As one of the essential components of traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture has been accepted world-widely for its effectiveness in treating various disease and health conditions. Pain management is one of the least controversial therapeutic benefits of acupuncture treatment. To date, the mechanism underlying acupuncture analgesia remains poorly understood. In this review, roles of members of GABAergic neurotransmission system which has long been related to pain perception and modulation, in acupuncture analgesia are discussed.
As one of the essential components of traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture has been accepted world-widely for its effectiveness in treating various disease and health conditions. Pain management is one of the least controversial therapeutic benefits of acupuncture treatment. To date, the mechanism underlying acupuncture analgesia remains poorly understood. In this review, roles of members of GABAergic neurotransmission system which has long been related to pain perception and modulation, in acupuncture analgesia are discussed.