

An Analysis of the Role of Model Education of Idols in the Context of the Development of “Fan Circle” Culture
摘要 社会经济和文化的迅速发展催生偶像产业和“饭圈”文化,传统榜样教育却逐渐减弱。作为崇拜和模仿对象的榜样和偶像既相互区别又相互联系,合格的偶像也值得成为个体学习和效仿的目标,因此探讨发挥偶像的榜样教育功能为弥补当前榜样教育的缺失,满足人民群众多方位的情感和心理需求具有重要作用。作为偶像崇拜环节中的关键主体,偶像、粉丝、社会都必须采取一定的政策措施以消解偶像崇拜和饭圈文化迅速发展带来的乱象,为挖掘偶像的榜样教育功能提供良好基础和现实可能。 With the development of economy and culture, the idol industry and the “fan circle” culture are born. However, the influence of model is gradually weakened because of unvaried image of models and inappropriate propagandist means. Models and idols are different from each other, so they cannot be treated as the same way. However, models and idols are also related to each other, it is impossible to explore the role of idols in model education. For one thing, idols are more easily accepted. Under the heavy pressure of learning and working, the individual tends to avoid the theoretical and formal ways of model education and choose to accept the lighter idol activities. For another, the influence of an idol on individual is as deep and as long as that of a model. As the important part of idolatry, idols, fans and society must have the right attitude and ways to dispel the confusion from idol industry and the “fan circle” culture and provide a good foundation to excavate the model education function of idols. Firstly, relevant departments need to strengthen the access principle of idols and pay attention to the education and management of idols. Secondly, fans should be led to improve self-awareness, set up a correct concept of star-chasing and be rational to treat idols. What’s more, we should perfect laws and regulation and improve legal awareness of practitioners.
作者 常越旋
出处 《交叉科学快报》 2024年第2期67-72,共7页 Interdisciplinary Science Letters
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