proposition concerning a quantum expected value under an assumption of the existence of the orientation of reference frames in N spin-1/2 systems (1 ≤ N to a new constant . It may be said that a new type of the quantum theory early approaches Newton’s theory in the macroscopic scale than the old quantum theory does. We discuss how our solution is used in an implementation of Deutsch’s algorithm.
We discuss the fact that there is a crucial contradiction within Von Neumann’s theory. We derive a proposition concerning a quantum expected value under an assumption of the existence of the orientation of reference frames in N spin-1/2 systems (1 ≤ N to a new constant . It may be said that a new type of the quantum theory early approaches Newton’s theory in the macroscopic scale than the old quantum theory does. We discuss how our solution is used in an implementation of Deutsch’s algorithm.