通过回顾性分析4例自体颅骨修补术后出现硬膜外/皮下积液患者的临床资料和处理方式,总结修补后并发症发生原因,探讨自体颅骨修补术后出现硬膜外/皮下积液的原因及相应的防治措施。4例患者在自体颅骨修补术后均出现了硬膜外/皮下积液,经过一段时间的治疗后均已吸收,术后恢复情况可。皮下积液是颅骨修补后最常见的并发症之一,产生的原因也多种多样,结合查阅的相关文献,手术中的止血不充分、术中颅板和脑膜悬吊过深导致的脑脊液漏、手术部位的差异、自体颅骨的不当保存方式等多种因素等均是发生硬膜外/皮下积液的原因。All 4 patients developed epidural/subcutaneous effusion after autologous cranioplasty, which was absorbed after a period of treatment with good outcome. Subcutaneous effusion is one of the common complications after autologous cranioplasty. In adequate haemostasis during surgery, cerebrospinal fluid leakage due to appropriate suspension of dura, and differences in surgical sites are some of the reasons for the occurrence of epidural/subcutaneous effusion. The optimal autologous cranial bone preservation techniques, the appropriate suspension of dura and temporalis, effective haemostasis and internal environment homeostasis in perioprative period can reduce the incidence of epidural/subcutaneous effusions after autologous cranioplasty.
Asian Case Reports in Surgery