建筑法规是高职院校建筑工程技术专业学生学习的一门重要的专业课,也是二级建造师等执业人员从业资格考试的必考科目之一。该课程的综合性较强,在培养建筑工程技术专业学生的法律意识上有着重要的作用。但是从当前高职院校建筑法规课程的实际教学来看,还存在一定的问题。本文从课程内容、教学方法、评价方式等课程改革途径上进行探索,提出有效提高课堂教学质量的建议。Building regulations is an important professional course for students majoring in construction engineering technology in higher vocational colleges, and it is also one of the required subjects for the qualification examination of second level construction engineers and other practitioners. This course has strong comprehensiveness and plays an important role in cultivating the legal awareness of students majoring in construction engineering technology. However, from the actual teaching of building regulations courses in higher vocational colleges, there are still certain problems. This article explores curriculum reform approaches such as course content, teaching methods, and evaluation methods, and proposes effective suggestions to improve the quality of classroom teaching.
Advances in Education