为了研究大佳河自然保护区挠力河流域浮游植物功能群季节演替特征及其影响因子,分别于2018年春季(5月)、夏季(7月)和秋季(10月)对挠力河流域设置的6个采样点进行浮游植物采样分析,共鉴定出浮游植物8门140种,划分为21个功能群,分别为L0、K、Tc、H1、M、P、D、C、MP、N、X3、E、T、Y、W1、W2、LM、X1、X2、J、F,其中重要功能群有8个,分别为L0、W0、D、MP、T、Y、W1、X2。挠力河浮游植物功能群季节变化呈现为D + Y → Tc + W1 → MP + Y的变化特征。运用典范对应分析(CCA)探究浮游植物功能群与环境因子间的关系,结果表明,挠力河浮游植物功能群受水环境因子影响较为显著,其中,pH、总磷(TP)、透明度(SD)、浊度(Tur)是影响浮游植物功能群分布的主要环境因子。
In order to study the seasonal succession characteristics and influencing factors of Phytoplankton functional groups in the Naoli River of Dajiahe Nature Reserve. Phytoplankton sampling analysis was performed on six sampling points separately in spring (May), summer (July) and autumn (October) of 2018. 140 species of 8 Phylum Phytoplankton were identified totally and divided into 21 functional groups, including L0, Tc, H1, M, P, K, D, C, MP, N, X3, E, T, Y, W1, W2, LM, X1, X2, F and J. Eight of them were important functional groups: L0, W0, D, MP, T, Y, W1, and X2. The seasonal variation of the Phytoplankton functional group in the Naoli River is characterized by D + Y → Tc + W1 → MP + Y. Relationship between Phytoplankton functional groups and environmental factors was explored by using Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA), the results showed that the Phytoplankton functional groups in the Naoli River were significantly affected by environmental factors, among them, pH, total PhosPhorus (TP), transparency (SD) and turbidity (Tur) were the main factors affecting the distribution of Phytoplankton functional groups.
Advances in Environmental Protection