近年来,我国恶性肿瘤发病率死亡率呈上升趋势。因此,在医学本科生中开展肿瘤学课程教育,培养学生全面和系统地认识肿瘤学是肿瘤防治重要的一环。本文主要就我校在医学本科生中开设肿瘤学选修课程的教学经验进行分享和思考,并探讨今后肿瘤学教学的改革方向和策略。In recent years, the morbidity and mortality of malignant tumors in China have been on the rise. Therefore, conducting oncology courses among medical undergraduates and assisting them in comprehensive and systematic learning knowledge of oncology is especially important for cancer prevention and treatment. This article mainly shares and reflects on the teaching experience of oncology among medical undergraduates and explores the reform direction and strategies for oncology teaching in the future.
Advances in Education