

Optimization of Coagulation Parameters and Analysis of Removal Effects of Raw Water Diverted from the Yangtze River to Huaihe River
摘要 本研究旨在对净水厂混凝试验进行研究,以分析不同混凝剂在水处理过程中的效果。混凝是水处理过程中的关键步骤,通过添加适量的混凝剂,可以有效去除水中的悬浮物、胶体物质和有机物,提高水质。在本试验中,我们选择了聚合硅酸铝铁(PSAF)、聚合氯化铝铁(PAFC)和聚合氯化铝(PAC)作为混凝剂,通过对比它们的效果,评估其在净水厂混凝过程中的适用性。试验过程中,我们控制了混凝剂的投加量、混合时间和沉淀时间等参数,并通过测量悬浮物、浊度和有机物的去除率来评估混凝效果。结果显示,PAFC在净水厂混凝过程中表现出较好的效果。相比之下,PSAF的混凝效果较差。PAFC投加量适当时,可以显著降低水中的悬浮物含量,使浊度降低到符合标准要求。同时,PAFC还能有效去除水中的有机物,提高水质。试验结果表明,同等条件下,PAFC对引江济淮原水具有较好的混凝处理效果。在净水厂混凝过程中,PAFC是一种较为适用的混凝剂。通过控制投加量、混合时间和沉淀时间等参数,可以实现有效的悬浮物和有机物去除,提高水质。这对于净水厂的正常运行和水质改善具有重要意义。 This study aims to conduct a study on coagulation tests in water purification plants to analyze the effects of different coagulants in the water treatment process. Coagulation is a key step in the water treatment process. By adding an appropriate amount of coagulant, suspended solids, colloidal substances and organic matter in the water can be effectively removed and water quality improved. In this experiment, we selected polyaluminum ferric silicate (PSAF), polyaluminum ferric chloride (PAFC) and polyaluminum chloride (PAC) as coagulants. Their applicability in the coagulation process of water purification plants was assessed by comparing their effectiveness. During the test, we controlled parameters such as the coagulant dosage, mixing time, and settling time, and evaluated the coagulation effect by measuring the removal rates of suspended solids, turbidity, and organic matter. The results show that PAFC performs well in the coagulation process of water purification plants. In contrast, the coagulation effect of PSAF is poor. When the dosage of PAFC is appropriate, it can significantly reduce the suspended solid content in the water and reduce the turbidity to meet the standard requirements. At the same time, PAFC can also effectively remove organic matter in water and improve water quality. The test results show that under the same conditions, PAFC has a better coagulation treatment effect on the raw water diverted from the Yangtze River to Huaihe River. In the coagulation process of water purification plants, PAFC is a more suitable coagulant. By controlling parameters such as dosage, mixing time and settling time, effective suspended solids and organic matter removal can be achieved and water quality can be improved. This is of great significance to the normal operation of water purification plants and the improvement of water quality.
作者 付多龙
出处 《环境保护前沿》 2024年第4期725-732,共8页 Advances in Environmental Protection
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