Objectives: Sex differences in object location memory favoring females appear to be a replicable phenomenon but may also depend on the task demands. This investigation evaluated if females outperformed males at both a short (immediate) and long (half-hour) interval between the learn and test condition using a recently developed version of the Novel-Image Novel-Location (NINL) test (Piper et al. 2011, Physiology & Behavior, 103, 513 - 522). Methods: Young-adults (N = 184) completed a standardized handedness inventory and the NINL. Results: Participants assigned to the Immediate and Delayed conditions did not differ in age, sex, or handedness. The NINL total score was higher among females at the Immediate, but not Delayed, interval. However, within the Delayed condition, females excelled at correctly identifying the unchanged items with a similar pattern for the Novel-Location (NL) scale. Conclusion: These findings are consistent with the view that sexually dimorphic performance favoring females in neurocognitive function can also extend to tasks that have a spatial component.
Objectives: Sex differences in object location memory favoring females appear to be a replicable phenomenon but may also depend on the task demands. This investigation evaluated if females outperformed males at both a short (immediate) and long (half-hour) interval between the learn and test condition using a recently developed version of the Novel-Image Novel-Location (NINL) test (Piper et al. 2011, Physiology & Behavior, 103, 513 - 522). Methods: Young-adults (N = 184) completed a standardized handedness inventory and the NINL. Results: Participants assigned to the Immediate and Delayed conditions did not differ in age, sex, or handedness. The NINL total score was higher among females at the Immediate, but not Delayed, interval. However, within the Delayed condition, females excelled at correctly identifying the unchanged items with a similar pattern for the Novel-Location (NL) scale. Conclusion: These findings are consistent with the view that sexually dimorphic performance favoring females in neurocognitive function can also extend to tasks that have a spatial component.