Objective: To determine the epidemiology and maternal-fetal prognosis of eclampsia at Bouaké University Teaching Hospital. Material and Methods: This was a prospective study with descriptive and analytical aims over a period from 01 January 2019 to 31 December 2021. It took place in the obstetrics and gynaecology department of the Bouaké University Teaching Hospital. The inclusion criterion was any seizure in the gravid-puerperal period in the context of preeclampsia. Data were entered and analysed using EPI INFO software version Results: We performed 20,958 deliveries and recorded 241 cases of eclampsia, representing a prevalence of 1.14%. The ages of the participants ranged from 13 to 47 years with a mean age ± SD of 22 ± 7 years. The age group ≤ 19 years represented 45.64% of participants. Housewives accounted for 46.47%, and single women accounted for 54.77% of participants. The average parity ± SD was 1 ± 1.6 with range of 0 to 10, and nulliparous women accounted for 49.8% of participants. Patients who were evacuated accounted for 74.27% of our study population. The majority of eclampsia attacks occurred in the antepartum period (56.84%). The mean gestational age ± SD was 36 ± 3.6 weeks with a range of 24 to 42 weeks. The mode of delivery was caesarean section in 64.7% of cases. Maternal lethality was 7.88%. The factors associated with maternal mortality due to eclampsia were evacuation and parity of less than 3. Maternal morbidity was 16.6%. Neonatal lethality was 18.95%. The factor associated with neonatal death in eclampsia was prematurity. Conclusion: We need to detect and manage preeclampsia early and effectively to reduce the frequency of eclampsia and improve its maternal-foetal prognosis in our context.
Objective: To determine the epidemiology and maternal-fetal prognosis of eclampsia at Bouaké University Teaching Hospital. Material and Methods: This was a prospective study with descriptive and analytical aims over a period from 01 January 2019 to 31 December 2021. It took place in the obstetrics and gynaecology department of the Bouaké University Teaching Hospital. The inclusion criterion was any seizure in the gravid-puerperal period in the context of preeclampsia. Data were entered and analysed using EPI INFO software version Results: We performed 20,958 deliveries and recorded 241 cases of eclampsia, representing a prevalence of 1.14%. The ages of the participants ranged from 13 to 47 years with a mean age ± SD of 22 ± 7 years. The age group ≤ 19 years represented 45.64% of participants. Housewives accounted for 46.47%, and single women accounted for 54.77% of participants. The average parity ± SD was 1 ± 1.6 with range of 0 to 10, and nulliparous women accounted for 49.8% of participants. Patients who were evacuated accounted for 74.27% of our study population. The majority of eclampsia attacks occurred in the antepartum period (56.84%). The mean gestational age ± SD was 36 ± 3.6 weeks with a range of 24 to 42 weeks. The mode of delivery was caesarean section in 64.7% of cases. Maternal lethality was 7.88%. The factors associated with maternal mortality due to eclampsia were evacuation and parity of less than 3. Maternal morbidity was 16.6%. Neonatal lethality was 18.95%. The factor associated with neonatal death in eclampsia was prematurity. Conclusion: We need to detect and manage preeclampsia early and effectively to reduce the frequency of eclampsia and improve its maternal-foetal prognosis in our context.